Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1086: 10 million corpses

Chapter 1086: Ten Thousand Dead Corpses

Chapter 1086: Ten Million Corpses

This matter has passed for several years. At that time, Li Xing went to Jumbo and successfully raised his relatives. Among them, the first requirement has been said, is to enter the treasure house of heaven, looking for a treasure.

At that time, Li Xing was not very lucky. He actually got a doomed egg, which made the ninth emperor happy. However, the egg of doom was later given to the enemy by Li Xing.

At this time, he made three more requests, which made the ninth emperor unhappy. You know, three conditions were promised to Li Xing that day, and that was because it was a good thing to be able to marry Jumbo. But now, marriage is impossible, but Li Xing still has to ask for conditions.

But as a son of heaven, you ca n’t say nothing without faith, otherwise people in the world will laugh and say, “Three conditions, there are two left, I wonder what you want?”

Li Xing laughed: "Subordinates need to be extinct or greater than the level of extinction, the more the better; in addition, the ninth Lord is in charge of the arsenal, please give the subordinates a large number of celestial bodies. . "

The ninth emperor groaned. Li Xing didn't say the quantity, but he had some trouble. Giving less, he seemed stingy, and giving more, he couldn't bear it.

The Daquan Dan of the perishing series is very precious, not to mention the higher-level Dahua Dan, even if he is very much in need.

After all, today ’s son, a wealthy man, had a decision after thinking about it for a moment, and laughed: “Since you need Daquan Dan, then this son of heaven will give you 30,000 Daquan Dan, plus a thousand nirvana How about Daquan Dan? "

This number has made Li Xing very satisfied, and even a little surprised, he quickly said: "Thank you for your reward.

"As for Da Tianzun's corpse, although there are many in the arsenal, I can't give it to you in full, so go ahead and move it by yourself. Give you an hour, how much can you move it?" Said the ninth Tianzi.

Li Xing was pleased. Although there was a time limit in this case, he had his own means and could try to remove the body of the high-ranking Supreme Celestial Master. These corpses may not be very useful to others, but for him, they can cultivate the ancient trees of civilization and refine the power of the world in them.

"Yes." He quickly agreed.

The ninth emperor acted decisively. At that time, he gave thirty thousand perishing Dan and one thousand nirvana. Those elixirs are extraordinary, they contain the big world, and even they have an ego consciousness, all of them are collected by Li Xing.

Thanks to his perilous war spirit, I am afraid that even these elixir will not be easy to suppress. Especially the one thousand Nirvana-level great fortune chemistries, one by one, were arrogant and incredible, Li Xing couldn't suppress it at all.

It was Ronghua Datianzun who came forward and suppressed it, so that he would not be ugly in front of everyone.

With the good fortune, the ninth emperor ordered him to take him to the arsenal. There are many types of military actions. The place where Li Xing went is called a corpse, which is used to store the corpses left in the war.

These corpses are useful for heaven, some can be used to make war puppets, and more complete can be used to make great fortune. In addition, some of these corpses also contain treasures.

As soon as the door to the corpse was opened, a horrifying corpse burst out, and looking inside, a group of strange light squeezed against each other, giving people a shock of soul. Li Xing understands that these light groups are actually one after another of the corpses.

After the fall of Datianzun, the big world is often completely exposed to the outside, and it is no longer a human form. Therefore, the corpse itself is an extraordinary large plane weapon, which is specially used to hold the broken world formed by corpses.

Li Xing entered the corpse, as if walking through countless planes, quite stressful. He realized at this time that these corpses were not easy to collect, and the ninth emperor gave him an hour, I am afraid that they could not collect much.

"Most of the corpses obtained last time were humanoids. They did not expose the big world. They should all be newly dead. But this time it is different. The corpses in this corpse, I do n’t know how long they have died, all manifested. It ’s not easy to charge! "

Although he slightly regretted it, he had no choice but to charge as much as possible. He unleashes the mortal soul, and starts searching for a suitable corpse of Datianzun.

At the time of Li Xing's difficult search, the ancient world of Yunyuan shook suddenly, and then shot billions of Guanghua, and Guanghua burst out of the Yuanyuan World and entered the corpse.

When he moved in his heart, a proud smile appeared, and he murmured, "It still has this ability, wonderful!"

Each of those billions of glorious glories turned into a magic crystal bubble, spreading around. Each of these crystal bubbles found a broken plane, and then kept creeping and wrapping it.

Each of these crystal bubbles is equivalent to the branching space of civilization time and space. The big world surrounded by crystal bubbles is tantamount to being pulled into a time and space of civilization. Here is the site of the ancient trees of civilization, which can directly transport the big world and even refine and absorb these planes.

Crystal bubbles constantly rushed out, and then quickly wrapped up one broken world after another. Most of these big worlds are not high-level, and how much do they have in the beginning?

Therefore, in order to obtain as many high-level corpses as possible, Li Xing ordered the crystal bubbles to be wrapped selectively, and at least the legendary Datianzun plane was worth collecting.

An hour passed quickly, and Li Xing successfully collected more than ten million heavenly planes, most of which were legendary planes. Among them, the ancient-level plane has reached as many as 100,000, and the extinction-level plane has 8,000.

However, the higher-level nirvana plane, Li Xing did not find.

But even though the corpse planes of tens of millions of celestial beings were collected, they still only accounted for a small amount of money in this corpse. It can be seen how huge this corpse is, and how powerful the heavens are.

As soon as the time was up, Li Xing stepped out of the corpse, and tens of millions of corpse planes were transferred into the ancient tree of civilization.

He didn't go to see the ninth emperor again, because he had received the order of the imperial camp when he met his relative last time, and now he must get back as soon as possible. Although he disobeyed the order, he didn't worry too much. It was a matter of face for the ninth emperor.

Sure enough, when he arrived at the imperial camp, the commander of the first battalion was too vain and he did not bother him, not even showing up. As the captain of the tenth team, ten members came to see him as soon as he returned.

These ten people, all of them ancient reigns, belong to the retired emperor camp masters, and now all are under the management of Li Xing. They are relatively familiar with each other. Li Xing asked, "What happened to me during this time?"

One humane: "After the captain left, the battalion commander gave an order to send the tenth team to the South Wilderness and destroy a rebel group. But the captain is not there and we cannot leave."

Li Xing nodded: "I see."

After inquiring about the situation, Li Xing knew something. At that time, he went to visit the First Battalion Commander. Although this is the Taixu Great World, the first battalion commander still has a special residence called Taixu Hall.

Outside the Taixu Hall, Li Xing was stopped by two guards. He was about to say, Taixu Tianzun's voice sounded: "Let him in."

Stepping into the hall, Li Xing felt strong pressure. This too vain deity is truly a nirvana master, which made him startled.

In the center of the hall, there is a throne, and the Taixu Tianzun sits on it, and said lightly, "Li Xing, what are you doing here?"

Li Xing bowed down: "A few days ago, his subordinates worked for the ninth son of Heaven.

"Huh?" Taixu Tianzun opened her eyes slightly and said, "The ninth emperor has already interceded for you. You don't need to receive a penalty. This matter has passed."

Of course, Li Xing didn't take the penalty here, but just wanted to talk to the commander of the first battalion and give the other side a face. After all, he's doing things in the imperial camp now, and it's no good offending his boss.

"Thank you, the battalion commander, for the exemption." Li Xing stunned.

Taixu Tianzun looked at Li Xing and said, "He looks like he hasn't fully committed to the ninth emperor, and still has a chance to win."

With this in mind, Taixu Tianzun smiled slightly: "One little thing, Li Xing, nothing has happened recently. You hurriedly every day, it seems that you haven't traveled much in the Imperial City. Now you are allowed to make three years of vacation and make some Nobles are not bad for you. "

Li Xing was about to retreat and practiced. He was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Ying!"

Out of the Taixu Hall, Li Xing feels very good. He now has enough big fortune and has received a large number of corpse planes. In addition, the wheel of civilization in the ancient tree of civilization has been improved a lot. Next, he can go smoothly. Cultivated locally.

But as Taixu said, he did not travel well after entering the imperial city. It is necessary to spend some time and make some characters.

In the imperial city, not only the ten emperors, but also countless prince generals, are not inferior in their power.

Li Xing doesn't know much about the many forces of the Imperial City, but it doesn't matter. He summoned Ronghua Tianzun to make him a guide. Ronghua Datianzun often came to the imperial city and was very familiar with those princes and nobles. With his introduction, it was easier for Li Xing to walk.

However, the plan was not as good as the change. Li Xing only saw Ronghua Datianzun, and his family was in trouble. It turned out that Bei Shibing gave birth to a daughter for him. For such major events, he naturally couldn't care anything ~ www.readwn.com ~ and hurriedly returned to the mixed world.

As a guardian, Ronghua Datianzun was very curious about the construction of Li Xing's plane, so he entered together. Of course, when I saw the magic and breadth of the mixed world, I was shocked and amazed.

"Amazing! Lord, this face will have a lot of achievements in the future! It's incredible that a prototype of civilization has already been formed! It must be known that only a celestial being above the level of silence can give birth to a prototype of civilization."

Li Xingdao said: "The road is still very long, and it's nothing." Then he took Ronghua as a guest at home.

Bei Shibing hugged her daughter and greeted her. The little baby girl was beautifully carved and beautiful. Li Xing only took a look. The softest part of her heart was touched. She stepped forward and gently took the baby girl. Gently kissed a few times, and laughed: "How can a good girl look so good? When she grows up, she must be a beauty, so that all the women in the world are jealous of death."

Bei Shibing looked lovingly and said, "Xing, please give her a name."

Li Xing thought about it and said, "Our daughter is so beautiful, that's Li Jiao."


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