Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1103: Holocaust Escape

[Text] Chapter 1103 Havoc and Xiaoyao Branch——

Chapter 1103: Havoc, Xiaoyao

Hua Shao said: "If they don't fight, how can they be better? In Juyitang, only real masters have status. This battle is inevitable and will be fought sooner or later. It happened today. "

The old man nodded and said nothing more.

Reversing Datianzun finally stood opposite Li Xing and asked coldly, "You killed my doorman?"

Li Xing gave him a scornful look, as if looking at a dead worm, saying, "If it is you, it will be dead."


"You **** it!"

A large hand full of reversing breath, pressed down from the void. Wherever the big hand goes, all rules are reversed, and all power is reversed.

"Amazing, this is the reversal thumbprint of Reversing Datenzun. He used this to kill Silent Datenzun!" Someone exclaimed.

Li Xing's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "The pearl of rice grains also shines brightly?" A letter was handy, and a surging force ran over it. Under this force, the reversal fingerprints issued by Reversal Dayzun broke down.

Among such forces, there is a faint hint of civilization, breaking all methods and surpassing all Taoism, the sound of an instant penetrates into the depths of its great world, sealing all the power.

"Ah! What kind of power is this? How could there be a sense of civilization?" At the moment, Fang Tianzun's face changed tragically, and he roared, struggling desperately. Unfortunately, all of this is futile. Li Xing's deity has reached the level of sixty-four Nirvana Nirvana, and it is not at all reversible.

Li Xing's five fingers were beaked, and he was held like a dead chicken, and said coldly: "You sent two indecent people to come to shame me, and you should be able to predict your end. Of course you and I are both People in Juyitang, I shouldn't have embarrassed you. But unfortunately, I hate people who don't ride on my head, so you're dead! "

At this moment, a person suddenly called out in the distance: "Keep people under you!"


Li Xingli ignored it, and directly squeezed the reversal of the Heavenly Supreme, and seized the souls of the reversal of the world. As for the power of the reversal of the world, he was naturally absorbed.

This kind of world power has a lot of enlightening effects on him, and he can actually reverse all powers. He carefully understands it, and can surely perform a powerful technique of heavenly respect and increase his strength.

When the reversal of the Datianzun plane shattered, the life of the baby fell, and the whole turned into dust, but there was a crystal inexplicable bead still intact. This bead releases a breath that reverses everything.

Li Xing's eyes suddenly flashed, and he realized that this bead must be the basis for the reversal of the Great Heavenly Supreme. Of course he was rude and put it away on the spot.

Behind him, there was a roar, who was the one who told him to keep his hand.

Li Xing turned around and saw a middle-aged man who was very imposing. He stared angrily at himself, asking, "Why do you want to fight him?"

Li Xing said indifferently: "Kill and kill, kill one waste, why not make a fuss."

"You ..." The other side's eye muscles leaped sharply, gritting his teeth.

"Okay, that's it." Hua Shao's voice came from afar. Middle-aged people couldn't say anything. He hated his sleeves and turned away.

A voice from Hua Shao sounded in Li Xing's ears: "This person is the head of the Ming family, and Reverse Datianzun is the one he recommended. In fact, Reverse is his illegitimate son. You should meet him later, be careful. "

Li Xing nodded slightly and returned to his residence.

After the storm, he set off for the next day. However, instead of returning directly to Dahuang Mountain, he was ready to explore Xiaoyao Palace.

He knew a lot from Xiaoyao Palace from Biluo mouth, knowing that this force controls the rest of the Great Celestial Master through Xiaoyao San, and then swindled the alchemy, or coerced them to do things.

The Blue Sky Supreme is also an old guest of Xiaoyao Palace. She knows that one place is the branch of Xiaoyao Palace. The purpose of Li Xing's trip was that branch.

The branch is located north of the Yuan and Mongolian states, and Li Xing arrived within a short time. It is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there is a huge basin in the middle. The vegetation in the basin is lush, green, and the scenery is really good.

Li Xing used his means to hide this body in future time and space. The whole person seems to disappear, but the sense of God can sense everything now.

According to Blue's memory, he first entered a compound. Sure enough, as soon as I was admitted to the hospital, I saw that there were several people in the hospital who were at ease, and the person in charge of the transaction was a young man.

A few people traded for a small amount of happy life at a high price, and then left happily. The remaining person returned to the room to sit down, and seemed to be waiting for the next wave of business.

Li Xing was so sullen that he waited slowly. Until it was getting late, this person successively picked up a lot of people who came to buy Xiaoyao San, and then closed the gate and then started a teleportation circle.

Li Xing had already prepared, turned into a scent of breath, attached to him, and was teleported together. The opponent's strength is just a legendary realm, of course, there is no sense of abnormality.

After a short while, the man entered a big world. This big world was extraordinary. He had gone through sixty calamities, and he was a stable Nirvana. Li Xing did not act lightly, he only attached to the man and observed carefully.

The man first handed over the elixir, then received more Xiaoyao San, and then left. Of course, Li Xing would not go out together, but attached to a person who issued the elixir and continued to observe.

The place where the alchemy was recovered and released was in a huge warehouse. During the three days Li Xing observed, more than 100,000 people came every day to extract Xiaoyao San and hand in the Dahuahuadan.

Of course, in addition to the chemical alchemy, some magical instruments, congenital treasures, etc. will also be sent to the warehouse. Those who have not had time to sell the property will be exchanged for Xiaoyaosan.

It can be seen that the business in this place is very large. Li Xing secretly looked at it. This warehouse has a large capacity but it is almost filled with various things, the most of which are elixir and Xiaoyao San.

Since this is Nirvana's Great Plane, everything is believed to have been concealed by the owner of this Plane, so the warehouse did not send heavy soldiers to guard it.

Li Xing deduced again and again, feeling very confident in success, and decided to leave this warehouse empty and make a fortune. However, after all, the other party is a sixty nirvana Nirvana. It is easy to defeat it, but it is difficult to kill it.

At that time, in case more powerful experts are attracted, it will be troublesome. Therefore, he must make a quick decision, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he must leave the place as soon as possible, and does not intend to kill the Nirvana.

Suddenly, Li Xing showed his true body, and at the same time he urged the reverse ball that he had just collected. Although this bead has just been collected, it has been deduced clearly by his chaotic heart and urged. The effect is stronger than that of the reversal of Datianzun.

Suddenly, an overwhelming reversal force began to undermine all the law and order of this plane and set off a huge disaster.


A roar passed down from Gao Tian. This was an angry reprimand from the owner of the plane. Apparently, he felt bad, and began to rush around to fight the fire.

At this moment, Li Xing slammed into the warehouse, and with a big fist, the warehouse was collected by him. This warehouse is actually made with a silencer, but it is branded with the owner's breath, so it is not easy to move.

However, at this moment, the other party was attentive and had no time to split, Li Xing easily succeeded.

The other party immediately sensed it, and with a loud drink, there was a supreme power to suppress it. Li Xing collected the inverse beads and banged with one punch, yelling, "Break me!"


The magnificent world of Nirvana was opened a hole by his life, and he flew out of the air, and laughed from a distance: "Thank you for your kind gift, goodbye!"

A beard-bearing Da Tianzun was so angry that he stomped his feet, but knew that he could not catch up with the other side, and quickly sent a distress signal to his superior. But he knew it was too late!

Li Xing was in a good mood, and the warehouse had been enough for him to spend time. He even thought that in the future, if he had a chance, he would have to give the other branches of Xiaoyao Palace a catastrophe, which is much more convenient and easier than killing and plundering.

It didn't take long to return to Dahuang Mountain, and during his departure, Dahuang Mountain was as usual without any accidents. Everything around Dahuang Mountain has been completely controlled by him, and now it is a piece of iron.

Moreover, the Hunyuan religion has also established its foothold, and no force can easily move it.

Of course, the first thing to come back is to deal with that warehouse. In the warehouse, there are countless good fortunes, and Li Xing counted them. He found that if these good fortunes were converted into Nirvana-level good fortunes, together with the magical instruments, etc., there would be about 200,000 pieces!

If a sixty-five Nirvana Nirvana is made into Nirvana, a maximum of ten will be made. 200,000 pieces, you need to refine 20,000 Nirvana. Only then can it be refined.

This is definitely a huge fortune, which made Li Xing excited. Compared with the other side, the greater gain was the reversed bead. Li Xing found that with this reversed bead, perhaps Da Luo Zhenshen, who could not break through for a long time, could take it one step further.

His Da Luo Zhenshen has been stagnant for a long time, even if he has entered the thirty-sixth calamity of the ancient Great Celestial Master, he still cannot make the slightest progress. However, the appearance of the reverse beads gave him a glimmer of hope.

With the power of reversing the strangeness of the beads, he can further transform the real body of Da Luo. UU reads www.uukanshu.com to know that this big Luo Zhen body is too perfect and tough, if you want to change, it is extremely difficult.

Just like a perfect sculpture, it is already perfect. No matter how it is modified, it can no longer enhance its beauty.

Inverted beads are not the same. It can open up another perspective, allowing Da Luozhen to explain the avenue in a new way, and play an ingenious use.

So Li Xing retreat again, but he knows that this retreat will not take too long, and it can be successful for up to three months, so that his big Luo can take a more suitable path.

At the time of his retreat, Dahuang Mountain continued to expand. Numerous real people in Yuanyuan and powerful people in Yuanyuan make the Dahuang Mountain expand at an incredible speed.

On the fifty-fifth day after Li Xing's retreat, Da Luozhen's immense rigidity was fully integrated into the crystal wall system of the mixed world. At this point, Da Luo Zhenshen is no longer an explicit method, but a part of his plane.

The real body of Da Luo is the barrier of the big world, a powerful defensive force, and it has become a part of the big world. Of course, in this process, Da Luozhen's body also improved, from 33 to 36.

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