Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1122: 95 Extreme

Chapter 1122: The Nine Five Extremes (first)

Chapter 1122: The Ninth Five-Year Supreme (First)

This is a spherical thing, it just rose to mid-air, and it hasn't started to work. [? The net was caught by Li Xing, and he grabbed it casually.

He played for a moment, and said disdainfully, "What shit, trash." Then he pinched it, and the ball broke with a click, turning into a pile of powder.

The other party was finally frightened, and watching the powder flowing from Li Xing's hands, his brain fell into a blank. This is a Nirvana tool. If it can exert all its power and its lethality is very strong, it will be powdered by anyone casually. Is it reasonable?

Li Xing destroyed this instrument and said lightly, "Say, who are you and what is the purpose of arriving at Dragon Elephant Castle."

He was frightened, and realized that he was not Li Xing's opponent at all. As soon as his eyes turned, he slipped around, a purple light rose from his feet, and he left in the air.

This method is called Purple Lightning Lightning, and it is a secret technique of his own which is very effective for escape.

Unfortunately, he met Li Xing. I saw Li Xing's gaze, and two strands of Chimang with thick fingers shot in his eyes, and this person was settled at once. This method of locking the enemy with his eyes is a secret technique that Li Xing decomposed from the three-life lore, called lock-lock technique.

The mystery of the three lives is unpredictable. He is digging for the mystery, and the lock operation is only a secret technique decomposed from it. In addition, there are **** fixation, tearing, return attack and so on.

Although it is only a small technique decomposed from the three-life lore, its power is still very powerful. When the man was illuminated by Qiguang, he immediately fell from the void, could no longer limp, and was locked firmly by his eyes.

"I won't let you go, you can't get away." Li Xing said, "If you don't say any more, I can only search your memory."

The other's face changed for a while. Knowing that he kicked the iron plate today, he suddenly gritted his teeth and reached out and scratched. The extinct Datianzun who had previously fought with the dragon elephant boy was caught in his hands.

The skeptical and fearful expression on the face of the extinguished Da Tianzun was exploded by "banging" with no news.

Li Xing frowned slightly, and he naturally knew why this person did it. If he chooses to surrender, even if he survives, he must be intolerable by the forces behind him, so he must kill the person and block the news through the mouth.

After killing his companion, the host looked at Li Xing and said, "Your Excellency is very strong, and I know that I am not the enemy, so if you have any questions, you can ask." Then added, "I am Ziguangda Tianzun, a church owner of Guiyuanmen. I came to Dragon Elephant Castle to find a trace of something. I just tried my luck and didn't have much hope. "

"What are you looking for, and what does this have to do with Dragon Elephant Castle?" Li Xing asked.

"That thing is called the ancient altar, which is what the gatekeeper Guiyuan Datianzun wanted. This thing was won by the dragon elephant, and all the dragon elephant castles are descendants of the dragon elephant, it is possible to know this. Things are falling, so we will come here. "Ziguang Datianzun must answer questions and cooperate very well.

When I heard about the ancient altar, Li Xing was a little surprised. This thing was owned by him in the past, but was later taken by a mysterious person. He asked: "How does Guiyuan Gate know that the ancient altar is in the hands of Infinite Heavenly God, does your master have something to do with Dragon Elephant Heavenly God?"

Ziguang Datianzun then told Li Xing a history, which related to the cause of death of Dragon Elephant Datianzun.

It turned out that at the time, the Dragon Elephant Da Tianzun was indeed a stunning and talented person. Xiu had reached the incredible Ninety-Five Great Calamity, and was one step closer to entering the immortal state. The dragon elephant Datianzun has amazing fighting strength, and has the strength to challenge the immortal Datianzun, and it runs through the heavens.

Tianting even condescended and noble, and wanted to recruit him to be the Marshal and Marshal of Tianting, all were rejected.

Longxiang Datianzun has been pursuing the limit of self-cultivation throughout his life. He is a big Tianzun who is as true as a family. He has not been inherited, but relies on his own dragon avenue to reach the peak step by step.

Ninety-five great calamities can almost be regarded as the ultimate character, because the great majesty of immortality is extremely rare, and often does not know much about the world. Therefore, the ninety-five great calamities are often called the ninety-five supreme.

Originally, it was impossible for a master such as Longxiang Datianzun to be beheaded, but unfortunately he encountered another powerful figure, breaking Datianzun.

The Broken Path is also the infinite power of the ninety-five calamities, and it is the same as the Great Priest. He created his own way to break all avenues. When he fights with people, he can see the other party's shortcomings at a glance, and then attack at the weakest, often killing with one hit.

The two current heroes met together because of one thing, which is the ancient altar. This ancient altar has a mysterious origin, and the legend does not belong to the theme, but comes from an exotic world.

The ancient altar contains a strange power. With this object, you can sacrifice anything and gain strange power.

At that time, the ancient altar was possessed by a mighty civilization of the witch civilization. He was guilty of it and was later beheaded by Da Tianzun. However, the immeasurable Datianzun appeared at this time, and the two started a scramble for the ancient altar.

It is hard for posterity to imagine the fierce battle at that time, only to know the result. After that battle, the Dragon Elephant and the Broken Path were severely injured at the same time, but the Dragon Elephant was high on the front line and seized the ancient altar, and its whereabouts are unknown.

Da Tianzun, who broke the road, was too injured. After returning to Dongfu for a period of retreat, he actually sat down, leaving the complete Taoism. Although there is no mention of the later news of Longxiang Datianzun, Li Xing can judge that he should have fallen because of this.

As for the ancient altar, it must have been stored by him in the dragon elephant world, and finally transferred to a theme, that is, the dragon elephant world in which Li Xing lived.

After a few years, a young boy happened to get the Daoist Taoism. This young man has extraordinary qualifications and has made great progress in a short period of time. He is Guiyuan Tianzun.

Guiyuan Dazun practiced Guiyuan Avenue. He was also a lawless and overbearing figure. After he grew up, he founded Guiyuan Gate. He knew the existence of ancient altars from the remnants of Da Tianzun who broke the way, so he dug into thinking and wanted to get this thing.

Later, Guiyuan Datianzun also created the most Guiyuan gate for this, a very large organization. This organization currently has 30,000 masters, spreading across all heavens and earth. Under the church owner, there are branch church owners, the number of which is as high as ten million.

Wan Zi Da Tian Zun is one of them, responsible for the management of a part of the central pure land. He came to Dragon Elephant Castle to plan this one-hand operation, and the purpose was to find information about ancient altars from Dragon Elephant Castle.

Wan Zi Da Tianzun explained it in detail. After listening, Li Xing said, "You are very interesting, and I will spare you for the time being. But the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is inevitable. You must first squat in the mixed world. "

Wan Zi Da Tianzun is helpless. Now that the situation is better than others, he can only be forced to agree, so Li Xing was locked into the mixed Yuan world and became a mixed service. Planting flowers and grass every day was very comfortable. Until a long time later, Li Xing remembered him again and gave him freedom.

After the Wanzi Grand Celestial Mastery was settled, Li Xing entered the interior of Dragon Elephant Fort with a dragon elephant ring and six mixed Yuan real people. Longxiangbao is not much different from when he was there. Dragon Three Elephant Four still enthusiastically went out to meet him, and even said that thanks to the Dragon Elephant boy, everyone in Dragon Elephant Castle would be homeless.

Li Xingdao: "Long brother, elephant brother, I got the news, that Guiyuantang will send someone here, I mean, why don't you live in another place?"

He didn't want to run over to help the dragon elephant castle, so he decided to move the dragon elephant world to the mixed Yuan world, which is also convenient to take care of, and he can also bring the dragon elephant ring around to help him practice.

The people in Longxiangbao took the cultivation of Dragon Three and Elephant Four as the highest. They saw that Li Xing was unfathomable and agreed without any hesitation, and then told all the people about it.

Longxiangbao has always looked at the dragon, three elephants, and four horses. When the two spoke, the others naturally did not disagree, and they all supported moving into the mixed world.

During this period, the dragon elephant boy told Li Xing a very important thing. This matter was related to the dragon elephant world plane and made him very concerned.

"You mean, do you know the orientation of the dragon elephant world?" Li Xing asked in surprise. "How did you know?"

The dragon elephant boy smiled "Hey", and the smile was very slippery, ### slippery, saying: "Master, this place is so stuffy, so every three to five days, the little ones will go out and make friends."

"Wait." Li Xing stared. He felt something was wrong and asked, "You tell me what friends you have made over the years."

The dragon elephant boy scratched his head and said, "Some sisters of Cuiyun, younger sister of Yexiang Tower, and sister of Su Su in Wanyan Valley ..."

Li Xing could not help but rolled his eyes, dare to love the boy so lascivious, and actually made many firework women. But he thought for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said nothing, after all, this is the freedom of the dragon elephant boy.

Seeing that Li Xing didn't respond, the dragon elephant boy had to get up and said to Li Xing: "Master doesn't know, Cui Yun's mouth is very good, her big tits. Zi is so dazzling, hey, I want to bite when I see it . "


Li Xing slapped the boy with a slap, and said angrily, "Say what I want to know, don't pull your sister or sister."

The boy grievously touched the swollen head that was knocked out, and said that outsiders haven't told him yet. It seems that the master is not good enough. Forget it, just talk about the business. By the way: "Master, the little known news Is to get from them. "

"I once heard Cuiyun occasionally that she had received a very powerful guest, but she had no great respect. The news came from that guest."

ps: Yesterday they gave 150 red flowers, which was very powerful, so today the little demon will update six chapters. Safflower is not the purpose. The demon wants to use this method to provoke himself, clean up the habit of laziness, and force the code.


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