Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1110: Disgrace my Lord, kill!

[Text] Chapter 1110 Disgrace My Lord, Kill! ——

Chapter 1110 Insult My Lord, Kill!

With one day of planning and one day of preparations, Li Xing set off on the third day to Yuan and Mongolia. . . The only people who accompanied him were Ronghua Datianzun. As for the others, they all stayed in the mixed Yuan empire.

Two people walked ### and arrived in Yuanmengguo that day. The patriarch sent a palace man and told him to hold a tomorrow's meeting to let Li Xing prepare in advance.

That night, the Ming Family of Juyitang was founded to host a banquet in honor of Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun. Li Xing understood that the Ming family hosted a banquet, and Bacheng wanted to explore his own tone and try his own bottom line on behalf of the Yuan and Mongolian masters.

In this way, we will be able to act appropriately at the North Korean Conference the next day to achieve the best results. He was like a mirror in his heart, but fearless, and readily agreed to go to the Ming Palace for a banquet.

The Ming family belongs to the Yuan and Mongolian clan and has a strong background. It is also a popular family before the eyes of the Yuan and Mongolian masters. This kind of clan is of extraordinary natural style. Its house is located in the central area of ​​Beijing Normal University, with unique scenery and magnificent weather.

The entire Ming Palace was forced to distort the space. It can be described as one step at a time, one sand and one world, layer upon layer. I don't know how many planes there are, how many worlds are hidden in it. Li Xing can feel that there are killings everywhere, and he is scared step by step. If anyone below the limitless state comes to commit crimes, he will inevitably be subjected to terrible attacks.

This trip was personally invited by Hua Shao, and he was polite along the way, leading Li Xing to cross the bridge. The two seem to inadvertently walk. In fact, step by step, if one is not careful, it may trigger a peerless killing.

Li Xing looked calm and said with a smile, "Hua Shao, I haven't seen you for a few years, and your cultivation has improved again."

Hua Shao smiled bitterly, and said, "Brother Li, how can I compare with you? You are now the king of a country with hundreds of billions of soldiers. After the messenger sent last time came back, my inner shock was impossible to add. It is really hard to imagine, in the end How did it happen? "

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "What is Buddha in Hua Shao?"

"Why is the construction of the mixed Yuan country so amazing? Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I can still feel the strong temperament of civilization, which is definitely a manifestation of civilization!" Because of the excitement, Hua Shao was a little hastily breathing.

No wonder, no matter how you look at it, the mixed empire is created by a civilized heaven. Therefore, he doesn't actually think that all these are the actions of Li Xing, but suspects that there is a top master behind the scenes, and a peerless talent who pioneered civilization.

Anyone who can create civilization is shocked and brilliant. They were the noble emperors in the Great Celestial Sect. It can be said that the Great Celestial Master of Civilization has the qualifications to achieve the Great Celestial Master in the future.

Li Xing smiled slightly and speculated that the other party thought that this was better. It would make the Ming family and Yuan Mengguo unpredictable and easily dare not attack themselves. Because no one wants to oppose a civilized heavenly respect, even if this civilized heavenly respect is not very high.

"It is natural that someone can help such mixed progress in the Yuan Empire." Li Xing said vaguely.

"Oh, I don't know what the senior called?" Hua Shao asked tightly.

Li Xing shook his head: "That senior doesn't like to be asked, so I'm sorry, I can't say."

With a look of disappointment, Hua Shao laughed and said, "No matter. Brother Li, please come today to thank you for your contributions to Juyitang for so many years. You and I will not be drunk."

The two talked and laughed, and soon reached a hall. As soon as I entered the hall, my eyes suddenly opened up, as if I opened a large window and saw the vast world.

Entering the hall, a pleasant breath came. It can be seen that this hall is built on an infinite lake, with lotus flowers blooming and fish swimming. Beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. The windows on all sides of the hall are fully open to look around the entire lake. Under the moonlight, the waves are shining, the breeze is coming, giving people a unique enjoyment.

There are already a lot of people sitting in the hall. One of the old people sits in the middle. He has a thick white beard and a rough appearance. His eyes are like the universe rotating, the heavens moving, unfathomable.

On the side of the old man, there is a man and a woman sitting on the left and right, both of whom are of the same height, both of which are the peak of Nirvana, which should not be underestimated. Looking at these three people, Li Xing guessed that they must be the core characters of the Bai family.

Sure enough, after Major General Hua invited him to the hall, he saluted the old man and the men and women first. Then he respectfully said, "The old ancestor, the father, the mother, and the child invited Li Guozhu to the place."

The old man's gaze suddenly shot at Li Xing, an invisible heavy pressure fell, which made Li Xing suffocate, and instantly tried out the strength of the other party, which was better than himself. However, after all, he is strong and has a strong plane. With no special expression on his face, he feels effortless.

Everyone was secretly shocked, saying that no wonder they could build a big empire in just a few years. It really is a personal thing, and even the pressure of the ancestors can be easily resolved!

The old man "haha" smiled, reached out and pointed to the seat opposite, and said, "Okay, Li Guozhu, please sit down!"

Li Xing smiled slightly, arching and saying, "I've seen my predecessors." Then he walked to the main guest table and had to sit down.

At this moment, there was a thunderous drink from the left. One man had to look like a steel needle, a leopard head had eyes, and a look of warfare. He stared at Li Xing and reprimanded: "You are just a door to Juyitang!" Guest, do you dare to sit up with your ancestors? "

As if Li Xing hadn't heard anything, he didn't hesitate to the other side. He sat down securely and did not squint. Ronghua Datianzun opened his eyes and saw the murderous look. He was angry and rushed to the crown, and he pointed at the speaker with a sharp sword, and rebuked, "Humble ants, how dare you teach my owner? Give me death!"

He grabbed it with a big hand, 3,000 worlds shook, tearing the world apart, and at an incredible speed, one hundredth of a billion, he grabbed the big man's neck and lifted it like a chicken.

The speaker was actually arranged by the Ming family in advance, intending to lose Li Xing's face, in order to test Li Xing's work style. But no one could have imagined that there were such violent people around him, and he dared to start with Ming family without any scruples.

The arrested Dahan Xiu is not low. He is a Nirvana lord of sixty calamities and belongs to the Ming family. But Ronghua Datianzun grabbed him at will, and his face changed tragically, his limbs were struggling, but he couldn't help it.

The ancestors of the Ming family were so angry that they wanted to stop it. Then they heard a "click". Ronghua Datianzun had already taken the first step, twisted the man's neck, and rushed into his Nirvana world with a horror. Cut everything off.

A Nirvana Lord was killed in a single blow in this way. Everyone was dismayed, his legs and stomach cramped, and he continuously sucked air.

The old ancestor of the Ming family lost his face, and said angrily, "Bold, you dare to go to my Ming family to spread out! Doesn't it mean that my Ming family can't be bullied?"

Ronghua Datianzun glanced at the other side, his eyes were cold, and he said arbitrarily: "I will kill whoever insults me!"

His answer was straightforward and murderous, so that the old man was suffocated and realized that the opponent's strength was not much weaker than himself. My heart turned, but I didn't want to persecute again, but I hummed heavily and said, "Li Guozhu, what do you mean?"

Li Xing looked as usual, even when Ronghua Datianzhuang pinched the dead, there was no expression on his face. At this moment, he smiled slightly and said, "People around me have a bad temper. I'm sorry, so pay attention next time."

The crowd almost vomited blood when they heard the words. But they can't say anything, for fear of being pinched to death by Ronghua Datianzun. The people of the Ming family set their sights on the old man, the infinite power.

The old ancestor of the Ming family coughed, and secretly said, "The meaning of the lord is to ask me to explore this idea. It is not appropriate to tear his face for the time being. Moreover, the people around him are actually infinitely powerful, only better than I am weak. If I do it, I will have no fear, but my children and grandchildren will suffer. "

With this in mind, the ancestors of the Ming family said in a deep voice: "Li Guozhu, this time I invite you to come here, I just want to get together and have no other purpose. Come here, drink!"

Suddenly, a well-known seductive beauty came in, giving a lot of fine wine. The wine jar was opened, and a strange aroma wafted out. When Li Xing smelled it, it was known that this wine was more than sixty calories, which was very rare.

Li Xing smiled, and did not mention any other unpleasant things. He smiled, "Good wine, thank you for your hospitality."

He was also rude. He opened his mouth and took a sip towards the jar in front of him. The wine turned into a line of wine and rushed directly into his mouth. Pouting, exhaling a long breath, said: "I haven't been so enjoyable in a long time."

Everyone around them widened their eyes, and the sixty-six jewels of the altar were all drunk like this?

You know, although good wines, not everyone can drink freely. The so-called pirate wine is not just a casual word, but really experienced the brewing of civilization, is no trivial matter.

For example, the best wine of Shijiazhuang ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then drink it by Shizhuang Datianzun, then generally only about a pound. If you drink too much, you will have serious consequences.

Of course, if the realm is below ten calamities, then you can drink even less. For example, Wuzhuang Datianzun, drink a maximum of three or five drops, and drink too much to be drunk.

Li Xing drank 20 pounds of this altar wine. Being able to drink it all at once means that you have the strength of at least 70 calamities, otherwise you will not be able to drink this altar wine at all.

The old ancestors of the Ming family had pain in the body. For this fine wine, he didn't have much stock. He thought that Li Xing's state was not high. How much did he let him drink? I don't know if someone would kill the whole altar at once.

However, even if it hurts again, it can't be displayed on his face. The old ancestor of the Ming family "haha" laughed and praised: "Good volume, serve up soon."

Another beauty came, and the other three wines were brought to Li Xing. The ancestor of the Ming family thought: "A thirty-seven robber of the Supreme Master, the old man doesn't believe you can drink it."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Xing saw the wine, his eyes lightened, and he smiled, "The seniors are so generous, the younger ones are welcome."

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