Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1074: See also Dalasso

Chapter 974: Seeing Dalasso Again

Chapter 1074: Seeing Dalasso Again

Even with Jiuyang's avatar and refining an extinct Datianzun into a war soul, he still couldn't escape the impact of the magnetic force, feeling a faint sky, and when he opened his eyes, he felt the skin around his body was sore and cracked, lying on his back On a ridge.

Looking around, there are high-rise buildings all around, I don't know where. His body moved, and the tiles on his body made a sound and he was smashed into pieces.

"Bold! Someone is good at breaking the Leiwang Palace!" Suddenly, a loud drink came from below, and then Li Xing felt dark before him, and several tall bodies flew up to the roof and surrounded him.

Li Xing intentionally remained motionless, as if looking injured, and quietly watching the person coming. These people are extraordinary, all wearing armors are the three lords, except for their tall body, their appearance is no different from ordinary humans.

Seeing that he was injured, he seemed unable to even speak. One of them said: "This person should have been brought in by a magnetic storm. This kind of thing happened more than once, just throw it out."

Another said, "Slow. Recently, Dalasso ### is lacking a servant. I will send him over as I see it. This person must be a foreigner who has gone to the Dahai Sea to explore. He has no background and is not afraid to leave. What an accident. "

The first speaker nodded: "Yeah, just do it."

Next, Li Xing opened his eyes and watched the four lift him up, and then a cloud of fog drove him to a courtyard. At this moment there was a feeling in his heart that this place should be the place where Dalasol lives, her father's thunder king. It seems that he really had a fate with the ugly woman, and he met so quickly.

"What are you doing here?" A crisp and sweet voice sounded, Li Xing looked for a moment, and found that a green veil girl walked out of the courtyard with a gait and a beautiful appearance.

The four guards who carried Li Xing hurriedly laughed: "Sister Luzhu, last time ### Let's help find a servant. If we find something suitable, we will send it."

The girl named Luzhu slipped her beautiful eyes on Li Xing, her eyes lightened slightly, and said, "This person's realm is not weak, it seems to be stronger than you."

The four guards were taken aback. When they saw Li Xing, they didn't even realize that the other party was a master, and they didn't even think about his strength. What's going on is such a carelessness!

How do they know that Li Xing is too powerful for them, and if they intentionally hide it, it will be difficult for them to be vigilant. However, the girl in front of her, who is called Luzhu, obviously has very powerful eyesight, and she can see the extraordinaryness of Li Xing.

Seeing that the faces of the four were not surprised, Luzhu smiled slightly, but did not ask Li Xing's origin, but said: "Well, since people come to me, I will take him to see you. ###. Can he still leave? ? "

The four guards thought that ### was highly advanced. Even if the boy was a little capable, he couldn't escape the palm of ###, and he put down his concerns and said, "Exactly, as soon as I arranged with Green Pearl's sister. "

The four guards retreated, and Lu Zhu said to Li Xing, who was still lying on the ground, "You can get up, do you still have to dress?"

Li Xing was surprised, this little girl was a little bit interesting, but she could see everything. He drew a smile from the corner of his mouth, and his figure fluttered up. He stood in front of the girl and asked, "How do you know I'm pretending?"

"It's not easy. Your cultivation is too much stronger than mine, which is easy to get hurt. ### Telled me, but everyone who can't see through and feel unpredictable is a powerful person, let me be careful "Lu Zhu said, staring at Li Xing," but I don't think you look like an expert. "

Li Xing wiped his nose and smiled bitterly: "Really? My height is really not high."

Now I am amused by the green beads. She smiled with a poke and pouted at her small mouth, and said, "Okay, come with me, even if you are really an expert, you must be obedient in front of us ### . "

Li Xing grinned and said nothing, thinking that the Dalaso should have broken through. When he last saw Humidalasso, her cultivation was at the level of twenty-three calamities, and he must have entered the twenty-four calamities at this moment, becoming an epic calamity.

Now that he is strong, he doesn't really look at the epic grand deity, but in fact, the epic grand deity is relatively rare. No matter where he is, he can be called a master.

After all, it is extremely rare for a person to be able to experience twenty-four calamities and break through the limit of ten calamities. If there are 10,000 people in the world who can become the great deities in the first place, then there can be at most half of them who can enter the epic level. Even the more legendary Grand Celestial Master, it is not bad to have ten or eight.

Lvzhu took Li Xing to a small hall, and then said: "Wait, we ### are having a meal, we will be able to come out soon."

With plenty of time, Li Xing didn't care about these trivial matters, nodded, and chose a chair to sit casually. After waiting for a while, I heard Lu Zhu's angry reprimand coming from outside.

"You are too bullying. This is the residence of Dalasso ###, not a place for you to be wild."

Then a very evil voice sounded, one person said: "Bitch. Man, we are the two ### of Misai and Lafite, come to take over this courtyard. Two ### said, Your home ### is too ugly to qualify for this beautiful yard at all. "

Luzhu was obviously so speechless that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"How? You dare to disobey the orders of the two ###?" The evil voice showed murderousness, and then there was a "snap", followed by the scream of Lu Zhu, and apparently someone did it.

Li Xing shook his head. This Thunder King's home was really messy. The three ### didn't seem very harmonious. As soon as he was in shape, he reached the courtyard and saw Luzhu covering his face and falling to the ground with bloodshot corners on his face, his face full of anger and helplessness.

There were three people on the other side, one of whom was sullen and fierce in the middle, and was pointing at Luzhu. It can be seen that this person's cultivation is in the Five Great Calamities, which is comparable to Luzhu's strength. Luzhu obviously did not fight back, it should be the two ### in the mouth of the opponent.

The appearance of Li Xing made the hands of the people look cold, and said, "Where did you come out?"

The other party was extremely rude, so he didn't ask much, and grabbed Li Xing. It was also his death that he dared to strike without asking Qing Zabai, and kicked the iron plate.

Li Xing ignored the opponent's shot, reached out and grabbed it casually, and lifted it up like a dead chicken. The other side felt a strong envelop, and he couldn't do anything. Then a big hand appeared in front of him, and he was picked up by himself.

"You ... daring, I'm the one from Misai ### and 拉菲 ### ..."


Li Xing slaps and smashes the other half of his face. This is still not how he exerts his strength, otherwise he can slap him to death and eliminate his body.

"No matter who your backstage is, dare to do it in front of me, you are doomed to a miserable end." Li Xing coldly, and then five fingers scratched him in vain, as if there was a force extracted by him.

At the same time, the man screamed sternly: "No! You can't abandon my practice, oh my god, I've worked hard for five disasters!"

It turned out that Li Xingfang just grabbed it casually, and forcibly pulled out all his hard-working avenues, and directly abolished his practice. This method is not difficult for masters like him.

The other two followers were frightened and did not care about their screaming companions. They ran away and disappeared. Li Xing didn't care about them either, turned to the beaded Luzhu: "### Have you finished eating?"


There was a slap of applause behind him, and Humidallaso did not know when he appeared in the rear, turned out of the rockery, and looked at Li Xing said: "You are doing well. It seems that you and I really have a destiny, actually met again."

Li Xing smiled slightly and bowed slightly: "Dalasso ###, this again encountered a magnetic storm, and was blown here, we do have a destiny."

"I know the course of things, and I'm missing a helper. Since you and I are so destined, you might as well stay." Dala cabled, "Follow me, Ben ### will not treat you badly."

Li Xingxin said that I am afraid you can't afford me and you are ready to refuse. He still has work to do, how can he stay in such a place. But at this time, he suddenly felt the light of order flashing in the plane, and his heart was moving.

"Well? Is there an orderly or even master here? Otherwise, how can the light of order flash? Let's promise her first, so that I can find a chance to find out if the orderly is here."

Thinking about this, he smiled slightly: "Okay, anyway, it's been fresh recently, it's okay to help ###. However, it's just a help. After you're done, you still have to leave."

Dalasso didn't mind it and said, "It doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to help me." Then he laughed again, "Thanks to your lonely Dan, I have broken through into the epic ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing: "Congratulations. "

"Thank you very much," Dala cabled, and then his tone turned a little gloating, "You just made someone you shouldn't."

"Oh? Are those two ###?" Li Xing looked indifferent. "Even if Lei Wang shots himself, I have no fear."

Dalasso flashed a different color in his eyes, wondering whether he was laughing at Li Xing's arrogance or admiring his courage. After a moment of silence, she said, "The two people, one named Misai and one named Lafite, were both beautiful and beautiful. They were the daughters of my stepmother."

Li Xingxin said that the gap is quite wide, people are as beautiful as flowers, but you are ugly without salt, but this cannot be said, but in your heart.

Dalasso again said: "My mother gave birth to me and died. My father married a new wife, my stepmother now. My mother was not beautiful that year and is said to be as ugly as me." "Father was forced by family pressure to marry his mother, so he has always hated my existence, so I wish my daughter would die."


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