Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1083: 5 kills in 5 lines

Chapter 1083 The Five Elements and Five Kills

Chapter 1083 Five Elements and Five Kills

The illusion of the five elements of the Phenixian array broke the confidence of all people with only two clicks. Only Li Xing's look remained unchanged, and he said loudly: "Everyone listens to the orders, be happy and fight against the enemy with me!"

At the moment of life and death, these big deities could not care too much. Seeing that Li Xing still seemed confident, he listened to his orders and opened his heart. Suddenly, there was a mysterious endless blessing.

This kind of open-heartedness and the blessing of the second party is a very dangerous thing. If it is not good, it may be taken away by others. However, in extraordinary times, these people have not had time to think too much and have responded one after another.

Seeing that the third axe was about to be beheaded, Li Xing screamed, and the last shot was brewing. This time, everyone, including the dying Feizhou Yuanling, was in step with Li Xing, hitting the last blow.

The last blow, beating the enemy in the past, hiding oneself in the past, whether it is defense or attack, are very magical. When this move came out, everyone's heart was shaken, but they felt that the blow was too mysterious, and the power was increased several times than usual.

Moreover, those ninety-five robbers of the ancient Great Celestial Emperor have exploded infinitely close to the dormant Great Celestial Master. The sky was full of glory.

If the flying boat is absent, the mask on the outside is suddenly ten times brighter. In particular, the three extinct celestial deities, together with the extinct fighting soul, and the four combined flying boats constituted the main force. They made this past blow, the effect was obvious, and they collided with the giant axe fiercely.


The sky's sharp edge issued by the giant axe was shaken away and turned into a sky of light, like a heavy snow drift. The giant axe was also suddenly blown off, and the people on the flying boat were not good. Someone vomited blood again. The faces of the three extinct Datianzun showed surprise, and shouted: "Okay! No wonder the ninth Lord will let Brother Li take charge. Greetings, I'll wait to be convinced. "

Originally, the three accompanying celestial masters were not very convinced by Li Xing. At this moment, after seeing his extraordinary means, they were truly convinced and willing to do things seriously under his hands.

In the last blow of the forced transport, Li Xing spilled a trace of blood in his nose and nose. Due to the limitation of the plane, his strength did not improve greatly after he entered the Six Heaven Calamity. However, it was only with the help of the Great Celestial Master that he burst out a powerful force that forced him to retreat from the Five Elements and the Immortal in a big blow.

Nodded, Li Xingshen said: "As long as everyone is united, I promise you all to get through this disaster!"

The crowd shouted in unison: "I'll wait to obey!"

However, they said that the five exalted deities, the five elements are united, and evolved to kill the array, but they were unable to cut through the defense of Feizhou, and they were all anxious. Huang Xu Datianzun yelled, "A old man in a lamp is so deep, I'm afraid I can't stumble for too long. I won it quickly, but late changes!"

"It seems that only the five elements and five killing secrets can be operated, and the battle will be decided quickly!"

The other four nodded at the same time and yelled, "Kai!"

The five elements of the immortal array is another change. The five great deities cast a secret devotion, called the five elements and five kills. They are soil killing, gold killing, water killing, fire killing, and wood killing. Surgery.

Each of the five great heavenly mysteries has extraordinary lethal power. With the help of the Five Elements and the Five Elements in One, the power has been increased more than ten times.

The giant axe turned out again, covered with five colors of black, white, red, yellow, and blue. In an instant, the five colors were unified, turned into a white, carrying the sky and the sea of ​​light, and blasted down in a mighty manner.

This blow seems to be able to penetrate through eternity and shatter the heavens. Under the tremendous pressure, the mask of the dying boat almost couldn't support it, and a "click" sounded from above.

"Not good, Brother Li Dao, the opponent's blow was too powerful, we're afraid we can't stop it!" Shouted the three gods from the source, and his face was full of fear and despair.

Li Xing looked dignified, and said, "they have more dead gods than us, and they are higher than us, they can only fight once this time." He closed his eyes, and at a fraction of a billion, Run chaos at full force.

Immediately, his eyes were wide open, and the light shot violently, screaming: "Take a full blow and break me!"

Everyone, still open-hearted, was guided by Li Xing's thoughts and hit Xeon. The last hit, the present hit, and the future hit, all three moves were performed simultaneously.

Above the dying flying boat, there was a violent shock of purple light. This purple light was a great power for everyone, including the flying boat. It turned into a giant fist, shaking the realms of the world, the void collapsed, and there was no combat power.

Time seems to have stagnated, space is in chaos, and the power of this fist has made it into chaos, and everything has become the most primitive force. This punch is very magical. In the void, three shadows are printed, and it seems that three fists are hit at the same time.

These three fists, a clear and dignified, seem to have an established past; a sharp and natural, representing the progress of the present; and a void, which is the unpredictable future.

The three punches represent the mysteries of the past, the present, and the future, and they are so bizarrely fixed in the void at the same time.

The giant axe slammed down, and when the two approached, Li Xing opened his eyes and yelled, "Here!"


The three giant fists merged into one, and the past, present, and future merged into one. A purple giant fist erupted hundreds of millions of purple light, evolving an infinite thunder sea, the purple light tumbled, hundreds of millions of weapons appeared in the thunder sea, and countless soldiers manifested.

Both the boundless Lei Hai were caught in the fist, and then hit the axe heavily. The purple light and the white light collided so severely, making a loud noise, making the entire space-time ocean tremble for it, and the space-time vortexes nearby collapsed.

The white ocean carried by the white giant axe was suddenly torn, and then the giant axe was broken into a gap.

Li Xing's counterattack was even more intense. He bleeds in seven holes, and the kingdom of tens of thousands of gods exploded in this blow. Even the mixed world was shaken, and many weak creatures were damaged.

In some individual areas, even souls have been shaken into pieces.

However, Li Xing is the master of the mixed world and controls all rules. Between his thoughts, those dead souls reunited the flesh again, as before, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, in this process, Li Xing consumed the power of the world.

The five besieged siege of the siege were extremely ugly, and they never expected that the other party could receive the five elements and five kills.

As he was preparing to attack again, a brilliant giant palm ripped open the space and grabbed it hard, and an angry voice came in shock: "Git!"

The faces of the five heavenly respects suddenly changed, and Huang Xuren yelled, "Go!"

The five of them flickered and disappeared. Afterwards, a large figure of Tianzun appeared, and he glanced at the flying boat with surprise in his eyes, but said nothing, and then disappeared.

"Li Daoyou, can your injury be hindered?" Ku Hai Tiantian asked anxiously, and there may be danger next. Li Xing must not lose his combat power.

Li Xing slightly moved his strength in the body and said lightly, "No matter, let's go on."

The flying boat started again, breaking through the space-time vortexes, and flying towards the extreme treasure. In a secret spacetime, a big light stands quietly, and beside him stands an old man with gray hair and looks very old, but his breath is arrogant and not under a light.

Yideng Datian said: "Brother Ronghua, why didn't you take a shot?"

The old man Taohao Ronghua Datianzun smiled slightly and said, "Although I haven't shot, they are not unscathed? The kid named Li Xing is very interesting, strong in strength, and the secret technique he played is very strange."

"Yes, I can see that, would Ninth Lord choose him." A big light nodded, and then frowned again. "But the potential of this son is infinite, and Ninth Lord may not be able to control him for a long time."

"Such people are not used for control." Ronghua Datianzun shook his head. "Only in good faith, so that I can speak well in the future."

Yideng Datianzun dismissed it: "It is not that such a wizard seed has not been seen, but it may not grow up in the end."

"Heaven's seed is not his support. There should be a deeper secret in this son, but I can't know it later." Ronghua Datianzun narrowed his eyes, "I don't know if this son has a guardian."

A big light star was startled, showing an unbelievable look: "Why, you old man's heart beat, you want to be his guardian?"

Ronghua Datianzun smiled: "Why, I can't?"

Yideng Datianzun glanced at Ronghua and shook his head, "You don't know, once you become a guardian, your luck will be contaminated by him. If he falls, it will have a great impact on you."

Yideng Tianzun is so surprised because the monks will consider their own cultivation when they choose to be a seed protector. For example, Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun, they chose to become Li Xing's escorts because they knew that Li Xing's luck was on them, and their strength would soon rise above them.

But Nirvana-class powers like Ronghua Datianzun can reach today, and the strength of luck is also the ancient times, which may not be worse than the so-called seeds. If he easily becomes a guardian, luck may be adversely affected.

For example, www.readwn.com ~ If Li Xing's luck is not as good as Ronghua Datianzun, the latter will inevitably be disadvantageous and even be lost once he becomes the protector of the former, which will affect future practice.

Hearing that, Ronghua Datianzun said indifferently: "The old man has very little life, and the chance to spend the yin and yang era is not great. Even if he loses, he won't get worse."

A big light stunned, and smiled bitterly: "You're right, but I'm different from you and can't make this determination."

Ronghua Datianzun: "Although so, the old man still has to take a look again, I hope this will not let me down."

At this moment, Feizhou has traveled a long distance, and along the way, he did not encounter any obstacles. It was not long before that a towering palace appeared in front of him.

However, as soon as Feizhou approached Miyagi, a sword gas shot down from the sky and stopped in front of Feizhou. This sword was very sharp, turned into a sword wall, forcibly prevented the flying boat from passing.

"Jumbo 阙 canceled the marriage contract with the heavenly court, the visitor can go!" A cold voice sounded.


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