Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1078: Advance captain

Chapter 1078: Ascension to the Captain

Chapter 1078

Ninja endures the shadow, shoots with the instrument of annihilation, and violently and violently strikes, the sky breaks down, and the void smashes. . . However, Xie Lingyun's Doom Attack Charm was significantly higher in combat power, and the Dark Soul was suddenly shaken away. The Doom Master almost couldn't hold it.

But Li Xing's face didn't look disappointed, because he knew that the silenced attacker was not so good. With Xie Lingyun's ancient combat power, he can launch at most once in a short period of time. It is extremely difficult to launch the second time.

Sure enough, Xie Lingyun couldn't make a hit, his face was difficult to look, carrying his hands, staring at Li Xing, saying, "I look down on you, and there is a dying helper!"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "Xie Lingyun, now I will give you two choices, and you will be restrained by obedience, or beheaded by me."

Misai and Rafi face were pale, their pride and anger were gone, and they changed their expressions of shock and anxiety. After a while, they looked at King Lei Ci, and then they looked at Xie Lingyun. They seemed at a loss.

For a long time, Xie Lingyun was invincible and insurmountable in their hearts. Even if they met Li Xing, they believed that Xie Lingyun would do everything right.

However, it was unexpected that the opponent he met was so fierce that even Xie Lingyun was not an opponent, but also got into trouble.

"Slow!" Xie Lingyun sneered, "Your Excellency should not know my identity yet? My family ..."


Xie Lingyun has not finished introducing his background, Li Xing has impatiently shot, he naturally knows that he is the Xie family, Xie family is a family group, very powerful.

But this is not important. What is important is that Xie Lingyun is indeed an orderer. The reaction of the light of that order can be seen. There's nothing to say, let's suppress it first.

Xie Lingyun was startled. He still met such a person who did not play cards according to the rules for the first time, and said that he would do it without any care about the consequences.

At the head of life and death, he urged the doom attacker twice. However, it was very difficult to procure this sign. He had already urged it once, and this second procure had to use his essence and blood as a guide.


The silenced hand struck again. In a shocking bang, he repelled the dark for a second time, even causing him to suffer minor internal injuries. Just when Xie Lingyun was relieved, Jiuyang's avatar quietly appeared behind him, and his big hands suppressed it directly.

The strength of Jiuyang's avatar is definitely still above the torture. Otherwise, he could not directly suppress the torture. He suddenly shot, and was empty in the battle of Xie Lingyun, and succeeded easily.

Xie Lingyun felt an overwhelming repression and suddenly couldn't move. He growled and struggled, but everything was futile. Immediately before his eyes darkened, his consciousness was blurred.

Xie Lingyun disappeared, Lei Wang knew that he might be too fierce, and his eyelids jumped slightly, then he shouted to the two daughters, "Bastard, said earlier for the father, don't deal with this Xie Lingyun, you just listen. Well, offended this, let him give up his life, or Xie's family will come to question if he is not good. "

Both Misai and Laffi stayed awake. They hadn't awoke from Xie Lingyun's defeat, and they were directly scorned by Lei Wang, and their heads couldn't react for a while.

King Wang Lei respectfully saluted Li Xing, his irrefutable strict father looks, and said, "Sir, my little girl is not sensible and associates with people like Xie Lingyun, please forgive them."

Li Xingxin said that the Thunder King was really a personal talent, and the role changed fast enough. He smiled and said, "Lei Wang, did you bring Xie Lingyun?"

"Absolutely not!" Lei Ciwang's face was honest. "All girls are ignorant, but I will teach them well, let them know that they can't be impulsive in doing things, and keep your eyes open to see clearly."

He said, turning sharply, "You listen, from now on, you are the personal servant of this Taoist friend. Whatever Taoist friend asks you to do, you have to do it."

Li Xing flashed his eyes. The Thunder King sent his daughter without blinking. It seemed that he wanted to save his life. He should understand that the killing of Xie Lingyun should not be known to a third person. Sending out her daughter at this moment is not only an attitude, but also a guarantee.

Misai and Lafite are equivalent to two hostages. If King Leiqi's mouth is not strict, Li Xing can kill the two hostages and think of revenge.

Li Xing was silent for a moment, and snorted coldly, saying: "Thunder King, this is not enough. Take the Wheel of Civilization as a mortgage."

King Leiqi's face changed, but he nodded quickly: "Yes, the wheel of civilization belongs to the treasure, which should have been reserved by your capable person." He turned the wheel of civilization lightly.

The wheel of civilization, come out, it is only the size of a palm, a small white aperture. But there was a strong civilizing force on it, and at a glance, I knew that it was not ordinary.

Li Xing pulled past the Wheel of Civilization, then waved his sleeves, took away Misai and Lafite, and disappeared. In place, Lei Wang Wang gritted his teeth for a while, then smiled coldly, and then disappeared.

Next, he did not stay in the slightest. With the help of the route map, he safely left the big magnetic sea and entered the central pure land.

The forbidden army knocked on the door, and in the imperial camp, when Li Xing saw the Undead Lord, he found a terrifying man who was also the commander of the imperial camp and a peerless figure in Nirvana.

In addition, the other eight captains were also there. They all looked at Li Xing with a monster-like vision. It seems that Li Xing completed the task, and the news of beheading and forbearing had already passed.

The first battalion had a pair of mustaches, and his eyes were clear. He looked at Li Xing and looked like he was examining.

Li Xing stepped forward and said, "See Lord Battalion."

The commander of the first battalion nodded slightly and said, "Li Xing, what you did in Beihuang, I already know. You used one person to destroy the entire incarcerate organization. You did a good job and made great achievements. According to the imperial camp's Rule, you can now be promoted to captain. "

Li Xing was stunned, and there was a hint in his heart that it seemed that the son was out of business, but he could be promoted within the imperial camp system, which was not a bad thing.

Undead Da Tianzun's face is the ugliest. He originally sent Li Xing for a mission. He wanted to destroy it by the hand of Ninja. How could he know that Li Xing was actually completed and did a good job. The general of the 17th Route Army of the Northern Wilderness Army even wrote to praise the Emperor's camp for a talent, and the Emperor was shocked.

What's even worse is that Li Xing has made great achievements and will now be promoted to captain, which is a huge threat to his status. Next, it depends on what the battalion commander does.

Everyone's eyes fell on the First Battalion Commander, depending on how he decided. The commander of the first battalion smiled and said: "On the court of heaven, His Majesty nodded and praised the emperor's camp, which made this seat very face-to-face."

The first battalion commander was obviously in a good mood. This emotional infection made the undead Datianzun secretly relieved, knowing that his position was 80% okay.

Sure enough, the commander of the first battalion said: "So, I decided to add a team with Li Xing as the captain, which is mainly responsible for the four wastes. What do you think?"

The first support from the Undead God, he quickly said, "Sheng Ming, the battalion commander. In this way, you can perform your own duties, but it is best."

Everyone understands that if there is no tenth team, the Undead Supreme will abdicate and be replaced by Li Xing. It is not surprising that he did so.

Li Xing turned his mind. When everyone looked at him, he arched and said: "The camp has a life, how dare the subordinates not to follow? However, the number of imperial camps is limited. Do I, the tenth team, be a bare commander?

"How could it be." The battalion chief smiled and clapped his hands, and then he walked out of the ten celestial beings. As soon as these people came out, the other nine captains showed shock on their faces, and the undead exalted exclaimed: "So strong!"

The ten Great Celestial Masters that came out were all ancient-level figures, and the weakest one was the ancient Great Celestial Master from forty calamities. The strongest reached the level of forty-five calamities.

"They are all senior masters who retired from the imperial camp before. They are powerful. This time, in order to form the tenth team, I specially invited them out of the mountain." The camp leader said, "How about Li Xing, are you satisfied?"

Li Xing was equally surprised. Such a lineup is really strong. You must know that the captains' strength is just that. He quickly said: "The subordinates are very satisfied. Thank you for the cultivation."

"Don't be too happy first," said the battalion leader. "These ten people only want to follow the strong. You should now be the Five Supreme Masters? In this state, it is more difficult to convince them to take orally."

The ten ancient great deities, at this time, also looked at Li Xing with a playful look, and seemed to be saying, in such a low level, why do you manage us?

Li Xing didn't speak, his body shook, and the shadow of the endurance of the fighting spirit rose from behind him. He immediately released the horror of the extinct Datianzun. This time, even the battalion commander was taken aback, his eyes flashed.

The ten ancient Great Celestial Masters all changed their faces and immediately put down their contempt.

Li Xing said indifferently: "With it, is it enough?"

"No wonder you were able to complete the task. It turned out that you had such a terrible shit." The commander of the first battalion nodded. "You are indeed qualified. They dare not disagree with you."

Ten ancient celestial deities ~ www.readwn.com ~ came to Li Xing one after another, respectfully and authentically: "Captain!"

Li Xing nodded and said, "In the future, everyone will work together, all brothers. You are welcome."

"Well, the tenth team was first built, it will take some time to run in. The tenth team's residence has been arranged, and someone will take you there." The battalion commander waved and let everyone go.

In this way, Li Xing brought ten ancient masters to live in a new place. Of course, this place is still located in the world of the first battalion commander, and he can't hide his eyes from one stroke at a time.

Li Xing still attaches great importance to the ten ancient Great Celestial Masters. After all, they are ancient characters. In addition to fighting souls and avatars, in terms of real combat power, they are not much weaker than their own deities.

In the next few days, Li Xing and the ten people became familiar with each other and knew their temperament and their names. On the seventh day, he ordered ten ancient Great Venerables to sit in town, but he left the barracks and knocked on the door.

He went out this time in order to rise to the rank of six lords.


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