Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1116: Come from heaven

[Text] Chapter 1116 The Heavenly Court Comes (Ninth)-

Chapter 1116 The Ninth Evening of Coming Heaven

If the age of life exceeds eighty-four calamities, it is called Unlimited Great Celestial Supreme; if it exceeds ninety-six calamities, it is called Immortal Great Celestial Supreme; if it exceeds 108 calamities, it is called Broken Great Celestial Supreme. The Eighty Days Grand Celestial Master, is very close to the infinite series, which shows that the growth of Li Xing's strength ### has reached an extremely scary level.

At this moment, with a little effort, he felt extremely powerful, so he picked up the Xuanhuang ruler again and made a sudden swipe into the air.

Hearing only a "click" sounds, as if in the time of the ancient universe, the chaotic first division of time, he immediately separated the Xuanhuang Qi into the sky, the Xuanqi rose, turned into a blue sky, the yellow gas sinks, and condenses the earth.

However, this was only an instantaneous change, and then the two airs were scattered again. Li Xing's eyes brightened, and he found that he had jumped out of the Xuanhuang Tower.

Xuanhuang Tower bounced slightly, automatically flying up, shrinking to three inches to fall, falling into the palm of his hand, spinning slowly, continuously releasing the strands of Xuanhuang ancestors, falling down, wrapping his palms It seems like a flattering.

"Well? This Xuanhuang Tower seems to have surrendered to me. It's very good. When I have time to sacrifice it, it must be a treasure to defend against attack." Li Xing secretly rejoiced.

When he came out, he knew that the time outside was only spent a moment, and there was not much change.

Of course, at the same time that Li Xing was sealed into the Xuanhuang Pagoda, the mixed world was naturally sealed into it, and the portal to the big world was forcibly closed. In other words, how much time Li Xing has spent in the tower, how many billions of souls in the mixed world have experienced it.

In immeasurable time, not only the mixed world has been upgraded to a basic elementary civilization, but also many creatures in the world have undergone major changes.

At this time, the mixed world of Junyuan was enlarged by hundreds of times compared with Li Xing before entering the tower, and the number of living creatures also reached an astronomical figure, from ten trillion to 800 billion!

One hundred million and one hundred million are called one Beijing in number, that is, the number of real people in Hunyuan has reached the number of eight Beijing!

After countless years of cultivation, the reincarnation of the ancient tree has continuously refined the blood, and the qualifications of the real person in Junyuan have been continuously improved, and now it is so powerful that it shocks Li Xingdu.

Among the real people in Yajing, Xiu has reached 10 billion in order to reach the level of ancient great gods. Its probability is slightly greater than one in ten million, which is very rare.

We must know that in the theme, the proportion of the ancient Great Celestial Master is definitely much smaller than this number, and I am afraid that even one trillionth cannot reach it. In other words, the real people in the mixed world of Yuanyuan, among which the proportion of the ancient Great Celestial Master, is hundreds of millions of times higher than the main plane!

Hundreds of billions of ancient great deities, this battle can absolutely scare people directly. If the billion-dollar ancient celestial gods join forces to strike, the combat power will be close to the mega-weight master, which can be called horror!

In the mixed world, among the real people in Yajing, the number of epic and legendary celestial beings is even greater, reaching a staggering 880 trillion yuan. Although their realm is poor, their overall strength is slightly better than all the ancient Great Kings.

After removing the above Great Celestial Master, most of the remaining mixed Yuan real people are in the realm of the basic Great Celestial Master. In today's mixed-yuan world, new born babies are basically born in the first place.

But unfortunately, most of the mixed Yuanjiao people, and Li Xing's family, did not have a chance to quickly improve their strength in the mixed Yuan world during that short time.

At this time, Li Xing had not been able to recover from the refreshing feeling of the advanced level, but someone suddenly came to report that there was a messenger visiting and asked if Li Xing was allowed to enter. The visiting messenger claimed to be the Great Emperor of the Ancient Heaven under the ninth celestial constellation of heaven.

Desolation of great ancient times once helped himself. Upon hearing this man's arrival, Li Xing thought about it, and asked someone to enter the empire.

Outside the mixed Yuan empire, the ancient war tree gave way on its own, and the wild ancients under the leadership of two real people from Yuanyuan limped among the trees. On the way, he almost took a look and felt that the mixed Yuan empire was really unfathomable.

There are endless novelties along the way, and finally arrived at the Temple of Hybrid Yuan. In the magnificent hall, Li Xing sat in the middle, he was looking at it with a smile.

Fanggu rushed to see him, respectfully, and said, "Subordinate Fanggu, came to visit the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty by the order of the ninth emperor, Emperor Wan'an!" Li Xing's current identity could not tolerate any rudeness.

Li Xing smiled and said: "Brother, you and I have the same old knowledge, why bother to come here to come."

Then there was a real person from Yuanyuan who moved his chair and sat down for the desolate great ancient god. But how dare the ancients sit? He actually came to the Xuanhuang continent long ago and secretly inquired about Li Xing's deeds.

In the mouth of the monk of the Xuanhuang continent, Li Xing is a demon who does not kill anyone without blinking. He has amazing fighting power and can kill Nirvana. Nirvana the Great, that is an existence that belongs to the rank of hope for the ancients, but Li Xing is able to make a sample. This is the gap!

In addition, what he saw and heard in the mixed Yuan empire today is even more respectful and afraid of Li Xing, and he dare not call it as casually as before.

He didn't sit, and Li Xing didn't reluctantly, saying, "Brother Gu, what are you asking here, can the ninth emperor let you bring a word?"

The Great Emperor of the Ancient Times quickly said: "The Emperor Shengming, the ninth **** did let his subordinates say a few words. The ninth **** said that the land government has begun to mobilize soldiers and horses, and it is about to start a war against the heaven. Nowadays, the heaven is just for human use. On the occasion, he has pleaded with His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor to pardon all his sins before him. He hopes that the Emperor can return to the court and serve the court. "

Li Xing smiled "Hey" and said: "When you go back and tell the ninth emperor, you will say that the environment of Xuanhuang Continent is good. The emperor will live for a while and will not return in a short time."

The Great Emperor of the Ancient Times: "The above is only the words of the subordinates. As for how the emperor decides, the subordinates dare not ask questions."

Li Xing: "You just say so when you go back, presumably he won't blame him." After thinking about it, he suddenly asked, "Brother Gu, is there peace in the heavens recently?"

Hearing the words, Huanggu Datianzun sighed: "The ten emperors are fighting more and more fiercely and have gradually become public."

Speaking of the ten emperors, Li Xing couldn't help but ask again: "Brother Gu, you know, what are the ten emperors now? What is the strongest?"

Desolation of great ancient times thought for a while: "If you say that cultivation is the highest ~ www.readwn.com ~ is naturally the first emperor, it is said that his strength has reached the peak of immeasurable deity, very arrogant. As for other emperors, Not bad, even if it is the ninth Lord, there are eighty-five great calamities.

Li Xing secretly surprised, saying: "It is indeed the son of God, and everyone has such terrible cultivation!"

The great ancient monk nodded: "Actually, the emperors in the capital are just a clone. For example, in the seventh emperor, he has only eight robbers in the middle of Beijing, while his realm is as high as eighty-five robbers, which is only one billion avatars. one of."

"It seems that Tianting really crouches, hides, and countless people." Li Xing lamented that although he now has the combat power of immense Tianzun, he is not, after all, still far from the top ten emperors.

At this moment, the entire mixed Yuan empire was shaken fiercely, and seemed to be hit hard by something. When Li Xing's face changed, Sen Leng's eyes fell on Huanggu, and he asked, "Did you bring in people?"

The face of Huanggu Datian changed greatly, and he hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, absolutely not. The emperor knows that the visitor will be sent by the seventh son!"

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