Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1113: Rescue the rich

[Body] Chapter 1113 Rescue the Riches (Sixth)-

Chapter 1113: Rescue The Wealthy Sixth

Immediately, he told Li Xing one by one about the beginning and end of the matter.

It turned out that since Li Xing sent Li Yingxiong and Li Xuanbai and others to go out to preach, everyone has chosen a direction and worked hard to develop. They are all very capable, and their missionary work is quite convincing.

Soon, a large number of Xuanhuang monks joined the mixed Yuan religion, worshipping the mixed Yuan Emperor Li Xing as the only true god, regarded as the supreme existence, and contributed to many beliefs. In this regard, Li Xing can feel it, because every day, the power of faith flowing into his great world increases.

The missionary team, Li Xuanbai and Li Yingxiong are a group. He and Li have followed Li Xing together since childhood. They have the deepest feelings and the best cooperation. At first, everything went smoothly, and more and more religious members were recruited.

Until they entered a place called "Tukuo" and met a group of people.

Among the many countries on the Xuanhuang continent, Tu Country can only be regarded as a small country and is not worth mentioning at all. But it is such a small country, but there are a number of masters from the continents of the gods.

The continents of the gods, after the fall of the pure land of the gods, formed a large section, which is also located in the northern wilderness. Just by comparison, the gods continent is a relatively concentrated area.

Although there are only four people in this group, there are three masters of Nirvana level and one master of Promise. These four people were all preaching in Tu Guo and establishing their faith, but were hit by Li Xuanbai and Li Yingxiong.

Both sides must preach and inevitably create conflicts in faith. The Promise Monk shot first, injuring Li Yingxiong and Li Xuanbai successively. Li Xuanbai escaped with a Promise Rune gifted by Li Xing, but Li Hero fell into the enemy and his life was unknown.

After hearing the story, Li Xing asked, "Why did the other party preach in a remote place like Tu Guo?"

"I don't know yet, but I found that the four people often used Divine Consciousness to shoot around Tu Guo. It should be looking for something or someone." Li Xuanbai said.

After Li Xing asked, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Have a good rest. I'll go to Tu Guo and take the hero right away."

Li Xuanbai nodded: "Brother, be careful, that person is very good."

"No matter who it is, anyone who hurts me will pay the price." Li Xingdan said indifferently.

There was almost no stay. Once Li Xuanbai's injury recovered, Li Xing made some arrangements and went to Tu Kingdom with Ronghua Datianzun.

Tu Guo is located in the southwestern part of the Xuanhuang continent. In normal times, Li Xing doesn't even have to look at it here. He can send an army to conquer it. But now, he has to pay attention to this small country, because there are four masters stationed here.

Along the way, the two did not pause for a moment, and arrived at Tu Guo in half an hour. When people go to Tu Kingdom, they can feel a kind of repressive atmosphere that makes Li Xing very repulsive.

Seriously speaking, Li Xing is also a god, he has a chaotic godhead. The one hundred thousand gods kingdom outside the mixed world is a proof of his role as a god.

As a god, then there is the power of faith. The power of faith of different deities is mutually exclusive in nature, and it is difficult to melt water and fire. Therefore, Li Xing will have this feeling of depression, because there is another kind of belief power that is repelling him.

The purpose of Li Xing's trip was clear. He didn't intend to hide his head, and with a little luck, he sang at a high altitude. Suddenly, the surging divine power burst out, as if the sun was shining in the thick fog. The power of your faith shattered.

This was undoubtedly the most efficient way, and at that time, there were four sacred lights rising into the sky and turning into four great deities. These four people, as Li Xuanbai said, three were nirvana, and one was infinite.

The Promise of the Promise, with purple robes and blue beards, looked cold and cold, and his cold eyes stared at Li Xing, saying arrogantly: "Blasphemy against God, you deserve to die!"

Li Xing responded with a sneer: "Your gods are like **** in my eyes."

The Promise of Great Prodigy was furious, reached out a finger, and shouted, "Extermination!" As if he is the master of heaven and earth, he can kill all kinds of words in one word.

I saw a killing light, radiating from his fingertips, sharp as Jianqi, but not Jianqi, straight to Li Xing's head.

Naturally, Ronghua Datianzun couldn't sit idly and yelled, "Exercise!" At the same time, a secret technique was played, and the killing light was scattered. Subsequently, the two Promise Kings, each using their own means, fought one place.

That man, like Ronghua Datianzun, is a master of seventy-two calamities, and the strength of both sides is equal, and no one can prevail.

Li Xing took the opportunity to start with the three monks in Nirvana, suppressing the "booming" gigantic palm. In his palm, countless looting seeds are looming. This trick, I don't know how many people have died of overcast, and everything that has died has become his war puppet.

This is also his heart full of anger, the trick is dead hands, you have to put the other side to death.

He shot with all his strength and directly killed the three lives, leaving no chance for the three. Poor three Nirvana monks, but they felt a gloom in front of them, and then they suppressed it without force. There was no hope of a fight, and a desperate look appeared on each face, and he shouted loudly.

That wasn't a big surprise for Tianzun. He didn't expect that Li Xing was so powerful and wanted to rescue him, but was dragged down by Ronghua Datianzun. Ronghua took a trick more than one. He knew that only Li Xing could kill the other three before joining forces with him, so he went all out and left no room.

"All dead!" Li Xing said coldly.

Listening only to three loud noises, the three major nirvana monasteries exploded in succession. However, it was not wasted. Those overbearing forces were absorbed by the plunder seeds in an instant, and turned into a powerful plundering ancient tree.

Once these ancient trees had grown, they immediately worked magically and reunited the three deities, which were the three nirvana gods who had died before. This is one of the functions of plundering ancient trees, which can turn dead bodies into war puppets.

Seeing that his companion was killed, and he was also made into a puppet, the sacred deity had to be swollen and angry: "Damn! You have offended the pure land of the gods, God will not let you go!"

Li Xing wiped out the three of them, saying nothing, and turned around to help Ronghua, who made heavy efforts in this regard. The two joined together, and their strength suddenly increased, forcing the other party to retreat again and again, and their expression gradually became anxious.

In the fight, Li Xing did not forget to quietly sprinkle a hand of predatory seeds into the opposite direction, and secretly urged. His secret means of plundering the seeds has been refined, and he has experimented more than once on Ronghua Datianzun, and in most cases he will not be found.

The predatory seed was urged, immediately fell to the ground and began to grow wild in the infinite plane. But the other side immediately sensed that his face changed. ,

Unfortunately, he is being entangled by Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun, and has no time to distract himself, and he can't explore for a while. But with such a divine effort, he felt that the power of the plane was passing away at a horrible speed, and he was shocked.

"Three lives!"

It was at this moment that Li Xing gave a fatal blow, at which point he had to make a full-fledged shot to fight for his life. He didn't know that Li Xing's move was to fight for time for plundering seeds. As long as the seeds are plundered, he believes that the other party will not be able to hold on for long. This is his experience gained from actual combat.

"Going to the Palm of God!"

The other party yelled, sent out a great celestial secret technique, and instantly shot tens of millions of palm images, and combined these palm images into one.

Li Xing sneered secretly. This was obviously a revision of Guiyuan. He used it in his early years and couldn't be more familiar with it. This mystery technique is nothing more than superimposing several attacks together, which is not difficult to remove.


The space was exploded into pieces, strewn like rags, and disappeared. The bottom Tu Guo was covered with mold, and was swept away by terrorist forces, and half of the people were killed by the earthquake.

These people have all become believers of the gods. Although they were killed by the earthquake, they still cursed Li Xing aloud when they died, claiming to be ascending to heaven immediately and enjoy endless blessings.

After fighting each other, the two retreated. Ronghua Datian, who was waiting a long time ago, saw the timing, and when she went up, she punched him with a seven-hole fire.

After such a delay, the plundered ancient tree implanted in the Promise Plane grew out of the trunk and began to devour the Plane force frantically. Hundreds of plundered ancient trees are like knocking on bones and sucking bones. It didn't take long for this big Tianzun to become soft and swollen, and his face changed drastically.

"Don't stop, kill him!" Li Xing shouted, this beast who dared to hurt himself must be killed! This time, he was really angry, and performed three consecutive lives to kill him.

The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Promise Monk on the continents of the gods. He knows that if he struggles further, he may have to confess his life here. Then with a long howling, he was forced to go away.

Li Xing laughed and said coldly, "Want to leave? It's late! This place has been blocked by me, you can't run away!"

Sure enough, as soon as the talent flew ~ www.readwn.com ~, he crashed into a cobweb-like space. Although he couldn't stop him, it was extremely time-consuming and affected speed.

These space traps were laid out secretly long before the fight, covering the space with old trees up and down, completely sealing all escape routes.

The opponent was blocked. Although there was only a one-tenth delay, this was enough for Li Xing. In such a short period of time, he has continuously carried out a lore of blows, inflicting heavy damage on the other party.

"Boom boom!"

The man was roaring and anxious, but he was so entangled that he couldn't get away.

And Li Xing and Ronghua Da Tianzun both attacked with all their strengths, various secret techniques appeared, many killing methods were realized, the other side vomited blood, his face was grey, his eyes were dull.


It was another blow in three lives, and the big deity was blown to the ground with a punch, and the wolf was trembling to the extreme. And then Ronghua Datianzun stepped on it. This was not a random kick, but his secret technique of Datianzun, called "Stomp on the heaven and earth". With such a step, you can step on the master of Nirvana's pinnacle and see how powerful the power is.

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