Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1120: Drop 9 King

[Body] Chapter 1120 Dropping the Nine Kings (Fourth) ——

Chapter 1120: The Fourth Emperor's Downfall

"Exactly, the potential of this son is endless. Since it provokes him, it must be eliminated as much as possible without leaving future troubles." Immediately, the nine **** kings each took a position, and they formed an array of gods in no time.

As soon as the **** array was completed, a huge vortex formed in the sky, and a huge eye appeared in the center of the vortex. This eyeball has a diameter of more than 10,000 meters and is extremely large. Just staring coldly below, it seems that it has the power to kill and kill.

Li Xing proudly stands above the empire and pays attention to all this coldly. It does not fail. He seems to be in his mind, and he is not afraid of any other means at all.

In that divine formation, nine lively faces were manifested, and the thunder **** king was among them. He screamed: "Mixed Yuan emperor, this is the divine appearance. Under the divine appearance, the immortal Buddha is killed and killed!"


Eyes at high altitude suddenly shot a divine light, that divine light was very fast, and once enveloped Li Xing. Shenguang shook for a while, and formed a cage of Shenguang, trapping Li Xing in it.

Outside the cage, eight fierce creatures manifested, one by one, not like humans, like Yasha, Li Gui, fierce and cruel, and powerful in shape. They each occupy a different position, suppressing the cage and locking Li Xing.

"Haha! This is the eight fierce **** prison, the emperor Yuanyuan, it seems I still look at you high. Enter this prison, you are dead." Thunder God King loudly, very proud.

Li Xing's look remained the same. He felt that the eight fierce **** prisons were indeed quite powerful, which caused him considerable pressure. He secretly estimated that if he was replaced with a great deity below seventy-seven calamities, I am afraid that he would be trapped in this cage and unable to break.

As soon as Li Xing was trapped, the nine **** kings immediately ordered his death, and the eight million war gods behind them issued a scream of horror to kill the mixed Yuan Empire below.

At this time, the arrogant defense force of the mixed Yuan empire was shown. As soon as the eight million war gods approached the empire, they were swept by a strange wave of space power. But it was the ancient trees in space that were powerful, and they suddenly divided the eight million God of War into eight hundred groups, each with 10,000 people.

Immediately, each group of 10,000 people was divided into groups of 100 people. In this way, the murderous army of 8 million Ares was cut into 80,000 small stocks with 100 people per share.

At the same time, the guardian old trees and the war old trees also acted in cooperation, two hundred war old trees and five hundred soldiers in a group, surrounded. From 800 to 100, the gods of the mainland have no advantage.

In terms of combat power, every ancient tree of war has a doom-like combat power; Taoist soldiers have more domineering power. They have a doom-like combat power and can form a killing line, which can completely suppress the enemy.

The nine **** kings saw that first there was a twist in space, and then eight million war gods were gone. Then they heard the sound of shouting and killing, and the two sides fought fiercely, not knowing how many soldiers sent by the Junyuan Empire.

After about twenty breaths, the fighting sound disappeared, and the Yuan Empire was silent. Only Li Xing knew that all the eight million Gods of War were captured, and now they have been escorted to the kingdom of one hundred thousand gods and become ### there.

"What's going on?" Skeleton King was stunned. He felt that the 800,000 war gods he sent had lost touch with him. Did they all die?

The other **** kings also had similar feelings, and their looks changed greatly. The Thunder King looked at Li Xing and yelled, "The emperor Yuanyuan said, what happened?"

Li Xing smiled slightly: "It's nothing, it's just that the eight million gods of war you sent out are all waste and have been compiled by my Junyuan Empire."

The kings of gods were furious. The thunder king sang loudly, and a ray of fire was shot in his eyes. Suddenly, the fire in the whole cage was full of fire. This fire is not an ordinary fire, it is called a celestial **** fire, which can burn high-end gods, which is very scary.

Li Xing had a comfortable look in the fire, and said loudly, "I haven't taken a bath for a long time. This fire is not bad. I have burned all the dirt, and come back more."

His mixed-yuan world is very strong, and his physical body is also arrogant. This fire can't hurt him at all, but feels very comfortable.

The King of Thunder was so irritated with teeth that he suddenly sneered: "Don't be arrogant. The King of God will take you back to the continents of the gods, and slowly heal you then!"

"Rectify me?" Li Xing looked at him like an idiot. "Just nine of you idiots, it's almost the same thing that I fixed."

After he had said it, he reached out and grabbed the sides of the cage, and then exhaled, "Broken!"


With a loud noise, the eight fierce prison cages were torn in half by him, and the eight fierce beasts also screamed and disappeared. He shook the burning fire on his body and said, "It seems that your means have been exhausted, and it is the turn of the emperor."

Thunder God Wang felt awful, and was wondering if he would remind other **** kings that Li Xing had flew out a big hand of God and suppressed it. There is a chaos of chaos in the palm of this god's big hand.

The chaotic godsmanship emanates from Li Xing's chaotic goddess, that is, the chaotic heart, and exerts great coercion on the nine **** kings. They suddenly felt that Li Xing was their supreme master and could not resist.

"What? He actually has such a supernatural personality!" The Skull King shouted, desperately suppressing the consciousness in his body that he wanted to worship.

Li Xing's palms are filled with hundreds of millions of gods, making the nine gods intoxicated, as if entering the era of civilization of the gods, bathed in the aura of the Supreme God.

"Not good, quickly retreat!" Thunder King bit his tongue and yelled, the first person turned and left.

Suddenly, the divine array dispersed, and the king of the nine gods went their separate ways, desperately flying. They felt that if they did not leave again, they would have to surrender at the feet of the Emperor of Yuan Dynasty, and they would never turn over.

The monks on the continents of the gods have very strict divisions of their realms. The upper deities can completely suppress the higher deities. Even if the person with the superior godhead is not very strong, it can also cause strong suppression of the lower godhead.

Now is an example. Once Li Xing revealed the chaotic godhead, all nine **** kings changed color, and there was an urge to surrender.

Seeing them run away, Li Xing laughed: "You can't get away, come back to me!" He reached out and grabbed, time and space twisted with his mind. The nine **** kings could not escape half a step regardless of which direction they were running, but instead approached him more and more.

The kings of gods all showed a panic expression on their faces. They were not afraid of Li Xing's strength, but fear of the godhead he possessed. The godhead is the qualification of the gods, who possesses the supreme godhead, shows that he has the potential to become the supreme true **** in the future.

At the scene, Li Xing played a cat-and-mouse game, constantly pulling the **** kings to his side, watching them flee, and then pulling them back. Eighty-one robs the strength of Tianzun, making it easy for him to do this.

I don't know how many times such a reciprocation, the Thunder King finally couldn't bear it, and shouted, "Hunyuan emperor, what do you want to do with us?"

He simply did not escape, standing there, glaring at Li Xing.

Li Xing said lightly: "Good question, it looks like you are not completely a fool."

The Thunder King was furious, his face rose like a pig's liver, but he didn't say anything after all. He knew that what he said at this time would take his own humiliation, and it would be better to close his mouth.

Li Xingdao: "I am very clear that although you are gods, on the continents of gods, there are still true gods of faith."

He knew something about the events of the gods. There, the deities of the lower deities all have to believe in the deities of the higher deities. The godhead is equivalent to the title of aristocracy in the world, and those with lower titles should bow their heads to those with higher titles and work under their hands.

The same is true of the gods. The higher gods are the big nobles, and the lower gods are the little nobles. The little nobles must obey the orders of the big nobles and have faith in them. Believers in these gods are called gods on the continents of the gods.

There are nine types of godheads, lower goddess, middle godhead, upper godhead, throne god, truth god, emperor god, perfect god, main god, and nothingness.

The nine **** kings belong to the throne of the throne, so they can build the group plane, form the **** earth, claim king in them, and collect beliefs.

After hearing what Li Xing said, the **** kings seemed to have expected something, and each of them looked ugly.

Sure enough, Li Xing continued: "Believe in others is also a belief, and believe that the Great Emperor is also a belief, so in the future, you must worship the Great God as the supreme **** and devoutly believe."

"Can't do it!" Thunder King first objected, "We can only believe in the great truth God Augustus, never betray?"

"Really?" Li Xing's face sank, reaching out a little, plundering the seeds endlessly, all of a sudden falling into his **** plane, beginning to take root and sprouting, and quickly swallowing the plane energy.

The Thunder King's face changed greatly, and he said angrily, "What the **** is this? My power is constantly disappearing, **** it! What are you going to do?"

Li Xing said ruthlessly: "Don't give face to face, I was going to kill you, but the emperor has now changed his mind and given you a chance to reform ~ www.readwn.com ~ If I do n’t, then I will Get rid of you immediately. Don't think that you are great without a great lord, you don't have a plate in front of this emperor. "

These words were so vicious that the nine **** kings all felt at ease, and the thunder **** king was also honest. For the gods, their faith is not so faithful.

After all, they are not ordinary believers, they just believe in everything ignorantly and don't ask anything else. And they are different. They only believe in the true strong, so that they can contribute their beliefs wholeheartedly.

At this moment, Li Xingzhan showed enough strength, and immediately made the nine **** kings soften. Moreover, the supreme godhead made them unable to resist the slightest resistance.

Therefore, after listening to Li Xing's words, their minds were alive and felt that if they believed in the person in front of them, there would be boundless prospects, much better than that of Augustus.

Seeing that nine people were silent, Li Xing knew that things were almost the same, and added: "You should understand that if you believe in this great emperor, this great emperor is your true god. As a true god, you have the power to enhance the godhead's personality. Do n’t you want Higher Godhead? Throne Godhead is nothing, truth Godhead is nothing. How can this Great God give you emperor Godhead, or even complete Godhead? "

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