Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1098: Yuan Meng

Chapter 1098 Yuan Meng

Chapter 1098 Yuan Meng

1097 Blue Sky Supreme

For the evaluation of five people, Yuanbao immediately raised his eyebrows and yelled, "Who are you, dare to run to the gate of the mixed Yuanjiao and point your fingers, not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue?"

Although Yuanbao has cultivated an epic realm, he can face these five ancient celestial deities without any doubt. . . `'' It's not his daring, but knowing that everything that happened here can't escape Li Xing's eyes. If these people dare to do something, it is that Lao Shou star hanged himself, enough to live.

All five looked at Li Xing, and the speaker sneered: "Little cricket ant, dare to drink and wait for me, kneel!"

The man shouted like a thunderous thunder from nine days, and the earth shook. A strange and violent force poured into Yuan Bao's ears. He felt his knees uncontrollable and felt a kind of kneeling.

Startled, Yuanbao forcibly held back, staring angrily at the other side. If it wasn't for his superb cultivation, I'm afraid he'd be in the way of others, kneeling on the ground, and losing Yuanjiao's face.

However, the gap in the realm is too big. At this moment, Yuanbao was full of cold sweat on his forehead, his body was shaking, and it seemed that he could not hold on for long. At this moment, Li Jiao, having a candy in her hand, was eating happily and looked at Yuanbao curiously.

The little girl pulled the sleeves of Yuanbao, milkily and arrogantly, "Brother Yuanbao, are you hot?"

As soon as she spoke, a mysterious power waved out, which directly broke the mystery of the speaker.

It turned out that the ancient Great Celestial Master used the power of a drink to perform a secret ritual of the Great Celestial Master, calling it "The Great Secret Voice", specifically to capture the mind. Unexpectedly, the little girl spoke only one sentence and broke his secret voice.

The man was shocked first, and looked at Li Jiao quickly, and found that the humble little girl actually had the practice of the ancient god, and was very young. He relaxed his vigilance and laughed: "It turned out to be a little girl."

Yuanbao suddenly recovered nature, and quickly protected Li Jiao behind him, saying: "###, don't come out, they are all bad people."

Even if it is an ancient god, the little girl is a little girl after all. Although she has high wisdom, she has little knowledge, and she has a simple heart. She only knows the difference between "good people" and "bad people."

When she heard that the other person was a bad person, the little girl actually opened her eyes and clapped her hands. "Dad said, you can fight with bad people. Brother Yuanbao, can I hit them?"

Even when the situation was tense, Yuanbao couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "###, you are still young and can't ..." He suddenly stopped talking and widened his eyes because Li Jiao had already shot.

The little girl suddenly appeared in the air, and the little hand of ### pinched into the shape of a lotus finger, and the one who cast the secret voice of the ancient Great Celestial Master, said with a milky voice, "Bad, fall."


The ancient Great Celestial Master suddenly felt heavier and lighter, the rules around him were chaotic, and when his strength was loose, he somehow fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

The other four ancient Great Celestials opened their mouths in shock, and their hearts were horrified at the same time. What is this means? Just make someone fall? As if the laws of heaven and earth obeyed his orders.

After waiting for the fallen Tianzun to stand up, the other Tianzun had a cold look and shot arrogantly. An invisible big hand grabbed the past, silently, and Yuanbao and Yan could not see it at all.

However, the little girl looked at the score, her mouth narrowed, and said, "Dad, someone hit me."


The void exploded and was torn apart by a supreme force, a golden light hand full of chaos, stretched out from it, and shone the invisible large hand directly, The ancient Da Tianzun, who used the tricks, was distressed and shook his body.

Then, Jingtian pressed his big hand down, and one person was angry: "Who bullied my girl?"

"Ah! Run away!"

Including the person who fell to the ground, all his face changed greatly, his heart was terrified, and the people who came were too terrible. At least it was the exalted top celestial deity, which was not something they could compete with.

It's a pity that it is too late to leave now. When the big hand pressed, ignoring the space, the five people who were scattered away were directly pressed to the ground, one by one. Then he drew back his hands and grabbed all five.

At this time, Li Xing stepped out of the void, with his left palm facing up, and there were five villains held by his spellcasting, which were exactly five ancient great deities. At this time, they looked at each other like dirt, and looked at Li Xing tremblingly for fear of being killed.

"Senior, we have no bad intentions. Please ask the seniors to open up one side and don't kill us."

Li Xing hummed and ignored him, and said to Li Jiao, "Daughter, come and play." He handed the five villains to Li Jiao.

These five people were all cast by him a new enlightenment technique of the Great Celestial Master, called "the technique of Nazhen". By performing this technique, people or things can be sealed into a specific time and space, and at the same time, they can People or things appear in front of others.

This is a very high-end mystery of the Great Celestial Mastery. It is very delicate and difficult to control. Even the exalted Great Celestial Master may not be able to be exhibited, but Li Xing can, and it ’s so good that you can directly give five ancient Great Celestial Masters to you. Sealed and made into a daughter's toy.

Li Jiao patted his hands, and said happily, "Thank you father." Then he put the five villains into the pockets of his body with the candy in his hand, and saw Yuanbao and stunned.

The origin of these five people, Li Xing has long known that some forces have been spying on, either secretly or explicitly. To which forces these five belonged, he had already found out secretly, so he didn't ask, and directly suppressed.

After ordering Yuanbao to take Li Jiao back to the Yuanyuan World, Li Xing came to Ronghua Datianzun and others, and said about the talent, saying: "The five people represent the three parties, these three forces are near the Dahuang Mountain The three strongest are Qingyue Cave, Lingxi Mountain, and Blue Lake. "

"These three forces are the strongest in Qingyue Cave. The ancestor of Qingyue Cave, named Qingyue Shangren, is a 59-day calamity. Under this person, it is not a cause for concern."

"Lingxi Mountain is comparable to Biloxi. The founders are the Great Celestial Emperor and the Great Celestial Emperor. They are relatively easy to deal with." Li Xing analyzed. Attack three passes and win in one fell swoop. "

"Ronghua, you go to Qingyue Cave. Be careful. There is a nirvana weapon in the hand of that Qingyue master. You'd better carry out a sneak attack and don't fight it hard." Li Xingdao.

Ronghua Datianzun: "The old is getting worse!"

"Sanqing and Guangyan, you two went to Lingxi Mountain together. You must win the Great Rhinoceros. It is a rhinoceros. If you can surrender as a mount, it is best. If it is not easy to surrender, you can kill." A command.

"Yes, I understand both."

The three took command, and the soldiers split into two lanes, each of them went on their own way, while Li Xing went to Blue Lake alone as the third lane.

Blue Lake is located in the southeast of Dahuang Mountain. The blue lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides, covering a vast area. The lake is full of blue waves, and the windless sun can mirror the blue sky, which is quite spectacular.

For this place, Li Xing had long inquired clearly that the leader of the place was called Blue God, who was a woman, and fifty-two robbed him. His Majesty received 300 disciples and hundreds of thousands of subordinates, and Zhantan was king.

Of the three hundred disciples, three or five have reached the realm of the ancient Great Celestial Master. Among the hundreds of thousands of subordinates, there are also more than ten epic-level deities. However, this is nothing, a power is stronger than no, not in the number of people, but in the realm of the one who is the highest.

For example, there is only one person on one side, but it is the ancient celestial deity of thirty-six calamities; while the other side has one billion people. Then the former can blow this billion people to death with a single breath.

Big Blue Supreme is no exception. She is the backbone of all people, the core of strength, and everyone must rely on him to guard.

Soon, Li Xing arrived over the Blue Lake. He was here to cause trouble. There was no need to talk about etiquette. When he appeared, he manifested the celestial body. His heaven respects the Fa, with blue sky above his head, and his feet on the ground.

Breathing, the stars shattered, the sun and the moon turn gray; breathing, the heavens enter the abdomen, swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth. Shaking his body, Wanjie trembled; raised his palm, suppressed ten squares.

At this moment, the blue lake exploded its nest, one after another screaming in screams, filled with despair and great fear, as if the sky had fallen and the ground collapsed, and the world would be destroyed, and no one could escape.

At this moment, a turquoise brilliance, soft and tenacious, rose from the pond water, slowly supporting the power released by Li Xing, which made the hundreds of thousands of people living under the pond water settle down and felt the pressure. No longer so drastic.

"Dao You came to visit, there is a loss of distance, forgiveness." Then a gentle and pleasant girl, such as a bead and a jade plate, sounded. Subsequently, a woman in a pale yellow shirt walked out of the pond, like Lingbo Fairy.

This woman looks like twenty, she has a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament, with a slight smile on her jade, which is naturally the blue sky.

Without reaching a smile, Li Xing snorted and said, "You people from Bilutam ~ www.readwn.com ~ came to me to teach me to deceive my daughter, I want to discuss it!"

The blue sky sighed and said, "It must be my youngest apprentice, and it is a disaster caused by being instigated." She bowed to Li Xing, "The younger sister, on behalf of my unwieldy apprentice, told Tao Brother pays off. "

When the other party did so, Li Xing was a bit bad and immediately peeled off his face. Originally, if the Blue Sky Emperor was also tough, even if he said harsh words, Li Xing could find an excuse to directly destroy the Blue Sky Lake.

However, the other party even made such a gift, and he could even describe it in a low voice, and he would not turn his face immediately.

"Hum, is it a complete gift?" Li Xing sneered.

Big Blue Supreme sighed, "I'm afraid my brother came here for another purpose. The younger sister has lived here for a long time and has many similar experiences. This can still be seen. So please speak up."

Li Xing secretly said coldly, "You have no control over your disciples. If you continue to stay here, it will pose a direct threat to my mixed Yuan religion. Therefore, you must move out of this place within three days, otherwise I am not polite. ! "


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