Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1104: Invincible

[Body] Chapter 1104 Cut Invincible to Take Over

Chapter 1104: Cut Off Invincible and Take Over

The integration of Da Luozhen's body into the plane barriers has made the solidity of the mixed Yuan world a super strong. . . This made Li Xing, who had only sixty-four calamities, and his defensive power directly broke through the seventy-two calamities, reaching the limitless state.

For this change, Li Xing was naturally very satisfied and went out happily. It was just before the exit that someone reported that the mixed Yuanjiao expansion was smooth, but just three days ago, the pace of expansion had to stop.

It turned out that there was a place called Leng Yuepo north of Dahuang Mountain, and there was an old man in Lianshan. This old man was mysterious and unpredictable. Many disciples were collected under his hands, and a force naturally formed.

This force is not large or small. After the initial collision between the mixed Yuanjiao and the opponent, it was found that the opponent ’s method was very strange and good at calculating and deducting. The mixed Yuanjiao suffered several small losses. Although no member fell, Many people were seriously injured.

And just yesterday, Leng Yuepo appeared another strong aid, showing the power of terror. Had it not been for the rescue of Sanqing Datianzun himself, the mixed Yuanjiao would have lost many elites.

Due to Li Xing's retreat, the mixed Yuanjiao side did not rush into action, and it has not been said until now.

Although slightly surprised, he felt relieved when he heard that no one had been lost, and he called in several guardians to ask about the situation of Leng Yuepo.

Ronghua Datian said: "In fact, what we worry about is not the so-called strong support, but the elderly Lianshan. The old man observed several times in secret, but every time he was noticed by the elderly Lianshan. But it is not without gain, at least now You can infer the strength of the opponent. "

"Oh? How about the fighting ability of the old man in Lianshan? Maybe you will fight Ronghua?" Li Xing asked.

Ronghua Datianzun: "If you fight with it, you can have at most 50% certainty about aging."

Li Xing frowned, and said, "It looks like this old man in Lianshan is a great figure."

At this time, Sanqing Datianzun said: "Lord, that helping hand is still an acquaintance. It is the invincible Datianzun from the sword domain. I don't know how to get here."

When he heard that the other party was Invincible, Li Xing's eyes lit up and he smiled: "It's him! Good, I'm looking for him!"

Invincible Datianzun has thousands of pieces of Mingming sword. If Li Xing can get all of them, he will surely make the mixed yuan gun to a higher level and possess terrible lethality.

After a little thought, he ordered: "Sanqing and Guangyan, you two bring some men and horses to the battlefield, and fight and retreat. Be sure to lead the invincible King. Then Ronghua you cooperate with me, you must This person was beheaded! "

Although everyone didn't understand why Li Xing was so active, they didn't ask much and prepared separately.

On the second day, Sanqing Datianzun and Guangyan Datianzun led a group of 3,000 people who had recently surrendered to the Lengyuepo. Before the person arrives, the invincible Datianzun will kill him first.

This man was holding a torn Mingming Sword, and only swept away, killing one piece in one fell swoop. Hundreds of people were lost and blood spilled. Sanqing and Guangyan also could only avoid their sharp edge, and quickly issued a withdrawal order.

This invincible Datianzun has already started killing his heart. He laughed aloud and said, "None can get away!" Regardless of the monk behind Leng Yuepo behind him, he killed the past alone.

The two sides chased after each other, and soon separated from the people behind, and reached a valley. At this moment, Sanqing and Guangyan suddenly turned around and looked at him coldly.

Invincible Datianzun said arbitrarily, "Why, you know that there is no way to escape, have you chosen to surrender?"

Sanqing Datianzun sneered: "You idiot, we still don't see that we are leading you out to kill you?"

After that, Li Xing appeared behind Invincible Datianzun, and said lightly, "Invincible brother, we have met again."

"It's you!" Invincible Datianzun faced a cold face. If it were not for Li Xing's appearance last time, he would not leave the three ### of Treasures and live in this ghost place.

Since being backed up by three ### in front of everyone, the invincible Datianzun has no face to continue to stay, but has entered the Northern Wasteland by himself, and wants to break out of Mingtang, so he can go back to the sword domain The elders explained.

He entered the sword area and joined several forces one after another, but unfortunately it was not the case and he was destroyed by him one after another. Finally, he joined Leng Yuepo. The reason for choosing Leng Yuepo is that he feels that Lianshan Datianzun is very mysterious and should be a promising force.

Coincidentally, just when Li Xing was preparing to expand northward, the two sides clashed. In this way, he was involved in the dispute and met Li Xing here and now.

"Of course it is me." Li Xing laughed. "Invincible Taoist friends, I have dug a grave for you, and I'm on my way."

"Don't make a fuss! Just because you want to stay with me?" He sneered, and the sword in his hands became sharper and sharper.

Li Xingliang came out with a mixed gun and said lightly: "I was still against you on the day, and I have no confidence in winning. But today, I will share with you the height and crush your invincible heart."

"Less nonsense, die!"

Invincible Datianzun wields his sharp sword, chopped down heavily, and shakes his might. Li Xing was unmoved, and launched a set of superior marksmanship to fight with him.

The guns and swords collided continuously, but Li Xing did not fall into the wind at all, but suppressed them deadly, and that Ming Ming's destruction of the sword also hurt him. After all, it's just the incomplete Ming and Ming Sword. When it meets more powerful people, it also loses.

"Boom boom!"

After three consecutive fights, they thundered violently, torn apart in the air, and were shocked in nine days, terrified in ten places. Within eight thousand steps, the powder was destroyed, and the destructive power was shocking.

Although Li Xing had the upper hand in this battle, the Ming Sword was not a trivial matter. He would not be able to win at one and a half, and he would fight more and more fiercely with the invincible Great Heavenly Supreme. Later, he hit the spot, entered the space and time of another dimension, and continued to fight ~ www .readwn.com ~ This is a good killing. Li Xing has fought more and more bravely. In the past, now, and in the future, he will continue to make moves. Later, he suddenly realized something, Qing Xiao said, and said, "Three lives!"

Suddenly, the past, the present, and the future are three-dimensionally integrated into one unparalleled masterpiece, attacking and killing. With this move, Li Xing's combat power soared by a hundredfold, and the momentum suddenly overwhelmed Ming Mingjian.


A piercing gun flashed, and a blood hole appeared in the invincible Datianzun's brows. A horrible destructive force broke into his invincible world from his heart, quickly tearing everything up.

At the same time, Ming Ming's sword flickered a bit, Shengsheng was out of his control, and Li Xing grabbed it in his hands.

Losing the Ming Sword, the invincible Datianzun was invincible in front of Li Xing. He directly used an ancient tree of war to ingest the invincible Datianzun. This person is not weak, training invincible avenues, can be made into an invincible war soul, has good combat power.

Invincible Datian screamed unwillingly, but his consciousness continued to wear away, and he eventually lost his will and turned into a war soul.

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