Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1101: Xiaoyao San

[Body] Chapter 1101 Xiaoyao San——

Chapter 1101

The face of the young man was broken by the palm of Li Xing, the true spirit dissipated, and he could not die any more.

Li Xingzhan's overwhelming power surprised Blue Falls, then sighed quietly, and said, "Who do you know who was killed?"

"Who is it?" He asked the creatures in the opposite direction into the kingdom of gods, and then asked indifferently.

"One of the stewards of Xiaoyao Palace," said Bi Luozhengzhen. "Xiaoyao Palace is a very large organization. If you kill them, you may be dangerous in the future."

"I killed him because he wanted to kill me. And the reason why he wanted to kill me seemed to be inseparable from you, right?" Li Xing's face was cold, and a cloud of murderousness locked the blue sky.

Bi Luo was so cold-hearted that she had seen Li Xing's strength and knew that she could not even take one move. The man in front of him was too scary.

With a bitter smile, Britten said: "The little girl just wanted to protect herself and didn't mean to frame her brother. However, this caused trouble to the brother, and the young girl was willing to be punished."

As she said, she closed her eyes and let out a defensive force, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Li Xing Leng snorted: "Even if you kill you, you can't change the facts. Keeping you will be useful."

Blue fell for a moment, and said, "What does Dao mean?"

"You will be my ###. What I ask you to do, you have to do, there is no room for bargaining, do you understand? If there is a disobedience, I will kill you directly, and then destroy Blue Lake!"

His tone was cold, and when he spoke, the surrounding area was filled with horror and anger, which made Bi Luo's heart sigh, and he sighed, saying, "Yes, slaves understand."

This means that she has promised to do Li Xing's ###, and since then she will obey.

Li Xing waved his sleeves, directly mingling his income into the Yuan world, and began to ask everything about Xiaoyao Palace. Blue Sky Master must answer all questions and tell the cause and effect of the incident one by one.

It turned out that Blue Sky Master met a man 10,000 years ago. The man was very tall, and he went to Tian Xun Xun Xiao Xiao Xun. He began to associate with blue sky Ten Zun at the beginning, and he revealed the meaning that he wanted to cultivate with him.

Xiao Xing looks so handsome, so handsome, and so high, such a man is a woman's dream. So Blue Sky Tianzun rashly believed him, with every possible obedience.

Just in the process, Xiaoxing Datianzun took out a kind of Xiaoyaosan and took it to Biluo. After taking this medicine, there will be a wonderful feeling, this feeling is stronger than the moment of happiness when boosting strength, millions of times stronger.

After using it once, the blue sky can no longer be separated from Xiaoyao, and it needs to be used once in a while. But at this time, Xiao Xing Tianzun revealed his true colors.

It turned out that this Xiao Xing is just a member of Xiaoyao Palace, and its main goal is to attract those who have no partners to induce Xiaoyao to take Xiaoyao San.

This Xiaoyaosan, once used, will have a very strong dependence, even if the Great Deity can not be quit, and will accompany a lifetime.

It wasn't until later that Biluo knew that Xiaoyao Palace's purpose for doing this turned out to be to gather the good luck Dan. The price of a small package of Xiaoyao San, as high as 10,000 yuan, is not something that ordinary people can afford.

The small package of powder can only be taken more than ten times. After use, you must buy it again. In addition, the amount of Xiaoyao must be continuously increased in order to maintain the state of pleasure.

These monks who depend on Xiaoyao San are called Sanshou in Xiaoyao Palace. They are huge in number and provide huge income for Xiaoyao Palace every day.

Naturally, the power of Xiaoyao Palace is also huge, and there are inextricable relationships with members of the royal family.

After listening to it, Li Xing suddenly realized that it was not like the "drugs" of the previous life, it was a kind of specially harmful things.

With a sigh in his heart, he felt a little sympathy for the woman. However, now he has more important things to do, as for the side of Xiaoyao Palace, let it go for a while.

Juyitang is located in a forest, isolated from the world, and Li Xing finally found a way. In front of it, a huge gate appeared faintly through the forest. Above the gate, the book has the three characters "Juyitang", and behind the gate is a mist, I don't know where to go.

In front of the gate of the square, there was a tall man standing on each side, and looking at the momentum, it was actually an ancient-level deity.

Li Xing gave a slight cough and swaggered towards the Fangmen. The two men stopped immediately, and one of them asked, "Who?"

Li Xing chanted: "I am a great monk in Yuan Dynasty. I heard that Juyitang gathers the Wizards of the world, so come and try to see if you can join.

A big Han said coldly: "If you want to join Juyitang, eat my two together and strike. If you don't die, you can enter."

Li Xing laughed: "So what are you waiting for, get ready!"


Two giant axes fell from the sky at the same time, severely chopped off.

Li Xing was carrying his hands, and a ray of golden mane rose from his forehead. He only heard the two sounds of "Ding Ding". Li Wensi didn't move, but the two giant axes burst apart, and a gap appeared on it.

The two men were taken aback, and then bowed in a salute, "Come in!"

Li Xing smiled, strolled inside, and disappeared into the mist. As soon as the person walked away, the two Hans looked at each other, and they both saw the shock from the other's eyes. One person said, "It looks like there is another powerful person."

Another said: "Just don't know, how is better than the previous one?"

"It's hard to say, they have their own advantages. This time, there was a good show."

After the gate, it became a world of its own, but it was created by a broken world. As soon as Li Xing appeared, he was led into the hall by an ancient great deity.

In the hall, there were three people standing there, all of them were imposing, all of them were annihilation class. He looked at Li Xing expressionlessly for a while, and said, "Everyone who enters Juyitang must pass our level."

Li Xing: "I don't know how to pass it?"

"It's very simple. As long as you can surpass your opponent by surpassing the five small steps ~ www.readwn.com ~" it will pass. "One person said," Report your strength. "

"Thirty-six robberies." Li Xing smiled slightly. "Let the three laugh."

The humane said: "Well, there will be a forty-one calamity who will fight against you. If you win, you will pass."

Li Xing shook his head: "I'm afraid this is not appropriate."

The man sneered, "Why, are you afraid? If you are afraid, leave Juyitang immediately. Don't be mediocre here."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I mean, you should send forty-eight annihilation Datianzun to play, otherwise it would be too boring to fight."

"What?" All three were taken aback. This man was crazy!

"Can't it?" Li Xing asked.

"Of course you can." One of the extinct celestial beings stood out. "I am the forty-eighth calamity!"

Li Xing nodded with satisfaction: "You have a bit of interest, you can shoot."

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