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The sword was controlled by the soul, and Yanlong could not even speak.

The soul of the soul holds the dragon sword and puts it in the hands of Mu Qianxi. He said, "Kitten, take it well and become my slave!"

Mu Qiang feels that the Yanlong sword in his hand has become hot and hot, and he has been touched by Yan Longjian. It must be very dangerous.

However, she had to hold it and get the sword, and Mu Qian’s slashing toward the soul.

The body of the scorpion flashed and took a few steps back. Yan Longjian cut off his hair.

The hair that has been scattered is like a petal, and it is fascinating.

The sword in the hand, the more hot, Mu Qianji wants to let it go, but the Yanlong sword is like sticking to her hand, it can not be lost.

Mu Qianxi glimpsed a little, and stared at the soul, "You..."

The bloodthirsty killings were uploaded from the Dragon Sword to her consciousness, and the clear scorpion began to turn into a blood red.

It was noticed that something was wrong, and Mu Qian was rushing to use the soul to resist the invasion of the soul.

The soul appeared in the side of Mu Qianxi, and bowed her head to her ear. He smiled and said: "At this time, you can still resist my control, a strong soul! A delicious soul, the deity can't wait, Take your soul away in one bite!"

The sound line is magical, and the soul of Mu Qianxi begins to be out of control.

The killings came out from the inside out, and Mu Qian felt his own world and became blood red.

Still, the blood needs to be more, she wants...

I am holding a sword, but my body is shaking, not...

The soul is slightly raised, and the kitten is still resisting!

"Kill! The more people kill, the more blood the sword has, the more qualified you are, the master of the eternal sword!"

"I will make you stronger. No one in this world is your opponent. No one can stop you from doing anything?"


Thoroughly, it was eroded by the evil spirits, and Mu Qianyan waved the Yanlong sword and rushed out.

Just as she rushed out, a light blue light flashed, and the soul smiled: "Crystal, you can't stop me."

He did not think that Crystal Ying did not shoot, but a black man who suddenly appeared, but held his prey in his arms.

The man in black is like a demon god, and the power of darkness is competing with his bloodthirsty killing spirit.

Nine nights took Mu Qian’s hand, and the cold breath made the hot dragon sword’s hot exit. Jianling Yanlong also recovered a little consciousness and hurriedly flew out from Mu Qian’s hands.

It is very annoying: "Why, why are you so excessive? Is it bad for our master to be our master?"

The soul screamed and laughed: "There is only one waste of yours, willing to contract with others, and handing your own destiny to the hands of others. I am different from you!"

"The owner is very good!" Yan Long grievances.

"Good! Human beings are good? Only you are such an idiot, think so." The soul sneer.

At this time, the nine-night icy scorpion stared at the soul, his cold road: "You dare to hurt, this king must have to pay for you."

The soul is laughing, and the enchanting laughter is tens of thousands. "I would like to see, where is your sacredness, and what is the price that I can afford?"

Nine nights with her own power, the evil spirits were removed from the influence of Mu Qian, she took nine nights.

"Nine nights, let's go!"

The soul is too dangerous and more dangerous than the enemy she has seen before. The curse of the nine nights has just been sealed by the water dragon, and it is really not appropriate to lose power and fight the soul.

Nine nights of low road: "When he walks, he will also find you trouble. Now, only defeat him completely!"

He gently kissed the face of Mu Qian’s cheek: "As long as you fight for you, no matter what, you will not lose! I believe in me."

The soul looked at the intimacy of the two, the light flashed the dangerous color, he has already shot!

"Kitten, it seems that you have to have you all, you have to solve this gimmick! Don't worry, it won't take much time."

Before the attack of the soul, the nine nights pushed Mu Qianxi out.

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights, be careful!"

The **** red mist spread around.

And the power of darkness for nine nights is not hidden.

In an instant, two figures, one black and one red, have collided in the air.

Two people like cold blood to kill, a dark demon, a bloodthirsty demon.

"Booming!" The entire Hanlong City seems to have completely collapsed.

There are strong people who fight, people who are unimaginable, no one dares to stay in the city, and soon the entire Dragon City becomes an empty city.

The whole world was violently turbulent, and the blood-red blade surrounded the nine nights.

There were recycling in nine nights, and the power of darkness bounced out, leaving these swords to be nothing.

The two met for the first time and looked like they were evenly matched.

Mu Qiandao said: "Crystal Ying, nine nights he..."

Crystal Yingdao: "The power of the soul is much weaker than his heyday. The strength of the nine nights is not weak, and there will be nothing. The seal of the water dragon will not be so easy to break."

At this time, Yan Longjian also flew over, but it did not dare to approach Mu Qianxi, for fear that the power left by the soul would have an impact on Mu Qianxi.

Yan Longdao: "Master, the black man is very powerful. I feel that the power of the soul seems to be suppressed. Now he is not too powerful, so you don't have to worry..."

"Oh! I blame me. If I am terrible, the soul will not be so chaotic." Yan Long was crying.

"Boom!" The killing of Haotian filled the whole city of Hanlong, and the battle between the nine nights and the soul of the soul entered the stage of white heat.

The strength of the nine nights is a bit of a surprise to the soul.

"Don't deny that you are the strongest person after you respect the new resurrection. You also know the identity of the deity. If you are willing to join me, I will make you the master of the eternal sword." Strong enough, the soul used this trick to seduce nine nights.

This kind of confusion, Ms. Qian is not worried about being fooled into the night.

I remember that shortly after I first met, I gave the eternal ring of the Shenshui Dragon as a ring that the street vendors sold casually.

Even if she got Crystal Ying, who was the strongest eternal artifact and controlled the power of space, he also helped her with the Crystal Ying contract.

Eternal artifacts, for the nine nights, there is no attraction at all!

The soul sees the words of him for nine nights, and turns a deaf ear. Is this guy a blind man?

He continued: "You can be much better than that waste woman. If her soul is not delicious, she would not be qualified to be my slave!"

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