Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1088: Closed-door practice

Chapter 1088: Closed Cultivation

Chapter 1088: Retreat

"Oh, who are these two mallets? Really consider yourself a character ... 物"

"That position is not for anyone who wants to sit. Sitting in these two positions means that they can become the number one person in our circle. You don't bother yourself, do you have that ability?"

People in the pavilion, you say me a word, Li Gui has nothing to do, feel at ease, it seems that others are not talking about him. Li Ba couldn't help but stood up and swept the crowd coldly.

He has seen these people early. The highest five are all ancient antiquity, but they have only just entered the ancient level, thirty-six and seven calamities. Among them, the mad grass big deity is one of them.

People at this level, Li Ba, will not look at it at all. Although he is only a character of thirty-two calamities, he still has the advantage over the five ancient great deities. The blood of Zunyuan is not trivial. The ordinary people in Zunyuan can super challenge the strong outsiders, not to mention people like Li Ba.

"What's the matter, Xiao Ye is just to be the number one character today. Which one of you is not convinced, you can stand up. As long as you can take one of my moves, Xiao Ye turns his head and walks away!" Li Ba said in a high voice, acting quite domineering and simply.

Everyone was irritated. The two men really didn't know the heights and heights, and one of them stood up. This person, besides the mad grass celestial deity, is the second ancient celestial deity of thirty-seven calamities, belonging to a high-end figure in this small circle.

He was seated closer to the center and closer to Li Ba, and behind him were five big deities, apparently his followers.

"Okay, today I'm going to represent Li Gongzi on your behalf!" The man yelled loudly.

Crazy Grass Tianzun quickly said: "Everyone is not an outsider, why should you be angry?" Then he introduced, "Li Gongzi, this is the son of the Undead, and the Great Ghost. Brother Ghost speaks straight, please don't mind."

Li Ba stretched out his arm, set aside the mad grass, and stared at the ghost Da Tianzun: "Boy, I know you're not convinced, it's very good, today I will convince you to take it orally, and know what it is Someone. "

This time, not only the ghost, but also the mad grass's face sank. This boy is too arrogant and does not give people a face.

"Since you don't know how to live or die, let's take a few tricks. I'd like to see, how can you beat this son with one trick!" Wraith Datianzun exclaimed angrily.

The mad grass celestial deity is also energetic, and it is not yin or yang to say: "The two are still calmer. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, not a place for fighting."

"Bad Master can afford it!" Li Ba said he would hit, and raised his hand and punched. This fist is not a trivial matter. It is now a blow that he has just practiced successfully, and today is just a test.


As soon as the fist was out, everyone was shocked. The domineering will and powerful momentum made everyone feel inferior. The first ghost, the Great Ghost of Heaven, feels even worse, as if a leaf boat is in the boundless ocean, and the waves are soaring that they can be destroyed at any time.

"Jiuyou's soul!"

At the moment of life and death, he yelled, and gave birth to Ping Ping's most powerful style of celestial killing, a dark cold light, shaped like a skull, and opened his mouth to bite Li Ba.

Li Ba's look remained unchanged, and his punches continued. When he rushed forward, he "clicked" and shattered the skull.

Ghost Datianzhuang shook his body and felt that the heavens and earth were suppressed, and he couldn't resist. He shouted, but his skin was cracked and his eyes were bleeding.

With this punch, even if the entire garden was destroyed, the sky was falling apart, everything was ashes, and everyone fled away. However, when they saw that Ghost of the Wraith was in danger of life, several of them were rescued at the same time, including the mad grass god.

"It's better to be fair." At this time, Li Gui moved. Just reaching out to the sky, a shocking light curtain emerged, blocking everyone's attacks from the outside, showing strong power.

In this way, Ghost Da Tianzun can only take Li Ba's punch, and his eyes are full of despair.


Now with a blow, the power is truly extraordinary. The ghost Da Tianzun screamed, the flesh was turned into mud, and the plane collapsed. Li Ba didn't know what method was used to collect all the creatures in the plane, and he was going to put them into the kingdom of gods for stocking.

"The ghost is dead!" These people paled one by one, "Kill him with one stroke."

"He's not afraid of revenge from Undead?"

"Huh, they forgot. The father of the two is Hun Yuan Da Tian Zun, who is said to be a ruthless character with a level of combat power. Many people know this."

Then the sound of air-conditioning, including the mad grass, did not dare to shoot again. They felt that the other party was too aggressive, too arrogant, arrogant, and fearless. Such a person is the most terrifying and it is best not to provoke it.

After killing the ghost, Li Ba turned around slowly and said, "This place is not strong, but it was completely destroyed. This way, it will be converted into elixir, and the total compensation will be less."

Kuangcao Datianzun feels bitter mouth, what else can he say? I had no choice but to laugh and endure the anger and fear: "A garden is broken, it is broken, it is not worth anything."

"You're welcome, Ben Shao can afford it." With a wave of one's hand, a hundred dying Daquandan fell into the hands of the wild grass, letting the latter look dumbfounded.

The extinguished great fortune Dan is a good thing, and there are dozens of mad grasses on it. I did not expect that the shot in front of me was hundreds, which is really rich and amazing.

Suddenly, Mad Grass changed his mind, put away the alchemy, and smiled: "Brother Li is powerful, let me wait and admire. Let's change places to talk and get close."

Ghost Da Tianzun is dead, and it is stupid to fight against Li Xing again. More importantly, Li Ba is obviously a master, and everyone can't beat it. And that Li Gui is more powerful, his strength is above Li Ba, let alone mess with it.

In this way, Li Ba won the second generation of the embargo by virtue of his boxing killing Ghost Datianzun.

The juniors fought, and naturally, the ancient painting Da Tianzun looked in his eyes. When the ghost died, he shook his head and said to Li Xing, "Brother Yuan, the undead is the most important thing, and Ling Lang was beheaded. I am afraid there will be future problems."

Li Xing said indifferently, "It is only worth mentioning that there is only one great deity, a clown jumping a clown."

The ancient painting Datianzun is embarrassed on the face. He is a figure of the same level as the undead Datianzun, is he not a jumping-clown figure? Although he was upset, he was still full of smiles and said, "Brother Yuan Yuan is very powerful and he really doesn't need to put his eyes on the undead. However, there is a seventh emperor behind that undead."

"The Seventh Heavenly Son has sent me to kill me more than once, and it has long been at odds." Li Xingdao said, this words startled the ancient painting Datianzun, I don't know what to say. I really think that if there is a father, there must be a son.

After talking about the whole morning, Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun resigned and left. On the way back, Li Xing said lightly: "Seniors, in the heavenly courts, are nothing but strong men. I think it is not necessary to make friends with this person."

Ronghua Datian respected him for a moment, knowing that Li Xing's experience in the past few days was a little awkward. A high-weight person, or a very high-level person, will never see him. The people who are willing to associate with Li Xing are all weak young people, like the ancient painting Da Tianzun.

All in all, Li Xing feels that there is absolutely no need for this kind of interpersonal communication, he only needs to improve his strength.

After thinking about it, Ronghua said: "Whatever you think in your heart, you can do it. In fact, making a wide range of pros and cons depends on how you deal with it. Since you don't like it, don't deal with those people anymore, just cultivate yourself.

"Senior, I'm going to retreat for a while, and in the meantime, I would like to ask you to take more care of the big world." Li Xingdao. Ronghua is a Nirvana-like power. With him, he can be very relieved.

"Okay, the Lord is at ease, old age will do his best."

Arranging everything, Li Xing went to the ocean of time and space, preparing to enter the space-time vortex a second time, retreating in retreat. Don't wait for me, and only in this way can we quickly improve our strength without causing too much change to the outside world.

With the previous experience, he quickly found a suitable space-time vortex. The move was carried out in secret, and no one knew he was going to come here.

This vortex of time and space, one day outside, is millions of years old. Seems long, but for Da Tianzun, it's just a blink of an eye. Datianzun can often live for several years, and in the first period, there are 4.320 billion years.

Therefore, millions of years or even tens of millions of years are nothing to Da Tianzun. It is only equivalent to a mortal consuming several hours, which is not worth mentioning.

Entering into the vortex, Li Xing found the right crystal bubble and began to cultivate.

His accumulation is very strong, and now only time is missing.

On the day of Li Xing's retreat, the undead Da Tianzun learned the news of his son's killing. In his anger, he found the first battalion commander Tai Xu Da Tianzun and asked him to take control. However, Taixu Tianzun apparently didn't care much about it, and only gave a sentence: "My own enemies, pay yourself."

The Undead God naturally knew that he couldn't do Li Xing, so he found the seventh emperor and rebuked Li Ba and others for his bad actions.

The seventh emperor had been listening to him calmly, and he waved his hand after he said, "You can go."

Undead Datianzun stayed at that time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Eat authentic: "Seventh Lord, you ..."

On the seventh day, Zi Zhan was expressionless. The Zhigong behind him said lightly: "The seventh man found that you are a waste. For the waste, the seventh man has always been annoying."

Undead Datianzun sank in his heart. He suddenly realized that the seventh man had given up on himself, but what did he do wrong? I've been working hard for it!

But he was a wise man, asking nothing, just bowing down, and stepping back carefully.

The Undead Lord does not understand, and some people around the seventh emperor do not understand. A desolate Great Deity who is serving the left and right said: "Zhi Gong, this undead should still have use value, why should he drive him away?"

Zhi Gong smiled slightly: "If his parents are killed, he must conflict with Li Xing. With his strength, he will undoubtedly die. If he is forbearing, he will laugh at the people in the embargo. So no matter what, he has no value."

Everyone was stunned, and at the same time, their hearts were cold. This is heaven, and people who have no value can die at any time.


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