Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1125: The secret of civilization

Chapter 1125: The Secret of Civilization (Fourth)

Chapter 1125: The Secret of Civilization (Fourth)

It is for this reason that he attaches great importance to the bodies of the Great Celestial Master found in the Abyss of Affliction, hoping to obtain a civilization from them that can meet his advanced needs. ┏_Net

But the fact disappointed him. There were no 365 civilizations that could satisfy his needs. He couldn't help but ask, "The ancient tree of civilization, why is this?"

The ancient tree of civilization said: "Every 4.34 billion years in the universe, after a catastrophe, a new civilization will be born on the main plane. Since ancient times, the universe has produced countless civilizations, and every time A civilization has different levels. "

"How different?" Li Xing asked.

"You already know that civilization is divided into five major levels: primary civilization, intermediate civilization, advanced civilization, perfect civilization, Taishang civilization. Each level of civilization has several subdivisions. For example, the yin and yang civilization of this era belongs to A class in advanced civilization. "

"The practice of the Great Celestial Master is to perceive civilization and undergo baptism. The higher the cultivation, the higher the level of civilization requirements. The ancient Celestial Master and below, the lower civilizations can be satisfied; if the Great Celestial Master below the Promise is to be upgraded, the intermediate civilization It can be satisfied; and the immense, immortal, and broken above, it needs a higher level of civilization to be satisfied. Different people have different needs for the level of civilization. "

Hearing this, Li Xing was clear, saying: "It seems that the 365-footed civilizations in the civilization roulette are all relatively low-level civilizations, so they do not meet my advanced civilization requirements."

"Exactly, you need to find a high-level civilization before you can continue to promote cultivation. Moreover, with the improvement of cultivation, your requirements for the level of civilization will become higher and higher, and it will become more and more difficult.

Li Xing sighed and said to himself: "It seems that the practice of Da Tianzun is not enough just for qualification, but also luck. However, where do we go to find advanced civilization?"

Suddenly thought of the emperor's head in the abyss. Then the emperor has such a terrible cultivation, presumably the civilization it possesses must have a high level? If it is available, then this problem is solved.

However, he immediately thought about the difficulty of collecting the head of the North Emperor, and he might be boarded by the young celestial body of that corpse gate.

In Xingyuan Empire, Li Xing spent more than a month staying, refining 60 Promise Wars and 2,400 Nirvana Wars, greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the Xun Yuan Empire.

In addition, the guardian of the ancient trees also has forty new soldiers in the Promise Realm, and more than 1,600 soldiers in the Nirvana Realm.

Li Xing was preparing for the war like this, and Gein Xuanhuang State has been expanding wildly recently, and he has repeatedly sent spies to mix in the empire. Fortunately, the mixed-yuan empire has a first-class civilization system, and there is no hole to enter.

From these clues, Li Xing can judge that it is not far from the last battle between Xuanhuang Kingdom and the Empire, and he must be fully prepared.

On a certain day, the Mixed Imperial Palace held a regular empire meeting. The participants were all the core figures of the empire, the old people around Li Xing. Everyone speaks freely, brainstorms, and makes suggestions for the Empire's words.

Li Gui said the first: "My father, the rapid expansion of the mixed-yuan empire, the number of monks, and the increasing demand for cultivation resources. Nowadays, the entire mixed-yuan empire is stretched and urgently needs a lot of cultivation resources."

Lee turned himself into the emperor and led the world. If there is any need, he will be the first to know.

Hearing that, Li Xing nodded: "I also saw this and will try to find a way as soon as possible."

Later, Li Ba, a marshal of the Imperial Empire, marshals out, Shen said, "Master Father, the expansion of the Imperial soldiers makes it impossible to synchronize the number of equipment. Nowadays, many soldiers have no openings, no armor, greatly weakened Combat effectiveness. "

Li Xing sighed and said: "The empire has extremely high requirements for weapons, so it is extremely difficult to fully meet the demand." He paused, "But you can rest assured that I will solve this matter."

So, the next problem was raised, and finally Li Xing concluded that the most fundamental thing was the lack of good luck. As long as he has enough alchemy in his hand, he can buy it in large quantities regardless of his training resources or combat weapons.

After the Empire Conference, Li Xingsi came to think about it and felt that it was necessary to go outside and plunder it. No matter Xiaoyao Palace, Treasure Chest, Guiyuanmen, etc., who have had conflicts with him, they must patronize it, or they will not be able to meet the increasing demand.

As Li Xing planned the operation, the Xuanhuang Pagoda vibrated repeatedly, and the three Guanghua towers rose into the sky. Ronghua Grand Celestial Master, Sanqing Grand Celestial Master, and Guangyan Grand Celestial Master successively rushed out of Xuanhuang Tower.

The three Great Celestial Masters have changed tremendously and their strength has been greatly improved. Among them, the Ronghua Grand Celestial Masterpiece has been impacted from 72 to 78 jewels; the Sanqing Grand Supreme Emperor has rushed to the seventy-two disaster without a great ladder from the middle of silence; the performance of the Grand Supreme Master has also impacted 70 Three calamities.

It turned out that the three broke through in the Xuanhuang Tower and finally broke out. It is also because Li Xing provided enough training resources before the three entered the tower, otherwise they would not be able to progress so fast.

Li Xing was very happy for this, saying: "Yes, you have all made progress. At this time, you will help me when you go out." Then she said to her heart.

After listening, Ronghua said: "Lord, my husband has an idea. I don't know if it is feasible or not."

"You speak." Li Xing came to spirit.

"The mixed-yuan empire is growing stronger, and the demand for resources is like a bottomless pit, which is difficult to meet. Even if all the above forces are ransacked, they can only meet the temporary needs. As time goes by, gaps will still appear. It ’s best to find a way to earn a long-term income, such as setting up a chamber of commerce. "

"Yes! The Chamber of Commerce is the easiest to earn." Sanqing Datianzun immediately agreed, it seems very experienced.

Li Xing thought about it: "This is a good way. The mixed world has miracles and ancient trees, can make many items, and is a ready-made shop. Once the chamber of commerce matures, there will be a lot of goods flowing in and out, and we will You can make a profit from the difference. Well, that's it. But before that, I have to go there.

Next, Li Xing formulated a detailed plan and set the first predatory target at the Guiyuan Gate.

The reason for this is because in his hands, there is a master of the Guiyuan Gate, Ziguang Dazun. Li Xing learned from the mouth of Ziguang Datianzun that Guiyuan Gate has a deep foundation and inherited a lot of resources from the broken Datianzun.

Moreover, in these years, Guiyuanmen plundered around in the process of searching for the world of dragon elephants, accumulated a lot, and made Li Ren very envious. So, after inquiring about Ziguang Tianzun in detail, he planned to directly attack Guiyuanmen headquarters.

The core of Guiyuanmen was built in the central pure land, a hereditary general house. The true identity of this general is exactly a master of Guiyuanmen.

Of course, as the leader of Guiyuan Gate, all resources of Guiyuan Gate are occupied by Guiyuan Datianzun. If you want to plunder resources, you must first get this big Tianzun.

The grand and magnificent building of the General General's Mansion, the guards in front of the gate are all ancient great deities. Outside the General's Mansion, Ziguang Datian Zun looked so pleased that he strode across the meteor. The guard saw he couldn't help wondering, and he said that what good thing happened to Ziguang Datian?

As Ziguang Tianzun passed the gate, he smiled at the two guards, and then hurriedly entered the house. In the Guiyuan gate, he is a relatively prominent church master, and has won the trust of Guiyuan Tianzun.

Therefore, along the way, I was not blocked, and I met the Guiyuan master smoothly.

Guiyuan Datianzun is studying a weapon at the moment. This weapon was just acquired by him, but it is a sharp sword, but its origin is yet to be verified.

"See the master!" Ziguang Datianzun stepped forward to meet.

Guiyuan Datian did not look up, and said to the humanity who was with him to study Baobing: "You are so happy with Ziguang that he must have brought us good news."

Several big deities in the room have a good relationship with Ziguang Datian, all of them are closer people in front of the host, otherwise they will not always be around, and they laugh and ask: "Brother Ziguang, what good thing did you encounter?"

Ziguang Tianzun couldn't help but "haha" laughed and said, "Natural is a good thing for Tianda." Then he took out a box from his body and handed it to Guiyuan Tianzun. This box is made of a special metal to isolate the divine thoughts.

Therefore, after receiving the box, Guiyuan Datianzun didn't know what was inside, and couldn't help but laugh: "Ziguang, you dare to sell Guanzi in front of me, it seems to be great news, otherwise how dare you be so presumptuous?"

Ziguang Datianzun smiled "Hey," and said: "The master of the gate, Shengming, in this box, there is news about the dragon elephant world. It was accidentally obtained by his subordinates. I don't know if it is true or not, please ask the master to identify."

"Oh?" Gui Yuan Tianzun's eyes lighted and he couldn't wait to open the box without saying a word. This is no wonder, for many years, his mind has been in the search for the world of dragon elephants, and today he can get what he wants, how can he not be excited?

As soon as the box was opened, a flash of light burst out. The distance is so close, and the speed of light is fast, so Guiyuan Tianzun, who has gone through eighty calamities, can't respond to it. An itch in his hand feels like something has rushed into the body.

He sank and asked, "Ziguang, what the **** are you doing?"

Ziguang Datianzun looked puzzled, and said, "Strange, how could this happen? Obviously a map ~ www.readwn.com ~ Why isn't it?"

Everyone was stunned, for a moment there was no doubt that Ziguang Tianzun was acting. But at this time, the abnormal changes suddenly occurred, and the face of Guiyuan Datianzun became pale in an instant, and roared, "You secretly count me!"

At the same time, there was a loud noise in the hall, and Li Xing broke through the space and walked out. One face to face is a punch, blasting to Guiyuan Datianzun.

This fist burst into momentum, and it was Xeon's three-life lore, which could not be avoided by Guiyuan, and he could only take it raw.

After the loud noise, he was blown away with a punch and spit out my blood. At the same time, the blue veins on his forehead were rough and stern, "Who the **** are you? What insidious methods have been used?"

Li Xing smiled a little, attacked more than once, and punched out punch after punch, saying: "It's nothing, it's just planting a few trees on your plane."

ps: There is a little delay today, and the state is not good, so there are only four chapters, and two chapters are owed to everyone, and they will be added together tomorrow. In addition, today there are about 70 red flowers, so there should be four more tomorrow, but with the two chapters owed today, six chapters will be updated tomorrow.


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