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A **** red figure appeared in front of them, their pupils jerked.

The man in front of him, the red dress is like blood, the pair of eyes like a **** rose like a burning Nirvana fire, like to destroy everything before they will stop.

The long red hair, rising with the wind, the smoldering scorpion flashed a cruel luster, and the soul must tear the human soul.

"The kitten that the deity looks at, don't want to be remembered." The perfect lip evokes a bloodthirsty arc.

These white people have changed their faces and said, "Who are you?"

"Hey!" They haven't got an answer yet. Several blood-red lights flashed and blood splashed out.

The red man's face was covered by a red-red flame-like mask, and blood splashed on it, directly swallowed by the mask.

His hoarse voice: "You can't escape!"

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the city.

One of the best hotels in the north of the east side of the city, Hanlong City, welcomed a guest. The shop was looking at the woman in front of him. He was extremely beautiful. He had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life.

However, the woman looks a little embarrassed, the delicate robes have a lot of sword marks and burn marks at this time, and the body also has a **** smell.

Mu Qianxi threw out the best spiritual jade road: "Give me a room, get ready for hot water, hurry!"

"Yes!" This is the best spirit! It’s just a big profit, how can he slack off.

The shop Xiaoji soon prepared the hot water, and Muqian added a lot of potions in the tub, then untied the robes and stepped into the tub.

Only a moment later, the pain of the whole body made Mu Qian’s face pale and the cold sweat on his forehead.

Feeling the pain of Mu Qianxi, Yanlong began to cry, "Hey! Master, I am not good, I blame me for useless! Hehe..."

Mu Qian’s hoarse voice: “Don’t make a noise, shut up!”

In the past, Yan Longjian only had a little spiritual knowledge or stopped quiet. Now it is a fusion with Sword Spirit, so what is it like crying and crying?

In dealing with the sword slaves of the soul, she won the strength of the dragon.

But that power is not her body today, and her strength can withstand it.

She did not show up before she was separated from the white clothes. Now, she must be healed quickly.

Now that the body's meridians are damaged, the realm will fall. If she is not a refining pharmacist, I am afraid it will be completely abolished.

"Hey! I don't quarrel, the master is healing!"

Resist the pain, Ms. Qian took a lot of medicinal herbs, the medicine was injected into the blood vessels, and the medicine repaired the meridians, but the realm began to fall uncontrollably!

"The seventh order of the emperor, the sixth order..."

At the time of repair, the strength is plunging, it seems like the pain inside the body is torn apart, and Mu Qiang insists on biting his teeth.

"Hey!" Yanlong sobbed in a low voice.

The meridians are repaired quickly, and Mu Qiang has already fallen into a semi-coma. Her fist is clenched, fast... fast...

The first level of the Emperor, the strength is finally no longer falling, Mu Qianyi gave a sigh of relief, still in the emperor, not too bad!

After this damage, the meridians have been widened by nearly ten times. It is not too difficult to cultivate back to the seventh order with the help of her medicine.

Mu Qianxi breathed a sigh of relief, then fell asleep in the tub.

But just fell into a deep sleep, a familiar bloodthirsty dangerous murderous, so that Mu Qiang woke up, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hey!" A sword, smashed down from the roof.

Mu Qianqi jumped out of the tub and took out his opinion robes to wrap himself up.

A blood-red sword mans, squatting directly from the sky, "Hey!" The tub broke and the water splashed out!

"Rumble!" This sword, not a bathtub, but opened the entire inn.

Mu Qiang felt that the building was shaking and rushed out of the room.

Just as she rushed out, a **** red figure appeared in front of Mu Qianxi, blocking his way.

Mu Qiang looked up and looked at the people in front of him, enchanting thousands, like a gorgeous fire lotus, blooming in front of his eyes.

The red hair flutters, the flirtatious snow is beautiful, and even if her face is covered by a mask, she can feel his shocking beauty.

This kind of beauty, **** and beautiful, is like the evil of angels.

No need to come to the name, Mu Qianji will know who he is, she slowly spit out two words, "弑魂!"

The soul also looked at this woman in front of her, just out of the bath, the hair is still dripping with drops of water, her face is still pale because of the pain.

A thin shirt outlines the perfect figure, and stands barefoot in the air. The face of the peerless world is still indifferent even if it faces a strong enemy.

The more indifferent he is, the more he wants to shred this lightness.

The corner of his mouth evoked a sly smile and said: "The kitten is finally caught by me."

The soul looked at her: "The strength is so weak, and the fusion with the waste force to enhance the strength of my abandonment, but it is a bit of a force! But not completely turned into waste, but let the deity look at it."

Mu Qian said: "You are coming faster than I thought, what is your purpose?"

"I want the waste, but also the sword, but more..." The blood-red figure flashed, and the slender hand was drawn toward Mu Qian’s face.

Mu Qiang’s figure rushed out of the air, Yan Longjian has been squirted, and she whispered: "Hey, you still have to ask for it!"

The soul stalked slowly from the air, and he smiled coldly. "For the first time, someone has the guts to tell me to change a request."

"Don't worry, I am not a lifetime, I am not interested in women. I only want you to be my sword slave. Although you are weaker, it is a material that can be made."

"I refuse!" Mu Qianshen said.

"The deity does not give you the right to refuse." After that, the soul once again approached Mu Qian.

"Water dragons are extinguished!" The water dragon rushed out, but it did not touch the soul half!

The next moment, Mu Qiang felt that he was rushed out by a force and could not move at all.

Yan Long blocked in front of the soul, said: "You can't do this?"

"Idiot, you still worry about yourself!"

"Brother, please, don't hurt the master." Yan Long's voice became pitiful.

Hearing this, the soul of the soul is close to the violent jump. If the sword is also his body in front of him, he will definitely crush it directly.

"Give me shut up! Who is your younger brother of this waste!"

The soul took the hilt of the Yanlong sword and found his body for so long, and finally found it.

With it, after swallowing this waste, his strength can be restored quickly.

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