Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1105: Second training ground

[Text] Chapter 1105 The Second Cultivation Land——

Chapter 1105 Second Cultivation Land

After receiving the invincible Datianzun, Li Xing immediately returned with everyone. . . The purpose of his trip was not to attack Leng Yuepo, but to slay the invincible Datianzun and capture the pieces of the Ming and Ming swords. Now that he has succeeded, he immediately retreats.

Leng Yuepo did not have any movements. It seemed that he didn't care much about this newly-added invincible Datianzun.

Thousands of pieces of the Ming and Extermination Sword, Li Xing couldn't wait to refine it, and ordered all people to postpone the expansion process and stabilize the acquired land first. And he began to fully integrate Mingming Sword.

This Ming Sword is the ultimate weapon of the civilization of tools. Although it has shattered into countless fragments, the power is still terrible.

The mixed world, the babies cultivated among the ancient trees of civilization, reached out and grabbed them. The mixed yuan guns, together with the Ming Sword fragments, fell into their hands. The life of a baby is the root of the Great Celestial Master, and it is also the most amazing manifestation of power.

At this moment, Li Xing is trying to use the power of the life infant to condense the fragments of Mingming Sword into the mixed yuan gun. The tip of the mixed yuan gun is made with Mingming Sword.

The heart of the infant is evolved from a chaotic array. It beats and shakes the world, as if it were the source of its support. The chaotic heart has the supreme power of reckoning. With a little movement, it can infer the mysteries of the Mingming Sword.

"Ming and destroying sword body, become one!"

He gave a loud scream, and Mingying spit out a ray of real fire, wrapped the mixed yuan gun and the fragment of Mingming Sword, and started melting.

This process did not last long. About nine days later, a thunder exploded, and the yuan gun rushed out of the fire. It was brilliant, the gun trembled, it was cold in all directions, and its sharp murderous spirit penetrated the world.

After mixing more Yuanming sword fragments, the hybrid gun has obviously undergone a qualitative change. Its combat power has increased by hundreds or thousands of times. With a single click, it has the power of lore.

Li Xing stowed his spear and broke through.

For nine days, mixed Yuanjiao, as always, has been firmly established. However, during this period, everyone got shocking news through various channels. That is, the son of Xuanhuang from Xuanhuang continent was born.

The son of Xuanhuang is not life. He is born in nature and is the holy spirit bred by Xuanhuang civilization. It can be regarded as the inheritance of Xuanhuang Dominance, which can be blessed and blessed by the entire Xuanhuang continent.

Upon hearing this news, Li Xing knew that the son of Xuanhuang, 80%, was also a seed of Xuanhuang, the same as his original identity in the court of heaven. Of course, he is no longer a seed in heaven. Specifically, he represents his own hybrid civilization and belongs to the hybrid seed.

It is said that the son of Xuanhuang was born from the largest country in Xuanhuang continent. Xuanhuang Kingdom has always regarded itself as the orthodox Xuanhuang continent, with an overwhelming strength, five times the area of ​​Yuan and Mongolia, and a population ten times more.

As soon as Xuanhuang's son was born, he was enshrined by the founder of Xuanhuang Kingdom and provided all the necessary conditions. So, on the first day, the son of Xuanhuang grew into a young man, and he had the cultivation of the Great Master of the First Realm.

On the second day, the sons of Xuanhuang broke through again and again, passing legendary, ancient, and reaching the state of silence.

On the third day, the son of Xuanhuang retreat quietly rehearsed. Although he did not make any breakthrough, the momentum continued to increase, and even some Nirvana-like figures were shocked.

On the fourth day, the host of Xuanhuang Kingdom proclaimed to the world, taking Xuanhuang's son as the heir to the country.

On the fifth day, the son of Xuanhuang inspected Xuanhuang's hundreds of millions of troops as the prince of the kingdom, rewarded the three armies, and announced to the world that Xuanhuang Kingdom would rule the Xuanhuang continent and restore the glory of Xuanhuang civilization.

On the sixth day, Xuan Huangguo started a large-scale rectification campaign to further strengthen centralization. A large number of powerful men were included in the list of kills. The first fire of Xuanhuang's son began to burn in Xuanhuang's domestic.

When Li Xing got the news, Xuanhuang's domestic killings were already in full swing, and a large number of dignitaries who were not conducive to centralization were killed. Even some of the daughters and granddaughters of the palace failed to escape the fate of death.

For this kind of killing regardless of status, Xuanhuang Guozhu obviously supported and did not interfere. For a time, Xuanhuang's domestic rumors were hesitant and everyone was at risk.

A large number of people who knew they were going to die began to flee, and Xuan Huangguo launched a siege.

"Lord, in just three days, more than ten batches of people from Xuanhuang Kingdom passed by Dahuang Mountain, all of them had to escape the Xuanhuang continent and enter other continents for a living." Sanqing Datianzun said, "However, I want to Passing through the Dahuang Mountain without leaving anything was a dream, these people were forced to surrender their possessions and leave smoothly. "

Li Xing apparently had no interest in those who fled. He thought for a moment and said solemnly: "Xuanhuang Kingdom made such a big noise. It seems that soon, it will sweep other places on Xuanhuang mainland. We need to be prepared before we can succeed. . "

Guangyan Datianzun: "What does the Lord mean, what should we do?"

Li Xingdao said, "The strength of a force is not in the number of people or the size of the site, but in the strength of the highest group of people. Therefore, everyone has stepped up their cultivation."

Everyone is deeply convinced that no matter which force determines its combat power, it must be the one who cultivates the highest, not the large number of weak young people.

"I will open up a practice site in the mixed world, adjust the flow rate of time, and let everyone take turns to practice in it. Each round of practice lasts one million years!" Li Xingru issued an order.

In this way, while the Yuanyuan religion is expanding, it is also vigorously training its combat effectiveness. Even Ronghua Datianzun has entered a secret space-time retreat. As early as a few days ago, he felt that he had found a breakthrough opportunity. Naturally, he had to try it and see if he could succeed in the clearance.

The first batch of 100,000 people entered the cultivation site. Most of these people came from the mixed Yuan religion, and a few came from the mixed people. With the help of ancient civilization trees, Li Xing's grasp of time is extremely delicate, and it is comparable to the time change in the empty vortex at that time, which greatly benefits everyone's practice quality.

Of course, the biggest obstacle is the problem of cultivation resources. If 100,000 people practice at the same time in a short period of time and want to achieve achievements, the consumption of cultivation resources is difficult to estimate.

Fortunately, he has just plundered a branch of Xiaoyao Palace, and obtained a large amount of good luck Dan, which can persist for a period of time.

This kind of cultivation takes place every three days, and within one round, all people practice for one million years in the time and space of the cultivation land. At the same time, Li Xing did not stop the pace of expansion. He carried a mixed gun and fought the Quartet, and basically did not meet a decent opponent.

You know, now he has 64 combat calamities. Coupled with the mixed yuan gun, Jiuyang avatar, and the unpredictable three-life lore, its combat power is close to no great level of respect.

Without great celestial respect, it is an extremely scarce master. It is difficult to encounter unless it is in some big countries. Therefore, the early expansion was very smooth, as pointed by the gunpoint, the nations surrendered.

Today, Li Xing has the style of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. I do not know since when, the title of Emperor Yunyuan was actually called again. Everyone knows that Dahuangshan lived with an Emperor Yunyuan and swept the country with a brilliant record.

On the other hand, Li Xing's prestige also spread to Yuan Mengguo, and the Ming family was very happy about it. After all, Li Xing was a member of Juyitang. All his achievements were owned by the Ming family.

Soon, the Ming family formulated countermeasures and decided to increase their investment and support for Li Xing, asking for money and giving money. Of course, Li Xing is not short of people. After being informed by the Ming family, he begged for a large amount of Daquandan, which is what he needs most now.

And these good fortune dandelions have also been used for cultivation.

Cultivation is carried out round after round. Everyone who is qualified to enter the practice is a person with sufficient qualifications. Such a person can break through in the Communist Party, and more than once.

The results achieved in this way are gratifying. In the first round, 80% of people made breakthroughs, and 30% of them made more than one breakthrough.

The second round, the third round, and the first round of practice all made great progress, which made Li Xing quite happy. On this basis, among the people who have undergone a round of cultivation, he selected the group with the best qualifications and the greatest potential, and decided to open a small stove for them.

The so-called small stove is to open up a second cultivation area for endless cultivation of these qualified people, as long as they want to practice, as long as they reach the bottleneck of cultivation.

Moreover, those who practice in the second cultivation place can get Li Xing's personal guidance to get more cultivation resources.

Day after day, year after year, five years have passed. In these five years, Li Xing has carried out more than 600 rounds of cultivation, and has selected many outstanding people and sent them to the second cultivation site.

At present, the number of people in the second cultivation site has reached 50,000. These are all people with superb qualifications and unlimited potentials, and will be focused on training.

Those more than 600 rounds of cultivation ~ www.readwn.com ~ have raised the realm of the 60 million Great Celestial Masters to a realm. Nearly 20 million Great Celestial Masters have elevated more than two realms; millions of Great Celestial Masters have elevated more than three realms.

Of course, in the past five years, the Yuanyuan religion has also expanded a lot, and the forces of the various parties have gathered, and the number has reached 10 billion people. To command so many people is extremely complicated.

Fortunately, the emperor Li of the Yuanyuan Great World came forward. He managed hundreds of hundreds of billions of souls in the Yuanyuan Great World. There were birds on top, animals on the bottom, and humans in the middle. His orders.

In addition, Emperor Li Gui sent a large number of mixed real people to let them serve as the grass-roots leader of these tens of billions of people, pass orders at all levels, and command Ruyi. This shows the strength of the mixed world, and you can easily send a legendary great respect.

As for the epic epic, they are not in the minority. Under the leadership of Li Gui, they firmly control the tens of billions of forces, wherever they go, sweep everything, and the entire group grows like a snowball.

p: Decayed for a long time. I want to cheer up. Please vote for the safflower. The number of safflowers exceeds thirty on the day, and three chapters are updated the next day; when there are more than fifty, four chapters are updated the next day; and when there are more than eighty, five chapters are updated the next day. Without it, I want to cheer myself up and refresh myself.

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