Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1087: The Emperor Comes

Chapter 1087: The Emperor Lands

Chapter 1087

"Li Jiao?" Bei Shibing thought about it and said with a smile, "Okay, simple and easy to remember, it's called Li Jiao. ╭ (╭3╰) ╮"

Ronghua Datianzun was also invited into the hall. He glanced at the baby girl, his face suddenly shocked, and said in surprise: "It is the legendary Datianzun, this ..."

An ordinary baby comes to the sky, and it is a great deity in the beginning. Even if it is a calamity, it is rare. After all, in the mother's womb, the baby can't go through the disaster.

The realm of the Great Celestial Mastery is to experience the Great Heaven and Earth calamity or the Great Celestial Calamity again and again before it is possible to ascend. Therefore, the fact that Li Jiao was born was the legendary Great Celestial Master, and this Nirvana-level Great Celestial Master could not accept it.

How can he know that there are ancient civilization trees in the mixed world, releasing different forces of civilization. But Bei Shibing breathed these powers all the time, unconsciously, the baby in the belly reached the realm of the legendary great deity.

In fact, every time Bei Shibing experienced the disaster of Datianzun, the baby in the belly also went through the calamity with her. This was the birth of the legendary Datianzun.

This result is not only the ancient civilization tree, but also the special physique of Bei Shibing, and Li Xing's strong inheritance. Li Xing's mixed Yuan bloodline, coupled with Bei Shibing's Jiuyin body, all of which gave Li Jiao a strong strength in his lifetime.

Ronghua Datian Zun couldn't help but said, "Lord, can the old man hug his aunt?"

Li Xing nodded slightly and sent Li Jiao with both hands, saying: "Of course it can."

This Ronghua Datianzun lived for countless years. At this moment, holding Li Jiao, his face is full of affection, sighing: "What a good child, as long as you cultivate well, the future must be a heavenly wizard."

As he spoke, Skyrim passed a thunderous shout: "What about my sister?"

I saw a figure who ran over in a hurry, it was that Li Ba. Some time ago, Li Ba went out with Bai Feifei. After so many years of struggling, his cultivation has actually grown again, his breath is arrogant, and it has reached thirty-two calamities. It seems that it won't be long before he can reach the realm of the ancient great deity.

Li Ba first paid homage to his parents and elders, then snatched his sister and grinned, "Jun, Zhenjun, is indeed Li Ba's sister."

Bai Feifei rolled his eyes and said, "Speak quietly, don't scare the little girl."

This Bai Feifei was already Li Ba's person. As for her father, Bright Supreme, she had also surrendered to Li Xing and was placed in a kingdom of gods by Li Xing.

Li Ba smiled "Haha": "Feifei, you look down on this little guy. Didn't you notice that she is the legendary big deity? In the future, in all likelihood, I am still above my second brother."

Come wherever you say it, the voice has not fallen, a breath of humane holy emperor permeated, Li Xing's second son, Li Gui, walked out of the void. He is the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. He has a momentum of his own. Even in the presence of Li Xing, he is only slightly less than three points.

In contrast, the emperor Li Gui's cultivation is still above Li Ba. A while ago, he had just entered the realm of 36 ancient calamities, raised his hands, and had his own imperial spirit.

After paying homage to his parents, Li Gui took the baby girl from his elder brother Li Ba, took a look, and smiled slightly: "Father, the little girl will stay with me when he grows up, and the seat of the first prime minister will be left to her. . "

Li Ba poked his mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "I said the second brother, my younger sister should follow my elder brother to go south and north, what is the point of staying in my hometown." Then, he asked Li Xing full of confidence.

Li Xing glared: "Go away and let Jiaer take care of me."

Of course, Li Gui and Li Ba did not dare to rob custody of Lao Tzu, and immediately obediently shut up.

At this time, Ronghua Da Tianzun said: "All the blood on the Lord is the capital of heaven. In the future, the Yuanyuan world will grow infinitely, and the old will become more and more confident in the Lord." Then said, "Special These two boys, both young heroes, might as well travel with the Lord to visit the Imperial City. "

Li Xing thought about it and felt that it was not necessary. But Li Ba immediately called out, and said, "Father, father, just take us out and walk around."

Li Gui also said, "Stones from other mountains can attack jade and go out for a walk, which is also good for governing the world."

Li Xing glanced at his two sons and said, "Okay, let's take a walk in the aristocratic circle of Beijing and make some characters. You are all young and it's not bad to make more friends."

Li Ba smiled "Hey": "Father is also very young, let's make friends together."

Li Ba's remarks are not exaggerated, nor are they flattering. Compared with others in the respect of heaven, Li Xing is indeed very young.

You know, Li Xing did not take much time to practice this step from his youth. And the rest of the Great Celestial Master, even those who are in the first stage, have all gone through millions of years, or even longer, to reach a certain level.

Listening to this, Li Xing couldn't help thinking of the old people in the Yuanyuan religion. During this time, they had been reassured to practice, and often they had to let Li Xing accelerate the time lapse of the mixed Yuan world and keep improving.

At that moment, the brothers had good practices at the moment, and it was time to pull them out. Thinking of this, he conveyed a thought, and it didn't take long for Jiao Qianheng to wait for someone to arrive.

Six brothers: Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, Jian Xingtian, Xi Xiaobao, Li Yingxiong, and Li Xuanbai; two brothers and sisters, Minmin and Wutong; Xiaoyan, Chaosheng, and seven Xiaojinwu, all ran over .

These people, each of them now have extraordinary practice, the high strength has reached the level of the ancient Great Celestial Master, the weakest also has the realm of the epic Great Celestial Master, making Li Xing very satisfied.

In addition, many predecessors such as the Dragon Emperor, the Demon Emperor, the most kind, the sincere, the one, the Li Ziran couple, etc., have also made rapid progress. It's just that these people are not happy that the middle-aged people are mixed together. At this moment, they are retreating and not coming out.

Seeing these people coming out, Li Xing laughed: "Give you a year, during this time you can walk around the Imperial City, observe the situation, and make friends. But one thing, you can't cause me trouble, otherwise you will look good."

The crowd was overjoyed and said, "Let's save."

Just when everyone gathered together, the mixed world suddenly shook, and there was a lot of light in the distance. There were hundreds of golden lotuses. The sacred power spread out, so that Li Xing was also shaken.

"Huh? What happened?" As the leader of the mixed world, the emperor naturally felt most attentive and immediately asked Li Xing.

Li Xing was aware of all the changes in the big world, and immediately appeared happy, saying: "A great little man has emerged from the mixed world." Said lightly, he reached out and gently touched the void, a picture emerged.

In the picture, in the mixed world, there is a small village in a continuous mountain range. In this small village, a peasant woman is giving birth at this moment, and her family is waiting anxiously outside the delivery room.

At the same time, the sky above the small village is full of golden light, thousands of spirits, and signs of auspiciousness everywhere. In addition, some spirit beasts and other birds are constantly appearing nearby, worshiping towards the delivery room.

The earth seemed to tremble slightly, the rivers and lakes were screaming, and Wanmu was swaying, all seemed to congratulate the baby's birth.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and said, "Is this baby a reincarnation of a certain virtue, otherwise how can this be?"

Li Xing shook his head and said: "It's not a reincarnation. This little guy is just like an ordinary person, except that he is like Li Gui, who carries a ray of luck in the mixed world."

Li Guiyi said, "Is it the emperor?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, it is the emperor, the heavens and the earth, the three talents are one, and the way is right, he finally appeared." He paused and said to Li Gui, "Good care of this family and let this little guy grow stand up."

Li Gui was overjoyed, the three emperors gathered, and the Yuanyuan World would rise to the next level. He was naturally happy and agreed.

The crowd didn't bother the newly born emperor. After staying for a few days, they went out and entered the imperial city one after another. Nowadays, Li Xing can also be regarded as a person of identity. When talking about the members of the imperial camp, the power should also give three points of face.

Li Xing, too, began to set foot in the imperial city, and really came into contact with the great environment of heaven. Before that, apart from practicing, he only interacted with a few people. Now it is different. He wants to contact the extensive heaven.

Accompanied by Ronghua Datianzun, everyone must look at Li Xing three points.

On this day, the two took Li Ba and Li Gui and visited a captain of the imperial camp, the ancient painting master. Li Xing has no grudges against this person, but they appreciate each other more.

Coincidentally, a small party among young people is taking place in this ancient painting, Tianzunfu. The ancient painting Datianzun went out to greet him personally, and invited Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun to the living room to serve tea.

As for Li Ba and Li Gui, they were sent by Li Xing to participate in the small party, and they were not allowed to follow.

This small gathering was held among the descendants of the Eighth Battalion of the Forbidden Army. As it happens, Li Ba and Li Gui have similar identities and can just join them.

Hundreds of people participated in this party, and each one should not be taken lightly, because the weak second generation of the army is not eligible to participate in this party ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is a special circle, and I want to enter this circle , Not only must have identity, but also have strength.

The organizer of this party was the eldest son of the ancient painting Da Tianzun, the crazy grass Da Tianzun. As the host, Kuangcao Tiantian is very kind and recommended Li Gui and Li Ba to everyone.

The place where the party was held was a huge garden with beautiful scenery. Everyone was sitting or standing, and it was in a huge pavilion. Obviously, people who are sitting are more in status, standing, most of them are attending class.

Kuangcao Datianzun laughed: "You two, these two are the sons of the captain of the ten team of the imperial camp, the son of Li Ba and the son of Li Gui. Everyone will be friends in the future.

Talking, Kuangcao Datianzun ordered people to bring two chairs and asked Brother Li Ba to sit down.

Li Ba was also rude and sat down. This time, some people are unhappy because the place where they sit is the center of the pavilion. Doesn't this mean that they are the core of everyone?

I don't know if it was deliberately arranged by the mad grass god, as soon as the two brothers sat down, they immediately caused dissatisfaction among many people at the scene.


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