Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1084: 3 Miss's 1 Finger

Chapter 1084: Miss Three Must Kill One Finger

Chapter 1084: Three Miss's One Finger

Jianbi blocked the road, and when he said something provocative, Li Xing frowned slightly, rising from the flying boat, his eyes shot. ∑fé≥ I saw a young man hovering in front of him, with deep momentum, and there were countless invincible sword spirits walking around him.

"Who is your Excellency?" Li Xing asked, looking poor.

The person in front of him is obviously a sword repairer, and has the strength of the ancient Great Celestial Master. As expected, the opponent should come from the sword domain. For Xing Yu, Li Xing has been regarded as a land of hatred, and naturally he will not have a good attitude.

"With small miscellaneous fish like you, you are not qualified to talk to me and let the people above you come out." Youth Jianxiu was carrying both hands, not even looking at Li Xing, coldly. In his eyes, Li Xing's cultivation is very shallow, he is the only one of the six lords, and he doesn't need to take his mind at all.

Behind Li Xing, the Great Sea Emperor Bitter Sea, the Great Emperor Shenyuan, and the Great Emperor Yujing stood up one after the other. After Li Xing, the Great Emperor Yu Jing said in a deep voice: "He is our leader, an invincible friend, it has been a long time."

The youth invincibility is indeed invincible. It comes from the sword area. After 47 years of calamity, the combat power has definitely reached the level of extinction, so even these talented people of Yujing Datianzun have known and heard their names for a long time.

The fact that Li Xing is the leader of everyone made the invincible Datianzun very surprised, and raised his eyebrows, and said, "Oh? The three of them had their heads kicked by the donkey. It was a joke to have a small miscellaneous fish as the leader."

"Hmm! It's blind your dog's eyes!" Kuhai Datianzun whispered coldly, "Li Daoyou once killed and killed Datianzun. If it has potential, ten thousand can't compare with his finger."

Upon hearing this, the invincible Datian Zun actually looked the same. He created the Invincible Avenue, has invincible faith, and strong strength, so he snorted: "What **** has the potential, I will cut it with a sword! Let me tell you the truth , Three ### have promised to marry me. "

Shenyuan Datianzun sneered again and again: "Invincible, nonsense less, what do you mean by stopping us, does your sword domain want to challenge the majesty of the heavenly court? Don't forget, now is the home of the heavenly court, any civilization, even stronger Neither qualified to dominate the yin and yang era! "

Invincible Datianzun said suddenly: "This big fart can also irritate heaven? Huh, you look at yourself too high."

Li Xing was able to see that this invincible big deity was obviously a challenge. There was only one way to get past, and that was to get rid of it. So he stepped out one step and the man got out of the flying boat hood.

When he saw Li Xing coming out, Invincible Datian Zun immediately issued an invincible sword light, sharp and unmatched, and did not even say hello. It seemed that he was going to kill Li Xing in one fell swoop. Although he has the belief of invincibility, he also knows that an enemy with great potential such as Li Xing can't stay, kill early and rest assured.

Since Li Xing came out, there was a sense of vigilance in his heart, and a brilliance burst out from above his head, manifesting the dead soul of war. The war spirit was extremely fierce, and he directly took a hit in the future, assassinating the past with the mixed gun.

The spear burst into a hundred million kills, punctured violently, and collided with the invincible Jianguang. For a while, "Si Lingling" rang, Jin Guang rolled up, thunder blew, and a horrible shock wave broke out, blowing the flying boat.

This all-out effort, Li Xing and Invincible Datianzun both felt the strength of the other. The battle soul backed up again and again, and the invincible Datianzun's Jianguang was somewhat scattered, and immediately returned.

"This is just a puppet I made. You can't even beat him. You even said that I was a small miscellaneous fish?" Li Xing said to the invincible Datian with a contemptuous tone. "If I have your cultivation, One finger can destroy you, and it won't be too far this day. "

Although Invincible Datianzun had an invincible will in his heart, his experience at this time still shocked his mind, and that invincible will almost collapsed. The opponent is just a six-day calamity, and even the legendary realm is not there, but he can contend with this ancient and high-level vow.

His own combat power is absolutely in the extinction level, but he still can't kill the opponent. This is a huge blow to the invincible Tianzun. He realized that if the person in front of him grows up, he is definitely not an opponent. .

"So what? If you chop off you today, you are a dead body!" Invincible Datianzun looked cold, revealing supreme murder. The appearance of Li Xing has shaken his Tao heart and must not stay.

There was a slaying heart in his heart, and behind him, a sword of supremacy was raised. That sword is not complete, only a faint brilliance. The sword's meaning released by this sword light made Li Xingdu be wary of it.

At the same time of vigilance, he was also beating his heart, because he felt that the mixed yuan gun vibrated a few times, and then looked at the supreme sword, Ming Ming is determined to be a patchwork of Ming Ming sword pieces.

Looking closely, Li Xing could see that the incomplete Ming and Sword contains at least thousands of fragments, otherwise it would not be so powerful. He also found that this incomplete Ming and Sword was clearly not completely controlled by the invincible Great Heavenly Supreme.

The Ming Sword is created by the supremacy of the civilization of the device. Naturally, it will not be sacrificed at will. At this time, Invincible can only rely on the first-line strength of this sword.

"Invincible lore!"

Invincible Datianzun drank violently, and the sword in the hands of the mad dancer was cut off.

This sword is clever and unskilled and has no skills. It only relies on the supreme sword energy, the supreme murderous power, and the death and the soul. Under the light of the sword, Li Xing had nowhere to hide, but felt that the infinite sword energy suppressed him from all directions, and the world of the mixed Yuan was blocked.

"Great!" His heart was cold, and he quickly held up the mixed yuan gun, ready to fight. With one shot in hand, the mixed Yuan gun also burst out with Ming and Jian Jianguang, and it was necessary to forge a record with it.


At this moment, there was a jealous rebuke from the rear, and then there was no pressure to roll in, even that Mingjian sword suddenly dimmed. A crystal jade hand caught it gently, and actually caught Ming Mingjian in his hand.

Invincible Da Tianzun "wow" had to spit out a blood and quickly retreated, this retreat is infinity.

Li Xing took a closer look and discovered that the treasure # 3 #, dressed in a worry-free shirt, walked slowly. This worry-free jersey has infinite combat power. At this moment, the three ### is equivalent to an incomparable celestial deity, and his strength is horrible.

"Three ###, you ..." Invincible Datianzun looked angrily, seemingly surprised by the shot of Three ###.

Three ### Yumei slightly locked, saying: "Although I didn't want to marry the ninth emperor, I didn't say I would marry Jianyu. How do you talk nonsense here?"

Invincible Datianzun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "Three ###, I am sincere to you ..."

"Shut up!" Three ### looked cold, "Go, otherwise you won't have a chance."

The invincible Datianzun had no choice but to lame and turned to fly away.

Li Xing was a little stupefied and arched his hand: "Three ### just said that they don't want to marry the ninth man, why is this? At the beginning, didn't both of us say good?"

Three ### said indifferently: "The reason is very simple. I hadn't put on a worry-free shirt yet."

Li Xing suddenly asked, "What's the difference between wearing a jersey or not?"

"Of course there is." Three ### coldly, "When I put on my shirt, I have a combat power without great esteem. The feeling of having powerful power is really wonderful, and I can take it for granted, and be free. Since there are so many benefits , Why should I marry the ninth emperor and be a bird in a cage? "

Li Xing sighed, although the result was unexpected. However, it is reasonable to have power and change your mind.

"Go back and tell the ninth emperor, Three ### has no interest in him." She waved her hand, "You go."

Li Xing frowned: "Three ###, you ruin your marriage so much, it will make the ninth Lord very shameless. Without great celestial respect, it is not invincible compared to heaven, you have to think clearly."

"Are you threatening me?" Three ### Yumou glowed, staring at Li Xing.

This woman did have a major change, giving Li Xing the feeling as if she had changed a person.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and said, "Don't dare."

"Then leave here, or else blame Ben ### You're welcome." Three ### Follow the order.

Li Xing was about to talk and found three ### behind him, and rushed out a dozen people. These figures are actually wizards of the invincible series, they come from different forces.

It seems that these people should be people who are deliberately close to the three ### and want to win their hearts. Marrying three ### is tantamount to getting the help of an immense deity, and anyone will be excited.

"Hurry off, don't you hear the words of the three ###?" A young man praised and shouted.

"Yes, three ### will not kill you, it is enough to give the face of heaven, and no longer get out of the way, without three ### shot, we will kill and wait!" Said another arrogantly.

As if Li Xing could not hear what these people were saying, he just stared at San ### and asked, "Are you really San ###, or is it the Promise Tabard?"

As soon as this statement came out, the three ### face changed greatly, and the killer in his eyes suddenly appeared, and he clicked with a finger. This finger, which contains the ultimate killing power, represents an attack force with no great level of respect for heaven.

"Quick retreat!"

At this moment, a simple Dading was suddenly born, blocked in front of him, and that finger, the solid material point on the giant tripod.


The giant tripod smashed at once, then Li Xing felt a tightness on his body and disappeared with the flying boat. Then he felt constantly flying in the heavens and couldn't even open his eyes ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't know how long it took before he felt the surrounding environment stabilized. Opening his eyes, he saw an old man with white beard Looking at himself with a smile.

"Is the predecessor saved me?" Li Xing asked, and he saw a giant tripod blocking the inevitable killing finger, otherwise, he would never be able to bargain.

Of course, since he dared to question the three ###, he still had some confidence. As long as he is willing, he can use the connection of the Great World Portal to instantly return to the chaotic star domain, thereby avoiding this horrible blow.

Of course, the opponent's attack may also be chased afterwards, and he will eventually be injured and can only save his life. He didn't expect that, with just a temptation, he would provoke the other party's killing blow.

The old man sighed, "I saved you. For you, my piece of silenced instrument was lost, and the loss was great." He shook his head again and again, with a pain in his face.

* Fu Cai 3d + Dual Color Ball + Expert Prediction!

* Predicted (quasi) 99.75 million in 3d after 90!


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