Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1100: Juyitang

[Body] Chapter 1100 Juyitang——

Chapter 1100: Juyi Hall

As soon as the twenty-one robber legend Tiantianzun appeared, the restaurant's second child immediately stepped forward to greet me with a charming attitude and tone completely different from usual.

"Excuse me, what do you need?"

The big man waved with a grin and said, "No need to ask, just bring all the best dishes and the best wine, and I'll have a drink with some old people later."

Xiao Erhuan responded, bowed and retreated, and went to work hard.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before two more legendary giants entered the restaurant and sat at the table of the previous big man. The three were very enthusiastic, and after a few polite words, they began to cheer up the wine.

Two newcomers, one is the fifteenth calamity, and the other is the eighteen calamity. The three sat together and talked about the current situation and important news of Yuanmeng.

The first legendary Datianzun who came was called "Brother Zhu", and the other two were "Brother Chen" and "Brother Yang".

Brother Zhu said: "Two brothers, have you heard of what happened in Jugutang recently? Juyitang has a new powerful character, thirty-eight robbers of ancient great deity, superior strength, and even forty-eight robberies. Datianzun cannot suppress it. "


Brother Chen and Brother Yang air-conditioned and said, "My God! Is there such a great person?"

The thirty-eighth calamity and the forty-eighth calamity have fallen by ten levels, and the latter can't suppress the former, which shows that the strength of the ancient deity of the thirty-eighth calamity is very horrible.

Speaking of it, Brother Zhu himself felt first and said, "Everyone said that there were tigers and hidden dragons in Juyitang, and it really was true! I heard that there are no such talents in Juyitang."

The other two nodded again and again, Brother Yang said: "That's right, the main church is run by the Ming family, and it is responsible for the talented Hua Shao, of course.

"To explain the family, although it is not the largest clan in Yuanmeng, there are two marshals and one prime minister among the clan. If it was not deliberately suppressed by some ancient nobles and relatives, it might already be the second largest clan in Yuanmeng. "

Li Xing secretly noted that he knew that the first surname of Yuanmeng was the iron surname, and naturally no other surname could surpass it. Therefore, the title of the second largest group represents the pinnacle of power in the Yuan and Mongolian states.

Everyone talked about current affairs for a while, then Brother Yang sighed: "Unfortunately, none of us have any powerful means, otherwise we will go to Juyitang to try our luck, maybe we will be selected."

"It's rare! Those who enter Juyitang are not necessarily very high-level, but their strength must at least reach the ancient Great Celestial Rank, so that it is worthy of the attention of the Ming family."

"I also heard that the Ming family did n’t ask the source and only looked at the potential. As long as the potential is large enough, they can join Juyitang. After entering Juyitang, they will be recognized by the Yuan and Mongolian military and officially, and they can build a career. The future is immense. "

"I heard recently that the owner of the Ming family had just received an order from the founder to expand the Yuan and Mongolian country 800 steps in the east within three years. This step refers to the step size of the Great Heavenly Lord and the 800 heavenly masters. Steps, that must be a distance of tens of billions of miles. "

After listening to the required information, Li Xing paid the liquor and went directly to Juyitang.

From the information gathered, the most promising family in Yuanmeng today should be the Ming family. That Juyitang is the Ming family's Hua Shao. Joining Juyitang is naturally equivalent to becoming a Ming family visitor.

Coincidentally, Li Xing rushed to Juyitang and passed a huge garden, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"You're too much!" The owner of the voice was very angry.

Li Xing couldn't help but pause and watched intently, and he saw that Bi Luo Da Tian Zun was confronting a young Da Tian Zun. The realm of the young Great Celestial Master is comparable to the blue heaven Great Celestial Master.

Youth Datianzun's eyes kept sweeping around Biluo, and he grinned, "Biluo, you have no choice. If you want to continue to get" Xiao Yao San ", you must pay. This time, I want your body. "

His eyes flashed with inexplicable brilliance: "I can't help being excited when I think of being able to interact with beauties like you ###, which will greatly help my practice!"


The blue sky is full of anger, ### keeps shaking. However, this anger was gradually replaced by helplessness, and then faced with despair. It seemed that she could not refuse.

Li Xing was passing by. Although he didn't plan to stop when he saw such a scene, the next sentence of Blue Sky Supreme made him stare wide and couldn't help but stop.

"But I already have a man." Bi Luo Da Tianzun bit his lip. "He is the master who occupied Dahuang Mountain, and there are nirvana characters around him."

When did she become her own woman? Li Xing was very depressed. He hadn't even touched this woman's ###. How could he be regarded as her man? He could certainly see that the woman used herself as a shield.

Since the matter involves himself, of course he cannot sit idly by, or he may erect another enemy in the future.

"Blue, why don't I know you're my woman?" He suddenly appeared behind Blue Sky, and asked coldly.

Blue was taken aback, apparently not expecting Li Xing to show up here, and overhearing her conversation. Suddenly she was at a loss.

It is amazing that she hasn't spoken yet, and the young celestial devil has jealously reprimanded: "Is that you? The women in this seat dare to snatch, and the sin should be dead!"


This person usually kills people without blinking, and the killings are done very smoothly, so he will wipe out Li Xing. In his eyes, Li Xing is a thirty-six calamity lord, who is as weak as a ant in front of him.

The average person killing a ant is not a big deal, so he doesn't have any extra thoughts, he just wants to kill and vent his anger.

Li Xing is absolutely unexpected. When he encounters such a ###, he will not even give a chance to explain it to www.readwn.com. After being surprised, it was anger. He always did not offend me, and I did not offend.

However, if anyone commits a crime, he will definitely fight back fiercely.

"Huh!" His face was ugly, and it was the first time someone had taken the initiative to attack him after entering the ancient Great Celestial Master.


He uttered two simple words in his mouth, and he evolved in one stroke and went up. This blow made his strength soar tenfold and possess incredible power.


The young Datianzun felt an incomparably stiff, indomitable force hit him, and he shattered like a glass with the palm of Datianzun's mystery. Then, endless violent surge came, drowning him instantly.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: how could there be such a terrifying mystery? How could there be such a powerful character?

He has 10,000 unwillingness and 100,000 regrets, but unfortunately nothing can be changed. Soon, the last strand of consciousness was lost.

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