Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1218: Rapid advance

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The voice came, "According to your age and strength, the fourth level of assessment is the refining of the nine peaks. Because you are too young, you can choose the entry information, advanced information and..."

This age is very similar to a newborn baby for the master, so it is especially good.

Mu Qian said: "All! Please take it all!"

I used to just learn by myself. This time she has to start over.

Not only do you want to pass these three-tier assessments, but you also want to do your best to refine a new sword for Xiaobai.

"it is good!"

The master's collections are really different, and they have benefited a lot since they were read.

Digested almost, and Mu Qian began to refine the machine.

Nine products, she was refining once in the Yunyun Hall last time.

Now that the foundation has been consolidated again, it is not difficult to refine the nine spirits.

Prepare the spirits and start the refining machine in one go.

Mu Qian said: "You have finished the refining, you can inspect the goods."

"Nine products peaks, perfect, customs clearance, you ... you have succeeded in one time."

Mu Qianqi asked: "Can it still fail?"

“There are very few successful one-time refiners, especially if you exceed your limit refiner, but you have succeeded...”

Mu Qiang smiled and laughed. She is not a leap. Although her strength is low, her mental strength is enough.

She asked: "Is this passed?"

"Yes! You passed, you can choose to go to the fourth floor to rest, you can continue to assess directly. The average person has to fail several times to succeed at least a few days off, but you..."

It was completely beyond his expectations to meet this abnormality!

Ms. Qian said: "Continue! Directly on the sixth floor, it is not better."

"You don't want to be too early, the two layers above are not as simple as the fourth."

The fifth floor is not that simple!

Because he asked refining to be a prefecture-level spirit, she did not try to refine it at this level.

The humanized Wan Jian Lou is to provide Mu Qianji with information on the refining of the earth-level spirits, as well as some hand-painted masters of the refining of the earth-level spirits, and Mu Qianyi digested while watching and finally preparing for actual combat.

At the beginning of the experiment, even after reading various theories, Mu Qianxi still failed.

For her, refining the common spirit and the level-level spirit is the same as the difference between refining the prefecture-level elixir and the heavenly elixir. It is not easy.

Failed to try again, anyway, the test did not require a one-time success.

Mu Qianxi did not know how much ore was consumed, and finally refining the spirit of the earth.

"The first level of the spirit, success, perfect! You have to continue to assess, or rest!"

"Continue assessment!"

After arriving at the sixth floor, I saw the assessment requirements, and Mu Qian lived.

"The land-level nine products, have you made a mistake! This span is too big!" Mu Qianzhen horrified.

"You can keep practicing and know that you have reached the required position."

"This is going to learn the Year of the Monkey, I am in a hurry!" When she passed the assessment, it was estimated that the souls were killing people. It seemed that she was useless as the owner of Wanjianlou.

"I give up the assessment!"

"You... you gave up..."

"Of course give up! From the first grade to the nine products, even if there is more talent, it will take another ten years! After ten years, I will go out again, the flowers thank you."

"Don't you know that the Wanjian Building assessment is in another space, and the time flow rate is completely different from other places. Even if you spend ten years, it is only after ten hours."

"Ten hours, nearly a day, is that slow?"

"It's too slow, you can complete the assessment in one year! As long as you can do it." Although it said so, it does not think anyone can do it.

Mu Qiang bite his teeth and said: "Good! Fight! Isn't it the prefecture-level nine-soul instrument?"

First familiarize yourself with the various methods of refining the spirits of the prefecture-level spirits, and then start to work!

The soul is strong enough, as for the spiritual power, the medicinal benefits are not used.

The refinement of the second-class spirit of the prefecture, failed!


Still failed!


Three grades...

Four products...


Mu Qianxi started the refining machine with the enthusiasm of refining medicine, and the effect was remarkable, and the progress speed was also amazing.

The spirit of Wan Jian Lou has been observing Mu Qian, "God! This is the monster that came out from here!"

Not to mention a year, she is estimated to be half a year, because this person is too crazy.

What's even more fascinating is that she seems to have endless mental power.

Seven grades, eight products, nine products...

After the nine products, Mu Qianxi did not test, since it has been raised to this point, she wants to challenge the top nine peaks!

Mu Qian said: "I have reached the sixth floor, but I can't take the things outside. There should be precious ore on the top! Take the ore that is suitable for the refining of the nine-grade spirits."

"You passed the assessment, these things are natural to you, I will help you get in."

The collection of the masters of the , 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 让人 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱 焱

Everything is ready, she began to refine the prefecture class nine spirits.

This is a sword, a sword with the same shape as the thousand cold sword.

Mu Qianxi invested in all the swords of relentless refinement. As time passed, the thousand cold swords were perfectly released.


Mu Qian said: "You can test the results."

"The prefecture-level nine-product peaks, the best. Congratulations on your perversion, the sixth layer passed!"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly, metamorphosis.

Mu Qianzhen passed the sixth floor assessment, and Gu Baiyi was also sent up. He walked out of the sword and realized the familiar figure.

He smiled and said: "Hey, congratulations! You did it."

Mu Qian said: "Actually, I have to congratulate you!"

Gu Baiyi, "Congratulations to me!"

"Because, you immediately have a very powerful sword." Mu Qianxi took out the thousand cold sword and threw it to Gu Baiyi.

"White, can you try it right?"

Gu Baiyi pulled out a thousand cold swords, and the cold light flashed, and it was extremely fierce.

He was astonished: "The prefecture-level nine-product peaks!"

Even if he wants to get a heavenly spirit, it is not difficult, but the hand-level spirit in his hand is not a heavenly spirit.

It can be seen that the talent of the refiner is high and the effort is devoted.

He knows the level of the refinery of Mu Qianxi. After a few months, she can only refine the seven spirits, but now she has completely crossed a big level.

Gu Baiyi said: "It's a good fit!"

"It's just right! It's forced by the assessment of this Wanjianlou, and the strength of the refining equipment suddenly leaps and bounds. By the way, the promise is to refine your sword." Mu Qianxiao smiled.

"The seventh level of assessment can begin! What are you going to assess?"

Wan Jian Lou's instrumentality: "On the seventh floor, you don't need to be assessed, go straight up!"

"Hey!" A staircase appeared in front of the two of them.

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