Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1099: To Yuanmeng

Chapter 1099: Going to Yuanmeng

Chapter 1099: Yuan Yuan Meng

On the other hand, everyone returned to the Hall of Mixed Yuan, and Li Xing reached out and touched it. Five feet above the ground, a huge map appeared. This was what he collected after sorting, including about one-tenth of the Xuanhuang continent. The area around Dahuang Mountain is included.

Everyone can see from the map that Dahuang Mountain is located in the center, and in its west is the Yunmeng Kingdom. The territory of Yunmeng State is very huge. Compared to the surrounding sesame-sized countries, it is definitely a behemoth.

Li Xing pointed to the Yuan-Meng National Road on the map: "This is a difficult bone. I just revealed a little bit today, and it sent three masters to it. In the future, once we have wind and grass, it will inevitably come forward. Come to inquire, and even take the opportunity to start on Dahuang Mountain. "

Everyone was deeply convinced that this Yuan-Mongolian country, as a great country, naturally would not sit idly by the rise of forces around it, even if it was not so powerful, it would try to stifle in the cradle as much as possible. It can be said that no matter whether the current Yuan and Mongolian states are hostile to the Dahuang Mountains, they have become their theoretical enemies and must plan ahead.

"The meaning of the Lord, what should we do? If you fight, our side is not Yuan Meng's opponent." Ronghua Datianzun said.

Li Xingdao: "There is only one reason for the Yuan and Mongolian states to deal with us in the future. That is, we do not belong to the Yuan and Mongolian states and may pose a threat to them. If we can become a part of the Yuan and Mongolian states, then we will be safe and sound. development of."

"Become a member of the Yuan and Mongolian kingdom?" Sanqing Datianzun stunned, and then thought, "What does the Lord want us to do to make a Yuan and Mongolian kingdom?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes, our strength is not weak. If we dare to go to Yuan and Mongolia, there must be many forces competing. To be precise, we are not relying on Yuan and Mongolia, but a certain force on Yuan and Mongolia."

Several people nodded one after another, Ronghua Datian said: "The Lord ’s method is very good, so that he can eliminate the threat from the Yuan and Mongolian countries and also use the Yuan and Mongolian countries to gain time for development."

They are all smart people. Li Xing does not need to say more. Although the Xuanhuang continent is loose, it is an ancient civilization left by the Xuanhuang civilization. After all, it has bred countless geniuses and masters. It is by no means a master or two of nirvana and infinity.

If you want to make a difference in such a high-powered place, you must use your strength to develop in secret. Undoubtedly, joining Yuan and Mongolia is a relatively good choice.

After becoming a member of the Yuan and Mongolian states, not only can they use the strength of the Yuan and Mongolian state, but they can also plunder "justifiably", which is exactly what Li Xing needs.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Li Xing said: "Okay, so we have to find a way to join the Yuan and Mongolian states. However, we don't know about this Yuan and Mongolian, so I have to go to Yuanmeng and make a choice first. Go on, explore the situation over there, and see which forces are more promising. "

"The Lord said that the force we are relying on is not necessarily the strongest, but it must have the most potential. Only in this way can we develop with that force without attracting much attention from the outside world. Guang Yan nodded again and again.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Pause for a while. "I will go there, at least March, many years. During this time, you keep your ground, and you must not argue with outside forces until you have no choice but to do so. . "

Everyone should be.

In fact, the forces near the Dahuang Mountain have long been subdued, even if they think of fighting. Unless new forces move nearby, conflicts are likely to arise.

Li Xing ordered everything and prepared for a few days before setting off for Yuan and Mongolia.

Da Tianzun took one step at a time, and it didn't take long for him to arrive in the Yuan and Mongolian states. At this moment, he was standing in front of a majestic pass, which was the most eastern pass of the Yuan and Mongolian states, and was called Baxueguan.

Baxueguan, the gate tower is as high as 10,000 blades, and the roads are densely covered. The idle characters cannot pass through forcibly. They must enter through the gate at the bottom. The gate was fifty steps wide, high Baizhang, the trafficker was walking dead, and the carriage and pedestrian were consciously inspected and paid the customs clearance fee before they were allowed to pass.

Li Xing turned into a scholar, carrying a book basket behind him, carrying a bamboo stick in his hand, and walking towards the pass step by step. He has hidden all his cultivation behaviors. Outsiders can only see the cultivation practices of the ancient Great Celestial Master only when he is the Great Emperor.

The sergeant went to the pass, and the sergeant who kept the pass didn't look at him a little more. After receiving ten legendary fortune-making dans, he let go.

Before entering the gate, I saw a wide and neat street. This street is very reasonable. Everyone walks to the right, there are lanes for cars, there are roads for horses, there are people on the road, they do not conflict with each other, so they are very smooth.

After all, the mainstream of the Xuanhuang Great World is not the Great Celestial Master, but the Celestial Master, Saints, Daojun, Daozun, and even Masters and Mortals. These people can only walk in the Xuanhuang Great World without any power to fly.

It's not that they don't want to fly, but the strong rule of Xuanhuang continent makes them unable to fly. Only by achieving Great Heavenly Respect will it be possible to fly freely, and even break through the constraints of space, one step at a time.

After walking for a while, Li Xing decided to take a ride instead of a horse. He was looking for it, and when he felt someone approaching behind him, he stopped and turned his head to look back. I saw a woman, dressed as a young man, followed behind him with a smile.

Upon seeing this person, Li Xing opened his eyes slightly and said, "It's a coincidence that you fall in love with Daluo. I actually met you here."

It turned out that this person was actually the leader of Blue Sky, the Blue Sky Lake. Although she is dressed as a man, she is still beautiful, blind people can see that she is a beauty, not a man.

"The little girl entered Yuanyuan to do a trivial matter. I didn't expect to meet my brother. It was really good luck." She said with a smile.

"Good luck?" Li Xing sneered, "I don't think so, maybe it's bad luck."

Blue Sky Tianzun smiled slightly and said, "Tao Brother doesn't seem very happy to see the little girl. Why is this?"

"I'm not unhappy or happy. It's not much different from meeting you than meeting a tree." After turning, he turned and went on his way.

Blue Sky Tianzun was not angry at all, quickly followed, and said, "Sister Brother should be looking for a scooter, isn't it? My little sister often comes to Yuanmeng and is more familiar with the situation. How about we ride together?"

Li Xing had no objection, and said lightly: "anywhere."

Belau immediately beckoned, and a carriage in front stopped. There are two horses in this cart. This horse is not an ordinary horse. It is called a flying cloud galloping horse.

The coachman was a half respect, and he asked lukewarmly, "Two?"

Bi Luo nodded, and first picked up the curtain. Li Xing was also rude and got on the bus immediately.

The car was gorgeously decorated, the car was unusually balanced, and the carriage was barely felt. For a moment, neither of them spoke, and after about a quarter of an hour, Blue finally couldn't help but said, "Why don't my brothers speak?"

"Do you think I have something to tell you?" Li Xing asked back. He has only one side with this blue sky deity. If the other side had told the secret of Dahuang Mountain, he would have been killed by him.

For such people, Li Xing has no interest at all.

Big Blue Supreme sighed: "My brother is too indifferent, my sister has no resentment with you, why is this so?"

Li Xing smiled "Hey": "If I speak to you, it may not be good for you, you should be happy now."

Blue Willow frowns slightly: "Little girl doesn't understand what Brother Dao meant."

Li Xing simply closed his eyes and said a word, which made Bi Luo bad to say anything, shook his head with a bitter smile, and closed his eyes with his eyebrows.

Xing Xing Xing Xing Xing, walked for two days, during which the two said nothing, motionless. Until the driver's voice came.

"When it arrives, the fare is 50 yuan."

Li Xing opened his eyes and stretched out his hand to pop a Guanghua into the driver's hands, exactly twenty-five legendary alchemists. Later, Blue also paid the fare, and the two got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, look around and see whether the surrounding is far or near, and build gardens. Between the gardens, streets are built. There are all kinds of shops on that street, and business is not bad.

Li Xingzai carefully observed the surrounding environment. The more similar insights, the more helpful he was to build a mixed world. For example, the setting of such streets, the architectural style of residential houses, etc. can all be borrowed from the mixed world.

Bi Luo glanced at Li Xing and said, "Little girl goes one step ahead, and there will be a period later."

Li Xing only nodded slightly, not even looking at it. The latter smiled slightly bitterly, resolutely turned away, and did not know what to do.

When the other party was gone, he recognized his position, and strode forward. He walked, looking slowly and fast, and a dozen breaths crossed a distant distance to an unusually lively street.

Of all the pedestrians on this street, ninety-nine are Datianzun. Even the slaves who follow their masters are mostly half-respected, which shows that this street is somewhat different.

Walking down the street, looking around, I quickly got my target.

This is a restaurant with a large area and hot business. The restaurant has always been a mixed place of dragons and snakes. If you want to know any news, there is no better place.

Li Xing stepped in and Xiao Er greeted him and asked what he ordered. He ordered a few dishes and asked for a jar of wine ~ www.readwn.com ~ a few plates of fruit. He chose the seat on the side of the first floor and drank quietly.

The taste of the dish is okay, the real fire fried dragon liver, the vinegar glazes the chicken gallbladder, the oily stuffed bear essence palm, the stir-fried five-color silkworm. As for wine, it is the finest Sanjiejia brewing.

The so-called "Three Calamities" refers to the strong and mellow flavor of this wine after three great disasters. If you take a sip, you can feel a kind of vicissitudes of the Third Age and endure the baptism of civilization.

This wine is extremely precious, and the price of an altar is worth five hundred legends.

Of course, Li Xing actually wanted to drink the sixty calamities, which would be good for his cultivation. Unfortunately, this restaurant is not for sale.

When the drink was about to run out, the restaurant finally came to a guest Li Xing wanted to see. This man is five big and three coarse, and is not high or low. He is a twenty-one robber.

There are not many guests in the restaurant who can reach the legendary realm. Even if they have, they have just entered the legendary realm. It is rare for such characters to have twenty-one calamities. So he immediately became the focus, and his complacency appeared on his face.


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