Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1115: Broken Xuanhuang into silence

[Body] Chapter 1115 Breaking the Mysterious Huang into Silence (eighth)-

Chapter 1115 Breaking Mysterious Huang into Perish Eighth

Li Xing thoughtfully and immediately took out the courage. The two things came together, and the Dahuang Mountain suddenly shined brightly. A circular hole was split from the center, and a beam of light was shot from it.

Snake gallbladder and Xuanhuang ruler floated uncontrollably in the air, and they shot a ray of light into the Dahuang Mountains. After a while, the mountain shook and a large amount of yellowish air burst out of the round hole.

The phosgene was in the shape of a lotus flower, and the bones came up like blossoming lotus flowers, with a scent of fragrance. Later, the top of the phosgene exposed a spire of the tower, which released unparalleled coercion.

The tip of the tower slowly rises, and then the towers below it also float out one after another. Finally, a nine-story pagoda appears.

The tower is three feet high, three feet three inches, and has nine floors. These Xuanhuang Qi are very special, each strand is heavier than the ordinary Xuanhuang Qi.

A sway of breath swayed slightly, and the space was cut open; with a touch, the mountain collapsed, and Li Xing secretly was shocked.

"Is it the legendary Xuanhuang Zuqi?" Li Xing suddenly thought of something, and was shocked.

Legend has it that the universe is chaotic before the world is divided. Of course, the heaven and earth referred to in this remark are the main plane, that is, the world before the civilizations of the various eras had not yet been established. At that time, there was no chaos, no distinction between heaven and earth, and time and space.

In that chaos, the evolution evolved subtlely. At a certain time, two kinds of innate qi were formed. These two kinds of breath, one is mysterious, the color is mysterious. The second is yellow qi, which is yellow in color; the two intersect and merge to form the yellow ancestral ancestor.

The Xuanhuang Qi between heaven and earth is based on the Xuanhuang Zuqi.

Of course, this is only a period before the formation of the universe, and only in this period can Xuanhuang Zuqi be formed. It is because this thing is extremely precious and no great wealth can be bought.

Of course, chaos and other periods have evolved various materials, such as the ancient times of Xuanyuan, the treasures of the Five Elements, the true Qi, and the source of the eight poles, etc., whose values ​​are not below the Xuanhuang ancestors, but they are also rare .

The heart of Li Xing throbbed as soon as he saw this Xuanhuang Zuqi, which shows that this tower should be the Xuanhuang Tower, the secret treasure in the mouth of the blue sky.

As soon as the Xuanhuang Pagoda came out, Li Xing turned his mind. He thought that since the tower was taken from the snake guts and the Xuanhuang ruler, he might have to use these two things if he accepted it.

Immediately, he grabbed the Xuanhuang ruler and patted it on the Xuanhuang Pagoda. A line of Xuanhuang gas suddenly shot out, pulling Xuanhuang Tower and pulling it away from the mountain. At this moment, the Xuanhuang ruler is like a fishing rod, and Xuanhuang Tower is the big fish hanging on the hook.

Li Xing was overjoyed, and he took the Xuanhuang Ruler into the Yuanyuan World, and the Xuanhuang Tower also entered. At this point, he put down the heart in his belly, and finally got the thing in his hand.

According to the blue sky, the Xuanhuang Tower originally belonged to Xuanhuang Er, and the two were Xuanyang and Yinhuang, both of whom were Wuji Masters. As for the Xuanhuang Tower itself, its mysterious origin may have something to do with the dominance of Xuanhuang civilization.

After getting the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Li Xing couldn't help looking at it carefully, and wanted to see what kind of treasure this thing was. But as soon as his divine thoughts approached, he felt his head drenched like a needle, and he was so anxious that he quickly accepted the consciousness and did not dare to visit.

He was shocked and said: "This thing is really powerful, it must be an infinite amount of magical instruments, otherwise how so mysterious!"

However, he did not give up, this time holding the Xuanhuang ruler in his hand, and slowly tapping on the Xuanhuang Tower, muttering: "This Xuanhuang ancestor is very magical, I don't know if I can take it down for tempering Planes, build magic soldiers. "

Xuanhuang Zuqi is extremely precious and peculiar. As long as it is a ray, it can create a peerless **** soldier, which can be used to cut off gods and kill demons, destroy immortals and buddhas.

Xuanhuang ruler knocked on the tower and made a dull sound. Later, he used a ruler to pick up the Xuanhuang Zuqi, but he couldn't pick it off. Naturally, he could not take down the Xuanhuang Zuqi to forge the magic soldier.

Just as he was about to give up, the Xuanhuang Tower shook slightly, emitting a circle of Xuanhuang Baoguang. Photographed by that treasure light, Li Xing felt that his body disappeared instantly. The next moment, he appeared in a dark yellow phosgene.

The Xuanhuang ancestor here is extremely rich, each strand is extremely heavy, he is in it, the whole person is soft on the ground, every effort is extremely difficult. This is the power of Xuanhuang Zuqi, which can be suppressed by weight alone.

Fortunately, the Xuanhuang ruler was still in his hands. He waved it gently, and a light wave was emitted from the ruler. The Xuanhuang ancestors around him suddenly lightened, so that he could never feel any pressure.

"It seems that the Xuanhuang Ruler is really the nemesis of Xuanhuang Tower." Li Xing thought, and then looked around. I saw here, in addition to Xuanhuang Zuqi, or Xuanhuang Zuqi, and there is no end in sight.

"This should be the interior of Xuanhuang Tower. If so many Xuanhuang ancestors are sold, I don't know how much can it be worth?" He began to figure out if he could make a fortune.

However, things were obviously not as good as he imagined. After the initial curiosity and excitement, he realized that he seemed to be trapped here and could not leave at all.

There is Xuanhuang Zuqi everywhere, no matter how far he goes, he can't see the margins. This is a wild ocean formed by Xuanhuang Zuqi, trapped in it.

Li Xing came up with various methods, broke it with a black ruler, flew with all his strength, tried to get back to the portal of the Great World, and all failed. Even the use of the infinite attacking charm on his body did not work at all.

"Oops! I am trapped here, the entrance to the Great World is sealed, who will take care of things outside? Is it a bad thing if Xuan Huangguo attacks, or there is a strong enemy invasion?" Li Xing burst into a cold sweat, no matter what Efforts cannot leave this place.

After anger and annoyance, he finally accepted the fact that he was trapped, and began to practice calmly and calmly in the sea of ​​mysterious yellow ancestry. When he wanted to come, since he couldn't go out, he tried to cultivate well, until he became strong enough to break through the shackles of Xuanhuang Tower.

If you ca n’t get out of the Great Desolation, then you can practice to the Great Deity of Nirvana; if you ca n’t get out of the nirvana, you will practice until there is no great Deity until you have a breakthrough!

Although this is simple and clumsy, it is also directly effective.

Li Xing is a person who wants to do what he wants. After making a decision, he immediately started to implement it. The civilization roulette in the ancient tree of civilization has already completed sixty-four civilizations, and he has been enlightened.

What he is missing now is only time. As long as the time is sufficient, cultivation can soar all the way, and he can rise up to sixty-four Nirvana.

In Xuanhuang Pagoda, I don't know the time changes, Li Xing has no side to focus, and he practiced with all his heart. Unconsciously, the thirty-eighth Great Heavenly Demon disaster occurred, which was a sign that he entered the thirty-eighth Great Heavenly Demon.

In the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Datianzun's calamity was actually several times more violent than the outside, and he was ashamed and unharmed.

The Great Tianzun calamity is similar to the impact of the Great Heaven and Earth calamity on Great Tianzun. Every time you spend a round, it is equivalent to experiencing a Great Heaven and Earth calamity, and to bear the negative impact of the epoch.

Later, it was an uninterrupted practice, still undergoing thirty-nine robberies, forty robberies, all the way up, during which time I do not know how many billion years have passed, or have they experienced several epochs?

The age limit of the First Age is 4.320 billion years. No one knows whether it has experienced more than one age.

Datianzun disaster is more horrible than disaster. However, Li Xing's strength has also been arrogant one by one, and each time he advances, it is a qualitative leap.

Finally, the forty-eighth great disaster of the Great Heaven began. This disaster was too powerful. The sky and the sea almost drowned the entire Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the Xuanhuang ancestors continued to collapse.

Li Xing was beaten with blood and flesh, but he still stood still. His spirit was growing, his eyes were like electricity, his black hair was like a waterfall, and he was like a rock.

Finally, after how many times of bombardment, the terrible disaster of the Great Celestial Master passed, and Li Xing also steadily entered the forty-eight disaster and annihilated the Great Celestial Master. The situation of continuous cultivation like him is simply incredible. Although it takes a long time, it can continue to break through without stagnation.

At the moment when he entered the forty-eighth calamity, Li Xing felt that the mixed world had undergone tremendous changes. First of all, ancient trees of civilization have newly created several kinds of ancient trees, which are the ancient tree of knowledge, the ancient tree of hurricane, the ancient tree of thunder, and the ancient tree of miracle.

Of these four ancient trees, the ancient knowledge tree and the miracle tree are the most important. The two are symbols of civilization. It is their appearance that made Li Xing's mind sound the ancient civilization tree: "The foundation for successful advancement Primary civilization! "

Li Xing was overjoyed, only to feel that his senses were completely different, and the mixed world entered a level he had never reached before.

However, it is said that the ancient tree of knowledge can accumulate all knowledge. As long as it exists on the plane of the mixed element, it will be collected and sorted by categories, which will be passed on to future generations, so that civilization can continue. Www.readwn.com ~ Knowledge can be passed on.

The large number of knowledge ancient trees, and the instant information sharing between different ancient trees, has made the civilization of the mixed world a great step forward.

Besides the ancient miracle tree, this tree can indeed be described by "miracle". It's really a mobile store that can trade with inhabitants of the plane. Among the miracle ancient trees, you can create various items yourself, such as elixir, magic weapon, rune, and so on.

The process of the transaction can be carried out with natural chemical Dan, or barter. The process of bartering goods is also the process of commodity circulation, which will greatly promote the prosperity of the market. The market is another major symbol of civilization.

As for the ancient trees of hurricane and old trees of thunder, both belong to the ancient weather tree and belong to the supplement of the ancient weather tree. However, both of these ancient trees have attack characteristics, can send hurricanes and thunder, and can attack enemies outside the plane if necessary.

After upgrading to basic elementary civilization, Li Xing felt that his strength has also reached the strongest in history. According to the test of the ancient civilization tree, his strength has reached the level of 81. There is no great heavenly respect, compared with the infinitely large heavenly respect. How weak.

ps: It's a little worse, updated later, not sure what time to upload, everyone can't wait.

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