Chapter 993 Robbery

Chapter 1093: Robbery

This robbery represents that Li Xing will be the enemy of heaven, and the Central Pure Land will have no place to stay. The previous efforts, such as the captain in the imperial camp, the military merits, the characters he associates, etc., are all available. For the bubble.

It can't be said that the seventh emperor was extremely vicious, leaving Li Xing nowhere to live and leaving a ninth emperor beside him.

However, for all this, Li Xing didn't care much. For monk, the most important and most important thing is self-cultivation and strength. The others are all vain. It is not a pity to lose it.

Three days later, Li Xing was about to start the operation. He ordered everyone and went to the prison with the pretext of visiting prisoners. It was the servant of the Ministry of Justice, the righteous deity, who took Xiaoxiu and others. This is what makes the Seventh Heavenly Son clever. The righteous Lord Tian Zheng is righteous, and it is impossible to walk in front of him. Otherwise, the ninth Heavenly Son can rescue a person in one sentence.

This is the second time that Li Xing has seen the Great Lord of Justice. This person's cultivation has actually improved a lot compared to the last time he met. Obviously, the Great World of Justice also belongs to the first-level plane. The inheritance power of this Great Celestial Master has been continuously strengthened, and now it has reached a state of extinction, forty-nine robbed the Great Celestial Master.

Upon seeing Li Xing, Justice Da Tianzun's expression was very cold, saying: "Li Xing, your family has committed a crime, and you are also guilty. You will also be detained here when the above approval comes down."

"Is that right?" Li Xing smiled slightly. "I have gone to a lot of places, but I haven't been to the prison. I will just have some fun and I will wait."

Righteousness snorted loudly: "I'm afraid you won't be so easy at that time."

Li Xinggan laughed and said, "Master Shi Lang, you are here to visit the prison, please be convenient."

This righteous deity has a benefit, that is, it is legally allowed to do it. He is not obstructed. As a man in the imperial camp, Li Xing really has this qualification, and immediately said: "Come with me."

He apparently attached great importance to this case. The killing of many of the members of the heavenly court was of great importance. He couldn't help but accompany Li Xing to visit the prisoner himself.

The two walked side by side, first through the teleportation, entered a large world, and then flew for a while to enter a prison. This prison belongs to an institution of the Tianbao official department, and all of Li Xing's people are in it.

This dungeon is made of Xuanxuan true iron, and it is extremely solid, even if it is extinct.

However, there was a righteous leader who led the way and passed unimpeded until he entered the interior. After many obstacles, he saw Xiaoxiu and others. Perhaps because of Li Xing's visit, Xiaoxiu and others were put together.

When they saw Li Xing, they were all very happy.

Li Xing nodded to the crowd and said, "Be at ease, things will pass quickly."

Righteousness snorted: "I'm afraid to disappoint you. These people have committed capital punishment and all have to be executed!"

Li Xing ignored him and continued, "Did you get embarrassed in the prison?" When he spoke, his eyes fell on Xiaoxiu and Xiaoxue. Both women were pregnant with his child, and he was afraid of moving his breath.

Both women shook their heads: "No, except for restricted activities, nothing else has happened."

Li Xing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take you away."

Justice Dao stared at Li Xing, "What are you talking about?"

Li Xing said lightly: "I said, I want to take them away."


On his body, the horrific power broke out, Ronghua Datianzun rushed out of the mixed Yuan world, grabbed his hands, and immediately subdued the righteous Datianzun, performed a secret technique, and controlled his mind and will.

One is Nirvana, the other is Perdition, with great disparity. The Lord of Righteousness has no chance to resist and is controlled. Then he issued a series of commands.

The nearby guards did not respond and were directly suppressed by Li Xing. Then, he gathered everyone into the world and rushed out with Ronghua Datianzun.

At the same time, Sanqing Grand Celestial Master and Guangyan Grand Celestial Master began to impact the prison outside and attract attention. With the cooperation of the two parties, Li Xing easily broke out of the prison, and the four of them joined together to do their best.

The three exalted deities, who were not four opponents at all, could not stop them, and sent rescue signals as soon as possible. Suddenly, the fighting spirit was sweeping across the sky, the murderous force swept through, burst into the sky, smashed in the void, the heavens exploded, and one big world after another was destroyed. The death was naturally guarded by the prison in heaven.

Li Xingyu was so powerful that he directly suppressed an extinct celestial deity, and used it to refine the soul of the war in the future. He was about to suppress the second person, and a terror wave passed. In the void, a black gap cracked, and a shocking palm grabbed.

At the same time, a majestic and cold voice sounded: "Bold thief, dare to rob the heavenly prison, give me death!"


In that big hand, there are countless worlds manifested, and between the bright and the dark, it seems to represent the reincarnation of the worlds, the change of civilization, and infinite power. Even Ronghua Datianzun's face changed so much that he couldn't move under pressure.

At this moment, Ronghua Datianzhuang roared and hit the infinite striker. A supreme killing light, like a nine-color **** thunder, lightning bolted away. As soon as he touched, he smashed the big hand, and a roar of thunder came from infinity.

Ronghua Datianzun hastened to retrieve countless attack charms. Advanced attack charms like this can be used more than once. However, before the next use, energy must be replenished, which is not what ordinary people can do.

Although it was only a blow, Ronghua Datianzun was still pale, and he waved his hands quickly, yelling, "Go!"

The four flew lightning fast, away quickly.

After more than a dozen breaths, several terror forces came and kept firing around, but several of Li Xing had already gone far.

"The urgent report! Li Xing, captain of the imperial camp, led a man to rob him, and betrayed the heaven!" The news spread like a wind and shocked many people.

The ninth emperor's mansion was very dull when he heard the news. He sighed and said, "He just had to take this step."

At the same time, the seventh emperor also knew about this. He laughed loudly and said to Zhi justice: "Mr.'s plot was successful, Li Xing will die. Ben Tianzi immediately sent a man to chase and kill this person. Now he has no imperial camp No one can save him! "

However, no one can think of it. After the four of them left, they went directly to the ocean of time and space to enter a vortex of time and space to retreat. At this time, the vortex of space can isolate all information, and the court of heaven cannot find them anyway.

Of course, this is just a clone of Li Xing. As for the real body, it has been cultivated for a long time, and the cultivation is still ongoing.

In a crystal bubble for a time, Li Xing's deity was sitting cross-legged, and Bao Xiang was solemn. At this time, he had already gone through five robberies and possessed the state of eleven robbers. However, the improvement of power is still limited, because the realm of the big world limits the improvement of power.

Five disasters and disasters in successive days have caused Li Xing to suffer every time, and have suffered a lot, but they all passed through safely. This time, he was hitting the twelfth Great Celestial Scourge.

Once successful, he will become the legendary Great Celestial Master, which will cause the world to undergo qualitative change and soar. The plane's ability to withstand power will also be greatly increased, and it will no longer limit the growth of his power until the next critical point of power is reached.

The legendary world, the reason why it is called legend, lies in its many peculiar qualities, far from being comparable to the basic Great Celestial Master. For example, the maximum power is greatly increased, the plane range is increased tenfold, and so on.

Day after day, year after year, even Li Xing ignored the passage of time. Among the ancient trees of civilization, the wheel of civilization has been completely completed, each of which represents a complete civilization. This is a huge asset to Li Xing, just like the inheritance of the great world obtained by other great deities, which can be contained within one calamity. And quickly improve the realm.

I do n’t know if the time in the crystal bubble has passed millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years. Li Xing finally broke through, experienced the twelfth great disaster, and entered the realm of legend!

The great disaster and disaster this time, the horror was boundless, and it directly blasted Li Xing's one hundred thousand gods kingdom into half, and a large number of creatures fell. Fortunately, Li Xing recorded the imprints of these creatures, and in a single thought, he could be resurrected.

And step by step into the realm of legend, the next promotion will be smooth sailing, thirteen calamities, fourteen calamities, fifteen calamities, until the rush to thirty-six calamities, this will stop.

Of course, in the meantime, he continued to experience the disaster of the Great Celestial Sect, one fiercer than the other, especially two breakthroughs in the epic and ancient stages, which almost made him extinct, and even the mixed Yuan world also received major creations. heavy.

The reason for the suspension is simple, because all the good fortunes have been exhausted. Even the civilized forces in the ancient tree of civilization have already used up a lot and can no longer be used in large quantities. Coupled with repeated robberies, the big world also needs to take a break, and then stop breaking through.

Becoming the legendary Tianzun of the thirty-sixth calamity, great changes have taken place in the mixed world. The biggest change is In the long cultivation process, four kinds of ancient trees were born, reincarnation ancient trees, plundering ancient trees, guarding ancient trees, space ancient trees, and spreading throughout the world, 100,000 kingdoms.

The ancient tree of reincarnation, as the name implies, can collect the brand of life after the death of the mixed world, and then organize and sort out, to extract the superior genes from it, to provide better genes for the mixed world, through the reincarnation channel, make it Advent.

The emergence of this ancient tree will make the creatures of the mixed Yuan world more powerful than one generation, and their qualifications will continue to improve.

Plundering ancient trees can produce looting seeds. The predatory seed has a strong penetrability, can break through the barriers of the plane, and enter some advanced planes, and it is invisible and invisible, even if it takes root in a large world, it will not be found.

When the predatory seed grows on the ectopic plane, it will begin to steal its power and grow into a new predatory tree. And when it is strong enough, it will turn the thief into a robber and transform the entire plane into Li Xing's territory.

In contrast, the Great Lord of the Lord of the Planes will also be reduced to Li Xing's puppet. One thought can make him alive, and one thought can make him die.


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