Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1102: Reversal

[Body] Chapter 1102 Reversal

Chapter 1102 Reversal

The forty-eighth calamity emperor Tianzun shot two ray of strange light, looking at Li Xing, unfortunately, in any case, he could not see the depth of Li Xing's strength, although he was clearly an ancient figure of thirty-six calamity. . .

Feeling like this is not the way to go, the forty-eight annihilation Datianzun finally gave a low drink and slowly launched. This temptation is extremely conservative. He can make a three-pointer, a seven-pointer, and can withdraw at any time. He will never get caught in it. This shows that he is very cautious.

With a slight smile, Li Xing stepped forward, and only made a slight bump with his body, then he heard a "bang", as if the sky had collapsed, an overwhelming force came in, letting the other party "snap" even Take two steps back, then "plop" and fell forward, and fell a dog's mouth mud.

This is a unique attack method of Li Xing.

The other two extinct Datianzun were startled, no doubt, Li Xing's revealed strength is far above them.

The solitary Da Tianzun on the ground should have been annoyed, but he suddenly jumped up, "haha" laughed, and arched at Li Xing: "Brother is really good, okay! Juyitang has another amazing master! "

This statement undoubtedly means that Li Xing has passed the customs, and he will be a person from the righteous church in the future.

Instead, Li Xing said, "It's that simple? No other tests?"

The man laughed: "It is natural for others, but the strength of my brother is unfathomable. The more such a character, the better, the better, the other tests will naturally be exempted."

Li Xing nodded and arched his hand, "It's just that I have offended many people, and I'll accept it."

The man waved his hand indifferently: "I have something in my mind, my brother has already been merciless. I can feel that your power is endless and there is no outbreak at all. Otherwise, I'm afraid I've been shocked to death by you."

Li Xing said nothing with a smile, and secretly admired this Juyitang, and the people who selected these tests were truly extraordinary.

The next thing is much simpler. Hua Shao, the person in charge of Juyitang, has to meet him in person. The place where he met with Hua Shao was a small or large living room. The hall was burned with precious robbery incense and set a table for wine and dishes.

At the table, there were three people, one young deity and two old deity. The young man, Tiantian, has forty-eight robberies, but the momentum is obviously higher than forty-eight robberies. He should have a combat strength not less than fifty-five robberies. It should be Hua Shao.

The two elderly celestial beings are much deeper, and they are both strong and powerful in the sixty-eighth calamity. However, Li Xing is not timid. Including the combat power of Jiuyang, he can fight against Wu Ditianzun. If he starts, he can suppress two old men.

The young man is naturally Hua Shao. When he saw Li Xing, he stretched out his hand and smiled: "Mixed Yuan Taoist, please sit down!"

Li Xing was also polite and sat down opposite. He sniffed and laughed, "The good wine of the Seventy-seventh Anniversary and the incense of the seventy-five Anzac, Hua Shao is really generous."

Like the fine wines, the fragrant incense is the treasure that has undergone the baptism of civilization. The aroma when it burns has a magical effect, which is great for Datianzun and extremely precious. This shows that Hua Shao attaches great importance to him and actually uses these precious things.

Hua Shao smiled slightly: "Juyitang can get such high-level people under your feet, what are these little things?"

Li Xing: "Thank you so much for your love, your subordinates have not done anything, and they are ashamed."

"It doesn't matter, you will have a lot of chances in the future. As long as anyone is willing to do something, Hua Shao will never betray him." An old man spoke with a loud voice.

Li Xing nodded: "The subordinates will not disappoint Hua Shao."

The wine is good, the fragrance is good, and the dishes are naturally not bad. He was the first time to eat such delicious and delicious food. Naturally, he let go of his belly and ate it. In doing so, Hua Shao was greatly appreciated, and his face continued to smile.

After drinking, it's time to talk about business. Originally, as a gatekeeper of Juyitang, they all dispatched tasks from above, while Li Xing asked for help. When the two sides talked about the situation in Yuan and Mongolia, he interjected in a timely manner: "Hua Shao, Juyitang can not only develop in the scope of Yuan and Mongolia, but it is best to expand its forces outside."

Hua Shao nodded: "This, Ben Shao had an idea early, and has been ordered by others. If you can think of it, you can think that you are a caring person."

Li Xingdao: "Subordinates have visited the area to the east of Yuanmeng Meng before and found that the forces are intertwined. If they can use it for their own use, Juyitang's strength will be greatly increased."

Hua Shao thought for a while and said, "What do you mean, let Ben Shao start in the east?"

Li Xing nodded: "My subordinates came to Juyitang for the first time and did not make any contribution. They wanted to complete this for Hua Shao and unify the area of ​​the west of Yuanmeng Mongolia!"

Hua Shao's eyes lit up and he said, "Can you do it?"

It's a big thing to unify the east. Even if he personally takes the lead and leads many masters, it will take a long time and huge energy. Li Xing was willing to do it alone, and he was naturally happy.

Li Xingdao: "Don't hide Hua Shao, the subordinates have some roots in the east. Since I have already trusted Hua Shao, that business naturally belongs to Juyitang. It should be for Juyitang. That's the idea."

Hua Shao nodded: "Okay, this matter will be left to you, and Juyitang will fully cooperate. You can even mobilize the Yuanmeng Army, I hope you will not let me down."

"Yes." Li Xing answered.

Although he received the order, Li Xing could not leave immediately. After the winery was dispersed, he was taken to the residence of Juyitang, and went through some formalities in the next few days. For example, Juyitang wants to give Li Xing a formal and quite Yuan Dynasty Mongolian identity.

The place where he lived was in a separate house, and nobody was bothering, but he was still at ease. Taking advantage of this, he asked him about the situation of Xiaoyao Palace from Biluo mouth. In his mind, he calculated whether to find a chance and go to Xiaoyao Palace.

According to Bi Luo, the Xiaoyao Palace has existed for more than one century, and it is not known how much wealth has been converged. If it is obtained, it will definitely be a fortune.

When the procedures were similar and Li Xing was preparing to return to Dahuang Mountain, an accident happened.

On this day, two twenty-four robbed epic lords found Li Xing. These two don't look at the realm, but they are so proud and do not look at Li Xing.

"We are all the doormen who reverse Datianzun. They are called by Datianzun to summon you." One of them shouted loudly, his nostrils were facing the sky, his face was full of impatient expressions, and he was completely a superior person. Tone.

Li Xing felt that his mind was not enough. How can an epic little man in this cargo area be so blindfolded? He was also an old antique with high reputation and super strength, so he couldn't help being curious and asked, "Who is the reverse Heaven?

The two men immediately said indignantly: "Do you not know who reversed Da Tianzun? That is the master who suppresses 48 Dalai's silence and destroys Da Tianzun!"


Li Xing said nothing and shot it directly. The strength of his deity has now reached the level of sixty-four nirvana nirvana. With this palm, two small figures were suppressed directly. One of them has been smashed into a shatter, and the other has seven bleeds.

It was a joke. A man who was thirty-eight robbers dared to send someone to summon him. This was undoubtedly a shame. He killed one on the spot.

He said lightly: "Don't say you guys, even if that **** reverse Tian Tianzun came before me, you can't be so arrogant. Save your life, go back and pass a message to reverse, and say I'll wait for him to pay the crime."

With a wave of his hand, the man fell to the ground like a dead dog, screaming, crying, and fled the scene.

In another solitary courtyard of Juyi Hall, a young man sitting in the courtyard quietly, he seemed incompatible with everything around him. If the world is ice, then he is hot; if the world is light, then he is heavy.

It seems that any rule in front of him will be reversed. He is just a new master in reversing Datianzun, Juyitang.

He heard that another powerful character from Juyitang, the ancient Great Celestial Emperor of the thirty-sixth calamity, could also defeat the solitary Great Celestial Emperor of the 48th calamity. In this regard, he was very dismissive.

"No one can surpass me!" This was his true thoughts and invincible belief.

Therefore, he just sent two children to summon Li Xing to see for himself whether this person is really as powerful as the legend.

Cluttered footsteps came from outside the hospital, and the door was knocked open with a "knock". One of the two boys stumbled and ran in. He was bloody, his footsteps were scattered, and the epic steps were actually abandoned.

"Master, Zhang Wu is dead, and I was abolished and repaired as ..." The boy fell to the ground and wept loudly.

Reversing Datianzun's face a cold ~ www.readwn.com ~ Q: "What did he say?"

"He said it would be arrogant to wait for the master to pass by, and that he could press the master to death with just one finger." The boy hated Li Xing so much that he exaggerated the original words and deliberately provoked the inversion.

Reversing Datianzun sneered: "It's very good! Such a arrogant person is only fun to kill!" When he waved his hand, the doorman's body exploded and turned into blood mist. Such waste has no value anymore and there is no need to live any longer.

But he said that Li Xingzheng was waiting in the hospital, and not long after that, a sneer appeared on his face. Immediately "Boom", the courtyard door was smashed by an invisible force, a big deity came in.

This man, who reversed Datianzun, soared to the top, shocked the entire Juyitang people, rushed out of his residence, and watched from a distance.

"Well? Isn't that new reversing Datianzun? Another one seems to be called Hunyuan Datianzun. They are all amazing people who can defeat the solitary Datianzun. This is a great show!"

The figure of Hua Shao also appeared in the distance. The two elders behind him frowned. One said, "Hua Shao, are you trying to stop it? It is not good for either of them to lose."

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