Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1220: Can't stop it

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Faced with so many masters, the strength of Feng Yunxiu is not enough.

Therefore, he directly used his secret method to raise his strength to the peak, and then rushed to the direction of the sword.

But when he was about to approach, there were more than a dozen figures attacking him.

"Yun Xiu Shao Dian, this eternal sword, must be the old man!"

The person who shot is the great elder of the North Han Temple!

"Hey!" A loud noise, Feng Yunxiu was knocked out.

Gu Baiyi also saw the moves of the elders, and the eyes were cold. This old guy turned back.

The one who was to be guarded by the nephew was brought back by him.

"Hey!" He was vomiting blood by the elders, but Feng Yunxiu rushed again.

Even if he fights with his life, he will get the sword of eternal.

He rushed up again, and then a group of people attacked.

"Hey!" A golden hammer slammed out and swept the people around him, letting them all fly out.

Mu Qianxi gave a sigh of relief and the stars finally arrived.

A fascinating voice came, "The sword of eternal! It is really a good thing, but it! This thing is for the deity, Yun Xiu Shaodian, you said that you are stun yourself! Or I will give you Stunned."

"Purple secluded, your nonsense is too much." Star did not give Ziyou a good look, because this guy actually lost the hostess.

The reason why they came late is to find someone who has not yet found this side of the war.

Feng Yun Xiu Dao: "I am also right, the sword of eternal, the willingness to win!"

"Then, I am only rough!" The star was very fierce attacking Feng Yunxiu, even if Feng Yun repaired the strength with the secret method, but still lost to the stars.

On the other side, it is still killing, and Feng Yunxiu is farther away from the sword.

The masters of the East Pole Hall naturally came to support Feng Yunxiu, so that the East Pole Hall, which originally had the opportunity, had no previous advantages.

The elders angered: "Zero, take this time, rush up and win the sword of eternal."

Close to the sword, the killing is simply uncontrollable, and zero does not want to take it.

However, he did not know that he had a resistance to the elders.

Zero rushed toward the sword, and Mu Qian’s fist clenched, the second uncle...

That sword is fake. Once you really touch it, you still don't know what is going to happen. Mu Qian wants to rush immediately and stop...

At this time, a few black people pulled out, and the brush was blocked in front of zero.

Their strength is not strong, but the summoned shackles are not weak.

And they don't deal with them, they don't rob the sword of eternal, they are chasing zeros.

Others are also greatly astonished. "Zero protection, is this the enemy coming to the door?"

Bai Wuhai smiled and said: "Ha ha ha! I did not think that the ghost medical building has come. We stalked the ghost hospital building and wrapped it up in the north cold hall, and robbed the eternal sword."

Mu Yi took their shots, and Mu Qiang gave a sigh of relief.

In order to avoid doubts, they also attacked the people of the North Han Temple, and the face of the Great Elder of the North Han Temple became gloomy.

"Our North Han Temple, it seems that there is no offense to your ghost medical building! And not long ago, still care for the little girl of Mu Qianxi."

Mu together: "Now, the whereabouts of our family is unknown, absolutely no relationship with your North Cold Hall!"

"Hey!" The ghost medical building, playing with the North Han Temple.

The elders are also annoyed, can only resist, Mu Yi with 傀儡 and zero, the Vietnam War has hit the periphery of the battle circle.

Because it is the hand of Mu Qianxi, Mu Yi did not kill the killer, Mu Yi rushed to zero, when the two passed by, Mu Yi Shen said: "Second Lord, offended."

"Hey!" Zero did not fight back at this time, and was directly stunned by Mu Yi.

Zero serious injury coma, even if the elders have orders, he can not be executed.

At this time, the elders couldn’t care for his life and death. He was influenced by the sword. He only wanted to kill and kill, kill all the people who robbed him with the sword of eternal, and then get the Eternal sword.

Mu together: "We have taken away the second brother, Yun Xiu Shaodian, I will give you two, we must find the owner!"


In this battle, they were originally shadows, and they found their chances and left quietly.

Ms. Qian said: "Spirit, send them away! Fast!"

The soul is here, away from the battlefield, and not necessarily safe.

Spiritually replies: "Yes!"

"Tell them, I'm fine!"


The second uncle was sent away, and Mu Qiang gave a sigh of relief.

And Feng Yunxiu, Ziyou and Xingchen, should be no problem!

However, the development of the matter, but not as smooth as the imagination of Mu Qianzhen, when the stars had to knock out Feng Yun repair, suddenly several figures passed.

With a strong effort, the golden hammer of the Star City will be bounced off.

A sneer came, "Let the Lord, it seems that you are getting more and more degraded, even these ants can't deal with it."

People who come here are young people in white, who look like they are about thirty years old, but their strength is unfathomable.

Feng Yunxiu felt that they were unfamiliar, but when they called out the words "seal the Lord", he knew that they were definitely not people in the Quartet.

The Quartet was suppressed, and their strength was suppressed to the peak of the 9th level of the emperor, but they were enough to deal with others.

Purple and the stars face a sinking, one of them looks at them two people: "However, it is no wonder that the Lord is not so good, living in this low-level plane for so long, naturally will not be aggressive. And also encountered not People in the Quartet."

"Seal the Lord, the sword of eternal, you go. Take these ants, we will give you a sweep. You have to move faster, we are still waiting to go back to your Highness!"

Looking at the sneer face, Feng Yunxiu’s face sank.

She didn't trust him, and sent other people to come over, and her heart was mixed, and she didn't say anything at all.

"Boom!" They stopped the stars and purple, so that they did not have the chance to stun the clouds.

The same is the strength is suppressed, their strength is not much worse, want to defeat each other at once, it is impossible!

Others, people who began to sweep the remaining forces, plus the strength of the East Pole Hall itself is strong enough, other forces can not be killed any longer, it will not last long.

The elders’ face sank. “The head of the East Pole has sent people down, but the Lord has nothing to do, **** it!”

"Great elders, what should we do?"

"I am not the opponent of these people at all, I can only let go, look at Feng Yunxiu and get the sword of eternal."

Seeing that Feng Yunxiu is getting closer to the sword of eternal, there are fewer and fewer people who dare to block. Feng Yunxiu wants to encounter that sword, just a matter of time.

Mu Qian’s face is getting colder and colder. "Damn! How come these people came out halfway, this time..."

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