Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1109: Empire building

[Text] Chapter 1109 Empire Building (Second) —

Chapter 1109: Second Empire Construction

In the area in the southwest, there is a medium-sized country called Zi Xuuo. There are actually six masters of Nirvana in Zixu. They joined forces and only Li Xing can compete, so until now, he has not won Zixu.

However, after the last battle, Li Xing has secretly implanted a large number of predatory seeds into six people. He now wants to know how far those predatory seeds have grown.

Li Xing quietly approached Zi Xu Guo. After some observation, he unexpectedly discovered that the border of Zi Xu Guo, which was once Chen Bing billion, now has no personal picture!

Could something have happened? Why else?

He turned into a businessman, sneaked into Zixu, and after a little inquiry, he knew why. It turned out that the six great national divisions in Zixu suddenly all madmen, not only killed the country's owners, but also madly killed them aimlessly.

At this moment, all the soldiers of Zixu were transferred back to China to protect a large number of dignitaries, relatives and relatives of the emperor, which led to the phenomenon of no one soldier on the border.

As for why this happened, Li Xing knew well that it was plundering the seeds to make trouble. That predatory seed can enter the Great Heavenly Plane silently, take root, sprout, grow, and continuously draw energy from the plane until it is replaced.

The six Nirvana Great Celestial Masters have been plundered with seeds, and a large amount of energy has been plundered. I am afraid they have grown into towering ancient trees. In addition, the spoiled ancient trees that grew out of it can suppress the six Great Celestial Masters, which caused them to fall into a state of madness.

Hearing the news, Li Xing immediately established contact with the spoiled seeds that had been scattered. These predatory seeds are also part of the mixed world, he can sense control at any time.

Immediately after establishing induction, he "sees" that in the six Nirvana-class worlds, many looted ancient trees are densely grown. These predatory ancient trees have all grown up, and they are not inferior to the predatory ancient trees of the mixed world.

They constantly draw energy from the plane, continue to disturb the will of the Great Heavenly Supreme, and attempt to completely control the Great Heavenly Supreme and turn it into the Great Heavenly Supreme.

Obviously, now is the crucial moment for the two sides to confront each other. As long as one party relaxes, the other party will take advantage of it. The plundering of ancient trees on one side should have the upper hand, and is gradually occupying an overwhelming advantage.

Li Xing smiled, and was quite satisfied with the front line of plundering the ancient trees. He found a tea shop and slowly sipped tea, waiting for the final result. As he expected, after just half a day, the looting of the ancient trees began to have the upper hand.

At this time, the six nirvana masters could no longer dominate the big world they had built. They were filled with fear, screaming one by one, destroying everything around them.

For another half a day, all six Nirvana Great Celestial Masters were all quiet, and their expressions were rigid. That's because the plundering of the ancient trees has completely controlled their will and actions, and the six magnificent Nirvanas have now become Li Xing's war puppets.

Li Xing smiled slightly, sat up from the tea table, and said to himself, "Good job, continue!"

A Nirvana stared at the army who was standing in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "The local division has just turned into a demon, and has now recovered. Send me an order to convene all civil and military officials, national sons and daughters, six of us National division, will announce an important event! "

In this way, the six most powerful Celestial Masters of Zixu Kingdom magically announced that they would join the mixed empire unconditionally. At this point, the territory of Zunyuan Country has expanded by half and its strength has increased greatly.

The same thing is going on, day after day, year after year, and three years later. In the past three years, Li Xing has not only cultivated a large number of masters, but also made the territory of the mixed Yuan empire larger than that of the Yuan and Mongolian states.

Nowadays, due to the successive expansion of the mixed Yuan empire, it has already bordered Yuan Meng, the sovereign state. At this time, Li Xing stopped expanding and allowed the mixed-yuan empire to enter a comprehensive construction phase.

At this moment, Li Xing's extraordinary means appeared. He used the ancient trees in space to directly transfer the civilization achievements of the mixed Yuan world to the mixed Yuan empire, making this empire change with each passing day.

An ancient tree of war is guarded at the border of the mixed Yuan empire. These ancient trees are amazing in strength and numerous in number. Each ancient tree of war does not have the combat power of 36 ancient calamities.

In addition, the ancient trees of war can be transferred at any time to arrange battle lines. In either direction, you can increase the number of ancient war trees in which direction, so that you can effectively confront the enemy.

The periphery of the ancient trees of war is the space that the ancient trees forcibly distorted, overlapping and overlapping, one after another filled with space traps. These space traps are extremely lethal. Even if the ancient Great Celestial Master enters them, chances are they will fall.

Inside the ancient trees of war are more powerful guardian ancient trees. These ancient trees can absorb the energy of the celestial body of Datianzun, refine the power of civilization, and then bear fruit. Dao fruit matures, you can turn into Dao soldiers.

The number of Daoists can be mass-produced. The more the enemy is killed, the more Datian corpses are obtained. After fertilizing the ancient trees, the more Daoists are generated. Almost between the thoughts of Li Xing, ten billion soldiers could be born.

In addition, the fighting power of these Taoists generally has the legendary Datianzun's fighting power. Among them, Taoist officers are more likely to be the epic Tianzun, the ancient Tianzun, and even the extinction of Tianzun.

Dao Ping can form a Dao Ping formation, increase their combat power by hundreds or thousands of times, and immediately accept Li Xing's dispatching command. It can be said that Dao Ping is more efficient, more cost-effective than the general army.

Once the war broke out, Li Xing would endlessly create Taoists until the enemy was exhausted, but the number of Taoists was increasing.

Guarding the ancient tree becomes the third line of defense of the mixed empire beyond the space trap and the ancient tree of war. At the same time, this is also the strongest of the three lines of defense, and can defend and attack. Every day, a large number of monks are beheaded and killed, and all the corpses are used as fertilizer to protect the ancient trees, which promotes them to produce more soldiers, which makes the third line of defense stronger every day.

Guarding the inner side of the ancient tree is where the Imperial Corps is stationed. Between the regiments, there are messages from the ancient trees to relay messages, and there are ancient trees to transport military supplies and soldiers, which is extremely efficient.

The most important thing is that the existence of the ancient tree of life almost made the soldiers immortal. Even if the bones are rotten, as long as the ancient trees of life are present, they can restore their injuries, which is amazing. In this way, as long as they are not destroyed on the spot, the soldiers will have no fear, so their will to fight is very amazing, and they are fighting hard.

Broken hands, it doesn't matter, use your feet; broken feet, it doesn't matter, use your teeth. All in all, as long as they keep up their energy, they will do their best. Because they know that once this happens, the space ancient trees will actively appear on the battlefield, teleporting them near the ancient trees of life for thorough treatment.

Not only that, Li Xing also taught many generals to increase their combat effectiveness. The battle formations he taught were all deduced with chaos, and the secret series that were not transmitted outside were all taught by him.

The army belongs to the fourth line of defense of the empire. However, this is not the last.

The fifth line of defense is composed of mixed Yuanyuan congregations and powerful mixed Yuanyuan real people. They are powerful and belong to the backbone of the mixed Yuan empire. Although they are not as many as the army, their combat effectiveness is definitely above them.

Outside the congregation, there are people such as Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun, who are the core members of the empire and the last line of defense of the empire.

Of course, Li Xing also figured out a way out for himself. Even if someone could break through the line of defense and threaten his safety, he could move the entire empire into the mixed world and leave it. Big deal, re-establishing the country, he will not lose too much.

At the moment, the mixed-yuan empire is as solid as gold, and the four realms are invincible, but the problems also follow. It turned out that as early as last month, the Chinese youth of Juyitang sent a messenger to the mixed Yuan empire and visited the construction of the empire. ,

Originally, this was just a random dispatch. Yunmeng just wanted to know the situation in the mixed Yuan state. But when the messenger returned, he told what he had seen and heard. As a result, Hua Shao was so shocked that he met with the Yuan and Mongolian lords overnight.

So the next day, the Yuan and Mongolian lords issued an order to declare Li Xing to come to see him.

On the surface, Li Xing was a member of Juyitang and the head of the affiliated country. He said that he could not disobey this order. However, he knew that there was no good feast.

Nowadays, the prosperous scene of the mixed-yuan empire is thriving and more powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Presumably, Yuanmeng has a sense of incapability and wants to suppress the rise of the mixed-yuan empire. Even this time, letting him enter the DPRK may be to keep people in order to take the opportunity to control the entire empire.

Thinking again and again, Li Xingdu refused to enter North Korea under the pretext that he was busy in the state and could not escape. The Yuan Meng kingdom's unwillingness, he even sent six edicts, which made Li Xingdu feel like he wouldn't go anymore. It was a bit ridiculous. He might be forcibly surrendered by the Yuan Mongolian master, and then passive.

On this day, the void shook, and a wisp of breath fell from the sky. Ronghua Datianzun, who had been in retreat for nine years, finally broke through and returned. Nowadays, Ronghua Datianzun is already seventy-two calamities, and the Promise of the Promise has soared a lot.

Li Xing was hesitating whether it would take a while, and Ronghua's return made him change his mind. Ronghua Grand Celestial Mastery has reached the limitless state, and his combat effectiveness is second only to him. With this master, he is confident that he can retreat from the Yuan and Mongolian states.

Eight years into the Xuanhuang continent, he knew enough about the Yuan and Mongolian states. In Yuanmeng and Mongolia, there are three people with great Tianzun, twenty-four with Nirvana, and more than eighty people with dead Tianzun.

Of these, there were only three without great deities who were eligible for him to fear, and the rest were not a concern. Together with Ronghua, he can walk away calmly from the hands of the three insignificant gods!

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