Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1118: Chaos Godhead Begins

[Text] Chapter 1118 The Chaos Godhead Begins to Show His Prestige (Second)

Chapter 1118: Chaos Godhead Demonstrates His Second Prestige

Soon after the three entered the tower, the others also came to ask why the mixed world suddenly rose to a great realm, reaching the level of silence directly from the ancient level.

From the ancient level to the silence level, the changes are huge. If Li Xing in the ancient level was a little bug, then he in the dying class was a dragon. This can be seen from the quantity and quality of real people in the mixed world.

In the Yuanyuan world, there are tens of billions of ancient celestial deities all at once. Scaring can scare people to death. No wonder everyone is shocked and come to ask.

The changes in the mixed Yuan world are gradually spreading, affecting the mixed Yuan empire. The entire Hunyuan map is based on the Hunyuan Great World. The ancient trees of war, space, and life are all from the great world.

The quality of the Junyuan Great World has improved, and the Junyuan Empire has naturally risen. The people of the Empire felt that the surrounding environment was changing every moment.

First of all, ancient trees such as the ancient trees of war have begun to upgrade rapidly. Take the ancient tree of war as an example. The original ancient tree of war had ancient early combat power. But after the upgrade, the ancient trees of war have the mid-term silence.

In addition, some new ancient trees were added, such as the ancient tree of knowledge and the ancient tree of miracles, which greatly enriched the civilization of the empire and further prospered it.

The entire mixed Yuan empire is bathed in the breath of civilization. Even the violent residents have become courteous. They have no heart to practise and cultivate.

If anyone looks at it from a distance, it will be found that the mixed Yuan Empire is like a beacon in the dark. It is so dazzling that no country can compare with it.

The mixed-yuan empire has once again entered a period of great development, and Li Xing also temporarily suspended the pace of empire expansion to keep the country stable.

But when the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind was still, it stopped for a few days, and something came to the door.

The angel came to report that there was a beautiful woman who took 800 masters and kept peeking around the mixed Yuan empire for half a day.

Li Xing was curious, who was so bold and dared to arrogance outside the mixed Yuan empire? He immediately went out in person, and a teleportation went outside. All I saw was a woman, lovely and unparalleled, with 800 followers behind her, all of them strong.

Notice that Li Xing came out, the woman's eyes brightened, and she smiled, "Are you the great emperor of Yuanyuan? Yes, there is a breath of silence. It seems that you have reached the level of the silence of the Great Heavenly Supreme."

Now Li Xing, back to normal, others can not see his strength, only to see that he is the forty-eight extinct lords. This also makes his appearance extremely deceptive. Who would have thought that such a great deity in the early stages of silence would be able to challenge the great deity in the Eighty-One Calamity?

Li Xing also laughed, his smile was cold, because he recognized the woman. He searched the memory of killing four wealthy people, and knew that the woman was named Ghibli, a powerful figure under the throne of Thunder God.

His face remained calm and he said, "Yes, I am the emperor of Yuanyuan. You ran out of the Yuanyuan Empire. What's the matter?"

This woman is Jibri, His Majesty the Thunder King. She smiled a little, and said, "A few days ago, I sensed your mixed-yuan empire and sent out a ray of Xuanhuang civilization. Don't know what happened?"

Li Xing asked Xuan Huang ruler something. He deliberately pretended to say, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

The woman's face was cold: "Don't toast without eating and drinking, you can kill the gods and subjects, I can not investigate it, but you must give up the Xuanhuang ruler immediately, otherwise, the entire mixed Yuan empire will be turned into fly ash! "

Li Xing laughed, the other party tore his face, so he didn't have to pretend, and nodded, "Yes, I killed all four people. I will not only kill him, you will all die."

His tone was very light, but he had strong self-confidence and a sudden murderous effect that caused Gibriel's eyebrows to wrinkle. He stared at Li Xing, saying, "So you really want to be the enemy of the gods' continents." ? "

Li Xing snorted: "To be precise, it is the enemy of Thunder King, a **** king, and this great emperor is not yet in his eyes."

"You are presumptuous!" Gibret was furious, and Jade waved. "Come, take me down."

Obviously, she didn't know Li Xing's power. Although she has been observing the mixed Yuan empire these days, unfortunately, due to the ancient trees in space, she can only see countless distorted time and space, and she cannot see anything, so she cannot judge Li Xing's means and strength.

The eight hundred war gods all had the fighting power of the Great Deity of Extinction. They yelled and formed a large squad of repression and took the initiative to suppress it against Li Xing.

"A bunch of rubbish, do you want to catch me?" Li Xing sneered, flipping his hands, covering the earth, turning into an infinity, he wrapped 800 people all at once.

These eight hundred people are not weak, but at this moment they feel as weak as ants in front of a giant elephant.

Of course, Li Xing has always been reluctant to waste resources. He has thrown these flesh and blood and world fragments to the guardian ancient trees to provide them with growth.

Giblie's face changed so much that she could not think of it. Li Xing's method was so violent, and even more unexpected, he would have such terrible strength.

Without waiting for her to return, Li Xing's big hand has been suppressed, and she said coldly: "Woman, the Emperor's family lacks a niece, it is you."

Cadbury's flowers were eclipsed. He even pointed seven fingers towards the sky and played seven mysteries of the Supreme God. Unfortunately, none of them could cause damage to Li Xing. She is nothing but the great celestial body of the Seventy Two Calamity. How can she be an opponent of Li Xing?

The eyes were dark, and then the sky turned round. When Gabler was awake, he was narrowed by Li Xing and placed in the palm of his hand. Looking at the huge face in front of him, Giblie was ashamed and annoyed, coyly reprimanded: "Mixed Yuan emperor, what do you want to do? Kill me, God King will not let you go!"

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "I didn't say that the emperor lacks a niece at home. I think you can look good and have good qualifications, so I will choose you. If you are smart enough, then do your best and give you a future."

Gibret was furious: "I would rather die than do slavery, you kill me!"

"It's easy to die, this emperor can pinch you with one finger. However, you are indeed the material of a maidservant, and it's a pity to die." He smiled slightly. "What do your gods rely on? It is nothing but the power of faith."

Speaking, a sudden light appeared from his palm, but Li Xing revealed the chaos of God. As soon as this godhead came out, Gibble had an impulse to worship, and she screamed, "Impossible, how can you have such a supreme godhead, it must be you who cheated!"

"Stupid!" Li Xingshen sang, his voice was extremely majestic, as if the common masters of all circles, the chaos emperor, "No one can imitate power, I am the supreme true God, and has been recognized by the Lord God."

Under the pressure of this momentum, Gibbrie hugged his head in pain, ### twisted and murmured, "Is there really a chaos master? How can this supreme godhead appear on your body?" "

She murmured for a while, and her eyes gradually became clear. She suddenly fell down and bowed down to Li Xing religiously: "O God of supremacy, I would like to be a slave and serve for life."

Li Xing secretly surprised that he did not expect this chaotic godhead to be so effective. He suddenly thought that maybe he should have gone to the gods' continent at first, maybe he is now the **** king.

With a slight smile, he said, "Very well, you have lost your way back and will be doing things with me in the future."

Ghibli worshiped again, then stood up, and entered the mixed empire with Li Xing.

At this moment, the thunder **** land far from the continents of the gods, the thunder **** king was furious, and the whole **** earth was thundered, and he shouted: "Asshole! Actually plunder the faith of the **** king, **** it, **** it!"

In the hall of the God King, everyone trembled and did not dare to say a word. After the rage of the Thunder God, he said in a dark voice: "Send me an invitation and invite the eight **** kings around me to go against the mixed Yuan Empire! "

"Yes." A **** guard took the order.

However, Li Xing did not know that the Thunder King had already killed him and was preparing for a big war. Now, he has just handed Giblie to Chen Xue.

Chen Xue is one of the nine women. She has the most feminine style, and she manages general matters.

Li Xingdao: "Xue, this is Gibri, who is absolutely loyal to me and will stay with you in the future to do things. There is a lot of things in the family, so you don't have to do everything yourself."

Chen Xue glanced at Gibblie and couldn't help laughing: "I was a master and found a little one again. It turned out to be a niece. Well, it's a good repair, it looks good and you can stay."

The two didn't say a few words. Yuanbao and Panther ran over in panic, their faces were full of anxiety, and shouted, "Master is bad, ### has happened."

Li Xing was taken aback and quickly asked, "What happened to Jiao Jiao?"

Yuanbao shouted: "### alone went outside the empire ~ www.readwn.com ~ sitting on the mountain for a while, then a black and white phoenix descended from the sky and swept her away."

This ingot was frightening. Jiao Jiao was the heart of Li Xing. In case of something, he would never be able to blame him.

Li Xing said nothing and flew into the air, leaving the scene directly. He kept thinking, what happened? Sit on the hill? Was swept away by black and white phosgene? Who started?

The next moment, he came to the place where Jiao Jiao had been, and the place was filled with strong yin and yang civilization. And in the void, there was a faint ghost, which seemed to be a wormhole entrance that was disappearing.

As soon as Li Xing's eyes brightened, he made a punch toward that virtual shadow. This punch implied a three-life lore, and his domineering power was boundless. He immediately opened the channel again, and then he flashed in.

As people limped in the wormhole at an incredible speed, Li Xing looked closely around him, looking for all traces of Li Jiao. Finally, after flying the mass for dozens of breaths, he felt Li Jiao's breath appeared at a certain point on the left.

He didn't hesitate, and banged in the past with one punch, only to hear a "bang", the wormhole collapsed, the light in front of him was bright, and a magnificent palace appeared in front of him.

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