Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1096: Rebuilding the mountain gate

Chapter 1096: Rebuilding the Mountain Gate

Chapter 1096: Rebuilding the Mountain Gate

"Who is so arrogant, let me explore!"

"Come here, quickly find out the reason, I'd like to see, who dares to spread wild on the King's territory!"

"Brothers, take the guy, let's go and see who's tired and awful, dare to be so presumptuous!"

Suddenly, where the fluctuations were, a leader of a force issued an order. ╭ (╯3╰) ╮Xing Li and his party have begun to go deep into the Xuanhuang continent to find a suitable place to rebuild the gateway to the world.

Originally, his great world portal was built into the chaotic star domain, and he had already prepared the groundwork. However, the plan could not be changed. After the robberies, he had to choose another one and restart the business.

Establishing the portal of the big world requires several conditions, which cannot be found all at once. Therefore, Li Xing was fully aware and constantly searched the surrounding terrain environment, which also shocked many indigenous monks.

Just in Li Xing, he saw a mountain range, and found that this mountain is connected with the octagonal terrain, and even nine days aura, can gather the essence of the sun and the moon, and draw the air of the heaven and earth. If you take good care of it, it will be a rare good mountain gate.

What's even better is that this mountain range is by no means an ordinary mountain range. It should be formed by the corpse of some tyrannical creature. There is a kind of power fluctuation that Li Xing cannot see through.

"Well! Who are you, dare to go wild in front of my house and surrender quickly to avoid death!"

Just as everyone was studying carefully, he suddenly heard a loud drink and jumped out a dark monster from the mountainside. The monster was holding three forks, wearing a red scarf, a horrible face, fangs bursting, and a **** mouth full of stench.

Everyone stayed for a while, then laughed. This monster is not very good at repairing, it is a great celestial body in the beginning, and the foundation is not very stable. It seems that he has just risen, and dare to jump out and threaten this master.

Li Xing was also happy, and with a change of heart, the two old men walked out of the mixed world. These two people, one is Pig Ganglie, the other is Hu Bafang, both of whom are of the demon origin, are the followers that Li Xing accepted in the demon forest of the dragon elephant world.

Since the two demons followed Li Xing, Xiu has made great progress. Although he lost his practice for a time, he recovered immediately. Nowadays, both of them have the practice of the legendary Twenty Calamities.

Legend of the Great Celestial Master, although it is nothing in the mixed world, it seems that everyone, but outside, is definitely a character. After all, the number of Legendary Grand Celestial Masters is far less than the number of basic Grand Celestial Masters.

These two demon have been retreating in recent years, and they have been boring birds for a long time. Li Xingyi released them, and they were all happy. They made a slap, worshipped everyone, and then said, "What does the master have to command?

Li Xing laughed: "Go and talk to this expert and see if you can let us alone."

How can Hu Bafang and Zhu Ganglie not see Li Xing's meaning? This is to make them play this ignorant monster in front of them, immediately "hehe" smiled and acted on orders.

The two walked up to the demon. Hu Bafang had a cruel smile on his face, his hands crossed, and his knuckles made a crackling sound, as if it was a thunder. The legendary sky has infinite power, and blow powerful breath to death.

The monster later learned that it seemed to feel bad at this moment. He glanced quickly at everyone, and then laughed, "Don't think that you are higher than me, you can win the king."

"Oh?" Hu Bafang was very curious. "You say we can't beat you?"

"Of course!" The monster arrogantly said, "This king has already condensed the breath of this mountain range into the plane. How can you fight?"

Hu Bafang sighed and said: "The old man has always said that I am a muddy man. I saw you today and found out that the real muddy man is you." After that, I stopped talking nonsense and burst out a phosgene above my head, turning it into a huge white light. , Caught it down.

This is a legendary great heavenly mystery, which Hu Bafang learned by himself, called "Crazy Tiger Tears Heaven." You should know that Hu Bafang was originally a tiger spirit, and the enlightenment of the Great Celestial Secret Skills complimented each other. The power was so strong that Li Xingdu nodded slightly.

The monster looked at Hu Bafang's shot and roared, which caused the whole mountain to shake. Above the earth, a strong blessing blessed him, turning it into a giant fist, and blasting it down.

The light palm collided with the giant fist, making a muffled thunderous sound, Hu Bafang was motionless, and the monster was shocked to the ground ### Sitting on the ground, full of surprise.

In fact, the most surprising thing is Hu Bafang, the legendary Great Celestial Master of Twenty Calamities, whose combat power is ten times higher than that of the Great Celestial Master of the First Realm, but the monster in front of him is not injured, which is beyond his comprehension.

If he were to be his own master, of course he would not be surprised, but in front of him is a stupid monster, how can he have such a strong qualification?

Everyone was moving, Li Xing shot two rays of golden light through his eyes, directly penetrated the barriers of the plane, and forcibly entered the monster world to spy on. He soon discovered that in his big world, a fist-sized crystal was at work.

The crystal apparently belonged to a stub, with strange runes running on it, I don't know what it was. But it is certain that it is this thing that enables the monster to use the power of the mountains underneath.

"Interesting." Li Xing stretched out his hand, Jingguang's big hand flew directly into it, dug out the chip, and took a closer look in the palm of his hand.

"You ... you robber!"

The monster was frightened and angry, pointing at Li Xing and screaming, gritting his teeth. Li Xing didn't bother to pay attention to this little monster.

Hu Bafang sneered, and said, "Eat me again!"

Without the help of the chip, this monster only felt that Wanshan was the top, knowing that it was definitely not Hu Bafang's opponent, and he called out quickly: "The king is forgiving, the little demon is guilty, the little demon is guilty!"

Li Xing waved and said to Hu Bafang: "Bafang, we are new here, we don't know much about Xuanhuang continent. Don't kill him, you are subdued, and ask the surrounding situation well."

"Little understand." Hu Bafang smiled fiercely, grabbed the monster, and began the process of "submitting."

Ronghua Datianzun has the most eyesight. He looked at the chip for a long time and said: "This object should be the core fragment of Xuanhuang Holy Land. Although small, it can mobilize the power of Xuanhuang continent."

Li Xing nodded: "I also feel it, but unfortunately it is incomplete, otherwise, the entire Xuanhuang continent will definitely be refined in the future."

Packing up the chip, Li Xing inspected it again and finally decided to open the Great World Gateway here. Establishing the portal to the big world doesn't take much time.

The mixed world, the one-hundred-hundred deities kingdom, and countless great deities came out of the native plane and entered the Xuanhuang world. Li Xing did not see them, but let them travel independently, increase their knowledge, and sharpen themselves.

At the same time, the portal of the Mixed Yuan religion was officially opened on the mountains. Overnight, a magnificent palace was built, the palace is the headquarters of the mixed Yuanjiao.

On the third day of the reopening of the Great World, everything was over, and Li Xing summoned a few people. These people are the King of Blood Shadow, King Kong, King of Poison Bee, King of Strong, King of Yinshan, King of Zhou.

These six people were also followers of Li Xing's conquest in the dragon elephant world. Their cultivation is all over Hu Bafang and Zhu Ganglie, all of which are ancient great deities, and their cultivation ranges from thirty-six to forty.

Li Xingdao: "In the beginning, you were all kings with rich experience. Now I will give you a month and walk me around and occupy a mountain, so as to defend the Dahuang Mountain."

Dahuang Mountain is the mountain range occupied by many people. According to the little demon's confession, Dahuang Mountain belongs to the outer boundary of Xuanhuang continent and is a place full of aura. However, the forces occupying this place are often quickly destroyed, which has led to the phenomenon of no one in Dahuang Mountain for a long time.

There are dozens of forces near the Dahuang Mountain, large and small. They have occupied the mountain as king and ruled an area. Within the sphere of influence of each force, all human plants, animals and demons must be subject to control.

Since Li Xing is going to settle down here, naturally he must clean up or collect all the large and small fish around it, otherwise he will not feel relieved. This kind of thing is not very difficult, but it requires special skills.

The kings led, and Li Xing called out seven young Jinwu, Li Xuanbai, Jun Qianheng, and others, and said, "Xuanhuang continent is vast and boundless, with countless creatures. From now on, you will all go out to preach and gradually mix Yuanjiao carried forward. "

Everyone thought that this move could go out and travel, and naturally they were willing to choose a direction and began a missionary mission. These people are elite figures of mixed religions, such as Jun Qianheng, Wu Xiaobao, Jian Xingtian, etc. They all followed Li Xing early in the morning.

Wutong, Xiaoyi, and the superiors are disciples of Li Xingshou. With these masters coming to preach, Li Xing believed that the mixed Yuan religion would soon grow stronger.

On the tenth day of the establishment of the Great World Gateway, forces finally came to the door. On this day, two little guys, Yuanbao and Xun, were holding Li Jiao to play near Dahuang Mountain. Yuanbao and Aya are no longer pitiful, but now they are all twenty-four calamities.

Li Jiao has grown up a lot ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this moment, there is a look of a two-year-old child. She is petite and cute, and it is the love of all people. Most of the time, she is playing heartlessly, and I and Yuanbao are undoubtedly good playmates.

In the vicinity of Dahuang Mountain, there are usually only people in the mixed world. Foreign forces dare not enter. But today is an exception. Suddenly, a terrifying light fell from the sky, showing five people.

These five people are all young people, two women and one man.

The presence of the five people made Xun and Yuanbao vigilant, protecting Li Jiao for the first time, and then staring at the five people.

These five people all have ancient-level cultivation practices. They don't look at each other at all. One of them looked at the portal of the Yuanyuan World, disdainfully: "What a great person I am, but I am a thirty-six robber. People, dare to establish a portal in Dahuang, I really do n’t know how to write death! "

"Yeah, everyone said that this Dahuang Mountain contains a secret. Everyone wants to know, but everyone is afraid to occupy this place. Whoever dares to occupy it is a public enemy and must die. This person is undoubtedly dead!"


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