Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1119: 9 Great God King

[Text] Chapter 1119 The Nine Great God Kings (Third)

Chapter 1119: The Nine Great God Kings Third

The palace is not high, and there are nine pillars in front of it, surrounded by black and white gas, which are condensed into various astronomical symbols. Li Xing glanced and locked his eyes on the entrance of the hall. He felt that Jiao Jiao was inside.

However, he rushed out from the wormhole, and suddenly there were two guards in front of the hall. The two guards, one with black heavy armor and one with white heavy armor, had an inexorable breath on their bodies, and more surprisingly, the two men could not feel the breath of life.

"Well!" There was a bang, two huge axes collided, blocking Li Xing's way.

"Not the son of Yin and Yang, you must not enter the temple!" The two guardians spoke at the same time, with the same tone and no human feelings.

Li Xingdan said indifferently, "I'm looking for someone."

"Limit you to leave within three breaths, otherwise kill." Guardian said indifferently.

Li Xing narrowed his eyes, and the mixed gun was already in his hand. In order to find his daughter, he didn't take it seriously to kill someone. But at this time, a small figure rushed out of the temple, and was suddenly blocked between Li Xing and the guardian.

Li Xing was overjoyed, picked her up and cried, "Daughter, are you okay?"

The little guy who ran out was Li Jiao. She smiled and said, "Daddy, this temple is a school set up by the yin and yang. It's called the yin and yang school, and many people are practicing."

Li Xing was taken aback: "This is a school established by the Emperor?"

### Nodded: "Yes, the students inside said that Tiandi would come here to teach in person every time." She thought for a while, and said, "Daddy, Jiao Jiao want to study here, it is very comfortable here. "

Li Xing sighed, his daughter is the son of Yin and Yang, and naturally has a good impression on the Emperor who is dominated by Yin and Yang. Moreover, this yin and yang school should be one of the core areas of the yin and yang dynasty, where you can do more with less effort and feel comfortable.

He now had to seriously consider whether to let Li Jiao stay.

As a father, he naturally wanted to keep his daughter by his side, watch her grow up every day, and eventually grow up ###.

But in the long run, Li Jiao can only get the best cultivation conditions only in places like Yinyang Academy, because no one understands the meaning of Yin and Yang better than Yin Yang.

Seeing Li Xing's uncertain appearance, Li Jiao kissed Li Xing's face and whispered, "Daddy, Jiao Jiao can't bear you, but if I don't work hard, I will never grow up."

Li Xing quietly, yes! Does Jiaojiao always look like a two-year-old all these years, that is because she has not been baptized by the yin and yang civilization, which he cannot do as a father at all.

Think of the son of Xuanhuang, in just a few years, he has grown into the state of extinction. The reason is very simple, because he was a major Xuanhuang continent, with the watering of Xuanhuang civilization, he grew naturally.

Li Jiao, however, was confined to the mixed world and couldn't absorb the yin and yang civilization, which resulted in her being unable to grow up and was still a little girl.

Li Xing sighed and said, "Okay, as long as you like, Dad promises you everything." After thinking about it, "But every ten years, you have to go home."

Li Jiao smiled sweetly: "Knowing my dad, the owner of the house allows students to go out, and I must go home on time."

Li Xing nodded and touched her daughter's head, saying, "Okay, go, remember to work hard. Since you are here, you must do your best."

"Daddy, don't worry, I won't let you down." Li Jiao waved at him, flashed, and then returned to the main hall.

Perhaps due to Li Jiao's reasons, the two guardians did not take any action against Li Xing, nor did they say anything. He stood there for a while, then sighed softly and returned from the same way.

Returning to the empire, Li Xing informed Bei Shibing about this. As a mother, Bei Shibing cried a lot, blamed Li Xing, and even went to find his daughter.

Li Xing repeatedly persuaded her to calm down. In the end, she still accepted the reality, but she was so depressed for several days that she did n’t even practice.

Li Xing was also helpless. Before he was a parent, he couldn't understand this feeling. Until now he has children and didn't know what it was like.

A few days passed. On this day, Li Xing took out the wealthy Yuan Shen from the ancient tree of civilization. The wealthy Yuanshen was already fragile, like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

However, some time ago, Li Xing was trapped in the Xuanhuang Pagoda for countless years, and the precious Yuanshen was nourished by the ancient civilization tree for a long time. Today, his primordial deity is so powerful that Li Xing feels ignorant.

"Haha, brother, you finally came to see me, mother, this place is going to choke me!" Fu shouted as soon as Fugui was released. His image at this moment is a mighty and majestic Tiens, tall and majestic.

His primordial spirit is highly cohesive, like an entity. Li Xing estimated that, for such a Yuanshen, its combat power would be as high as that of the Great Celestial Master.

Li Xing slapped him, and said, "What's his name?" Then he nodded with satisfaction, "Nice, beyond my imagination, I can enter the cycle again."

"What? Want to enter the reincarnation? Brother, won't it? Does it really make me a real Yuanyuan?" With rich eyes widening, he is still more suitable to be a Tiens.

Li Xing glared: "Why, you don't want to? If you go out in this state, someone who cares will take you away and directly put it into the magic weapon."

Fugui sighed, glanced at Li Xing, and said, "Couldn't it be more handsome? It's better to let the beauties want to show their arms when they see me."

Li Xing was speechless for a while, and suddenly said maliciously: "Of course not, you will be extremely ugly in the next life, and without sex. You can't touch a woman for a lifetime."


A scream screamed out for a long time, and then everyone heard the sound that the beast heard for a long time: "Brother, don't bring such a bully, help ..."

The joke is a joke, Li Xing is quite fond of riches, and chose a perfect fetus for him.

There are many heaven and earth relics in the mixed world. Among them is a mountain, which is called the Holy Spirit Mountain. On the Holy Spirit Mountain, some spore cells are often produced.

Once those stone cells grow up and become infected with the feelings of the loving life, they will break out of the stone and become the Holy Spirit. These holy spirits are extremely powerful in combat, and their qualifications are so amazing that even genuine real hybrid Yuan people can't compare.

Unfortunately, the number of holy spirit stone people is limited, far less than that of real people in Yunyuan.

From the Holy Spirit Mountain, Li Xing picked one of the most perfect stone cells. Among the stone cells, the fetus has been conceived, and as long as the rich yuan **** enters it, it can be transformed into a fetus.

Of course, the divine fetus has to go through a long process until it can break through the rocks. At that time, wealth and wealth will become human beings, and they will have overwhelming combat power.

It is three days after the wealthy things have been dealt with. As soon as Li Xing had taken a rest, he heard the war drums rise, and the whole Emperor of Yuan Dynasty also shook.

When his face changed, he immediately released his consciousness and saw a cloud of gods appearing over the mixed Yuan empire. On the **** cloud, there were nine masters, all of whom were infinitely powerful. Behind the nine people, there are thousands of troops and thousands of horses, countless murderous war gods.

Li Xing sneered, knowing that the people from the continent of the gods had come, but also brought a lot of helpers!

The nine masters in the air are the Thunder King, and the eight other God Kings he invited. The Nine God Kings joined forces to bring eight million God of War. The average combat power of these gods of war is all at the level of the early days of the Great Desolation.

Li Xinghua manifested the celestial body in the sky, with a hand-held hybrid gun, and a yellow tower above his head. He deliberately wanted the Thunder King to see that he had obtained the Xuanhuang Tower.

Sure enough, at the first sight of Li Xing's control of the Xuanhuang Tower, the Thunder King was furious and yelled: "Gods, this person's head is called Xuanhuang Tower, also known as the heaven and earth Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda, the treasure of Xuanhuang civilization, everyone Be careful. "

Another **** king, behind him, there is a round. Da Ri shines in heaven and earth, disdainfully said: "Thunder, you can't help but look at this person too high, he is just a small exalted deity, even if there is a black tower, It can't be my opponent. "

The Thunder God King said positively: "Darion God King, although this man's level is low, but his strength is not to be underestimated. The two batches of men and women I sent out died in the hands of this man, which shows that he is very capable. Moreover, this black tower It's a civilized weapon, it's defenseless, and it's extremely difficult to attack. Otherwise, I won't invite you all. "

Another **** king with a terrifying appearance like a skull interspersed: "Thunder King, shall we discuss it first, and who should own the question if we take the Xuanhuang Tower?"

Thunder King frowned: "Skull King, this matter will be discussed after we have seized it."

The kings of gods said in succession, "Yes, kill people first, take the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the others."

In other words, the Thunder God dynasty Li Xingyi pointed out: "The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, surrendering the Xuanhuang Tower, may spare you not to die. If not, I will come out with thousands of gods of war ~ www.readwn.com ~ flatten your mixed Yuan empire . "

"Big words." Li Xing sneered, "I'm afraid that instead of killing me, you will also be suppressed by me. This emperor has a kingdom of one hundred thousand gods, just to conquer you with these eight million gods of war and sit in one hundred thousand kingdoms."


The face of the King of the Sun was cold, and a big wheel of the sun was revealed. This wheel of light shines brightly as if it were a round. The big sun, carrying the supreme momentum, suppresses it toward Li Xing, and seems to want to take it in one fell swoop. Down him.

"Haha" Li Xing laughed and said: "You really look down on me, let alone you know the means of this emperor, break me!"

He stabbed his gun and only heard the sound of "click". The infinitely large Japanese sunburst was stabbed in a hole by him, and the instrumental spirit inside made a sharp scream and flew back.

The great king of the sun was frightened and angry. The treasure wheel was hardly made by him, and was actually damaged as soon as he came up. How can he not make him sad?

The other eight **** kings were all in shock, and the thunder **** king yelled, "You have also seen this, this is not a trivial matter. We better join forces to kill him!"

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