Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1126: Returning from the Fire

Chapter 1126: Jiuyang Evil Prince

Chapter 1126 Fighting Back to the Yuan Dynasty (First)

"Boom boom!"

With three consecutive heavy blows, Guiyuan repeatedly vomited blood, and the plane shock was damaged. He finally showed a fearful look. '' Since his debut, he has not encountered such a fierce opponent, there has been such a dangerous situation.

In theory, Guiyuan Datianzun's combat power is comparable to that of Li Xing. Unfortunately, for a moment, he was deceived by Ziguang and planted plunder seeds in his body, resulting in a sharp decline in combat power. In addition, Li Xing suddenly attacked him and suppressed him all at once, without giving him any chance to come back.

Under the suppression of Li Xing's violent storm, Guiyuan Datianzun did not spare any effort to suppress the plundering of ancient trees in his body. He shouted repeatedly and said to the two datians who were in a daze next to him: "Not yet!"

Unfortunately, Ronghua, Sanqing, and Guangyan, the three Great Celestial Masters came out of nowhere. They, together with Ziguang Great Celestial Masters, surrounded them in groups of four and immediately launched an assassination.

This was a battle without suspense. Just when Guiyuan Dazun was about to fight desperately, he suddenly spit out blood, and the whole person fell down. It turned out that at this time the plundered seed finally grew into a towering ancient tree, forming a force to suppress it.

This allowed Li Xing to completely gain the upper hand and steadily control the rhythm of the battle. The rest is a matter of time. About half an hour later, the side-by-side Guiyuan master turned into a war puppet.

The other two companions were not spared either. They were first suppressed by Ronghua's four members, and then they were looted by Li Xing, which also turned into a puppet.

With success, Li Xing ordered to Ziguang: "In the future, Guiyuantang will be in your charge. If anyone disagrees, you will know that you will come to me and kill directly."

There was an excitement in Ziguang Tianzun ’s heart, would he not be the master of Guiyuan in the future? Immediately shouted: "Relief the Lord, the villain must go all out and not let the Lord be disappointed!"

Li Xing nodded. He did so because he did not want to waste the power network that Guiyuan Gate had already spread. In the future, if he wants to do anything, he can easily use this network.

Arranged the Purple Light Grand Celestial Master, the group immediately went to the second destination, Xiaoyao Palace.

In fact, Li Xing doesn't have any hatred for Xiaoyao Palace. If you want to say the reason, it is because this organization sells a lot of Xiaoyaosan and accumulates a lot of net worth. Naturally, he will not let go of such a "big family". In addition, the surrounding blue sky master is quite familiar with the situation of Xiaoyao Palace, and has its guidelines, which can be accomplished.

Xiaoyao Palace is a rather powerful force, but its strongest master Xiaoyao Palace master, the character of the Taoist Xiaoyao Tianzun, is in the realm of Seventy-two Calamities, a Promise Master. Li Xing has a 100% certainty to suppress this person, which is the biggest reason he intends to start against Xiaoyao Palace.

Xiaoyao Palace is an organization that is not very strict, and its structure is relatively loose. This may be because the strength of the palace owner is not very strong. However, its structure is very large, and its large and small branch forces spread almost throughout the Xuanhuang continent.

The recent expansion of the Xuanhuang Kingdom and the Mixed Yuan Empire interfered with the business of Xiaoyao Palace, but in general, it can still earn a lot of good fortune every day. As long as the people who need Xiaoyaosan die, the business will not be reduced.

The headquarter of Xiaoyao Palace is located in the extreme south of Xuanhuang Continent, where Xiaoyao Peak is located. There are no good mountains or rivers here, nor is it a holy land for cultivation, but it is the command center of Xiaoyao Palace.

Li Xing, led by three guardians, landed on the peak of the mountain, heading directly to a palace not far ahead. This palace is not very grand, but it is very simple and looks like an old building. It is the famous Xiaoyao Palace.

"Which institution are you from? Why is this here?" Suddenly, the two legendary big deities guarding the palace gate asked. This made Li Xing speechless for a while, and guarded the gate of the palace with the legendary legend Tian Tian, ​​who was weak in combat power. How was this different from nobody guarding?

He coughed and said, "Please inform the host, and say that we have received a big deal, and I will report it in person."

The goalkeeper didn't ask much, saying, "You wait."

Li Xing and Ronghua Datianzun looked at each other face to face, feeling that this Xiaoyao Palace is really incredible, and the organization is too rigorous. For those who have never met, they do not even conduct cross-examination and investigation, and release them directly.

But soon, a few Li Xing understood what was going on, because after entering the palace, they found that the temple was filled with people who were enjoying Xiaoyao, including a middle-aged man who enjoyed his face, Fluttering on that cloud bed is the owner of Xiaoyao Palace.

The owner of Xiaoyao Palace didn't even open his eyelids and asked lazily: "You say there is a big business, what is a big business, let's hear it."

Li Xing's heart sighed, this Xiaoyao Palace originally not only sold Xiaoyao to others, but also everyone sucked. The man himself is obviously the biggest addict, and it seems that he has been smoking for more than a day or two.

For Xiaogao Palace in this state, it can be described with a single blow, and he simply said, "The big business is that you will soon become a puppet, and all the treasures you have accumulated in your life will belong to me. "

Xiaoyao Tiantianzun actually started laughing "Haha" when he heard his words. He shook his head, still not opening his eyes, and slowly said: "Young man, you are already the eighty-ninth person who wants to take some property. Unfortunately, you I miscalculated. "

Li Xing sneered: "You waste can stop me?"

"We are indeed waste." Xiaoyao Tiantianzhuang slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of excitement, and he was immersed in Xiaoyaosan's joy. "But friends of waste are not necessarily waste."

"Yes, whoever wants to move the Xiaoyao Palace must pass our level first." Suddenly, there were more than a dozen people at the palace door.

When he saw these dozens of people, Li Xing took a sigh of relief, because they were all masters. The worst was that the seventy-five years without the great deity, and the strong one had even reached the eighty-three. , Stronger than him.

Although Li Xing was surprised, he looked calm and said, "You don't seem to need to start for the Happy Palace."

"It is necessary," said an eighty-day calamity, "Xiaoyao Palace provides us with Xiaoyaosan for free, so we have an obligation to guard it."

Li Xing finally understood why the Xiaoyao Palace Lord was so happy, with such a group of masters, he really didn't need to worry about anything. However, he laughed afterwards, laughing a lot and shaking the palace.

"What are you laughing at?" A Wu Tiantianzhuang frowned, asking coldly.

Li Xingdao: "You are willing to help Xiaoyao Tianzun. It is nothing more than that he can provide you with Xiaoyaosan. I wonder how much he provides to you, is it enough?"

"Although it is not enough, it can meet 30% to 50%. After all, our realm is too high, and the higher the realm, the greater the demand for Xiaoyao San." The man answered.

Li Xing nodded: "It's easy to do, I promise you, as long as you allow me to plunder the Xiaoyao Palace, then I will provide you with ten percent of Xiaoyao San, enough!"

In the eyes of the Xiaoyao Palace master, the light burst, and the excitement gradually disappeared, and he slowly stood up. At this moment, he is completely different from the image of Xiaoyao Happy, he said coldly: "The formula of Xiaoyao is only known by the owner of the palace."

Li Xing shook his head and said, "You were wrong, I have been Xiaoyao San long ago. Through analysis, I know what its ingredients are, and I have developed a refining method. I also want to tell you that the Xiaoyao powder I have extracted, the effect Ten times yours. "

This is not bragging. Li Xing's ancient civilization and chaotic heart are best at refining and analyzing things. So when he first got Xiaoyao San from the blue sky, he immediately analyzed it and successfully developed it. New formula.

For him, it was just a hand-raising exercise, not a big deal.

The face of Xiaoyao Palace's face changed drastically, with a sharp voice: "You are lying!"

"Are you lying?" Li Xing took out a jade gourd from his body and threw it at a dozen immortal monks who came for help.

Those people are curious, is there really a more effective formula? They checked the jade gourd again and found nothing wrong, so everyone couldn't wait to take a little bit, and Li verified the truth of what Li Xing said.

Suddenly, a non-great deity first reacted. He moaned comfortably, closed his eyes and said, "Good thing! Absolutely good thing, the effect is more than ten times!"

The others later made the same sound, which made the Xiaoyao Palace master's face gradually sink. He stared at Li Xing, his expression full of hatred and another expression.

"Don't look at me like this." Li Xing laughed, "Give up the control and all the accumulation of Xiaoyao Palace, I will not kill you."

The Xiaoyao Palace sighed and said, "You are very capable, you can imitate Xiaoyao San, but you miscalculated one thing, thinking that with Xiaoyao San, you can let my friends sit by and let you bully you. Come on? You're too naive. "

"Really?" Li Xing looked at those dozen people. "Don't you support me?"

The 83-year-old Wu Datianzhuang opened his eyes and smiled, "Of course I won't support you. Our friendship with Xiaoyao Daoyou will last forever. How can we turn our face with him because of the little Xiaoyao?" I do have some skills, so I do n’t need to leave in the future, and I will stay in Xiaoyao Palace to help us make Xiaoyao San! "

Li Xing's face changed and he was angry: "You are so shameless, I will never do your ###!"

"Not willing?" The man sneered. "You can't help it. What we ask you to do, you have to do."

The anger on Li Xing's face disappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ He sighed and said: "It seems my guess is correct, you did it."

"Did you guess that?" The man's funny smile appeared on his face, and Xiaoyaosan's medicinal effects had not passed yet.

Li Xing: "Of course I can guess, so the Xiaoyaosan you took just now are special."

A dozen people's faces changed slightly, and they asked sharply, "What's so special?" They found each other's foreheads exuding fine sweat.

"This gourd was scattered, and I planted millions of predatory seeds in it. You didn't find that this thing is also normal, because it is very tiny and is an ingredient of the formula itself. It can be in your place. In your face, you grow silently into towering ancient trees, then begin to devour your power, and eventually turn you into a war puppet! "

ps: Yesterday the number of safflowers actually exceeded eighty, rub! So today we should update five chapters, plus the two chapters we owed yesterday, and today we need to update seven chapters. The day of the little demon's hard work has begun again, and everyone supports it.


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