Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1082: 5 lines

Chapter 1082 The Five Elements Wuxian Killing Array

Chapter 1082: The Five Elements of Immortal Killing

That white bright face was drawn at once, the sound was crisp and the whole was beaten and twisted, making an angry roar, stabbing the diaphragm, and shaking the heavens.

"A light, it's you!"

The big hand flickered, and a powerful shore's body was manifested in the void, boundless and infinite. He is a middle-aged man, with black beards fluttering, staring coldly at the distorted face, saying, "Li Peng, I can chop you just by what you said."

The face waved like ripples in the water, and the yin voice said: "One light, although your realm is higher than me, if you say cut me off, you're probably not that capable."

"Really?" A middle-aged grand prince with a light on the road, his eyes burst into cold light, and an ancient lamp was raised above his head. As soon as the light came out, it shined in all directions, and the glory was magnificent, which contained immense power.

As soon as the light came out, his color changed, and he cried, "You actually made a life weapon!" After finishing speaking, you turned away and fled.

"You can get rid of it?" A big lantern hangs an ancient lamp on his head, which seems to be slow, but in fact he chases away quickly, it seems determined to kill Li Li.

The two powers came quickly and walked fast. The scene calmed down immediately, and Li Xing couldn't help sighing. But he can see that Li Li and Yi Lan are both masters of Nirvana series, he is not an opponent at all.

In particular, the ancient lamp that was released was a magical instrument manifested by Mingdan. This kind of magical instrument is more extraordinary than ordinary magical instruments, and contains civilized power, which is not trivial.

Fate infants are the foundation of Datianzun, and fate that the infants formed is naturally very important. After Mingdan stepped into Nirvana, practitioners can begin to condense and form it.

The life weapon is powerful and can leapfrog against the plane weapon. For example, Nirvana's primary life weapon can generally fight against Nirvana's intermediate large plane weapon.

And, not all the Nirvana Great Celestial Masters can condense a life-saving device. For example, the Li Tian Great Celestial Man obviously does not have a life-saving device, otherwise he will not be stunned away by an ancient lamp.

Nirvana-level deity only has the chance to step into the higher level of the Promise only if he condenses his vital devices. In the endless state, the infants began to undergo qualitative changes, becoming extremely combative, capable of killing enemies with their own devices.

After breaking through the ancient ranks, every high level of Datianzun has a major change, so that it has a supernatural power. It can be said that if you are higher, you can push down your opponents in a realm without any suspense.

For the two big men who appeared, Li Xing was shocked and still let the welcome team ### go forward. This is not a good place, it is best to leave early. Unfortunately, the sky didn't meet people's wishes, and Feizhou flew for a while, and then met people who were blocking the road again.

Five people of the flying boat, five exalted celestial beings stood in front of the road. These five people are terrifying in strength. With Li Xing's eyesight, it seems that the weakest of them is also the Great Celestial Master above 50 calamities, which is definitely not easy to deal with.

For any of them, the fighting spirit is not an opponent. Unless it is Jiuyang's avatar, it must not beat. But Jiuyang's avatar is practicing at the moment, and Li Xing cannot easily summon it.

However, he was not worried. Among the subordinates who accompanied him, there were three exalted deities, combined with the power of four, and it was possible to fight. Moreover, the flying boat itself is an extinction-level magic weapon with strong defense.

Five great celestial beings ran across the road, Li Xing stopped the flying boat and asked, "Why are some of them blocking the road? Is this the ninth emperor's welcome team? It is really bold!"

One of them had yellow robes and yellow beards, and his eyes were also yellow. He was holding the yellow beards and said lightly, "Boy, the old man who guards you has been dragged by two masters. It is impossible to come back to the rescue and come out quickly and fall, otherwise regret it. Nowhere. "

Li Xing was a little surprised. It seemed that the other party had used a trick to evade the tiger. I just don't know. In the end, the ninth emperor sent a few people secretly. If there is only one big deity, then things are a bit dangerous.

"Huh! Just you, let me surrender? It's a joke, but I don't want to talk nonsense, so I can show some real skills." Li Xing knew that this battle with the other party was inevitable and he uttered provocation.

"I can't help it!" The yellow bear hummed heavily, and the five suddenly formed a large array. Instantly, Li Xing saw the doorway.

These five people, one yellow robe, one green robe, one red robe, one black robe, one white robe. These five people exude the breath of five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the five elements are combined into a five-element array.

Li Xing has previously beheaded five Tianzun. They come from the world of the Five Elements. They are exactly the same as these five people, and there is a clear connection between the two.

"Did these five come from the Five Elements?" He said secretly.

The Five Elements Spirit Land, like the pure land of the gods, was once a civilization, and its group plane established by the heavens is similar to today's central pure land. It's just that the Five Elements Spirit Land has fallen, but the Great Celestial Masters bred by the Five Elements civilization are still there.

The Five Elements Period, where the Five Elements civilization is located, is obviously not long from today's Yin and Yang Period. This has led to the establishment of the Five Elements Period, which is still very powerful. They belong to the Five Elements Spirit Land.

If these five people come from the Five Elements Spirit Land, then things will be a little complicated. This will not only involve the Central Pure Land. This is the confrontation between the two civilizations.

Five exalted celestial beings formed a five-element lore. The five-colored brilliance is intertwined with the void, transformed into a giant axe, with great power, endless power, carrying supreme power, no sharp edge, and severely chopped towards the silenced flying boat.

After all, this flying boat is just a defensive weapon. Even if Li Xing and others support it, it seems a bit weak.


A loud noise ~ www.readwn.com ~ The giant axe smashed into the defensive mask outside the flying boat. Just a moment, the mask was bleak a lot, the ancient Great Celestials were shocked to vomit blood, and the three extinct Great Celestials were uncomfortable.

Even Li Xing was bleeding from the corners of his mouth, and looked angry. He directly released the dead soul and said, "Big and hold fast. The ninth man must have expected all this, and the soldiers will arrive soon."

The three followers of the perishing Great Celestial Master followed the path of bitter sea, Shenyuan, and Yujing, and their strength was above Li Xing's fighting spirit. At this moment, they saw Li Xing release the deadly soul of war, and they all said, "Li Daoyou is right, we must stick to it!"

At this time, the five elements axe condensed by the five elements lore, beheaded twice, and blasted heavily on the mask. At this moment, the mask was almost broken, and everyone's heart was mentioned on the throat.

An ancient great deity sighed and said, "I'm afraid we won't be able to escape this time. The five elements above are the immortal arrays. The agglomerated giant axe is called the immortal axe. It has infinite power and can be used to cut off and kill powerful enemies.


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