Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1121: Dragon Elephant Ring for help

[Body] Chapter 1121 Dragon Elephant Ring Calling For Help (Fifth)-

Chapter 1121: Dragon Elephant Ring Calls For Fifth More

The bodies of the nine **** kings shook violently. It is absolutely impossible for them to improve the goddess ###. But immediately, the thunder king screamed, "Don't dream anymore, the **** king will never give in!"

Li Xing's eyes revealed the murderous power and said: "Thunder King, if you hurt the people around this emperor, even if you surrender, this emperor will not spare you. And since you are so ignorant, let's die!"

As soon as he thought, the plundering of the ancient trees began to grow wildly, drawing a lot of energy from the plane. The muscles of Thunder King's face were constantly twisted, his body trembling, and his face was full of fear.

"God of Thunder, this great emperor knows why you disagree, because that Augustus imposed a ban on you, right? Once you rebel, you will soon be wiped out. Hum! But I forgot to tell you that this ban on this great Said, it is not difficult to crack. "Li Xing jokingly said.

Thunder King showed an expression of regret, opened his mouth, and seemed to beg for mercy from Li Xing. The latter looked coldly, and said arbitrarily, "It will be cheap to make you into a war puppet, and you can die with peace of mind."

After that, the last **** of thunder of the Thunder God was worn away, and his body was completely controlled by the plundering of the ancient trees, and became a war puppet.

Watching the thunder **** king be killed, the remaining eight **** kings turned pale, without Li Xing's persecution, one after another said: "Mixed Yuan emperor, we are willing to serve you as the true **** and contribute faith, please do not kill us."

Li Xingdan said indifferently: "Very good, now give up your faith."

The so-called surrender of faith refers to the belief of the **** before a certain true god. Once it is taken out, the relationship of faith established with the true **** disappears, and the loss of self-cultivation is great. After surrendering their faith, they can only believe in Li Xing in the future, until Li Xing promises to give them freedom.

The eight **** kings did not hesitate to take out a group of white light groups, which is exactly their belief. Once lost, the repair will fall a lot.

Li Xing stretched out his hand, and the eight groups of Guanghua fell into his hand, then squeezed it gently to remove the heterogeneous belief about Augustus, and then put it into the infant. The eight **** kings continued to decline, and fell directly from the Promise to the middle of Nirvana.

Looking at their extremely reluctant look, Li Xing said lightly: "Without abandonment, you will not get it. After you practice well in this great kingdom of gods, you will soon recover your strength."

The **** kings had to agree, and now they had no way back, and they only followed Li Xing.

Li Xing ordered the Eight Gods to enter a kingdom of gods and become a **** inside. Soon, great changes took place in this kingdom of gods. Under the blessings of the eight **** kings, a vague figure appeared, which was no different from the image of Li Xing.

The silhouette represents Li Xing's divine will. If given enough time, he will gradually become stronger and eventually become a **** avatar, growing independently like the Jiuyang avatar.

After surrendering the Eight Gods, Li Xing then began to exclusively enhance the strength of the mixed Yuan empire, accumulating strength for the next expansion and the confrontation with Xuanhuang Kingdom.

When the mixed Yuan empire gradually became stronger under Li Xing's rule, a remote area in the central Pure Land, a place called Dragon Elephant Fort, was engaged in a fierce battle. One side of the battle was the people of Dragon Elephant Castle, and the other side was a dozen ancient Celestial Masters.

At that time, Li Xing found Longxiangbao, and left six mixed real men and dragon elephant boys to guard it. At this moment, the cultivation of the six real people in Yuanyuan has reached the realm of the ancient Great Heaven Emperor.

The dragon elephant boy has made the fastest progress. Of course, the reason why they have progressed so quickly is that Gein Lixing passed through the journey of enlightenment of many civilizations.

During the battle, the dragon elephant boy just watched coldly. Because one of the invading enemies never shot, the man ’s cultivation is also the Great Desolation, only one level lower than him.

The six mixed-yuan real humans have various fighting methods, fierce moves, and the protective method of the real body of Da Luo, as well as many secret techniques taught by Li Xing, so they will have the upper hand and fight the enemy several times their own. No fight back.

"Longxiang Fortress has never been in touch with the outside world and has no dispute with the world. Why is your heart taking so many people to break through?" The Longxiang boy asked the lonely deity opposite.

The face of this dying Datianzun is full of fierceness. At first glance, he is a vicious character who often kills people. He smiled calmly and said, "There is nothing to say. We are here to do things. If you are acquainted, you all leave the dragon immediately. Like a castle, otherwise kill it. "

"Don't make a fuss!" The dragon boy sneered, "I'm afraid the person who died first is you!"

The boy followed Li Xing for many years and learned all the skills, and immediately he shouted, and fought with the solitary Datianzun. After all, the dragon elephant boy is a magic weapon. Without the master's command, he will not be able to exert his full combat power.

Therefore, although the opponent is a little lower than him, he still has the upper hand, which makes the dragon elephant boy a bit difficult.

After fighting for more than a hundred tricks, I heard two screams. Among the invading group, two solitary celestial beings were interrupted by the mixed real person, and they were immediately killed by the grid. This situation reversed the situation, resulting in not long after that, three more people were killed.

The extinct Da Tianzun was a little anxious. He saw it, and if he consumed it like this, he might lose all the people he brought. So he suddenly attacked six real people.

The gap between silence and ancient times is very large, and even the real people in Yuanyuan cannot ignore this gap. So as soon as the other shot, the six real people stepped back immediately, unwilling to bump into it.

The dragon elephant boy knows the capabilities of the six mixed Yuan real people, and they can absolutely protect themselves within a hundred strokes. So not only did he not stop the deceased Datianzun from firing, he attacked an ancient Datianzun far away.


The sweep of the dragon ring directly blasted the ancient great deity directly and cleanly.

Da Tianzun, who was hunting down a real man from Hunyuan, was taken aback and realized that he had made a mistake and put his subordinates in danger. So he quickly gave up the six mixed Yuan real people and attacked the dragon ring.

You and me from both sides, strangling together, Dragon Elephant Castle slowly gained the upper hand. In the end, the other group, except the extinct Datianzun, had all been beheaded.

The brutality on the face of the perishing Da Tianzun had all been transformed into anxiety, and he could no longer concentrate on the challenge, but was crushed by the dragon elephant boy.

Seeing that Dragon Elephant Castle was about to win on one side, a big purple hand suddenly fell from the sky. This big hand is extremely powerful and powerful, and ignores the attacks of six mixed Yuan real people and dragon elephant boys and kills them directly.


The tremendous pressure caused a violent weather wave, making seven people unable to breathe.

The dragon elephant boy yelled, "No good, hide!"

The six mixed-yuan real people were also clever. When they heard their words, they tried their best to move closer to the dragon ring, and then they took refuge in a flash. The dragon ring was grabbed by that big hand and easily grasped.

At that time, the extinct Datianzun, who had fought with the dragon elephant boy, saw the big purple hand appearing, his face glowing, and he shouted, "Teacher, your old man is here."

A flash of purple light, a young man appeared on the spot. He was born with a yushu in the breeze, with a magnificent posture, and a purple dress fluttered. He impatiently glanced at the man and said, "Waste! A group of people can't take a little dragon elephant castle. In case I break the plan, you It is impossible to atone for sin! "

The man reluctantly said, "Fortunately, the church owner went out and solved these problems."

The young man snorted and squeezed the dragon ring in the palm of his hand, and said, "This weapon is quite good." He said he was going to put away.

The dragon elephant boy suddenly said angrily: "Miscellaneous things, you also deserve to own this little master? Let's let go of the master quickly, otherwise you won't regret it and you can't eat it."

"Huh? I was caught so arrogant, it seems that I will not give you some color, you will not be honest." The young man sneered, using his hands, a purple light burst into the plane established by the dragon ring and began Raging.

In the plane, the six mixed-yuan real people were also caught by Ziguang. As soon as Ziguang twisted, they cut off all their hands and feet. But the six of them were very stiff and didn't say a word.

"Huh, a group of reptiles, dare to call the owner of the board!" The young man sneered.

But at this moment, suddenly a force that was so powerful that made the world tremble from the dragon ring was born, a majestic voice yelled, "Shit! I think you are a reptile!"

I saw the dragon ring flash, and one person walked out of it, who wasn't Li Xing?

It turned out that Li Xing left the Dragon Elephant Ring at the beginning, leaving a teleportation back door in it. As long as Dragon Elephant Ring's mind moves, he can pass through the back door, cross countless planes, and directly enter the Dragon Elephant plane.

The moment the man caught the dragon ring, the boy sent a distress signal to Li Xing. Therefore, Li Xing will appear at this time.

The man was taken aback ~ www.readwn.com ~ Feeling the dragon ring ringing violently, he broke away from him and flew into the air. Li Xing took the dragon elephant ring in his hand, gave him a slight glance and asked, "Who are you, what do you do when you come to Dragon Elephant Castle?"

The man was shocked first, but when he saw Li Xing's cultivation as a realm, he let go of his heart and laughed, "I am an expert, but it turned out to be just a small exalted deity. .Very good, the host will suppress you together and train to ### 使 召. "

Seeing that the other party was still arrogant, Li Xing didn't even look at it, and he slaped it with a slap. His palm was invisible and indefensible, and his face was sore that he was "snapped" for a while, and half of his face was swollen and old. high.


The man was vomiting blood and was shocked and furious. He played a great celestial secret and saw Mantian purple light strangling to Li Xing.

Li Xing snorted, waved his sleeves, and the power of the world admiring the mountains and the sea was slamming out. The purple light was blown and exploded, and disappeared. Then, his second slap was drawn exactly to the man's face.

He was pumped twice, and the host screamed angrily, throwing a nirvana peaking instrument, and said fiercely: "Dare to shame me, I will make you die!"

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