Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 1229: Is a counterfeit goods

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The other party is absolutely determined to be worthy of the eternal sword, and the strength of the manpower is not to be underestimated. If he rushes directly, he is expected to put himself and Jun Mo and Mo Jin into danger.

Never act rashly!

Mu Qianxi walked through an alley, and suddenly a person appeared to pull her.

Mu Qiang's elbow bending is ready to give him a counterattack, a familiar voice came.

"Hey, it's me!"

When Mu Qianxi turned his head, he saw a man with a handsome three-dimensional appearance. A dark red robes was very strong and he was overbearing.


"Hey, come with me!" Even if Mu Qian is easy to accept, zero still recognizes him.

Just look at him and he has an intuition. This is his nephew.

The place where the zero-banded Muqian went was the base of Biluoge in the East Pole City. Ziyou saw that Muqian was safe and smiled and said: "Two uncles, I will tell you! There is our family at night, Xiaomeiren Absolutely a hair is indispensable!"

Zero cold eyes swept to the purple secluded road: "Who is your uncle!"

Mu Qianxi also turned his eyes and said: "Purple, you don't want to take advantage of my uncle!"

Purple is a thousand-year-old monster, how big is the second uncle!

Star Road: "The stars have seen the hostess, can the Lord be well?"

Zero-eyed stare at the stars: "What hostess? Don't shout!"

Ms. Qian said: "Nine nights are all right!"

The zero blacklist is now in addition to a man named Mu Xi, plus the master of zero and stars, nine nights!

A black figure flashed, and Mu one kneeled in front of Mu Qianxi: "I have seen my family!"

Ms. Qian said: "Mu Yi, what is the situation now?"

"The East Pole Hall suddenly appeared a strong master last night, and we were caught off guard. The deputy landlord and the monarch were taken away. It was underperforming." Mu Yi bowed his head.

"The other party's strength is too strong, and no wonder you. How is white and cloud repair?"

"Gu Gongzi seems to be in a hurry and returns to the north. There is no news for the time being! Yun Xiu Shaodian returned to the East Pole Hall to recover his wounds. Because his family was treated in time, his hands were saved."

Mu Qianxi whispered: "White is not good, so that he is not allowed to stir up this danger. As for Yun Xiu, this action of the East Pole Hall, he also participated?"

"I have never seen Yun Xiu Shao Temple last night. I don't know the specific circumstances."

Purple secluded: "They are some ungrateful guys, little beauty, they have killed, especially the one that Feng Yunxiu!"

Star Road: "Subordinates are willing to implement!"

"Don't make trouble, uncle, don't you have any problems?" She looked at zero with some worries.

Purple secluded: "There is no need to worry about the little beauty, I specially found the Beidou for the second uncle, and set up the law in the rest of him. As long as he does not use the spiritual power, give him the person who controls him. I can't find him."

"Kid, do you want to call another uncle?" Although Ziyou helped him, otherwise he has not seen the nephew, it is estimated that he will return to the North Han Temple.

But this second uncle, he did not like it at all.

"You are the second uncle of our little beauty, that is also the second uncle of the night, naturally my second uncle." Purple is a natural course.

"I want to marry my family, it is impossible!" Zero really wants to slap this guy.

"Uncle, you can't move your spirits! Otherwise..."

This is definitely a zero-dead hole. In order not to leave quickly, he must not use his spiritual power to expose himself.

Mu Qian said: "Purple, you don't make trouble! Next, you have to find a way to save people."

Purple is also back to normal, his low road: "The side of the East Pole is a bit tricky, and some white people are from the upper face of the mysterious world..."

Whispering in a low voice, "Xuan Tian... Xuantian..."

The head is a bit of a tingling, so that the face is pale, and Mu Qian is rushing to the forehead of zero: "Uncle, don't think, don't think about anything now!"

The voice of Mu Qianxi, comforted the zero.

The purple faint scorpion's scorpion glimmered slightly, and the younger uncle's second uncle had an impression on Xuan Tianjie, but I am afraid that Xuan Tian's two words are of great significance to him!

Purple and then said: "Besides those people, I am afraid that there are people in the prison, it is very tricky now!"

Mu Qianqi asked: "So let you fall to the pavilion, how many people are available now."

"There are a lot of people available, but it is difficult to save people from their hands!" Purple sighed.

Stars said: "Even if it is difficult to save people, we can't let the hostess take risks. Let us deal with this matter!"

This time, zero stood on the same line with him. "Yes! You can't take risks."

Ms. Qian said: "Mu Yi, I have to send the collected information, I have to find a way."


"Let's leave, let the temple go!" Feng Yunxiu learned the news and was instantly exposed.

But Bai Wuhai people keep his palace and let Feng Yun repair it!

Feng Yun repairs the cold channel: "Xuan Yi, who dares to stop this Shaodian, all killed!"

"Hehehe! Sealing the Lord is a big temper! Even even killing himself, just for a woman." A white man came in, looks like a 20-year-old, handsome and beautiful.

Feng Yun Xiu Dao: "Rong Ren, who allows you to threaten thousands of people!"

"Threats? What do I have to do? The Lord can't control it. Isn't it? I heard that a woman looks like her Highness, and the Lord is not because she has compassion for her! But it is a fake. After all, the goods are counterfeit goods, please also think clearly! Such a low-level woman can not compare with one ten thousandth of His Royal Highness!"

Feng Yunxiu’s eyes are cold, “You said enough.”

Wind blade, unrelenting attack on Rong Ren.

Rong Ren flashed away from the body, and he was seriously injured. Feng Yunxiu, who was so badly damaged, could not hurt them half a point.

"I am not here to fight with you! But to tell you! Don't forget what it is for your Highness to make you to the Quartet? Don't forget how important the Eternal Sword is for your Highness, do you want a fake? Can you let your Highness be disappointed?"

"Reassured! Look at the face of Feng Shaozhu, I will leave that woman a life! After all, Feng Shaozhu will never get the curtain of the temple, so that you can live with a counterfeit goods, I am also a one for you. The poor worm is good! Are you right?"

"You are looking for death!" The fire element is shot again!

Rong Ren's body shape flashed, and directly punched Feng Yunxiu to fly out.

"Hey!" Feng Yunxiu fell on the ground and vomited blood.

"Do you think that you were still the genius of the past? You have been in the low position of the Quartet for so long, I have already far exceeded you! You are the same for me, it is the same as the ants! I want to shoot at me!" Rong Ren looked at Feng Yunxiu with disdain.

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