Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1123: Dyed Abyss

Chapter 1123: Jiuyang Demon Prince

Chapter 1123: Dyed Abyss (Second)

"That great master has a teacher and is a massive figure called Kunwu Great Master. After much hard work, he finally found the direction of the dragon elephant world, and he was in the abyss ... [fe ?! Unfortunately, the Abyss is too horrible. Even the big man can't come in and out freely, so he has to give up searching. "Tongzi said.

Li Xing was surprised. At that time, Emperor Tianxie had told him that there was a friend in the dragon elephant world called Kunwu Daozun, who had extraordinary qualifications and was very close to him.

"What else do you know about that Great King Wuwu?" Li asked immediately.

The dragon elephant boy shook his head: "I knew this when I was young, because that didn't say much."

Li Xing thought for a while and said, "I have heard of the Abyss of the Apocalypse. It is said that it is the most filthy and horrible place on the entire plane. , The dragon elephant world actually fell into the abyss of ransom. "

"Master, should we immediately go to the Abyss and find the Dragon Elephant World?" The Dragon Elephant boy is eager to try. No one wants the Dragon Elephant World more than him, because the plane he built is a small one in itself. Dragon Elephant Great World.

Li Xing thought about it and said, "The dangers of the abyss are dangerous, and I'm afraid I can't go deeper. But now that I know the news, it is necessary to go there."

On the same day, the two masters and servants moved all the people in Dragon Elephant Castle into the mixed world. Li Xing also gave rewards to the six left-behind mixed Yuan real people, allowing them to enter the No. 1 Cultivation Plant for five reincarnations to improve their realm.

Moving is a complicated process. Men and women of all ages, young and old, are almost worthless to put down, and even the fields at home should not be thrown away.

Impatient, etc., Li Xing exerted unparalleled means, taking Dragon Elephant Castle as his heart, with a radius of five hundred miles, and all moved into the mixed world. Among them, the landscapes, trees, many souls, and all buildings were moved.

In this way, the residents of Longxiangbao no longer have nostalgia, but have smoothly entered the big world and started a new life.

After all this, Li Xing immediately flew to the abyss. He knew the location of the Abyss, but this abyss was wrapped in layers of space, which was difficult to find, and idlers could not approach it at all.

So, he flew for seven days, and finally broke through the space and entered the place where the Abyss was dyed. Here is a chaotic space-time. At the very center of space-time, a black hole suddenly appears. This black hole is the entrance to the Abyss.

Extremely far from the entrance, Li Xing could feel a filthy and dark power that passed from the abyss, which made him feel annoyed and wanted to leave this place far away. This feeling is like seeing something extremely disgusting and filthy, which can be avoided.

In the whole chaotic time and space, apart from Li Xing, no second figure can be seen. Obviously he did not want to come to such a place.

Despite his strong discomfort, Li Xing forced himself to approach and slowly flew to the entrance of the abyss. He looked down from the black hole, only to see the darkness, without reaching the bottom, and rushed up with black gas.

These black qi belong to the dying scourge in the dying abyss. It can dissolve all things, and let the high-level Great Heavenly Supreme fall. Li Xing quickly took out the Xuanhuang Pagoda and hung it over his head.

This Xuanhuang ancestor is truly extraordinary. It is a peerless **** born from the chaos of the universe. It emits a heavy circle of Xuanhuang Erguang, pushing the black gas away, and it is difficult to approach Li Xing within ten feet.

As soon as the Xuanhuang Pagoda came out, Li Xing's anxiety disappeared immediately. He exhaled, thinking that he had lost the Xuanhuang Pagoda. Otherwise, it would be difficult to enter the Abyss Abyss today, and he can only go back to his home.

Standing against the Xuanhuang Tower, with the protection of Xuanhuang's ancestors, he fell towards the black hole. With this jump in, you can see the dark surrounding air, the dyeing and calamity gas becoming more and more intense. Later, it was almost as thick as liquid, and even Xuanhuang Tower passed through considerable resistance.

Moreover, the black gas often burst into a big bubble, and the big bubble was wrapped with unknown things, releasing a variety of breath. Li Xing was curious when he encountered one, but fell all the way down and encountered tens of thousands in a row.

"What's in the bubble?" Driven by curiosity, he urged Xuanhuang Pagoda to let a ray of Xuanhuang ancestry condense into a palm and grabbed at the nearest bubble.


As soon as the yellowish air reached into the bubble, it was strongly corroded. However, this ancestral ancestral ancestral spirit is not trivial and has an extraordinary origin. Although Qingyan is early, he has not really suffered any damage.

Then a "wave" sounded, the bubble burst, and the contents were rolled into the Xuanhuang Tower by the Xuanhuang gas line.

This is a dark sphere, wrapped in a layer of dry, hard shell, condensed by the dyeing disaster disaster gas. At this moment, under the cutting of Xuanhuang Zuqi, it was continuously turned into black smoke and evaporated, and then was discharged out of the tower by Xuanhuang Tower.

Slowly, the hard shell completely disappeared, revealing its true colors. This is a scripture made of unknown materials. It is about three feet long and two feet wide. The cover is mottled and obscured, and the four scriptures "Tai Shang Wu Jing" are written on it.

Li Xing was surprised. The reason he knew Malay was because he had previously obtained a copy of Taishang Wujing in the "Land of Ten Places" in the Dragon World. There are many witchcraft methods recorded in that scripture, including the seventy-two fierce curses.

How come there is a Book of Taishang too? Li Xing hurriedly looked at it. With this look, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He found that the Wujing was countless times more comprehensive than the one he had seen before.

For example, if the scripture of the Dragon Elephant World describes how to simply split the material with a knife, then this scripture teaches how to become a peerless swordsman. Moreover, this book is more comprehensive and profound.

"It seems that the scripture I saw before was just a few excerpts from this scripture, and then pieced it together, and blame the system." Li Xing looked at it for a while, then understood, face Shows hilarity.

This authentic "Tai Shang Witch Scripture" records several powerful witchcraft secrets. If it can be successfully cultivated, its lethality will not be under three years of life. The civilization of the witch is also one of many civilizations, and it was once brilliant.

Li Xing copied the content of this book directly, and passed it to the ancient knowledge tree in the big world. In the mixed world, if anyone wants to practice the Wumen skills, they can get it directly from the ancient tree of knowledge.

In this way, Li Xing sank all the way, and whenever he encountered a bubble, he would collect it and see what was hidden in it. Sometimes he had good luck, and he could get treasures from various civilizations, swords, swords, sticks, and various instruments. However, the corpse of Datianzun was found the most.

The first body of Da Tianzun discovered by Li Xing was the body of a Promise Da Tianzun. The big world has been completely infected by the disaster and has no life breath.

However, Li Xing still collected the corpse. He first used Xuanhuangzu Qi to clean up the disaster gas, and then gave it to the guardian ancient tree to absorb. You must know that a great celestial deity can make the guardian ancient tree produce an omnipotent Tao fruit, thereby giving birth to a Taoist soldier of the Infinite state.

In the mixed world, for each additional Taoist soldier, he has accumulated more power. If it is necessary in the future, such as when the realm is impacted, these Tao soldiers can dissolve themselves into energy for Li Xing's cultivation.

As he landed and collected, Li Xing had a feeling of panning in the market. He was very happy, because he could find several treasures from time to time. Although it is not very useful, it is quite good for people around.

Just then, he suddenly widened his eyes, because not far ahead, a huge air bubble appeared. The diameter of the bubble is more than a thousand miles, and even if it is separated by the disaster disaster and Xuanhuang ancestor, Li Xing can still feel the surging power contained in it.

"What is this?" Li Xing was startled, staring at the huge black bubble. Through the bubbles, he saw vaguely that this behemoth was surrounded by many large or small bubbles.

"Developed!" As soon as Li Xing's eyes lighted, he immediately urged Xuanhuang Zuqi and approached the huge bubble.

But at this moment, a killing white light suddenly came from below. This white light ignored the disaster and easily chopped it onto the Xuanhuang Tower.


Xuanhuang Tower made a crisp sound, and Li Xing was shocked and flew back and forth. He fixed his eyes and became furious. There was a young man below with a lamp above his head. The lamp emits a cone-shaped white light, keeping the young people in it.

Surrounded by lights, the young Tianzun looked coldly at Li Xing. Next to him were standing nine inanimate dry corpses, each of which was terrifying, and they should all be the bodies of the great heavenly god.

Li Xing looked at the killer, snorted, and immediately urged Xuanhuang Tower. This yellow tower has been under control since he surrendered to him ~ www.readwn.com. With just one thought, he can make it change for offense or defense.

Xuanhuang's ancestors were immediately divided into one-third, condensed into a large hand of Xuanhuang, broke open and dyed the calamity, and grabbed the opponent's lamp.

The young man's face changed greatly. It seemed that Li Xing was not able to shoot in such a place, but he did not dare to contend. He repeatedly urged the lights on his head and ducked aside.

But how fast is Xuanhuang's big hand? All of a sudden they caught up and caught him. Xuanhuang ancestors collided with the lights, and a loud boom was heard. Xuanhuang Tower trembled, Li Xing flew back and forth, and the Xuanhuang ancestors of the protector almost disappeared in half.

The young man said angrily, "Are you crazy? This kind of place is not suitable for fighting, otherwise you and I have to die."

Li Xing couldn't help but be angry, and said, "It was you who provoked me first. Since you started, you will never die!" Then the words continued, and I continued to urge Xuan Huang Zu Qi, this time turning into a giant axe, fierce towards the other side Beheaded.

The man was shocked and called out quickly: "I just tried it out and it was not malicious. Your Excellency should not be angry."


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