Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1219: Start killing

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Mu Qianxi feels very surprised. "Why is the seventh floor, no need to check?"

She is ready to accept the super difficult test, but did not expect it, so easy?

"Yes! Because you have passed the assessment."


The spirit of Wan Jian Lou began to sell off. "This, you will know. Don't you go up and see?"

Mu Qianxi said to Gu Baiyi: "Xiaobai, let's go!"

The seventh floor of Wan Jian Lou is a transparent space.

Stepping on it is like stepping on a transparent glass. Looking down, she discovers that the Wanjian Building is so high.

From the top of the Wanjian Building, you can overlook the entire lower city of Yucheng.

The lower city is very quiet, with a breath of quiet earth.

Lingdao: "The lower city of Yucheng is also known as the funeral sword city. The upper city is the place where people live. The lower city is the place where the spirits and the spirits perch."

"How can I become the master of the city, the contract?"

"The core pillar of Wanjianlou is the core of it. You only have to find the right one of the swords. If you drop your blood, you can complete the contract. There are ninety-nine thousand swords on the stone pillar. You Have a good choice, don't choose the wrong one!"

Mu Qianxi went to the stone pillar at the core of this Wanjianlou. There are indeed many swords carved on it, all kinds of forms.

When Mu Qianxi swept through all the swords, his eyes were attracted by one of the swords.

Mu Qianqi whispered: "Yanlong!"

It was the appearance of Yan Longjian, who accompanied her for so long, and she recognized it at a glance. Even the various swords around you are dazzling.

Gu Baiyi also noticed the sword. Is this sword not the sword of the nephew?

I don't know why, she doesn't use it now, but he knows that the sword is the best fit for the nephew.

When Mu Qianxi said these two words, the little guy hidden in the sleeves of Mu Qian’s sleeves woke up, and the **** red scorpions of the waters flashed a humanized horror.

Seeing Yan Longjian, Mu Qianxi cut his finger without hesitation, and blood dripped on the tip of Yan Longjian.

Lingdao: "The contract is fulfilled and I have seen the master."

"Sure enough!" Mu Qianxi whispered.

How can these tens of thousands of swords compare to the swords of the dragons, and the masters will naturally choose them.

Mu Qian said: "Wan Jian, I want to see the situation of the whole city, I am looking for someone."


In the blink of an eye, the transparent glass around the seven layers appeared in a pattern. What she showed was the situation around the city.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "The master of the pipa is really powerful. Such a comprehensive monitor has been created by him."

"The achievements of the master will not be lower than the previous masters."

Many of the places shown around are nobody.

Finally there was a place where there were at least a thousand people.

Mu Qianshen Shen Sheng: "It is here."

When the picture is enlarged, Mu Qianxi saw a few familiar people, and both Er Shu and Feng Yunxiu were there.

They are rushing to a place, and Mu Qiang looks to the side and becomes the owner of the city. He naturally knows about Yancheng.

Mu Qianshen said: "The place they are going to is the funeral sword."

"In the funeral altar, what is worthy of all of them to rush over?" Mu Qian asked.

Wan Jianyi Lingdao: "There is nothing? There are just some of the artifacts that failed to rebuild the former master. The truly successful works are all in Wanjianlou. I don't know why these humans, rushed over?"

Mu Qian said: "If you continue to read it, you will know."

The six-story wall of the entire Wanjian Building, 360-degree view of the funeral altar, is more realistic than the three-d.

A large number of people rushed to the funeral altar, and there were countless swords on the slate of the Wanjiantan.

Even if these are the masterpieces of the masters, they still have good value. This is not the heart that makes them feel, let them be the heart of the sword.

It was wrapped up by the flames of the group, but it revealed the momentum of surrendering for thousands of years.

The horrible flame made everyone feel that the soul must be burnt out.

They saw such a powerful sword, and some people exclaimed: "This is the sword of eternal, the dragon sword!"

"definitely is!"

The blade is hidden in the flame, they can't see the shape, but it is so powerful. Is there any other sword besides the eternal sword?

Daddy, countless broken voices came out, many people rushed to the sword.

There is a fierce light flashing in the white-free sea eye. "This eternal sword, our East Pole Temple is not designed. If you don't let go, then the Lord will never leave mercy!"

The flames, the extremely burning eyes, also made their dawn hot, and the greedy heart could not be controlled at all.

"Eternal artifacts, there are people who have it! Your East Temple is strong, but it is not necessarily a good person, we will not let go!"

"Yes! We won't let go!"

If it is normal, Bai Wuhai can also deter, but now they see the sword of eternal, completely crazy.

As long as they get the sword of eternal, do they still fear the Temple of the East?

At this time, the elders of the North Han Temple also ordered, "Zero! I want you, do everything you can to grab the sword of eternal. Anyone who dares to fight with us, kill it directly!"

In addition to the hot flames, I also felt that the killing of the sky is affecting everyone.

Zero brows slightly, thinking of what the deaf children said, he knows the emergence of this sword, absolutely unusual.

However, once the command of the elders is violated, he is estimated to be directly killed by the elders, so he has to act!

"Booming!" With their battle, killing, scrambling, the funeral swords are filled with a vast array of killings.

This killing, infecting them, makes them more and more humanistic.

The blood was scattered everywhere in the Wanjiantan, and the situation was very fierce.

Looking at the sword wrapped in flames, Mu Qiang’s low voice: "This sword is definitely not an eternal sword. How did the master put such a sword there?"

The spirit returned: "No! The master has never cast a sword with such a terrible killing spirit. Even if the owner wants to cast, it is impossible to cast it. How can it appear here?"

Mu Qian said: "That is, the ghost of the sword spirit! He is really here, deliberately let the bait let everyone kill, that guy is really bad fun!"

Mu Qiang looked nervously at the dark red figure. Although the second uncle had to listen to the orders of the elders, he knew how to avoid danger and did not go to the fake sword.

But Feng Yunxiu, Feng Yun repaired him...

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