Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1079: 6 Robbery

Chapter 1079: The Six Celestial Masters

Chapter 1079

During the journey to the north, Li Xing beheaded Xie Lingyun. Xie Lingyun was an orderer with a complete cultural heritage. If Li Xing refined it, he could go one step further and become the Six Supreme Master.

However, everyone who is trying to find a place to find a relatively complete place. That place is often only found by him, the rest. In fact, he should have found such a place, which is called "old nest" by all the big deities.

A place can be called an old nest, which must have three elements. First, the enemy can never be found; second, even if an accident occurs, Lao Chao can ensure its own safety; third, there must be a safe passage inside the Lao Chao to connect the outside, so that the owner can leave safely.

It is quite difficult to achieve these three points, so many big deities have no "old nest" of their own. Take Li Xing as an example. Many of his previous robberies were carried out in a relatively unsafe environment.

So this time out, Li Xing's purpose was actually twofold. The first was to go through the disaster and the disaster, and the second was to choose a safe place. Fortunately, he had a long time in his mind, and this second goal could be achieved immediately.

It is not a short time to find a favorite old nest. And even if you have enough time, you may not be able to have that good luck, which is why many people can't find their nests throughout their lives.

For this reason, Li Xing does not intend to go to an old nest, but rather uses the power of Jiuyang's avatar. Jiuyang avatar itself is strong enough to really ensure his safety.

Second, the Jiuyang avatar can move at any time, or it can be hidden somewhere, the enemy cannot find it at all. Third, among Jiuyang's avatars, several teleportation law formations can be built, even if in danger, Li Xing can escape at any time.

Of course, Li Xing has to pay the price for the Jiuyang Great World as an old nest. For example, when the old nest is used, Jiuyang's avatar cannot participate in the action, which is a loss.

In this way, Li Xing immediately entered the Jiuyang avatar after leaving Yemen, and limped through the vast universe with the avatar. However, the avatar did not leave the scope of the central Pure Land, and finally stopped in a hidden space.

This space-time is very safe, and it was only after Jiuyang's avatar searched through countless space-times that it was finally established. Moreover, there are very few people in the world who know the relationship between Jiuyang's avatar and Li Xing. Even if they are encountered, they will only think that a certain ruthless master stops here to practice and will not easily disturb.

Jiuyang's avatar sits in the void, and the laws of space and time around it immediately begin to change. In the way of Jiuyang Avenue, they are intertwined into a pattern of roads, laying a hidden array. This large array is very mysterious. If it is not for the strength of silence, it will not be broken at all, so it can avoid unnecessary trouble.

Like some small fish and shrimp passing by here, you can't find the existence of avatars, and naturally you can't disturb Li Xing.

Although the Jiuyang World was opened shortly, it is already flourishing at this moment. The creatures born on this plane have the blood of Jiuyang and their qualifications are astonishing.

In the Jiuyang World, Li Xing opened up a space and officially began to break through. His accumulation is enough and his insights are deep enough, so this breakthrough will come naturally, and there will not be many risks and variables.

Everything went smoothly. Forty-nine days later, Li Xing stepped into the Six Grand Masters. However, he is still solidifying his realm in the big world at this moment.

As expected, stepping into the Six Great Calamity, his own strength is limited, only 20% to 30%, and unlike before, he can soar more than ten times each time he advances.

But he said that when Li Xing's Jiuyang avatar was looking for hidden time and space, the undead Datianzun hurried to the seventh Tianzifu and made the cause and effect clear.

The face of the seventh emperor became so dignified for the first time. The shock that Li Xing brought him was too strong. He knew for the first time that Li Xing, the other party is just a little person, even the legendary Tianzun can deal with.

However, when it was time to deal with him, he found that his strength was advancing by leaps and bounds, and it was not easy to kill. Since then, again and again, every time when he sends a sufficiently powerful person to kill him with complete certainty, Li Xing always brings him an accident.

The last time I was able to defeat the ancient-level Great Celestial Master, this time actually beheaded the annihilation-level Great Celestial Master, and also turned into a puppet. What a terrible person?

On the seventh day, the child's face sank like water, and he did not speak for a long time. Undead Datian Zun therefore did not dare to lift his head, and closed his mouth tightly.

Finally, Zhi Zhi behind the seventh emperor opened his mouth. He shook the lupine gently and said slowly: "Seventh Lord, this is my intention. I should have taken it myself before, but I borrowed external forces and failed. Kill it. "

The seventh emperor waved his hand: "Jigong doesn't have to blame himself, it's not your fault. Who would have thought that even masters such as Phantom Kong could not clean up this little man."

ZhiGong said: "Seventh Lord, this son has grown too fast, and I can't wait to pay attention to it. After today, his subordinates will treat him as a real enemy and will not give him any chance."

The seventh emperor smiled bitterly: "Zhi Gong, you are my left arm and right arm. Who can think that today you are going to deal with a five-day calamity master?" Then his face was full, "Zhi Gong, based on your nirvana cultivation It's not difficult to get rid of Li Xing. But you still can't do it yourself, otherwise I will not tell you if I am held accountable. "

Zhigong said lightly: "Please rest assured that the seventh man has many old friends, and many of them are more powerful than me, more than enough to deal with him."

"Okay, you do it right away. Remember, this Li Xing must have a huge secret, otherwise how can he have such terrible potential? Asking the secret may be useful to us." The seventh day child said.


Zhigong waved his fan lightly, his body disappeared. The Undead Lord still stood in place, looking very awkward.

"Undead." The seventh emperor said.

"Subordinates are here." The undead Datianzun bent over quickly, "What does the seventh Lord ask?"

"You don't have to ask about Li Xing's affairs in the future. He has gone beyond the scope of your confrontation and now gives you the second task." The seventh emperor passed on an idea, and the Undead Sovereign was surprised.

"Seventh Lord, this ... this is probably not appropriate." He looked ugly and reluctant.

"Huh?" Tianchi Zi looked cold. "Why, you refuse?"

"Dare not dare!" The undead Datianzun wiped cold sweat again and again. "But the seventh man interrupted the ninth emperor's wedding team. In case he was blamed, the villain could not afford it."

"Don't worry about that, I will talk to you at that time." The seventh emperor yin yin, "And the first emperor will help you by then."

Undead Da Tianzun was taken aback. Is the first emperor going to attack the ninth emperor? It is not that this possibility is not possible, and his heart suddenly relaxed a lot. After all, the first day the son was powerful. If he would help, he would not be afraid to cause trouble.

"Yes, my subordinates understand, they must go all out!"

Unknowingly, the day when the ninth emperor married marvelous treasure # 3 ###, Tianzifu was busy. In the Temple of Heaven, the ninth emperor asked, "Is there news for Li Xing?"

The following person said: "Back to Ninth Lord, Li Xing left a few days after returning to the embargo a few days ago, and no one knows where he went?"

Another said: "Huh! This Li Xing is really ridiculous. Even if you come back, you won't even see the ninth man. If it wasn't for the ninth man's promotion, how could this little man get into the imperial camp?"

"Yes, at first glance, it looks like an ungrateful thing, and it is not worth mentioning in the Ninth Lord." Someone immediately commented, attacking Li Xing's position in the heart of the ninth emperor.

The ninth emperor looked as usual, but said lightly: "Don't you know that Li Xing's strength has reached the level where he can kill and destroy the Great Celestial Master?"

As soon as this remark was made, those who arranged Li Xing all changed their colors and trembled, afraid to say a word.

The ninth emperor said, "Every effort is made to find Li Xing. This emperor is newly married and needs someone to welcome him. This is the best thing he can do."

As a result, in recent days, both the seventh and the ninth son, are looking for the whereabouts of Li Xing. However, neither side succeeded.

At this time, Li Xing had been steadfast and stepped into the six calamities, and these days are studying the wheel of civilization. As the legend tells, in this wheel of civilization, there are indeed the seals of more than fifty civilizations, and they are very complete.

Li Xing took the Wheel of Civilization and looked at it for a few days, basically understanding its function. This thing can indeed be used to enhance strength, but unfortunately, many civilizations in it are not complete, at least there are small defects.

Although such a civilization can make people ascend, it will leave hidden dangers, far less secure than those who refine an order. Therefore, after a while of thinking, Li Xing simply threw this thing to the ancient civilization tree.

The ancient tree of civilization ~ www.readwn.com ~ can absorb the power and objects born of all civilizations, but nothing is more admirable than the pure civilization power. When the wheel of civilization fell, the entire old tree shuddered.

The effect of the promotion of the Six Heavenly Masters, coupled with the refinement of the Wheel of Civilization, has led to major changes in the ancient civilization tree. The ancient tree began to spread a strange power, which can capture all the details of the mixed world and record it.

These details include mixed real people, billions of living beings, and even their qualifications, as well as what kind of exercises are suitable for cultivation, what their potential is, how their quality is, and so on.

Suddenly, Li Xing had a feeling that he finally fit in with the ancient civilization tree. If he had previously communicated with the ancient trees of civilization, then he has become one without distinction.

The ancient tree of civilization has become part of the big world, part of Li Xing. In this way, the efficiency has been increased thousands of times at once.

At the same time, a young and energetic voice sounded in Li Xing's mind: "The next goal is the basic standard of primary civilization!"


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