Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1077: Xie Lingyun

Chapter 1077: Xie Lingyun

Chapter 1077 Xie Lingyun

After Lei Wang left, Dalasso sighed, and she was obviously a little nervous. "No wonder you are so confident. It turned out that there was a master with a rank of silence as a helper. My father was not an opponent at all."

"Why, are you soft?" Li Xing said, "You said before, you will kill this person later."

"I wouldn't be soft-hearted." Dalasso's expression went cold again. "I was just shocked by your strength. It seems that I have walked away from the first time I saw you. You are so strong."

Li Xing smiled slightly and did not explain more to her, and shifted the topic: "Dalasso, the King of Thunder will definitely go to Xie Lingyun, and it won't be long before this congenital King of Magnetics will appear. You won't have to show up at that time, Let me kill him directly. "

Dala cabled: "You're not saying that you are going to sleep Misai and Lafite, I can help you now if you are really lonely."

Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he said, "The talent is just acting. How can you take it seriously? Good Huangmao, I'm not interested."

"Oh? So you're only interested in mature women?" Dalasso seemed to be looking for the truth, and kept asking.

Li Xing's face sank: "What kind of woman I like has nothing to do with you. Dalasso, now you have to think about your own affairs. You know, when I kill Xie Lingyun, Thunder King will not let you go. How should you be at that time? "

"Leave here." Dalasso seemed to have thought about this long before, and immediately said, "Go to a place he couldn't find."

"You're so naive." Li Xing shook his head. "The King of Thunder is a great deity close to silence. The calculation method must be very strong. Do you think you can escape? Not to mention, the Xie family is equally powerful, you can escape I can't escape the pursuit of Xie's family after being hunted by King Lei. "

Dalasso is a smart man. Since Li Xing raised this question, he should have an idea, and asked, "Do you have a solution?"

"Of course there is." Li Xing smiled slightly. "I have established a martial art and called it a mixed religion. If you embrace me, I can keep you okay. I can practice with peace of mind before I become stronger. You provide the training resources you need. "

Humidalasso became silent. Her character was not suitable for joining the martial arts, but Li Xing gave good conditions. And although she met Li Xing shortly, she understood the character of Li Xing quite well, knowing that Bacheng would not pit herself.

For a long time, Dalasol sighed, "Okay, I promise, but before that I want to know your true identity, who are you?"

"The people in the imperial camp now work under the ninth heavenly son." Li Xing said.

Dalasso: "You are an amazing person. I'm very lucky to worship you." She was a straightforward temper, and bowed to Li Xing after she said, "Respect!"

At the same time, Dalasso's ugly appearance gradually changed. In an instant, she changed from an ugly and salt-free to a beautiful Shih Tzu.

Li Xing couldn't help laughing, feeling quite pleasing to the eye, saying: "It seems that this is your true face, why should you hide it?"

"The mother family is very ugly because of the blood of the inherited ancient royal family. However, when the mother was dying, she blessed me with her remaining life, which not only allowed me to have an extraordinary qualification, but also a superior one. Beauty. My mother loves me like this, but I have never met her. "Dalasol's eyes were a bit wet and pitiful.

Li Xingdao: "Your mother must be very pleased to see your achievements today. You can rest assured that joining the Yuanyuan religion will make your achievements even more extraordinary and make your mother proud."

Dalasol nodded strongly.

At this time, Li Xing called, "Xuan Shuang Xun Xue, come out."

Suddenly, the two ice goddesses traveled separately, and Yingying worshiped Li Xing. The two goddesses used to enter the Xunbing Academy and changed their name to Xuan Bingxue Xue. Later, Li Xing was restored to her real name, and she became an attendant next to her.

Since the two women followed Li Xing, they have often been instructed and cultivated for thousands of miles. Now they are already two princes of the Celestial Era. Although they are not good disciples in the mixed Yuan teaching, they also have middle-class capital.

"You will follow Dalasol in the future until she is fully familiar with the Yuanyuan World." With a wave of her hand, the Ice Goddess and Humidalasso were all involved in the Yuanyuan World.

Dalasso was not around, and Li Xing acted without consideration, which was the purpose of his move.

But he said that after Lei Ciwang left, he took his daughter and went to see Xie Lingyun's residence in person. In fact, when Lei Wang first met Xie Lingyun, he was also very dissatisfied with the thought of his uncle's daughter.

However, when Xie Lingyun showed enough strength and strength, he could only recognize it. Later, he even hoped that his two daughters would follow Xie Lingyun to climb the big tree of the Xie family.

The Xie family is a medium-sized family plane. Although it is a medium-level family, its strength is not comparable to that of a small magnetic king. There is absolutely no harm in such a force.

But at this moment, Lei Wang had a different idea. No matter whether it was Li Xing or Xie Lingyun, he didn't want to provoke him, so he hoped that the two strong players could meet each other, and he would let his daughter follow whichever.

Based on this idea, after seeing Xie Lingyun, King Lei Ci didn't tell the truth. He only said that there was a guy who didn't have long eyes, and he wanted to grab his two daughters. At the same time, he said that the person seemed to have a history and it was not easy to offend.

Xie Lingyun is a handsome and burly man with grace and temperament and strong strength. When he heard that someone dared to hit his woman's idea, a anger angered him.

"What is the origin of that person? You didn't even dare to offend?" He was not a fool and immediately questioned King Lei Ci.

King Lei Ci casually said, "It is said that he is a member of Tianwei."

When he heard the word "Tianwei", Xie Lingyun was surprised, and for a moment, he asked, "How many Tianwei?"

As the King of Thunder, I did n’t know the division of Tianwei at all. I only knew that Tianwei was in the world, so I was asked at once, and said, "This, I don't know."

"Hum, one waste!" Xie Lingyun gave no face to this future father-in-law, slap his head and cover his face is a curse, "If it is only Jiupin Tianwei, why should you be afraid of him? It is just a cut!"

Being scolded in this way, King Lei Ci was also annoyed in his heart, but did not dare to show it, and only said: "Jiupin Tianwei is also Tianwei, so it is not offensive."

Xie Lingyun said disdainfully: "What do you know, the core strength of Tianwei is Superfine Tianwei. Below Tianwei, it divides nine grades into one grade, one strongest, and nine weakest. Below five grades, You can handle it. "

The King Lei Ci was reprimanded, and Xie Lingyun took three fathers and daughters and rushed to King Lei's Palace. In the process of flying, Misai and Lafite were both proud, Mi track: "That **** thing, Brother Yun must teach him well, let him have a dilemma, and regret offending us."

"Yes, that **** dared to treat our sisters. Ignore Yun's presence and absolutely must not spare him. Brother Yun, if you catch him in a while, you must leave it to us."

This Xie Lingyun did not give up on Lei Ciwang, but was quite gentle to the two little beauties, nodded, and smiled: "Relax, two darlings, I will catch him, and let you take good care of it."

A group of four people flew quickly and arrived at Ciwang Mansion in less than half a day. The four were suspended high, looking down, Mi Saijiao yelled, "Ugly things, you and your lover get out of me."

It seems that she regards Li Xing as Dalasso's little lover, so to speak.

Li Xing walked out of the living room lazily, looked up slightly, somehow broke the space, the figure appeared opposite the four, and said indifferently, "Thunder King, you sent your daughter so soon? Exactly, Lao Tzu I was trying to find a beauty to release the fire. "Then, his eyes kept sweeping around the second daughter's plump and delicate body, and the second daughter was furious.

At this time, Xie Lingyun did not stand still, just slowly looked at Li Xing. With his super strength, he couldn't even see Li Xing's cultivation. You know, Li Xing can have an invincible war soul, and has a domineering Jiuyang avatar. Each strength exceeds Xie Lingyun, and he naturally cannot see through.

The person who can't see through is the terrible person. Xie Lingyun's heart sank. He gave up the plan to capture Li Xing before coming up, and arched his hand: "Under Xie Lingyun, this brother, please."

Li Xing gave him a slant and scolded: "Don't. Your mother! With your miscellaneous pieces, you are also worthy of being called a brother and a brother with Lao Tzu, go away!"

This is really a slap in the face, and it slaps "slaps", Xie Lingyun can't bear it, no matter how well he cultivates, he screams, "The arrogant thing, die!"


Xie Lingyun raised a giant palm behind him, suppressing it fiercely. Li Xing was taken aback at that time. He saw that the score was clear. Xie Lingyun quickly hit an attacking symbol, and it was a silent attacking symbol.

The Silent Attack Charm ~ www.readwn.com ~ can send a powerful power of the Silent Lord's blow. He obviously wants a successful blow, so he uses a precious attack charm.

The level of this attacker is not low, at least equivalent to the full blow of the doomed celestial deity of fifty calamities.

The huge palms covered the sky, and the void collapsed, the stars fell, and thunderclouds appeared, like a sky covering four dimensions. In contrast, Li Xing looks so small, it seems that the whole person has been frightened.

"Huh! I don't know what to do, even if you are Wupin Tianwei, you will die under this sign today!" Xie Lingyun smiled confidently, full of cruelty.

Misai and Lafite were even more joyful, screaming: "Brother Yun, don't kill him, give it to us, and slowly put the **** to death ..."

"Haha ..." Xie Lingyun laughed, "You can rest assured, he can't run away ..."

After saying only half of it, it stopped abruptly, because Li Xing suddenly burst into a shocking shadow. As soon as this phantom appeared, it also revealed the arrogant silence of extinction, which was the soul of war made by dark tolerance.


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