Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1076: Send your daughter to enjoy

Chapter 1076: Send Your Daughter To Enjoy

Chapter 1076: Send Your Daughter To Enjoy

These four epic-level celestial beings have the highest level of thirty calamities. The weakest have just entered the epic level and have twenty-four calamities. ww╲w.㊣ (⊙o⊙) ... The four epic lords obviously regard Li Xing as soft mud, thinking that they can pinch as much as they want, but they do not know that the opposite is a bad, hard diamond.

The four epic lords shot at the same time and wanted to win Li Xing in one fell swoop. It seems that Misai and Lafite already know that the person who started it is him, so they must put Li Xing to death when they come up, and let the four epic big shots.

Li Xingzheng didn't even look at the four of them, flipped his palm up, and slap it casually. This palm is the last blow. At this moment, he has exhibited it. He has reached the level of fire and purity. He has transformed the arrogant Datianzun into the usual walking and sitting. You can easily display it and control it freely. .

Four palm shadows, each of them are imposing, and if they are false, they hit a palm print of Tianzun. "Bo. Bo. Bo. Bo" four sounded in the past, the four epic big statues were shot like a bullet, and then nailed into the air fiercely.

Hitting the palm of the hand, you can inlay people into the space. This method can only be performed by the ancient Great Celestial Master, which immediately calmed everyone present.

The four epic lords did n’t have the time to hum, all of them were pale, and then everyone horrified to find that their bodies gradually merged into the space, and a few breaths of time melted away. Slag.

Dalasso's eyes brightened, then she sneered and looked at her two sisters. The latter looked shocked, and at the same time his eyes hid intense fear. If an ancient deity is standing in front of him, then any reality deity will be horrible.

"You ... you dare to kill my people, my father will definitely ... let you go!" The two little women were already incoherent, pointing at Li Xing, backing away, and then escaping at the fastest speed, I dare not stay for a while.

"It seems to be half done." Dalasso smiled. "The two idiots, I didn't expect to be delivered to my door."

Li Xing said indifferently, "The world is so wonderful."

"Where did you get those four people?" Dalasso asked curiously, and he admired the way Li Xing slammed people into the void and then melted away.

"Dead, but their world power has been extracted by me for building planes." Li Xing told the truth, this is also another form of warning, so Dalasso is best to cooperate faithfully, otherwise the next meeting It's miserable.

Dala cable: "Great, I don't know when I will reach your level."

"If nothing else happens, it won't take long." Li Xingdao, then waved his hand, "Let's prepare for it, presumably that Xie Lingyun will arrive soon, we must not let him escape."

Next, Li Xing and Dalasol did not wait too long, Xie Lingyun did not appear, the person who appeared was the King of Thunder. King Lei Ci is a high-ranking ancient deity. Although his realm was built with the aid of the Wheel of Civilization, it does not prevent him from having overbearing strength.

King Lei Ci suddenly appeared in the hall, his gaze fell directly on Li Xing, his face was cold. There is a thunder cloud suspended above this person's head. Although it is only the size of a fist, it is an electric light dance, and the purple electricity rises, which contains extremely terrifying power.

When he saw this thunder king, Li Xing's eyes brightened. I couldn't help thinking that if this old thing was refined, it would definitely be a very powerful war spirit. In each kingdom of gods, there is an ancient tree of war. The ancient tree can refine the heaven and earth and transform it into a soul of war.

Moreover, there is no limit to the number of war souls that an ancient war tree can possess. In other words, as long as Li Xing has time and energy, he can continuously refine the fighting spirit and indirectly enhance his own strength.

His strength can hardly be improved before he enters the Legendary Grand Supreme, because the world below the legend can only withstand this level of strength, and the plane will be destroyed if more.

However, it is a good way to improve your strength through the spirit of war. Moreover, there is no upper limit to this method of increasing strength.

Prior to this, there has been a annihilation of the Great Celestial Master into a war spirit. Although the Thunder King's combat power has not yet reached the state of silence, it is not far from the breakthrough to see how he looks. After he becomes the soul of the war, it is not too late to cultivate it.

The war spirit can retain wisdom, and can still cultivate as before, and the speed of cultivation does not decrease but increases. This is the power of the ancient tree of war.

Of course, this idea just passed by, and Li Xing couldn't start with King Lei at the moment, because Dallasau was in the middle.

"Is that the one who killed the king's palace? How dare you!" Lei Wang Wang Lengheng, a terrible storm broke out, Dalasso shivered and fell to his knees. This is out of control, and even if she is firm, she can't resist this coercion.

Li Xing was as usual, not to mention Jiuyang's avatar, that lone war spirit alone could easily crush this pressure. He smiled slightly and said, "Are you the magnetic king? You have heard of it for a long time."

The King of Lei Ci was taken aback. He seemed to have exploded the power at random, but he had already done his best. In doing so, one is to punish Dalasso and this guy who dares to attack the palace, and on the other hand, to test Li Xing's strength.

"This man is very powerful. His cultivation is looming, it seems to be the ancient Great Celestial Master, and it seems to be the Great Celestial Master. How can this be possible?" The King of Thunder Magnetic was shocked and changed his original intention on the spot.

Originally, he came to cut off Li Xing and punish Dalasol. But now, a smile appeared on his face, saying: "Just just a joke with your Excellency, it seems that Dalasso has made a great friend."

Li Xingxin said that the old goods became faster, but also laughed: "Where, the prize is over, what is the command of Magnetic King here?"

Lei Ciwang said: "It's nothing, I just heard that a senior man came from the house, so I came to see you. I wonder where is your house for cultivation?"

Li Xing laughed secretly in his belly and replied: "From the sword domain."

Sword domain, a powerful group plane, there is no shortage of Nirvana pole or even pole-level sword emperor, the strength of the strong, I am afraid the entire magnetic sea can not compete with it.

King Lei Ci was surprised, the expression on his face became almost charming, and said: "It turned out to be a master of the sword domain, and has long been a big name. Please go to Xiao Ke's residence, and do the best for the landlord."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "No need, there is something to do next, don't bother." He paused, "The two daughters of Ci Wang are not very good-tempered, they will kill people every now and then, young people now, the more It's getting ridiculous. "

King Lei Ci secretly defamated, saying that it was you who killed him, so why did he blame my daughter? However, after knowing Li Xing's terrible history, he could only smile bitterly and said, "Yes, it is Xiao Ke who teaches nothing and makes you laugh."

"It's okay, young people. You can be excused, I won't blame it." Li Xing grinned, and then his eyes flashed, showing a hint of ambiguity, and asked, "Misai ### 和 拉菲 ### 是 一个Beautiful, a rare beauty. "

What the fool can hear, what Lei magnetic king screamed badly, said in his heart: "This kid turned out to be a hungry ghost in fancy, and fancy my daughter. However, they are already Xie Lingyun's people, that is not What annoying master, what should I do now? "

The king of Leiqi's eyes turned around, even if he didn't answer, Li Xing deliberately showed his anger and snorted coldly: "What is the king of magnetics thinking?"

Lei Ciwang laughed and said quickly: "It's rude, Xiao Ke suddenly thought of an urgent matter to be dealt with, so he left first."

Li Xing came forward and grabbed him. This action was almost like lightning. Wang Leici did not evade, and was surprised at first. He secretly said, "It is indeed a man in the sword domain. I am afraid that my strength is not under me!"

"Magnetism, two ### are free? If you have any free time, please let them chat with me. These days I am very lonely." Li Xing said, showing a wicked smile.

Wang Leici felt tired and crooked, but he could only pretend to smile, and said, "The little girls recently asked their mother to go out to visit relatives. I'm afraid they don't have time. So, wait for them to come back and let them come to accompany."

Regarding Misai and Lafite, Lei Wang was still very fond of him, not as ruthless as Dalasso. This remark was a euphemistic rejection of Li Xing's request.

Li Xing didn't hesitate. He wanted to take this opportunity to lead Xie Lingyun out. How could he let it go easily and immediately sneered: "It seems that the magnetic king is not given to him?"

Wang Lei was angry in his heart and said that your kid was deceiving too much, but he was a man of the city, forcibly suppressed the anger, and said lightly, "My daughter is really not available, please forgive me."

"Really?" Li Xing turned his face suddenly, bursting a breath of air above his head, and directly released the silenced war spirit. The power of the war soul immediately suppressed the Thunder King, and his face suddenly changed.

"What does this mean, Your Excellency?" Lei Wang asked coldly ~ www.readwn.com ~ Li Xing stared and said, "Old boy, the implementation tells you that Lao Tzu has met your two daughters and will give you three days. , Send them to my room to enjoy, otherwise, Lao Tzu will set foot on your thunder palace. "

King Lei magnetically topped a sentence, but knew that once this was done, the evil star in front of him could really set foot on Lei Cifu. Just a horror who has a sense of silence can directly kill him.

Thinking again and again, King Lei Ci made a wise choice to compromise, his face suddenly smiled, and said, "Misunderstanding, the little girl is really immature. But since your request has been repeated, how can I refuse it again? Well, I promise for my daughter. They are scheduled within three days. "

Li Xing's face was a little dazed, and he said lightly, "That's right, okay, you go, I still have something to discuss with Dalasol."

Staring at Dalasol with an inexplicable look, King Leici turned and left. The moment he turned around, his face was extremely ugly, and he said in his heart: "Abominable fellow, in this case, I have brought Xie Lingyun to let you fight to death!"


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