Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1114: Yellow ruler

[Text] Chapter 1114 Xuanhuang Ruler (seventh) ——

Chapter 1114 Seventh Even More Mysterious Ruler

The two sides fought for about a hundred rounds. The immortal Supreme from the gods' continent finally couldn't support it, and screamed loudly. . . It turned out that the predatory ancient trees in his plane had begun to interfere with his will.

The situation turned sharply, and Li Xing and Rong Hua's advantages became more and more obvious, and eventually they were completely suppressed. At this time, they do not need to take all their efforts. After plundering the old trees and squeezing them out, the dignified and immortal **** gradually turns into a war puppet.

As soon as the other party died, Li Xing's Jingguang's big hand penetrated into the infinite plane and rescued the dying Li hero.

Like Li Xuanbai, Li Yingxiong has followed Li Xing since childhood. When Li Xing met him for the first time, he was still a fat and foolish little Tianshi. Li Xing lingered in a few words and became his lifelong follower.

Later, Li Xing named him wealthy, a very happy name.

Rich and noble, like Xiao Jin, as the cultivation gets higher and higher, he finally repairs the ### shape, and he also gives himself a name called "Hero Li". For this reason, everyone also laughed at him for a while.

At this moment, the young companion was lying motionless on the ground, leaving only the last strand of anger. The world he opened up has been completely destroyed and cannot be repaired. Yuanshen also has only one strand left, which is very fragile and may dissipate at any time. In addition, his physical body was also severely damaged, almost ### shaped, almost a pool of meat.

The bones were broken, the muscles were eroded, and the blood peeled off. It is conceivable that what kind of torture he has endured, it must be that the other party wants to ask his identity.

"Rich and wealthy." Li Xing instantly poured a large amount of life essence into his body and called his name.

Li Yingxiong opened his eyes. At first, his eyes were a little confused. After a long time, he suddenly issued a low roar, but it was very weak. Then his eyes softened, just like when he was a child, he put his head on Li Xing's palm and froze with a satisfied look.

From beginning to end, Tiens is a partner, brother, friend, and relative of Li Xing and has never changed. At this moment, we can see the closest person in this life before dying, and it is dead without regret.

Li Xing's eyes were hot, and she almost burst into tears. He knew in his heart that the plane of wealth and wealth had been ruined, and even if he had no other means, he could not help him recover. At most, this last ray of the gods was protected and sent to the reincarnation of the mixed world.

Li Yingxiong smiled a little, his body was shining with stars. Under Li Xing's gaze, he slowly turned into a human figure and became a little Tianshi, exactly the same as when Li Xing first met.

The little lion struggled to get up, faced Li Xing with difficulty, and then lay down weakly, it was really weak.

"Rich ..." Li Xing picked it up, tears flooding.

Rich and noble turned his neck comfortably, and the fat and cute lion patted Li Xing's feet, and seemed to say that he didn't have to be sad for him. Immediately, its action stiffened, and the divine light in the yellow eyes gradually disappeared, leaving only a drop of tears slowly falling from the corner of the eye.

Li Xing knew that his life was over, and hurriedly captured the lingering soul, and immediately put it into the mixed world, running the power of fortune and guarding it carefully.

"In my lifetime, Li Xing will set foot on the continents of the gods!" Li Xing's eyes were full of horrific killings, and he vowed in his heart every word.

At the same time, the gods' continents, which are unknown to the Xuanhuang continent, are constructed one after another, with different levels and levels.

In one place, a large number of gods' kingdoms are guarded on a giant group plane. This group of planes is extremely broad, with countless believers on them, and the power of their pious faith is nourishing the gods above them all the time.

Within the group plane, a magnificent temple was built. This temple is splendid and tall, with a throne, and a handsome middle-aged man sitting on it. On both sides of the throne, twenty-four male and female deities stood in two rows.

The middle-aged **** Wang Jianmei squinted angrily and said, "It's so bold to kill someone who is my **** and native! Gibri!"

A graceful, goddess-shaped goddess stepped out of the column of gods, folded her hands on the breast, and prayed respectfully to the king of God: "My king, what do you command?"

"You immediately led the 800 God of War to the Xuanhuang continent, to kill the profane ones and avenge my subjects! In addition, you must find the Xuanhuang ruler. This object is the key to control the Xuanhuang continent. At present, only the king knows and must Start early and change later, "the middle-aged **** king commanded majesticly.

Djibril wore a pink robe of the gods with elegant temperament. Her beautiful long neck slightly curved forward, and a pleasant voice sounded: "Yes, my king, I must complete the task."

On the continents of the gods, an astonishing light of sky rushed up towards the sky and flew away towards the Xuanhuang continent. Seeing this scene of monks in the nearby mainland, they talked about it.

Someone said: "Three **** gods on the continent of gods, I don't know which **** king is sending troops?"

"It looks like it should be King of Thunder. Isn't that beauty Giblie? I don't know which one is going to be unlucky again, but she is a red pepper!"

However, it is said that on the side of Xuanhuang continent, after Li Xing beheaded and killed four enemies, he searched the memory of the four and knew the reason why the four came to Xuanhuang continent. These four people are from the continents of the gods, under the throne of the thunder god.

The Thunder God King is one of the three thousand **** kings on the continents of the gods. On the continents of the gods, some great worlds of gods are all united together to become the group plane. In the group plane, the King of God governs everything, trains believers, absorbs the power of faith, and calls himself the King of God.

The group plane managed by the **** king, called the **** earth, belongs to the core forces of the gods continent. The realm of the **** king is different, the strong one has infinite power; the weak one has only the realm of silence.

The Thunder God King is a master of the extreme peak of the Promise. He ordered the four to come to the Xuanhuang continent, look for the Xuanhuang ruler, and indicate the direction. Thunder King did not mention the use of the Xuanhuang ruler, but it can be speculated that this object should be very important to him.

Li Xing converged on the wealthy corpse, and did not leave immediately. Instead, he searched the Xuanhuang ruler in Tu territory. Tu Guozhi died as he did not have any scruples. He dug down the earth, cut up high, and searched with all his strength.

Such a big move was very efficient, and he discovered it that day.

A concealed space-time is hidden in an ordinary stone. The monk said, "One sand, one world, one leaf, one heaven," is exactly this. No matter how trivial or trivial, it is possible to accept the mustard, and even hiding a big world is not impossible.

As soon as he noticed it, he immediately sensed carefully, let out a little force, and slightly, and cut the stone apart. I saw a loud noise from "Boom", and the immense amount of Guanghua was released, so that Li Xing couldn't open his eyes and quickly stepped back.

In the infinite amount of light, Xuanhuangqi is derived and intertwined. The second gas trembled, emitting a thunderous sound, a strange ruler, and the yellowish air appeared.

This ruler is about three feet, six inches and five minutes long. It is black on one side and yellow on the other. It is full of light and then converges and becomes dull.

Li Xing tried to reach out to catch, and easily took the ruler in his hand, and felt that his body sank, and found that the ruler was extremely heavy. At the same time, he could feel a layer of civilization on the ruler, which represented the Xuanhuang civilization.

Holding Xuanhuang Ruler in his hand, Li Xing inspected it carefully and found it vague and unpredictable. However, anyway, something is already in hand, and we are not in a hurry to deal with it. He threw it into the plane and stored it before leaving Tu.

About a quarter of an hour after Li Xing's departure, a ray of light landed, manifesting eight hundred war gods, all fierce gods and evil breaths. The leader was a delicate beauty. She looked at the scene, sighed, and said, "We are one step late, people have gone, and things are gone."

A **** of war looked anxious and said, "Sir, if we can't complete the task, we will all be executed by the **** king. What should we do now?"

Jibri Liumei raised his eyebrows and said, "He can't escape, I will find him!" After waving, he disappeared with the 800 War God.

Li Xing returned to the mixed empire, and the first thing he did was to help the rebirth of rebirth. He is the Great Celestial Master of the Junyuan Plane, who controls everything and has the right to inject rich consciousness into reincarnation and let him be born in the world of the Junyuan.

However, there is a difficulty in this process, that is, how to preserve the wealthy consciousness. Once the consciousness is lost, even if it is reborn, it is no longer rich and rich, it is another person.

After much deliberation, Li Xing finally decided to give the wealthy Yuanshen a solid foundation and strengthen it first, so as to reduce the risk. He created a set of methods dedicated to Yuanshen practice, combining Jiu Yang Gong and Jiu Yin Gong, and called it Yin Yang Gong.

This skill ~ www.readwn.com ~ combines the essence of Jiuyang Gong with Jiuyin Gong. Yin and Yang complement each other, and the level is definitely inferior to Li Xing's Jiuyang Gong. Once these exercises are successfully practiced, riches and riches will be blessed by misfortune and become yin and yang primitive gods.

Cultivation of yin and yang magic is not a matter of overnight. Now he is not in a hurry. He still uses the ancient civilization tree to support the rich and prosperous yuan gods, and to pave the way for the future cultivation of the yuan gods.

The fall of riches and angers has angered the congregation, and people have proposed to attack the continents of the gods and avenge blood and revenge for the riches. Li Xing yelled at everyone, telling the fact that the continents of the gods are so powerful that the mixed empire can't currently confront them, forcibly suppressing the emotions of all.

The wealthy matter came to an end for a while, and the mixed Yuan empire gradually returned to the past. On the seventh day after returning from Tu Guo, Li Xingfang had time to take out the Xuanhuang ruler for observation.

An accident happened, and as soon as the ruler was revealed, he felt the whole Dahuang Mountain slightly shake. At the same time, he also felt that the thirsty snake guts in that face were also beating with its rhythm, and both seemed to be pulled by the power in the Dahuang Mountains.

ps: ###, collapsed, it hasn't been so cool for a long time. There are still two chapters left. The demon tries to get out tonight as far as possible, it is too tired, it may be after zero, I will rest first.

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