Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1090: Many calculations

Chapter 1090: Many Calculations

Chapter 1090: Many Calculations

Li Ba left the western suburbs and returned to the imperial city. Halfway, he suddenly stopped in the shape of ###, staring coldly at the void in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Come out!"

A black gap suddenly opened in the space, and a plume of black smoke escaped from it, turning into a person. \\ (≧ ▽ / fě, this is the Undead Lord, he stared viciously at Li Ba, and said in a dark voice: "Boy, you dare go out alone, you are not timid."

"Why, you want to kill me?" Li Basi smiled without fear.

"Yes, you killed my son, you must pay for it with blood and blood. Time and space here have been blocked by me, and no one can come to the rescue, you are ready to die!" Undead Datianzun resentfully said.

"Haha ..." Li Ba laughed. "Undead, do you think you are the ancient deity, can you defeat me?"

A ghostly smile appeared on the face of Undead Da Tianzun, saying: "You are naturally very extraordinary and strong, but unfortunately you still want to die." He slowly stretched out his right palm, spreading out his palm, and there was a supreme kill in his palm.

As soon as this killing came out, Li Ba felt a horrible killing intention, his expression changed greatly, and he was furious: "Period attacker!"

He was angry. This undead celestial deity was really insidious. In order to deal with an epic celestial celestial deity, he actually used the silence level attack symbol, which shows that he has determined to succeed.

"Yes, this silence sign is made by a fifty-five calamity master, even if you have a shocking method, you will surely die. Little devil, no one can save you, you will die!"

At this time, Li Ba smiled, showing a mocking smile, and said lightly, "Yes? What do you think this is?"

He also stretched out his palm, and a more terrifying attack charm was revealed. Its momentum was ten million times more powerful than that of the doomed attack charm. This made the undead celestial fear terrified and called: "Nirvana-level attack charm, you ... ... "

Li Ba smiled "Hey" and said: "Senior Ronghua gave me three Nirvana-level attack charms, three Nirvana-level defense charms, and undead. I wonder if you can take a Nirvana-level Celestial Strike? Compare me with attackers, Hum, Master Ben scared you! "

Undead Datianzun was full of cold sweat on his forehead, staring at Li Ba all the time.

Li Ba calmly said: "Undead, put away the attacker, I don't want to kill you today, you should know that you have no chance at all."

Undead Datianzun's heart was loose, and the other party didn't continue to shoot. Why? Although he couldn't figure it out, he could get a chance to live. Of course, he wouldn't give up, immediately grasped tightly, and put away the attacker as soon as possible.

But the moment he stole the attacking charm, a phantom of a mighty shore manifested behind him, grabbed it with his hands, pinched it directly, and then "clicked" to blow out the magnificent dead spirit.

"Ah! Beast, you are insidious!"

This is the last voice made by the Undead God, and he is extremely unwilling to know that it would be better to fight with an attacker.

That ghost is the deadly soul of Li Xing's refining. Because he wanted to retreat, he left this soul of soul to guard his two sons. He knew that Li Ba's temperament was the strongest, and it was best to provoke wrongdoing, so he couldn't rest assured that this was all he could do.

The strength of the doomed soul is already above the undead, and it is a sneak attack, and it is easily annihilated, making the grand captain die extremely unwilling.

Li Ba is in a good mood and palpitates: "This undead has confronted his father more than once. He should have died. Kill him today, and his father will praise me."

Closing the battle spirit, Li Ba smiled slightly and continued on his way.

Soon after he left, the figure of Zhigong quietly appeared, holding a crystal bead in his hand. This crystal bead is called "photograph", which can truly record what happened.

At this moment, on the "photographing crystal", the situation of Li Ba's killing of the Undead Sovereign is being shown. Zhigong said lightly: "Kill the heaven court officer, kill without pardon!"

After a few more days, a jewelry store specializing in women's repair in Emperor City, Mrs. Li Xing, Xiaoxiu and Xiaoxue, were choosing their favorite headdresses. When they bought good things and were about to pay the bill, a young male repairman broke in.

The male Xiu had an obscene look and stared at Xiaoxiu and Xiaoxue as soon as he entered. These two women have the appearance of being famous and charming, compared with Li Xing who had just followed, their style has increased a lot.

For the eyes of such a person, the second girl only paid her bill when she didn't see it, and turned to leave. I didn't want the young man to hang in front of me, and laughed, "Two young ladies, you are so beautiful, so Master Ben's eyes are very eye-catching. Say, which house do you guys belong to? What about missing him later ? "

Xiaoxiu Liu Mei froze slightly and scolded: "Get out!"

Hugh seeing the second woman looks beautiful, but now they are all the solemn and powerful Thirty Celestial Masters, and their combat power is close to the ancient-level Great Celestial Masters.

The young people not only did not flinch, but were even more arrogant, reaching out and touching Xiaoxue's greasy cheek. At this moment, Xiao Xue was enraged, Jiao yelled, "Dare you dare!"

She reached for a flick. This flick didn't use any means, just casual movements. However, the young monk is only the Ten Heavenly Deities, and his strength is too weak. He just feels hit by a sledgehammer and is suddenly hit.


He spit out blood, his face full of stunned looks, and then boundless fear. His body gradually became sandy, the world turned over, and the sky fell apart, and it fell instantly.

"He's dead." Xiaoxiu was taken aback. She knew that most of the people in the imperial city were extraordinary.

Xiaoxue was also surprised. She sighed: "I was furious and ignored this person's level was too low, and I was shaken to death by a flick."

Xiaoxiu comforted: "Sister Xue, this person is very annoying. I must have done a lot of bad things, even if I die."

But at this moment, the owner of the jewelry store suddenly shouted, "It's not good, killing, the prime minister's son was killed!"

Xiaoxiu and Xiaoxue's faces turned discolored. They found that at some time, they had been surrounded by a group of patrolmen in the shop, and there was no way out!

Similar things are constantly happening in different places. Dozens of people, including Jun Qianheng, Nangong Xiaoyi, Wutong, and seven Xiaojinwu, accidentally killed a big man and were put in the prison of prison.

Regarding all this, Ronghua Datianzun was also caught off guard. Although he was a master of Nirvana, he could not go directly to the prison of the punishment department, that would be the enemy of the whole heaven.

In desperation, Ronghua Datianzun had to pass the news to Li Xing. But strangely, the news came out and did not get a response from Li Xing.

At the moment, the mixed world, Li Gui, was trembling, and Li Gui gathered with the people to discuss ways.

Li Guidao: "It's good to understand that this kind of thing happened only once, but it happened so intensively, it can only explain one thing. Someone must design the frame in secret, and all of us have fallen into the trap."

Li Ziran: "Guer is right, I think so, the most important thing at the moment is to rescue people. The other side has detained so many of us, there must be follow-up conspiracy, and they must not be allowed to succeed."

"But what should I do to save it?" Chen Xue was very worried. "Even the ninth emperor couldn't help it, saying that the matter had been taken to the emperor, and that the Supreme Court of Justice was adjudicating the case. Recognizing people, oil and salt are inaccessible, making people helpless. "

At this time, Ronghua Datian said: "The other party should have been prepared to do so. The most important thing at the moment is not to be self-defeating. The aging has informed the Lord, and we await further instructions."

Everyone came up with an idea, but at the moment no one could come up with a comprehensive solution. At this moment, the space was turbulent, and Li Xing's Jiuyang avatar suddenly came.

"Xing brother!"


The crowd greeted one after another, and suddenly had the backbone.

Jiuyang clone nodded slightly and said, "This is just a clone of me. The true body is still training in the ocean of time and space. It will not come out in a short time. What has happened here, I already know, it is obvious that someone has designed the assault.

"Xing'er, what should I do? Dozens of people have been put into the prison, and I worry that they will have an accident." Li Ziran was originally in retreat, but when he heard the news, he hurried out.

Tianzhu also said: "That's right, in short, you must first rescue people so that you can take the initiative."

Heavenly operators spend most of their time in retreats. At this moment, there are twenty-eight calamities.

Li Xing waved his hand and said, "I already have a solution. Don't take it lightly, everything has me." Then explain it again, and then straighten out the mixed world.

The first place where Li Xing arrived was the Ninth Tianzifu.

Although Ronghua Datianzun and others have already visited the ninth Heavenly Son before, they have not been able to seek help. But Li Xing believes that if he goes out in person, the effect will be different. After all, he is the ninth emperor's person. If the other party does not ask, it will chill the hearts of all the guests.

The ninth emperor quickly summoned Li Xing and said: "The purpose of your visit is already known by the emperor, but this matter is very serious. Someone wants to engage in it. The emperor is very passive now and cannot give a helping hand for the time being."

Li Xing's heart sank, and it seemed that things were more serious than he imagined ~ www.readwn.com ~ he asked: "Ninth Lord, who is the black hand behind the scenes?"

"The seventh emperor." The ninth emperor said, "I am a good seventh brother. He is iron-hearted and wants to get rid of you, because the potential you show makes him very scared. He knows that this emperor will help you and will definitely suppress him. One. "

The ninth emperor sneered: "That's why I let my servant Zhigong decide this vicious scheme. Your people killed the prime minister's son, the official's son Shangshu, and also killed two grandchildren, the son of an emperor! Xing, yours, but your subordinate Lou Zi, will be unable to hold back for a while and need to wait for an opportunity. "

Li Xing exhaled and said, "Ninth man, let's just say what I should do." He knew that the ninth emperor should have a strategy.

"There is only one way, and that is to make immortal achievements." The ninth emperor's eyes flickered. "The previous time, you made great achievements. The emperor is very happy. Even the rewards are ready. If you make a great contribution, then these Sin is not worth mentioning. "

"How to make achievements?" Li Xing asked.

"Go to the Bone Road World, and kill the Bone Road God." The ninth emperor said slowly.


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