Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1089: Li Ba Gamble

Chapter 1089: Li Ba's Gamble

Chapter 1089: Li Ba Gamble

The undead Datianzun walked out of Tianzifu with a heavy heart, and the farther he went, the more the resentment appeared on his face. │'The seventh-day son obviously has given up his **** and no longer gives any support. He is already worthless.

"Hum, the seventh son, you will regret it!" He muttered to himself, and then gritted his teeth. "Li Xing, Li Ba, I will not let your father and son die, all of you will die!"

Time flies, half a year has passed very quickly, and many people of mixed Yuanjiao have come out and walked the world one after another, and they have had a lot of life experiences. Walking outside is very different from walking in the mixed world.

As people of the mixed Yuan religion, they will never encounter danger in the mixed Yuan world. Although the Yuanyuan World is also a huge river and lake, there are various intrigues, but no one dares to move people in the Yuanyuan religion.

All living beings know that mixed Yuanjiao is a vein created by the ancestors. Moreover, the strength of the congregation is generally higher than that of a real person in Yuan Dynasty. Even if they do not rely on background, they can still eat.

But it ’s different outside. No one knows what the mixed Yuan religion is, and naturally no one will give face. In addition, the central pure land master is like a cloud, and the advantages in the realm are also lost.

This kind of environment can well train the educators, let them truly contact and understand the world, and enhance their competitiveness and warfare.

These people, without losing the face of Li Xing, got mixed up one by one, and among the younger generation of Imperial City, they all broke their names. Among them, Li Ba and Li Gui are the most eye-catching.

That Li Ba, Tao Dao Xiong Da Tian Zun, and Li Gui Dao Humane, these two men defeated many young masters in the imperial city in succession. In addition, there are big figures like Ronghua Datianzun as the backdrop, so the brothers basically walk sideways.

In addition, the most famous name is seven little Jinwu. These seven little birds are no longer what they were, and all of them are arrogant. They are all thirty epic lords. Moreover, once they join forces, they can form a killing array, and their combat power is close to the ancient Great Celestial Master.

On this day, Li Ba went to the western suburbs of the imperial city alone. He received a battle book from a young master three days ago to fight him. The young master has four servants, all trained by monsters, known as the four major beasts.

Not long ago, the four fierce beasts ran across the street, looted a store, and killed the owner. They were about to **** the owner's daughter, a beautiful girl. It happened that he was hit by Li Ba. He had heard Li Xing tell the story of heroes saving beauty since he was a child. He was not surprised at the time, and he shot without thinking.

Although the reputation of the four major beasts is in fact, but the combat power of the twenty-four robbers was destroyed by one hand, he could not die any more. Although the beauty was rescued, she offended the master, so she issued a war book today.

The origin of the other party, Li Ba had already figured it out. Lingbo, the humanitarian name, was the son of a civil official in heaven, and his father lived in Sipin.

Li Ba didn't care about this. Since the opponent had written the war, he took the battle and made a victory.

Although the western suburbs are very close to the imperial city, they are very chaotic. There is no heaven and earth to maintain order, so it has always been a paradise for murder and evil. However, this does not affect the number of people here. On the contrary, the number of people in the western suburbs alone is far more than that in the Imperial City.

In the western suburbs, there is a mountain villa called "Broken Spirit Mountain Villa". This broken soul villa is essentially a place for gambling and pumping.

At this moment, Broken Soul Villa is very lively. Hundreds of people gathered here, all of them are some nearby figures. At the center, a young man stands side by side with an old man in a black shirt.

The black-shirted man is the owner of Broken Soul Mountain Mansion, the Great Soul of the Broken Soul, and the practice of twenty-five calamities makes him the first master in the nearby area. Everyone must give him face.

As soon as Broken Soul Datianzun raised his hand, Shen said, "You, this is Lingbo Datianzun who participated in the duel. He is an ancient master who has gone through 38 calamities and is a younger generation in Imperial City In the middle, you can also be ranked! "

"See Lingbo Grand Celestial Master, Lingbo Grand Celestial Master will surely set the stage for victory, beheading the kid who knows nothing about heaven and earth!"

"Datianzun's combat power is shocking. He can destroy each other without a trick!"

"I don't think even one trick is needed. As long as Da Tianzun has only one thought, he can let it die, and his soul will disappear."

The next time the horse was playing around, Ling Bo Datianzhuang frowned slightly. He deeply felt that these people were not very good, and the character was not very good. Except for slipping and patting the horse, there was almost no skill.

He waved his hand impatiently, and Ling Bo said: "Breaking the soul, you are right."

It turned out that this Lingbo Datianzun took Li Ba into his eyes at first, and Li Ba's cultivation knew that he was the 32nd Datianzun, which was six levels worse than him and not in a grade.

Therefore, he is 100% confident in this duel and wants to earn a fortune through the duel. You need to know that cultivation requires cultivation resources. Recently, he has a tight hand, so I came up with this method.

Broken Soul Da Tianzun Wei Nuo Nuo immediately coughed, and then he calmed down, he said in a deep voice: "This time the handicap is five to one.

The following immediately became agitated, and someone said: "The broken soul boss, the kid is said to be the epic celestial deity, and there is no hope at all. This handicap is not suitable! I think twenty to one is right."

Broken Soul Da Tianzun laughed: "This man has no idea. Although that man is an epic Da Tianzun, he has a record of beating the ancient Da Tianzun. This handicap ratio is well thought out and very suitable."

Upon hearing that, he stopped speaking and began to wonder which side would win.

The soul-breaking **** Tianzun also talked about some rules, and finally said, "Well, everyone, despite the bets, my reputation for soul-breaking is worthy of protection!"

"Can anyone bet?" Suddenly, a voice rang suddenly, and a young man stepped out of the crowd. This young man is domineering, majestic and imposing.

Broken Soul Da Tianzun glanced and smiled: "Naturally, anyone can place a bet."

"Well then, I bet on myself to win, and three thousand deadly good fortune." Said, shaking his hands and releasing three thousand good fortune. These elixir, one after another, shocked everyone, and all of them were pale.

"It's you!" Lingbo Datianzun's face changed, and he looked at it fiercely. He naturally recognized that this man was the object of the duel, Li Ba!

The person who came was Li Ba, who ignored Ling Bo, and only asked Broken Soul Supreme: "Do you accept it?"

Broken Soul Da Tianzun was shocked and happy. He said that the boy sent him cheap, and then said, "Receive, naturally!" Then he made a big move and carefully put these dying fortunes into a special weapon. It is not trivial to perish the great fortune, because of his weak cultivation, he would not be able to collect it without the help of a magic weapon.

Seeing that the bet was successful, Li Ba smiled and looked at Lingbo Datianzun and said, "People like you aren't worthy of this master's shot, but in the face of Shi Meng Dan, they had no choice but to make it difficult. "

Ling Bo Datianzun looked cold and sneered: "It's a mere slapstick! Let's see the real chapter under your hands, please!"

Li Ba waved his hand and said, "Not in a hurry, wait until everyone has finished betting."

The crowd returned from the shock and bet one after another. Although these people live in the suburbs, there is no shortage of good luck Dan in their hands. One of them took out a hundred extinct Dan.

Moreover, in the process of betting, more and more people continue to enter the Broken Soul Villa to participate in the gambling game. At the end, the created Dan in the hands of the Broken Soul Datianzun is quite considerable. If it is exchanged for the Silent Dan, the number will exceed 23,000. Thousands.

Of course, the biggest of them is Lingbo Datianzun, who bet himself to die forever. Of course, the elixir was not his, but was borrowed from an organization called "Danlou".

If this wins, deducting interest, you can get thousands of doomed great creatures, which is not a small gain.

When the last person in the game also made a bet, Li Ba looked squarely at Ling Bo, and said with a smile, "Boy, you are going to die soon. Before that, what else can you say?"

"Arrogant, too arrogant!" This is everyone's first impression of Li Ba.

Ling Bo ’s eyes are full of murder, and he said in a dark voice: "I will send you on the road. You really have to say more, otherwise you will have no chance in the future!"

Li Ba laughed disdainfully, a sledgehammer lit up in his hand, and the hammer was covered with thunder, and the light was extinguished. It was a real soldier he had raised since childhood. In the mixed world, the real people in mixed Yuan were handed down a set of refining methods by Li Xing, capable of refining real soldiers.

This type of refining method was obtained by him from the civilization of the device, and then created with his own feelings. This real soldier has been refined to the extreme, which can increase the combat effectiveness of the mixed real person ten times.

With a hammer in his hand, Li Ba's temperament immediately became, became extremely calm, extremely dignified, the strong killing gas could not be opened, and the Quartet was severely suppressed. Suddenly, the face of Lingbo Datianzun changed color. Then he realized that he had underestimated the strength of the opponent. This momentum was definitely not what he could have.


Li Ba took the shot, slamming his hammer, and the whole western suburbs trembled. The Broken Soul Villa below “clicked” directly into www.readwn.com ~ and turned into powder. Those who participated in the gamble shouted and fled.

Lingbo Datianzun quickly urged the magic weapon in his hand to fight with Li Ba. It must be said that after all, it is the ancient celestial deity of thirty-eight calamities, which has an advantage in the realm. Li Ba cannot destroy the other party in two or three strokes.

However, his advantage is still obvious, playing Lingbo Datianzun only has the ability to parry, and has no fight back.

After three hundred strokes, Ling Bo was negligent, was smashed by a hammer, and half of his body was broken, screaming again and again. Li Ba was so overwhelming that he threw three hammers to destroy the son of the civilian officer.

As soon as Ling Bo died, Broken Soul Datianzun was astonished. He didn't sympathize with Ling Bo's death, but he felt sorry for the fifteen thousand perishable dans. At the odds of five to one, after deducting the commission, he would give Li Xing 12 thousand extinguished Daquandan.

Although he was reluctant, but in the face of a fierce **** like Li Ba, he never dare to rely on his account, obediently first paid for the alchemy and then sent it away like grandpa.

p: three million words, really fast.


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