Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1075: Wheel of civilization

Chapter 1075: The Wheel of Civilization

Chapter 1075: Wheel of Civilization

Li Xing felt that she was a little pitiful now. Her sorrow was not in her looks, but in her lack of love from her father, and she even wanted the daughter to die.

Dalasso remained expressionless, and she continued to speak.

"I later learned that my mother's family was very strong and was a king in Dacihai, and her father was not yet a king. The father married her in order to get the support of his mother's family. The father was a beautiful man. His mother met him at first sight. "

"Later, his father slowly rose. He used a tactic to kill the king of his mother's family, and then his mother suddenly fell into a big magnetic storm." Dalasso's mood finally fluctuated, and her eyes flashed with murder and hatred. Needless to say, you must know who it is. "

Li Xing sighed, this Thunder King was really fierce enough. He first killed his wife's clan and then killed his wife. All this was done to become a new generation of kings.

"Somehow, he did not kill me. The day after his mother died, he married his new wife and gave birth to two daughters, one named Misai and one named Lafite. My two sisters each Born, like a proud peacock, I look down on my sister. I am isolated by this family, and obviously have a father, but like an lonely child. "

Li Xing nodded: "It looks like your situation is not good. Your two sisters have been bullying you. It is not the first time that someone has sent you to occupy your yard."

"Why not?" Luzhu stood up, looking angry, "This is the third time, and I have been sent off by ### the first two times. This time, it's awful."

Li Xing ignored Luzhu and asked Dallasuo: "How do you think I can help you, wouldn't it kill your father? I can see that you want to kill him, but a king of the big magnetic sea, Xiu Wei Should be strong? "

"It's a matter of time to kill him, but I'm not ready yet." Dalasso did not hide his thoughts, as if he believed in Li Xing, "I asked you to help me, but I temporarily resisted Misai and Lafite. Harassment. "

"It's easy, I'll kill them." Li Xingdan said lightly, as simple as saying he was going to have a meal.

Dalasso finally couldn't help looking at Li Xing, and for a long time, he slowly asked: "How strong is your strength? Just now you started working with that slave, I feel you are terrible. I feel only in my father Feeled. "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "In short, I can help you settle those two little women. However, I also have one thing, I hope you can help me."

"You said." Dalasso was even more straightforward. "Just do it, I will help you."

"Is there an orderly person in the big magnetic sea?" Li Xing asked. "If there is, help me find them."

Dalasso frowned: "I don't know what a 'orderer' is."

Li Xing then explained what an orderer is, and by the way, the existence of a "disruptor". After hearing it, Dalasol was somewhat thoughtful and said, "I know who you are talking about, it is the innate magnetic king."

"The innate magnetic king is the orderer?" Li Xing said for a moment, then said suddenly, "If this is the case, the innate magnetic king you are talking about should be the orderer born in the Yuanci civilization."

Dalasso nodded: "The big magnetic sea was originally a plane formed by a very powerful person. That big person originated from the metamagnetic civilization."

Li Xing was more certain and said, "What I am looking for is the Congenital Magnetic King. Can you help me?"

Dalasso took a deep look at Li Xing and said, "Although I don't know why you are looking for innate magnets, it must be very important to you, or you may be a saboteur. But I won't ask you a question. Secrets will only help you. "

Li Xing laughed, this ugly woman was really smart, and said: "Very well, if you do to my satisfaction, I may be able to help you kill that wicked father. As a magnetic king, he has the most cultivation It's just silence. "

Dalasso's eyes widened at once: "Can you kill even a lonely figure?"

Li Xing shrugged, and said, "Not necessarily, the junior Perseverance Celestial Master has certainty, and the intermediate one is difficult." His Jiuyang avatar only recently killed a Pervasive Celestial Master, not much. difficult.

Dalasso took a deep breath, and this ugly woman who had always been very calm also became uneasy. She shook her head and said, "You are such a monster that people cannot guess. But my father has not reached silence Destroyed, he has gone through forty-seven calamities, and it is still a long way from the silence. "

Li Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "This is even better. I have 100% certainty to kill him, provided that you are willing to uncle."

Dalasol was extremely fruitful, gritting his teeth: "Kill, of course! But not now, I will kill him with my own hands on the day when I am strong enough."

Li Xing poked his lips and felt that this ugly woman was so boring in this way that killing was killing. It didn't matter how to kill, as long as the other party died. However, he chose to respect the woman's point of view and did not dispute it.

"I know one of the innate magnetic kings you mentioned. He is the man that Misai and Lafite are constantly pursuing. His name is Xie Lingyun. Xie Lingyun is not from Dacihai. His father is from a mysterious group. His mother is from Dacihai, and she is the daughter of a magnetic king. So this Xie Lingyun has a great status and can basically run rampant in the big magnetic sea. "

Li Xing's eyes brightened and he said, "So, find a way to make an appointment with him."

Dalasso looked at Li Xing and said, "You want to kill him. In fact, there is no need to be so troublesome. Just wait a few days, he will automatically come to your door, and will proactively provoke us."

"Oh?" Li Xing was curious. "How do you say?"

"This Xie Lingyun is very romantic, and has long been a **** with Misai and Lafite. As long as you teach these two little women, Xie Lingyun will definitely appear as a messenger. By then, You can shoot, you can do whatever you want with him. "

"Moreover, if you kill Xie Lingyun, your father will be furious and will inevitably hit you and me. I hope you can hold it. If you can hold it and even beat my father, I can give you a big gift. "

"Big gift?" Li Xing blinked. "What?"

Dalasso: "The reason why my father was able to make Xiu leap forward is because he has a powerful weapon on his body, calling it the wheel of civilization."

Li Xing was taken aback: "The wheel of civilization? If I remember correctly, the wheel of civilization should be the treasure of the ancestor of heaven, how could your father have it?"

"Don't you know that the Wheel of Civilization is a very common weapon? Some big men have experienced many calamities in the world, and they will use special methods to copy the imprint of the civilization they have experienced into a law. Equipment, forming a wheel of civilization. "

"I also know that the ancestor of the Heavenly Celestial Master that he has in his hand has sixty types of civilization power, which is much brighter than that of my father. The wheel of civilization in my father's hand only carved fifty-five kinds. The power of civilization. "

Li Xing nodded: "Teached."

"However, the materials for building the wheel of civilization are innate treasures, called gems of civilization, and not everyone can find them. Often only those old antique poles exist, such as the infinite, infinite power.

"So it is no wonder that your father has progressed so quickly. It seems that with the Wheel of Civilization, you can continue to rob." Li Xingdao remembered that the original Phantom King made rapid progress with the help of the Wheel of Civilization.

"Yes, inside the Wheel of Civilization, several civilized worlds have been sealed. The time inside is not consistent with the outside. For a moment outside, there may have been an epoch in the inside and experienced a calamity. Many civilizations have been imprinted in it. Among them, it is equivalent to experiencing civilizations, experiencing the world ’s calamity. Why do you have so many antiques in the world? The wheel of civilization has played a significant role. It is said that the number of wheel of civilization in this world exceeds 300 They can be reused continuously, resulting in countless masters. "

Li Xing disagreed, saying: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Even if there is a Wheel of Civilization, it must be deeply accumulated, otherwise how can we continue to break through? The Wheel of Civilization is only one aspect, and its own accumulation and the support of others are more important. "

"But there is always better than nothing," Dala cabled. "At that time, you can try to **** the wheel of civilization. I will tell you where it is stored."

Li Xing's eyes brightened: "So, I want to forcibly break the world of your father, which is not kind."

"Well, as long as you can't kill him, you can do anything." Dalaso said indifferently.

"Well, I must grab the Wheel of Civilization. In order to thank you, if you want to use it to practice, you can lend it to you at any time." Li Xing laughed.

On the second day, Li Xing and Dallasau were preparing to find an excuse to conflict with Misai and Lafite, so as to draw Xie Lingyun out. The magic is that ~ www.readwn.com ~ their solution has not been figured out yet, the two women have arrived.

This time, Misai and Lafite each brought a lot of men, many of them epic-level celestial masters, seemingly trying to teach Dalasso a hard meal. The two women were standing in the courtyard with their waists small, eating and drinking, "Ugly, you give Ben ###!"

Li Xing and Dalasso looked at each other in the hall, and they both saw the meaning of ridicule in the eyes of each other. Then they walked out of the hall side by side and came to the courtyard to face the two beauties.

Misai and Lafite are indeed very beautiful. Li Xing both felt bright, his skin was watery, and his white powder was lazy. Their legs are very thin and long, with round buttocks, a pair of milk, big and tall sons, light and slender small waists, delicate facial features, and sweet and waxy voice.

Such a woman is best suited for sleeping, and can make men ###.

As soon as the two women saw Dalasol coming out, they hated and said, "Ugly monsters, you dare to touch my people. You are impatient. Today I have to give you a good look!"

Talking, they rushed out of the four epic celestial masters, one by one staring at Li Xing fiercely, their expressions were not good.


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