Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1124: Head of the Abyss North Emperor

Chapter 1124: Jiuyang Evil Monarch Chapter 1124

Chapter 1124 The Head of the Northern Emperor Dyed and Abyss (Third)

"You don't have to explain, I will kill you. ┠⊿ & 网" Li Xing said indignantly. This person was obviously deliberately thinking that if he was not capable of defending Xuanhuang Tower, he might have been injured or even killed by him.

When the man saw that Li Xing had a heart to kill, he immediately lowered his face and said coldly, "You don't think you can kill me with a tower. I really want to fight with you, I will only lose both."

"Did you deserve it?" Li Xing sneered, and after a heavy disaster, he saw that his cultivation was in Nirvana, and it was not a big deal. Moreover, after just fighting, he felt that the lamp above the opponent's head should not be able to dry the Xuanhuang Tower.

In two words, the black axe finally caught up with the opponent, and it was another fierce chop, making a loud noise. The Xuanhuang Tower is still violently oscillating, but it has no great impact on Li Xing.

The other side was so chopped, the light suddenly dim, and the range it could protect was sharply reduced, scaring the young man to shrink inward. The corpse of Da Tianzun next to him was miserable and was taken away by the disaster again.

This is the corpse of the nine heavenly gods, who finally managed to drive away the disaster and prepare for the future corpse refining.

Seeing that there were cheap to pick up, Li Xing would not miss the opportunity, and immediately divided a ray of mysterious ancestors into a large volume, and collected all the nine corpses. He smiled: "You are welcome, thank you for your gift. "

The young man's popularity crooked his nose, but the body of the nine Datianzun was hard-working, and he only got it after experiencing fierce danger. He was robbed easily without thinking, "Animals, return the corpse soon, otherwise my **** The corpse door will never let you go! "

"I think you've got water in your head. If I kill you today, Tianshimen knows what's going on? Moreover, even if Tianshimen really finds me, it will be killed by me!" Li Xing laughed at him Road.

"You ..." What else would the young man say, his face changed again, because Li Xing's third attack came.

He cursed angrily and escaped furiously. Because if he was hit for a few more times, he was worried that the "blaze lamp" above his head could not resist, and he was trapped in the siege of disaster and calamity.

Li Xing's strength is obviously higher than this person. The Xuanhuang Pagoda is able to use it, and the means are much better than the other. So although he desperately escaped, he was soon overtaken by Li Xing, and bombarded heavily with the sledgehammer that Xuanhuang Zuqi gathered.


The light was like glass, and a big hole in the fist was punched at once, and the disaster-stricken gas was poured in immediately, and the white bright light became dim immediately.

The young man screamed in shock and said, "Don't kill me, I apologize to you!"

Li Xing sneered: "How many goodies are you apologizing for?" Then, a fourth attack was made.

The young man was finally afraid, and quickly said, "It was my fault before. As long as you don't kill me, I'd like to share the secret of this thing with you." Then, pointing to the behemoth, he said very unwillingly.

Li Xing was unmoved and said: "Kill you, this thing belongs to me, I want you to share it?"

"You thought wrong." The man hurriedly said, "It's a trivial matter. It's the head of a supreme character. After being beheaded, he falls here."

"Huh? What big man, can't I take it?" Li Xing asked, and couldn't kill him in a hurry.

The man immediately said, "That's nature. This Supreme Man once ruled the Northern Famine, and he was called the Northern Emperor."

"What? Beidi?" Li Xing's eyes widened.

In Beihuang, there is an extremely old legend. This legend has been circulating for a long time, and it has not been verified, but people believe it is true. It is said that before many epochs, a civilization named Chiming was born with a Gai Dai hero.

This man rose rapidly and possessed powerful force. Before the ancient times, he unified the countless continents of the Northern Wilderness, with the common respect of all ethnic groups, and was named the Northern Emperor. It was an era of great prosperity. Under the majesty of the Northern Emperor, even the Emperor Ji Tian had to be courteous by three points, commensurate with his brothers.

But there are very few legends about the Northern Emperor, and people only know this.

The man in front said that the head of the emperor was inside, which made Li Xing couldn't believe it. He was lost for a moment before asking: "How do you know that the emperor's head is inside?"

The young man took a breath and said, "Because the blood of the Northern Emperor is flowing in my body, it can be sensed."

Li Xing figured it out that Peking Emperor and other peerless people, his head is naturally not easy to take away, maybe they need the help of future generations. If he gets this skull, he can definitely help his cultivation.

It can be imagined that a supreme figure like the North Emperor must be the power of the broken world. The characters in the broken realm have transcended immortality. There have been many civilizations, and there will be no fewer civilizations.

Li Xing can draw a large number of civilized forces from it for his own cultivation, and also provide sufficient power for the mixed world.

Seeing that Li Xing was silent, the young man thought he was unbelieving, and added: "In order to collect the head of the North Emperor, you must have the blood of the North Emperor. You must know that the dignity of the North Emperor cannot be profaned. As far as I know, there were many powers I wanted to collect the North Emperor's head, but none succeeded, and many people were killed here. "

After thinking about it, Li Xing felt that even if this person was not true, that would be fine, and he could not escape his control. So he said in a deep voice: "Looks like you should be able to collect the North Emperor's head. Well, you can show it to me. Remember, if it is not successful, I will kill you."

The young man was annoyed. He regretted that he should not have rushed to Li Xing before he regretted it, and it provoked such a ruthless man. I am afraid that the head of the North Emperor will also be arched.

He nodded and said, "Naturally, I dare not lie to you. The North Emperor's head was sealed by the disaster for an unknown number of times, so as long as it is not touched, its power will not erupt and it will not be difficult to collect. However, if you don't want to Touch it, only the blood of the North Emperor can do it. "

"Don't make nonsense, do it now." Li Xing urged, Xuanhuang Tower gathered a sledgehammer and began to intimidate.

Young people hate their teeth itchingly, but under the eaves, they have to bow their heads, and now they can only endure. He responded, driving the lamp, and approaching the huge bubble.

When he was approaching the huge bubble, he suddenly exclaimed, shocked Li Xing, and asked, "What happened?"

The young man shouted, "Many celestial bodies are all around the emperor's head. My God, there are many immense celestial deities! Countless immense celestial deities! Alas, there seems to be an immortal celestial deity!"

Li Xing was also beating his heart. He guessed that those big deities should be the formation of bubbles near the head of the Northern Emperor, saying: "You only need to collect the head of the Northern Emperor, don't ask others."

The young man nodded, carefully letting out a ray of light, and stretched towards the huge bubble. Suddenly, the bubble shuddered a little, and then the young man suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand and led in the direction of Li Xing, as if pulling something, and said, "Go to death!"

"Abominable!" Li Xing immediately felt that a supreme danger was approaching. Regardless of the others, he quickly applied the secret method, his body disappeared instantly, and he directly transmitted himself to the Dahuang Mountain.

The moment he disappeared, there was a shock of phobia, and it was so indescribable that it swept across. However, the young Datianzun was also screamed, the lights were dim, and then quickly hurled upwards.

"That **** thing caused me to trigger the Emperor's prestige in advance, and it was broken. Otherwise, the emperor's head was already collected. I will come back next time. I don't know how long I will wait. I hate it!" The young man yelled and quickly walked away. .

After a dozen breaths, Li Xing returned to Dahuang Mountain. This is the place where he established the portal of the Great World. Of course, the premise is that no master seals his ability.

Thanks to the force rushed out of the head of the North Emperor, it did not have such a function, otherwise he would surely die today.

"I did not expect the North Emperor's head to appear in the Abyss." Li Xing was shocked, but he also hated the young man. He decided to kill it immediately if he encountered it in the future.

After returning to the mixed Yuan empire, Li Xing first counted the gains from the Abyss. This time, the harvest was quite rich, and more than one hundred corpses without great celestial deities were obtained.

In addition, there are some treasures and other instruments, all of which have been classified into large world warehouses for future use.

Li Xing attaches great importance to the corpses of Da Tianzun. Because most of these celestial bodies are relatively old, with a mark of civilization that he has never seen before, this is very important to him.

Through the branding of these civilizations, he can use the ancient trees of civilization to fully promote them and provide protection for future cultivation.

The practice of Datianzun ~ www.readwn.com ~ lies in the baptism of civilization, and then experienced the disaster of Datianzun. Therefore, the more civilizations acquired, the better it will be for Li Xing, and the better it will be for the creatures in the mixed world.

For the first time, nearly two-thirds of the body of Datianzun was thrown into the ancient tree of civilization. With the help of life infants, he began to refine the strength of civilization and deduced supplementation. In this process, the civilization roulette in the ancient civilization tree has continuously increased the number of civilizations it carried, from 64 to 365.

Theoretically, if a Datianzun has experienced the baptism of 108 civilizations and successfully passed the disaster of Datianzun, then he can enter a broken state. And Li Xing's practice during this time found that this is not the case!

For example, his cultivation in the Xuanhuang Pagoda and the sixty-four civilizations contained in the civilization roulette, many of them have no effect on him. Moreover, the higher the revision, the less the number of civilizations that can satisfy its ascension.

When he was still at the beginning, almost any kind of civilization could make him successfully upgraded, and stepped into a great calamity. After stepping into the Ten Heavenly Deities, he wanted to ascend, and one percent of the civilization was unusable; after entering the 48 Heavenly Deities, he found that there were no civilizations sufficient for him to improve.


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