Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1094: Department of Legacy and Truth

Chapter 994: The Inheritance System and the True Ruth System

Chapter 1094: Inheritance and Truth

Among the four newly generated ancient trees, protecting the ancient tree is arguably the most practical, and it can immediately show results. This ancient tree can produce human-shaped Tao fruit, each time that fruit absorbs one more civilization force, it will increase the power of a calamity, similar to the practice of human calamity.

The birth of Dao Guo is quite the combat power of the Great Celestial King at the beginning, and then continues to absorb the power of civilization. It can also be transformed into a Dao Dao, a Second Dao, and so on.

These blessings, if blessed by Li Xing's will, will quickly break open the shell, and a guardian blessing will be born from it. Guardian soldiers will become the guardians of the plane, cooperate with the ancient trees of the war, one attack and one defense, to achieve both offense and defense.

One daodao fruit breeds one daodao soldier, and so on. The thirty-six daodao fruit has bred thirty-six dao ancient guardian dao soldiers, and its combat power is only stronger than that of the ordinary god.

In addition, the guardian soldiers can form a large array and strengthen the defense of the ancient trees of the war. This is extremely important for Li Xing, who often fights fiercely. He can protect the plane to the greatest extent and avoid being shaken.

The fourth type of ancient tree is the ancient tree of space. This kind of ancient tree can create complex spaces, wormholes, etc., to enrich the rules of space and improve the order of space. At the same time, it allows Li Xing to extend the power of the rules of the mixed world to the big world. Outside.

An ancient tree in space, which can carry countless spaces around it, overlaps and overlaps, and has complicated passages between each other. This space can jump outside the big world by itself, and move the laws of the big world outside.

This function will make it possible for ancient trees to be transmitted between different places outside the world. Of course, its premise is that both the teleportation point must have the space ancient tree and the teleport ancient tree.

The emergence of four ancient trees has further promoted Li Xing's world civilization.

I don't know how long it took to recuperate. When the big world came back to life, the voice of the ancient tree of civilization resonated in his mind: "The level of civilization has sharply increased, and it will be just a short time to enter the basic basic civilization."

Li Xing smiled and said, "The current difference is only accumulation. As long as there is enough accumulation, it is not difficult to advance."

In the ancient tree of civilization, the memory from the source of civilization tells Li Xing that the end of the big world must be the creation of civilization, and such a big world has a future, otherwise there is only a way to perish.

Civilizations are divided into several levels, from low to high, which are primary civilization, intermediate civilization, advanced civilization, satisfactory civilization, and superior civilization. Among them, primary civilization is divided into three stages: foundation, sublimation, and fulfillment.

In order to enter the primary civilization, not only the opportunity like Li Xing against the sky, but also the high-strength realm, at least to reach the level of extinction.

"You belong to the seed of civilization today, but you are no longer the seed of heaven and no longer represent heaven." The ancient civilization tree suddenly said again.

"Huh? Does n’t represent heaven, who does it represent?" Li Xingyi said, he always thought that he was the seed of heaven, representing the yin and yang civilization where heaven is located. Presumably, the Sanqing Great Celestial Master, Guangyan Great Celestial Master and others have also regarded him as the seed of heaven.

"Because you have practiced Nine Yin Gong, Nine Yin Gong, and yin and yang are one, this gives you the potential to dominate the yin and yang era. This potential allows you to once have the status of a heavenly seed and be qualified to represent the yin and yang era and participate in the competition of civilization seeds Go. "

"But in the future, you will build a new civilization. This kind of civilization contains all kinds of advantages and discards the good. The civilization you want to build must embrace the yin and yang civilization, not the yin and yang civilization. You will be the creator of the civilization. In the future Master. "

"Why does Heaven and Earth choose the seeds of civilization? What is the purpose? Who is in charge of all of this?" Li Xing asked continuously. He asked the ancient trees to discover the ancient memories.

After a while, the ancient civilization tree responded: "Every civilization seed will embark on the path of Xeon Trial and become stronger all the way. In this process, most of the seeds will be disqualified and fall on the journey. Can be reached There will be very few people at the end. When you reach the end, you will understand. "

Li Xing no longer asked, and his body was slightly supported. At that time, the hollow crystal bubble was broken, and a supreme Shenghui flashed. He turned into an electric awn, flying at an incredible speed towards the direction of Jiuyang's avatar.

"Assessing the strength, it is about 270 million times the combat power of the ancient Great Celestial Master, which is roughly equivalent to the strength of the 64 Great Celestial Masters." The ancient civilization tree calculated various data during the process of Li Xingfei's death in conclusion.

"It seems that the higher the realm, the greater the constraint on the challenge of the higher level." Li Xing shook his head.

The ancient tree of civilization: "If there is the cooperation of Jiuyang, the combat power can be increased tenfold."

Li Xing smiled: "Jiuyang's avatar has made rapid progress. This time, it must step into solitude first!"

When he found the Jiuyang avatar, the avatar was still being cultivated, and the three guardians of the Sanqing Datianzun also closed their retreats in crystal bubbles. So Li Xing stayed to protect the law for several people.

This is three years.

In three years, Jiuyang's avatar continued to make breakthroughs, and Li Xing continued to borrow ancient civilization trees to infuse it with civilization. Thirty-seven robberies, thirty-eight robberies, soared all the way, and finally steadily, reached the level of the forty-eight robbers and annihilation.

Of course, this is just the realm. In terms of real combat power, the strength of this Jiuyang avatar is still above the deity, which is roughly equivalent to the fighting power of the 70-day annihilation of the Great Celestial Deity, which is almost the same as that of the Nirvana-class Great Celestial Deity.

After the exit of Jiuyang avatar, the momentum was soaring that the space-time ocean shook it.

Soon after, the three guardians also went out of customs. This time, Sanqing and Guangyan Datianzun have entered the country again, and they have inherited more power. Ronghua Datianzun did not enter the country, and in the long years, he was only steadily repairing.

Ronghua is different from Sanqing and Guangyan. The highest state ever reached by Ronghua World is not higher than his own. As Ren Ronghua, he has carried forward on the basis of inheritance, and promoted the world by three times.

This shows that Ronghua Datianzun's qualifications are good enough to make a breakthrough all the way to the present. In fact, the successor of most first-level planes often cannot maintain the brilliance of their predecessors and helplessly let the big world fall.

After Ronghua went out of the customs, they found that Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun even went up three. Level, and then seeing his unsteady pace, he couldn't help but bemoaned, saying, "Unfortunately, we can't take advantage of aging. I don't know if we can break through in this life."

Li Xing glanced at him and said, "Inheriting the predecessor's world has both advantages and disadvantages. You don't need to be discouraged, I will help you in that time."

Ronghua Datianzun nodded: "Old is confident in the Lord and thanked him here." Then he said, "Like me, they are all inheritances, and they are indeed mixed. Before reaching the peak of hereditary power, it was a smooth journey. , It will soon reach its peak. However, once it reaches the apex of inheritance, it will be much more difficult to go further, and life will be limited as a result. "

When speaking, Ronghua Datianzun was very helpless. For example, in a big world, five great calamities have passed, the former Great Celestial Supreme fell, and the new Great Celestial Supreme was elected.

If the newly-appointed Datianzun has good qualifications, he will practice to the level of Wuzhang Datianzun within one calamity. On this basis, if the new Datianzun wants to make further progress and break through to the six calamities, seven calamities, or even higher realms, he must rely on his own strength.

In the process, the new Datianzun will find a very headache, that is, his actual life span must be reduced by the number of world robberies he obtained.

For example, in theory, the above can be practiced to the twelve calamities, then his true life will be twelve calamities minus the five calamities that have been inherited, and the remaining only seven calamities.

In other words, this great deity who should have lived twelve times can only live seven times now. Of course, in the realm, he is still the legendary big deity of the twelve calamities, and it seems that he has not suffered much.

But in fact, a person who has actually experienced the twelve world calamities is definitely more promising than a person who has inherited the five calamities and experienced seven calamities. Those who really experience the twelve calamities may even break through the twelve calamities, enter the thirteen calamities, or higher.

This is the shortcoming of the inheritance department.

After hearing this, Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun also nodded one after another. Sanqing Datianzun said: "This is also a helpless thing, everyone who inherits it will encounter it. The Lord is different, like the Lord ’s self The power to cultivate to a certain level is called Zhenru. "

The so-called truthfulness has the meaning of being consistent and the truth is not changed, to build the big world by oneself, and to act as the great deity himself. If it is the Great Celestial Master, the higher the realm, the rarer it will be. The so-called titles of legend, antiquity, extinction, etc., originated from Zhenru Department of Heaven.

Many of the basic Datianzun are true, but these monks are difficult to break into the realm of legend. The true nature of the legendary realm is the Great Heavenly Supreme, and they are definitely qualified to be called legends. They have carried the twelve heaven and earth calamities, or the twelve great heavenly calamities, with their own power, and possess extraordinary understanding and physique.

Of course, there is also a difference between Datianzun. Like Li Xing, only Tiantianzun calamity ~ www.readwn.com ~ has accounted for the vast majority of times. After all, it is really a long process to endure the scourge of heaven and earth again and again. Most people can't wait.

But there are only a handful of people in the world, and they can honestly experience the world calamity again and again. These monks have terrifying combat power and infinite potential, and they are truly the best in the department.

Although Li Xing does not belong to this category, it is not regrettable that his use of ancient civilization trees is not less effective than the real experience of the world.

However, when people talked, Li Xing put away the Jiuyang avatar, and by the way, received a mortal war spirit, which was refined during the robbery. Xiaoxiu and others were also transferred to the mixed world.

The retreat of Jiuyang in the vortex of time and space resembles Li Xing and has spent tens of millions of years. The time outside the vortex has so far been more than 800 years.

For 800 years, it must be enough for mortals to live the last time. But for Da Tianzun, this is no different from the time of a finger, Li Xinghun doesn't care.



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