Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 1127: Challenge the treasure

Chapter 1127: Jiuyang Demon King Challenges Treasures (Second)

Chapter 1127 Challenging Treasures (Second)

Li Xing looked at the crowd with pitying eyes and shook his head. "You should have felt the existence of plundering seeds long ago, but because of Xiaoyao, you have completely ignored these tiny feelings. ,, ╚ ^ 网"

"Not good!" The 83-year-old Datianzun shouted, and he finally found the abnormality. As Li Xing said, the effect of Xiaoyaosan masked the invasion of the plundered seeds, and when they found out, everything was too late. The plundered seeds grew into towering trees and began to try to control them.

The rest of their faces changed dramatically, and even the owner of Xiaoyao Palace showed his fear. This man's means were so insidious that he felt his scalp tingle!

The 83-day robbery Datianzun roared and took the lead in screaming, "Suppress this person first, and then slowly find a way!"

Suddenly, more than a dozen people who did not have great celestiality wanted to attack Li Xing at the same time, but they only ran the power of the world a little bit. The predatory ancient trees that had grown in the plane immediately began to counteract. on the spot.

Li Xing looked around at the people coldly and said, "You better not act rashly, because the more capacity you have, the faster you will be swallowed by the looting of ancient trees."

"What the **** do you want to do?" The eighty-three robber Datianzun stared at Li Xing sternly.

"I don't want to do anything, but I don't want you to hinder yourself." Li Xingdan said indifferently, then he turned around and smiled at the Xiaoyao Palace master, "It's our turn to discuss the grand Xiaoyao."

What else to discuss? Xiaoyao Tiantian Zun's body seemed to be short for a while. There were three insignificant Tianzun beside Li Xing, and he had no chance of winning. As for the people around them, they can indeed be described as "waste". They are also immersed in the pleasure brought by Xiaoyao San.

"Speak your conditions, as long as you can let me alone." Xiaoyao Tiantian Zun had to give in.

Li Xing smiled with a kind-hearted smile, saying, "It's very simple. You abdicate and give up, and hand over the entire Xiaoyao Palace's sales network and all the assets. Then you can leave safely and I will not kill you."

The muscles on Xiaoyao Tiantianzun's face twitched fiercely, and he was very reluctant to give up these things at once. But no matter how good things are, it is not more important than his own life. He finally sighed and said, "Well, I promise."

Next, Xiaoyao Datianzun delivered the entire accumulation and control of Xiaoyao Palace to Sanqing Datianzong in a very cooperative manner. Li Xing decided that in the future, Xiaoyao Palace would be managed by Sanqing Datianzun.

Xiaoyao Tianzun left the palace where he lived for many years. It is said that a few years later, he was seen on another continent and established a force called Xiaoyaoge, which worked well.

As soon as Xiaoyao Tianzun left, the dozen or so people controlled by the plundered seeds said, "Your purpose has been achieved, shouldn't you let us go?"

Li Xing looked at the crowd like an idiot: "If I were you and persecuted in this way, I would have revenge in the future. So for the sake of safety, you must be loyal to me, otherwise you will only die."

They were furious and yelled at each other, completely unable to accept Li Xing's proposal.

"Unwilling?" Li Xing's face sank. "It doesn't matter. If you don't want to die, I won't force it."

An 80-day calamity Datian thought for a long time, and suddenly said, "Are you a great emperor?"

Li Xing laughed: "Someone here knows me, yes, this is the emperor."

More than a dozen people were taken aback. They belonged to different forces in the Xuanhuang continent. Some even came from the Xuanhuang kingdom. Naturally they knew the rise of the mixed Yuan empire. At first glance, the person in front of him was the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and suddenly felt a sense of weakness.

Since they are the leaders of the mixed empire, they naturally have great power, and their trace of desperate thoughts disappeared instantly.

"You should all be the top figures in all forces and smart people, so you all better know that Xuanhuang Kingdom or Mixed Yuan Empire must have a unified Xuanhuang continent in the future. At that time, you still have to Join one of them. "

"So, it's better to join late, as long as you are willing to be loyal to the Emperor, I guarantee your safety and give you a bright future." Li Xing encouraged three inches of good words and began to convince.

These dozens of people are not weak. If they can conquer, they can become his left and right arms, and it is a pity to make a war. War is rampant, after all, it is only dead and has no wisdom. It is far less valuable than living people.

More than a dozen people were silent. After a long time, the two stood up and saluted Li Xing: "See the emperor, I'll wait for the dogs and horses!"

Li Xing was very happy and nodded, "Okay!"

Someone took the lead, and the others also announced their allegiance, leaving only three in the end. The eyes of these three people are all contradictory, because they are all from Xuanhuang Kingdom, and their net worth is all in Xuanhuang Kingdom. If they betray, the consequences will be very serious.

Li Xing didn't even ask a word, and directly urged the plundering of seeds. It didn't take long for them to become blindfolded and become puppets.

In this scene, the rest of Tian Tianzun was frightened. Fortunately, he chose to join Li Xing's camp rather than die hard.

"Very well, you will all be people from the Empire of the Yuan Dynasty." Then pointed to the crowd, "You, and you, go out with me to do business. command!"

The two men named by Li Xing were Eighty-three Days of Heaven and Eighty Days of Heaven, and their strength was tyrannical, which helped him to attack the next target, Jumbo.

Jumbo Datianzun had eighty-three calamities before his death. However, his life was over, he could only choose to fit with the worry-free shirt, and then occupied the body of his biological daughter.

Treasures of Great Treasure, cultivate the way of treasures, countless treasures collected in one's life, even if they are infinite, they cannot be compared with them. Seeing this, Li Xingcai decided to start with it.

He has been to Jumbo Than more than once, and this time he knows the road and he arrives very quickly.

Treasure pupa was still floating in the old place, and the guard was so strict that he approached, and Li Xing and his team were stopped by the guard.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Li Xing said with a smile: "I will wait for the first son to come to Treasure Hall to offer my relatives."

"Family again?" The guard said for a moment, knowing that Tianzi was a trivial matter, and he didn't dare to carelessly, and said immediately, "You wait, I won't report three ###."

Soon, Kui Nei rushed out of Guanghua, apparently the three ### or the worry-free jersey knew that the person who came was wrong, so he came out to check, this is exactly the purpose of Li Xing.

When she saw Li Xing, she sneered, "It's you, you dare to come!"

"Of course it is me." Li Xing laughed. "Worry-free shirt, long time no see. Or, should I call you treasure treasure?"


The worry-free tabard glanced through the cold light, sweeping all the people behind Li Xing. These three people are the eighty-three calamities, the eighty calamities, and the eighty-eight calamities.

Seeing Ronghua Datianzun, the worry-free jersey reveals evil spirits and said, "Ronghua, dare to betray me?"

Ronghua Datianzun said lightly: "Jumbo Datianzun has fallen, you are a worry-free shirt, how can you betray?"

"You think you can beat Ben ### with you?" Worry-free robe sneered, "You just came to die."

"Can you win, you will know it after playing it." Li Xing said calmly. "Worry-free shirt, I will catch you alive today in order to revenge on the arrow."

After that, the three no-great deities behind him surrounded the worry-free tabard from three directions. At this time, a group of people rushed out of the treasure hall, mostly young people, but the cultivation was not so clever. The strongest was the extinction of the Supreme Celestial Master, obviously all second-generation characters.

When they saw that the enemy was strong, they hurried back again, their faces panicked.

Li Xing drank lowly: "Worry-free jersey, you are full of rubbish, no one can save you today!" Then, a phosgene burst out of his head, turned into a pagoda of Xuanhuang, rotating, releasing billions of Xuanhuangzu , Repression in the face of the worry-free shirt.

The worry-free jersey is eye-catching. When I saw this tower, I was taken aback and called, "Xuanhuangzuqi!" Hurriedly released a treasure umbrella, which was also an 80-year-old weapon. The sky glowed and the Xuanhuang pagoda was supported.

Li Xingfei stood up, performed three lives to kill, and shot at the top of the tower. Suddenly, the Xuanhuang pagoda "banged" and the lightning fell down. Together, the two are incomparable in power, instantly crushing Xia Guang, and the bottom of the tower and the treasure umbrella instantly contact.


Above the umbrella cover, cracks appeared, and the worry-free shirt was shaken straight down. At the same time, the three surrounding Greatest Masters also shot, each of them playing a secret trick of the Greatest Master, attacking them severely.

The worry-free tabard reluctantly resisted, bearing it in its eighty-two calamity. However, it hasn't slowed down yet, Li Xing's second hit will come down again, and the Xuanhuang Tower is retaken.


The Xuanhuang Tower is extremely heavy ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know how much Xuanhuang ancestors are stored on it. This time, I played a worry-free jersey with dizziness. I could n’t escape the other three unrelenting attacks. Three tricks.

"Bad me too much!" The worry-free jersey shook for a few moments, and suddenly brightened, and that three ### 's face suddenly turned into a man's appearance, his face full of anger, roaring like thunder, and he was so imposing Soaring up the line.

Then, behind him, he rushed out a full sixty instruments, all of which were in a state of infinity. These sixty magical instruments formed a mysterious array, murderous, and the worry-free robe was in the middle. He said fiercely: "Let's kill Wanbao array! The boy was killed!"

Li Xing saw the power of this move, and quickly drank the three of his subordinates. He also shrank into the ancestral ancestor of Xuanhuang Tower and bumped into it stiffly.

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, Xuanhuang Tower collided with sixty magic weapons one by one in turn, causing his eyes to ache, numb all over his body, and secretly shouting.


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