Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1095: Mata Xuanhuang

Chapter 1095: Ma Ta Xuan Huang

Chapter 1095

Compared with the 800 years outside, the people in the space-time vortex have gone through a long time, which led to the birth of a large number of masters in the mixed world. 】

Due to the magical function of the ancient civilization tree, regardless of whether it is a mixed Yuan cult or a mixed Yuan creature, there have been considerable improvements, and this progress has shocked Li Xingdu.

Mixed Yuanjiao began to appear a group of exalted deities, and some of them have their combat power looming close to Li Xing. For example, Wutong and Minmin, both of whom are already the Great Destroyer of Fifty Calamities.

However, if the realm of the most rapid improvement is to count the ladies of Li Xing, except Xiaoxiu, everyone has reached the 55th state of annihilation, and there is a great deterrent to heaven and earth. momentum. Even Xiaoxiu is already in the realm of robbing Tiantianzhuang in 52 years, and the speed of progress has left Li Xing far behind.

In addition, the generations of Jun Qianheng and Li Yingxiong have also stepped into the forty-eight calamities, and even forty-nine calamities have become famous.

This is also due to Li Xing being able to provide enough power. From the ninth emperor, he obtained a large number of celestial bodies of the celestial body, which can be refined into the great fortune for these people to cultivate. In addition, the group plane obtained last time has not been fully refined, and it is just for use now.

In fact, Li Xing has been advancing rapidly during the retreat. The reason why he did not continue to advance is to save the resources of cultivation and facilitate the promotion of everyone. The fact that everyone was trapped in a prison made him understand that only one person was strong and that he could not guarantee the safety of those around him.

Therefore, he decided to improve the combat effectiveness of those around him as soon as possible.

Sure enough, people did not disappoint him, and they made great progress one by one. Even the Chaoyang Great Celestial Master, Qingyun Great Celestial Master, Dalasol, and the servants they took over that year, some of Li Yi and Li Er also stepped into the realm of ancient Great Celestial Masters.

If this thing spreads, it will definitely shock the eyes of the world. You know, a monk in a plane can actually explode in such a collective way, and his brain has soared, which is not in line with common sense!

But this is indeed the case, perhaps due to the luck of Li Xing, or perhaps by virtue of the mystery of the ancient tree of civilization. In short, all of them are growing at a horrible speed, and even the creator of Li Xing is unbelievable.

In comparison, the real speed of the hybrid Yuan Yuan is not as outrageous because of being suppressed by Li Xing's realm. However, the base of the real people in Hunyuan is huge, so there are many people who advance.

Among them, there are more than 8,000 people in the thirty-five days of the epic Datianzun; thirty to thirty-four days of the Great Tianzun, about 8 million people; twenty-four to twenty-nine days of the Great Heaven, about 320 million people. .

There are even more Tiantians in Legend Realm, with four billion people.

The number of the underlying Great Celestial Masters can be described in terms of terror, and the number is 80 billion.

The collective improvement of the real people in Mixed Yuan has also enhanced Li Xing's strength. The strength of these real people alone is not less than the strength of Li Xing's deity.

Seeing the prosperity of the mixed-yuan world, hundreds of millions of souls are doing well. Li Xinghao made a sensation, and a long whistle, Xiang Ronghua Da Tianzun and others said: "The central pure land can't hold me, then go to the four wastelands. Four wasteland heaven and earth Big, even the power of heaven can't get involved, it's just a show of strength! "

Ronghua Datianzun laughed: "The Lord said that, in fact, there is nothing in the central pure land. After this period, isn't it about to become one of the four wastelands? The Lord entered the four wastelands, and by virtue of the strength of the mixed world, It will rise quickly. "

Li Xing's eyebrows were raised, and his face was shameless, saying: "The mixed world has countless living people. It needs a lot of energy to support their growth at all times. It has already stretched me. There are countless forces, and we are here to stir up a storm of blood and plunder! "

As soon as this idea was spoken, everyone looked at each other, rushing this man to the four wastelands as a robber!

The muscles on Sanqing Datianzun's face were pumped a bit, and he quickly said: "Lord, the four wastelands are crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Some group planes have been established. Let's keep a low profile."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "In the face of the real strong, we must know how to converge. But in the face of our opponents, we must spare no effort and plunder."

Guang Yan Da Tianzun added: "The Lord is wise, in fact, there are countless sections in the four wastelands, and the situation of each section is different. Most of these sections cannot be completely unified, and there is no group plane to sit in. We can completely stay in these places. Start. "

Ronghua Datianzun seemed to think of something, and laughed, "Wonderful! In the process of plundering, I continued to strengthen myself, and then gradually unified a certain area. On this basis, the Lord can summon the Quartet masters in accordance with the predecessors, and finally create a Group plane. "

"Establishing the group plane?" Li Xing's heart moved, he hadn't thought of it yet, and thought about it.

The group plane was established by several great deities to unite their big world together. However, the establishment of a group plane is not a one-time event, and the process is full of risks and difficulties.

However, once the group plane is established, it means that it has a foundation. For example, the Pure Land of the Gods, Sword Realm, Nine Mountain, and Confucian City are all examples in the group plane. Another example is the central pure land, which is the core group plane of the yin and yang civilization of this era. Since its establishment, it has been expanding and becoming stronger and stronger.

Li Xing clearly remembers that since he entered the Central Pure Land, the area of ​​Pure Land has expanded by at least one-thousandth, because there are constantly new Great Celestials joining the Central Pure Land.

Moreover, all of these great Celestial beings who join the group are peerless powerhouses, in which the exalted Great Celestial Beings are not superior, and there are many people in the Nirvana Realm, and the Promiseless Realms are not rare. Party.

If he can also establish a group plane, he can continue to absorb new Datianzun to join, his own strength will grow at a few horrible speeds, maybe he can really compete with the central pure land in the future!

However, this kind of thing is still far away from him, just think about it at this moment, really go, he is still far behind.

Seeing Li Xing's heartbeat, Ronghua Datian said: "Before meeting the Lord, the heavenly court invited the old man to join the Central Pure Land. At that time, I was hesitant to join. However, the old man was accustomed to it and was unwilling to suffer. Restraint, eventually refused. "

Li Xingzhan smiled with great confidence: "You can rest assured that if you build a group plane, heaven and earth, in all directions, no one has an advantage over me. Right now, if the timing is right, then the group plane will be able to immediately set up."

Everyone took it for granted, and Sanqing Datianzun smiled and said, "That is of course. The prerequisite for establishing the group plane is that there must be enough big Tianzuns in the big world itself. Then, these big Tianzuns have to take their own The big world, integrated into the plane of the Lord, can build the prototype of the group plane. "

"It is said that the embryonic group plane must have a minimum of 100,000 ancient ancestors above the ancient level, otherwise, the core of the plane cannot be formed at all. The core of the plane is the pillar of strength and cohesion of the group plane. Without it, There is no talk of the group. "

"Yes, Lord, this condition is fully fulfilled. As long as the Lord is given enough time, it ’s not difficult to talk about the 100,000 Great Heavenly Supreme, even if it is 100,000.

Ronghua Datianzun sighed: "The big world on the Lord, let the old decay admire the five bodies. I think I am the nirvana of Nirvana, but the number of **** in this plane is less than one thousandth of the Lord. ! "

In the Ronghua world, the highest heavenly deity is only the ancient heavenly destiny of forty-seven. Relatively speaking, it is far worse than Li Xing, no matter how much quantity or quality, he can not compare with it.

Li Xingdao: "But after all, it is still too weak, and even if there are 100,000 dead Great Deities, they are still as weak as ants in the face of the Promise and even the Great Deities."

"So, we must not have pride, but we must steadily lay down the mountains and rivers in the Four Desolations, and then slowly make ourselves strong." Speaking of this, he thought about it and continued, "I have already thought about it, and we will go north."

Everyone had no objection, and they walked away immediately. After a little discussion, they set out on the journey.

Bei Xing, Li Xing has also been there not long ago, beheaded and murdered, and made military achievements. Here, it is a place he is more familiar with, which is one of the reasons why he chose to go to the Northern Wilderness.

As for other reasons, Li Xing has deeper consideration. According to the information of all parties, the Northern Wilderness is one of the Four Wildernesses. The group has the fewest planes and the most loose one in each section. It is far easier to start than the other Three Wildernesses.

The four flew like electricity, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at Dacihai. This large magnetic sea is still very dangerous, but there is no accident on the way of this indigenous belt of Dalasso, and everyone easily crosses it.

As soon as they entered the northern wilderness, everyone felt a sense of vicissitudes, permeating the world. The place where they settled down was one of the countless sections of the Northern Wilderness, called Xuanhuang Continent.

The predecessor of the Xuanhuang continent was changed from the Xuanhuang Holy Land that has no idea how long ago. The Xuanhuang Holy Land is a group plane side by side with the central pure land. However, it has become beyond recognition due to the devastation of countless world calamities.

Xuanhuang Holy Land no longer has any living deity ~ www.readwn.com ~ all dead, and even the inheritance is cut off, it has now become the ownerless thing, which is now the Xuanhuang continent.

Today's Xuanhuang continent is full of monks, and a considerable number of them have been descended from the Xuanhuang civilization, and they still started to practice the Xuanhuang rule.

Although the Xuanhuang Holy Land has fallen, the laws on it have never faded, but have become the land of countless souls, giving birth to countless tyrannical species, intelligent humans, strange plants, and mysterious scenery.

The moment he stepped on the Xuanhuang continent with two feet, Li Xing said, "According to Dalasol's memory, this is the Xuanhuang Great World. When we first came to Xuanhuang, we should say hello to our neighbors."

Ronghua Datianzun laughed: "It's time to say hello. This hello is done by the old." He lifted one foot and stepped on it slowly.


The tremor of the eight sides, the shock wave of terror shocked the heroes of the four parties, the monsters of the eight parties, one after another to pay attention to here.


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