Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1080: Primary civilization

Chapter 1080: The Primary Civilization

Chapter 1080 Primary Civilization


Li Xing's heart jumped. This voice was made by the ancient tree of civilization. It is indistinguishable from Li Xing and has a certain degree of independence. It specializes in the development of civilization in the mixed world.对话 (v? V) This dialogue is not so much a right as a transmission of memory.

Although the ancient civilization tree grows from a seed, it carries the memories from civilization, which are very important to Li Xing.

"The basic standard of primary civilization, what does that represent?" Li Xing asked the ancient tree of civilization, and he was also asking himself. The memory of the ancient tree of civilization was also his memory.

"The division of civilization includes primary civilization, intermediate civilization, advanced civilization, perfect civilization, and superior civilization. Among them, the primary civilization is divided into three grades, which are the basic, sublimation, and perfection processes. Your current civilization grade cannot Reach the level of elementary foundation. "Said the energetic voice in the ancient tree of civilization.

Li Xing moved in his heart. Since he obtained the ancient tree of civilization, civilized forces began to appear in the mixed world. He can clearly feel that the level of the power of civilization is higher than the power of the world.

At this point, he pondered for a moment and asked, "How can I reach the basic level?"

"The first is to have a chance, and you have achieved this. The second is to have a realm. The lowest is the level of silence. Of course, the higher the level, the better the effect. Some people cannot build civilization throughout their lives. It is difficult for Datianzun to last long and to stay immortal. "

"So to say, it's also a celestial deity. Some people have civilization, while others don't?" Li Xing asked.

"It is the true Great Celestial Being that owns the Great Celestial Being of civilization. It is called the Great Celestial Being of Great Civilization. The Great Celestial Being is the Supreme of the Day. Compared with the ordinary Great Celestial Master, the Great Celestial Master not only has many times the fighting power, but also has unlimited potential. "

The words of the ancient civilization reminded Li Xing of the martial arts cultivated in the Dragon Elephant World. This civilized force, like martial arts, has nothing to do with the cultivator's realm, it is just a thing that can bless the combat power and potential.

In other words, civilization is the only magic weapon for Da Tianzun's success. With it, the potential will be infinite, the combat power will be greatly enhanced, and the chance of success in the future will naturally be greatly enhanced.

If it is said that the Great Civilization and the Great Civilization are both humans, the Great Civilization is an ordinary people, and the Great Civilization is the relatives of the emperor. Although they are the same people, they have different statuses and different futures, and are destined to have different lives.

Li Xing's eyes rolled around, and he smiled, "So, the proportion of the Great Civilization should be too high, and it must not even reach one tenth, right?"

"Yes, among the Great Celestial Masters of Perdition, the number of Great Celestial Masters with elementary basic civilization is not one in 100. At Nirvana, this number has increased to 56%; the number of infinite classes has increased, about It can reach ten percent. "

"That being said, I want to advance to civilization, and I must reach the level of silence." Li Xing shook his head. "It seems that this is a long process."

"Don't worry. During this period, you can continuously improve the mixed Yuan world, accumulate strength, and accumulate thin hair. This change in the mixed Yuan world will not occur until the extinction of the celestial master. So the time accumulated by the mixed Yuan world Long enough, this is not a bad thing, but an opportunity that many civilized heavens respect. "

Li Xing nodded, agreeing with this view, saying, "Very well, then let me see how great the power of civilization is."

That's it, the whole world of the mixed Yuan began to change. In the first step, the civilization time and space that the ancient civilization tree opened up in the big world became more profound and profound. In this civilization time and space, a huge roulette appeared.

This roulette is an incomparable tool refined by the ancient civilization tree based on the civilization wheel as a template and extrapolated by its own civilization. In this instrument, there are actually 64 complete cultural heritages.

In other words, in the future, the monks in the mixed world will continue to practice until the 64th Heavenly Supreme Master. The sixty-four calamities of the Great Celestial Master already belong to the nirvana power.

This was a headache that caused Li Xing to have a headache. After all, every time the world ’s calamities are long apart, it ’s impossible for the monks on the mixed plane to go through the world ’s calamities again and again, and then go to the level.

The best way is to have something similar to the wheel of civilization, and establish a system in the plane, so that the monks can continue to grow. Now that this problem is solved, people can practice in the time and space of civilization.

More importantly, the wheel of civilization in the space and time of civilization, in which the former part of the civilization are complete, can be made up for thanks to the strange power of the ancient tree of civilization. Moreover, as Li Xing hunts for more civilization forces, the ancient civilization tree will continue to upgrade, complementing the rest of the civilization and making it complete.

Compared with many monks in the Yuanyuan World, Li Xing's benefit is the greatest. The ancient tree of civilization and him are one. The ancient tree deduced and perfected these civilization forces, which represented that he also mastered that part of the complete civilization.

In other words, as long as the accumulation is strong enough, he can continue to impact the realm, step into the realm of legend, and even the realm of ancient times. This benefit is huge and represents Li Xing's next path of spiritual practice. It will be a smooth road.

In addition to the above great changes, the ancient trees of civilization have also undergone some minor changes. For example, the old trees of war, the old trees of information, the old trees of transmission, etc., have been upgraded once, and their functions have been enhanced several times.

Moreover, the number of ancient trees that have been born has increased exponentially, and they are basically spread in every corner where they need to appear, making the level of civilization of the mixed world reach a new height.

More ancient trees were spawned, including ancient weather trees, changing palm winds and clouds, sunny and rainy days; ancient trees on the sun and the moon, rising and falling on the palms, rotating day and night; ancient trees on the rivers, changing the palm rivers, and mountainous terrain.

The emergence of three ancient trees has further perfected the civilization of the mixed Yuan world, and allowed billions of souls to enjoy a more regular environment. This is extremely important.

Moreover, Li Xing can feel that among the ancient trees of civilization, a group of more important ancient trees are brewing, such as the ancient trees of reincarnation, the ancient trees of Wudao, etc., which will appear one after another in the process of civilization upgrade.

All these changes made Li Xing very happy and secretly said: "Find a time and make a breakthrough with all my strength. I'd like to take a look. With my accumulation, what step can I take to rise, legend? Or ancient?"

However, counting the time, the time for the ninth emperor to meet his relatives is coming. As the ninth emperor, Li Xing must go to the support to see if it is useful to get him. This has hit the realm and has to drag back.

However, although he couldn't practice, the Jiuyang avatar was okay, so he left the Jiuyang avatar in place and left a large amount of silence and great fortune, and a huge amount of civilization, hoping that it would break through.

Li Xing's separation, naturally also has Li Xing's feelings, so he can be like the deity, as long as he accumulates enough, he can continue to break through.

Just when the ninth emperor was looking for Li Xing, he finally appeared. At the first sight of Li Xing, the ninth emperor's eyes brightened, and he smiled: "Yes, it's a step forward. It's the Sixth Great Celestial Master."

Li Xinggong bowed down: "See the ninth man, the day of the ninth man's great joy is coming, and his subordinates came to congratulate him."

The ninth emperor smiled and nodded: "You can arrive in time. Very good. This emperor is worried that I can't find a candidate to pick up a relative. I'm here and let you go."

Li Xing had anticipated this festival early and said: "Ninth Lord, I am afraid that the subordinates cannot afford it. In case it can't be done well, wouldn't we lose the ninth Lord's face?"

The ninth emperor snorted coldly: "You are also playing in front of Ben emperor? Let you do it and you will do it, and someone will help you in the meantime. Well, you go back and prepare for the welcome team to start tomorrow."

Li Xing smiled bitterly and had to answer.

Immediately, the emperor ordered three forty-eight robbers to annihilate the Great Celestial Emperor, nine forty-five hordes of ancient Celestial Emperors, and three thousand legendary grand Celestial Emperors, all of which were transferred to Li Xing Management as a welcome team.

Of course, the ninth emperor must have sent a large number of masters secretly, but Li Xing didn't even know the specifics. Just like when I went to propose a relative last time, there was a great power halfway out to make a siege. Otherwise, Li Xing would have to suffer a big loss.

However, things did not go so smoothly. Li Xing only accepted the arrangement of the ninth emperor. There was an order from the imperial camp over the south to kill a group of bandits. The deadline was three months. If he could not complete it, he would be convicted.

When this order came, Li Xing knew that someone had tripped himself. The order was issued by the commander of the First Battalion. Was it the person who made the trip? For a moment, he couldn't judge, and immediately went to see the ninth emperor.

The order was issued directly above the order, and Li Xing knew it immediately. At that time, he explained the situation to the ninth emperor, saying, "Ninth Lord, how to deal with this matter?"

In the eyes of the ninth Tianzi, there was a flash of murder ~ www.readwn.com ~ Senran said: "Huh, it's so bold, I still remember that thing, very good!" Then Shen said, "You don't have to pay attention to this order, all consequences Taken by Benzi! "

What Li Xing wanted was this sentence, and he quickly said, "Yes, his subordinates understand."

Secretly, he asked a question from the Arako Grand Celestial side: "Area ancient brother, is the commander of the first battalion to believe with the ninth Lord?"

"Who isn't him? Who is he?" Huanggu Tiantianzun hurriedly said that the twenty-eight calamity legendary Tianzun was not enough in Li Xing's eyes, so he became very polite. Fortunately, there was a period of friendship between the two, and they were quite well impressed, not as good as outsiders.

"The commander of the first battalion was a man who was the ninth man, and he loved a woman deeply, and the woman finally followed the ninth man." Aragono shook his head. "As soon as this man was angry, he went to the first day. Son. Alas, it ’s really jealous. At that time, the ninth man did n’t know about this situation. If he knew, would he lose such a talent for a woman? ”

"How about the next one?" Li Xing suddenly wentssiped, and at the same time felt that his situation was not good. It seems that the commander of the first battalion is also hostile to himself!


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