Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1117: All die

[Text] Chapter 1117 All Refining Death (First)-

Chapter 1117: All Refined to Death

Li Xing sneered, even if the seventh emperor was dear, he was not afraid, and said, "I'd like to see who the seventh emperor will send!"

He ignored the ancient and desolate heaven, and instantly rushed out of the mixed Yuan empire. Over the vast mixed Yuan empire, Li Xing exhibited the mixed Yuan method, raising his hand to hit the sky, bending his foot to step on the ground, and the power was boundless.

He took a closer look and saw that there were more than ten monks sitting in the clouds in front of him. Among the many monks, there were actually many acquaintances. Among them, the Five Elements and the Five Great Celestial Masters, and the mighty Great Celestial Master, once rounded him up in the middle, remembering each other.

The remaining ones include two non-maximum deities and seven nirvana deities. The two have no great deities, standing in the center, are the main members of the group. One of them, in great black robe, was holding a sledgehammer and severely bombarded the mixed Yuan Empire.

Seeing Li Xing's manifestation, the eyes of the two insignificant Tianzun brightened, and the black robe Great Tianzun stopped the bombardment and stared coldly. The other was red-haired and murderous, and smiled sharply, "It's finally out!"

Li Li Da Tian Zun and the five Five Elements Da Tian Zun also sneered, Li Li said: "Li Xing, let you escape last time and see where you are going today!"

Li Li and the Five Great Deities, once participated in an operation to siege Li Xing, and that time Li Xing was ordered to welcome the pro-treasure # 3 #. If it weren't for the secret **** of Da Tianzun and Ronghua Datianzun, all those who greet relatives would be killed by these people.

Now when the enemies meet, they are extremely jealous. Li Xing actually smiled and said, "Six of you, you had planned to be the emperor, but you took the initiative to come to your door today. It's wonderful!"

Li Li Da Tianzun looked cold: "Li Xing, are you crazy? You think you still have a chance to win? Although the empire you built has good defense, we have two people who don't have great Tianzun. This time will definitely kill you this!"

Li Xing did not justify, saying: "I do n’t know what name you are coming this time? In heaven or in the seventh heavenly son?"

The red-haired blonde Tianzun said coldly: "You, a little person, is worth hunting down in heaven? Huh, it was the seventh man who found that the ninth emperor wanted to contact you, so he sent me to wait. Boy, can die in You are proud of our red and black lords. "

"What a red and black deity, I think it is a **** deity." Li Xing looked disdainful. "Just your gang of cats and dogs, also want to deal with me? It ’s not even as good as the emperor made by him."

"Spoken words, but unfortunately it can't change your fate today." Heibao Datianzun said coldly.

All the questions have been asked clearly. Li Xing really does not want to talk nonsense with this group of people. Da Tianzun Fa stretches out his right palm and grabs it directly. He said coldly: "Li Li, the five elements, let's calculate the account first!"

Li Xing's Fa phase had previously been hidden in the defense circle of the mixed Yuan empire, so these people could not see the depth of his cultivation. And his shot, Li Mo and others were all shocked, and shouted, "Extinction!"

These people remember clearly that in the war more than 800 years ago, the man in front of him was clearly still the Great Deity of Six Calamities, and now he has entered a level of silence? To what extent will he be capable?

Six people suddenly felt terrible, and shouted in unison: "Please predecessor Red and Black!"


The two so-called red and black ladders shot at the same time, using the axe, the knife and the axe together to make a lore. Both of them are in a state of seventy-four calamities and are very strong.

Unfortunately, Li Xing has stronger strength and possesses the fighting power of the Eighty-One Days of Heaven, and with a wave of his large hands, he shakes both swords and axes away. Then he grabbed Li Li and the other six in the palm of his hand.

The combat power of six people is equivalent to two masters of Nirvana, but in front of Li Xing, they are like a chicken and have no counterattack. They felt the power of Li Xing, and their faces were full of fear.

Limo growled, "How could you have become so powerful? Even the Great Desolation is impossible!"


Li Xing looked coldly at the six people struggling in his palm, and said scornfully, "You are no longer worthy of being my enemies, but the emperor has decided to destroy you."

Suddenly, countless predatory seeds fell from the sky and poured into the world of six people. At this moment, they are all under the control of Li Xing, completely unable to control the growth of the seeds.

In an instant, the bodies of the six were covered with plundering ancient trees, their power was plundered, and their wills were disturbed, one by one, yelling madly, cursing Li Xing in various languages.

Seeing this scene, the red and black Datianzun's face was iron and blue, and at the same time, there was a strong fear in the bottom of his heart. Although they did not confront Li Xing just now, they all felt Li Xing's strength and their strength was definitely above them.

For three or five breaths, Li Mo and others were refined into war puppets, and their expressions fell into the mixed Yuan empire on their own, and were incorporated into hundreds of thousands of puppet warriors, adding strength to the empire.

After disposing of the six old acquaintances, Li Xing looked at the remaining ones, and he raised his eyebrows, and said, "Two Promise, Seven Nirvana, the Seventh Heavenly Son is really talented, masters like clouds. It's a pity that today, none of you want to go back alive. "

The red and black Datian respected the C, suddenly became one, and instantly became a person. It turned out that this red and black celestial deity was a pair of twins. When they were practicing Taoism, they each practiced half of a Taoism.

In this way, they have been cultivated all the way to the present, and have been inherited by the Red and Black World. This big world is jointly owned by the two brothers, so, in essence, there is no difference between two people and one person.

The two became one, and immediately turned into a freak. The freak had four hands, four legs, two faces on the left and right, and looked ugly. They said, "Red and black are one!"

Li Xingle was up, and said, "The red and black of **** is one, break me!"

He said beating and beating. Eighty-one looting the power of Tianzun, allowing him to almost take the lead in the world. This monk doesn't even look at it. This shot was a hidden blow from the past, and the horrible lethality in that palm.

At the moment, the red and black heaven felt supreme pressure came down, and even had no chance to perform the secret technique, he was suppressed by the giant palm, and the war on his face became fear.

After the two merged, their combat power was at the level of the Seventy-sixth Heaven and Earth, and their strength was only a few tenths of Li Xing. In addition, he cast another blow in the past and easily won the two.

The Red and Black Grand Celestial had no time to roar, and was implanted with a plundering seed by Li Xing. Similarly, he did not persist for a long time and turned into a war-torn.

The remaining seven Nirvana Great Celestials saw this scene, one by one chilling with ice, without saying a word, turned away. This is also no way out. Li Xing is too strong. They are not opponents at all. If they fight hard, they will find their own way.

"All stay!" Li Xingsen's cold voice sounded in the rear.

Later, they suddenly discovered that there were layers of space traps on all sides, and they couldn't escape. It turned out that Li Xing had released the ancient trees in space long before, and the enemy would besiege in the future.

At this moment, all seven were desperate, and madly shot at Li Xing. However, their attacks at this level have not completely harmed Li Xing, and they were soon refined into puppets.

After less than a quarter of an hour, Li Xing wiped out the enemy and then returned to the main hall.

When the great ancient monk saw Li Xing's return, the expression on his face was very wonderful, and he couldn't help but ask, "The emperor, those who have come to commit crimes have left?"

"Dead," Li Xingdan said indifferently, "a group of garbage, dare to go to the wild empire."

Desolation of the ancient and horrible heaven was extremely cold, and he was extremely shocked. How strong the fighting power was, the time spent eating rice would destroy the enemy! Although he didn't know who the Seventh Heavenly Son sent, he also speculated that his strength was super strong, and whether there would be a great deity.

With a complicated mood, the great ancient monk left the mixed empire. He even had an illusion in his heart. He wanted to stay and live in the mixed empire forever. Because of this country, he feels that he is thriving and is making progress every day.

However, he still left. He is the ninth son of Heaven. He has to go back and report everything so that the ninth son of Heaven can formulate a strategy.

As soon as Huanggu left, Ronghua, Sanqing, and Guangyan came to visit together. Everyone feels the change of Li Xing. After all, the ancient world is suddenly elevated to the world of silence. This is a qualitative leap.

"Congratulations on the Lord, cultivation is a great advance." Ronghua Datianzun laughed. "The old man is now far from being the enemy of the Lord."

Guangyan Datianzun: "The progress of Xiuwei is second, I just went to the mixed world and found that the civilization construction inside has reached an incredible level." He laughed, "The Lord will definitely be in the future. Can become the great deity of civilization. "

The Sanqing Datianzun nodded: "The great Tianzun of civilization has infinite potential. The Lord will definitely be supremely broken in the future and cultivate to an indescribable height."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "It's nothing. I stumbled into Xuanhuang Tower to gain my current strength." He thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Three of you, still have to improve your strength."

Ronghua Datian said: "What does the Lord mean, let us also enter Xuanhuang Tower?"

Li Xing nodded: "Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can now control this tower and let you enter it to practice. But there is only one chance, so be prepared."

The so-called opportunity only means that a person enters the Xuanhuang Pagoda to practice. Once his strength is raised to a certain level, he can break through the barrier. If he returns to practice, he will not have such effects.

For example, Li Xing, because he could n’t get out of anything, he practiced with peace of mind. The first cultivation is the windless years, and now he has the current cultivation behavior. If he were allowed to enter the Xuanhuang Tower again, it would be impossible to have the last effect.

Moreover, he did not know how the time in the Xuanhuang Tower was adjusted. In case he could not come out in time after the cultivation, it would be a major event.

However, the three people of Ronghua Datianzun are different. With Li Xing sitting outside, they can safely enter the Xuanhuang Pagoda and practice until they can no longer advance.

Therefore, Li Xing prepared a large number of dying fortunes, and the civilization roulette nourished in the ancient tree of civilization, and handed them to the three, and then ordered them into the tower to cultivate.

ps: 101 red flowers yesterday, more than eighty flowers, less than one hundred and twenty flowers, so according to the agreement, today we will update five chapters. The five chapters will be uploaded one after another, and everyone will enjoy reading.

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